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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 29, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 29, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, Road ;ailed cOlYlnlission- for i)lacing miles of road )ad: lids will )er 9 at 2 )01+I. "Thursda 29, 1946. VISIT IN FALL Mr. and Mrs. sons, Billy and for You Leggett&apos;s and Mrs. Allan 1[ City, Ore., last Remember WILSON CO. at r i for oiling Saturday her Districts ______---- 'orbes, Olym- L i'* ':'' ...... o,,,,,, ,n+,,,o i F airbank !t *+:+':;"::= Sledge in the I ]L" JlV ill :::( )ne nlile from  .... :: !;  l) Don Nye's • - .rn, .'.:i :? i!:!:ii!:!. miles m bin- ! lror - ]l  +:++' ,s cem leted Purp°'I :a total cost  S][I]EI _. '"qllil are ,;pond-| ELECTBI:/_ [UERIZE9 z,,,s elivered To Your Door .R. AT LAST finest line of Units. Alumi- inside and Phone .215 - J - 2 o app,oved n. -...P  ltltomatic tempera- ee and many othez . when Y.O It Can Put today,W kR FALLS I )N TH E I . Finest and ," Of Food Freezers Mrs. Clough Dies, Buried In Shelton Funeral services for Mrs. Julia Eva Clough, 53, of Taco,ma, were held Wednesday from the Witsiers Funeral Home with Reverend J. O. Bovee in charge. Burial fol- lowed in the Shelton Memorial Park. Mrs. Clough is a former Shelton resident mud has returned here for visits many times. She is survived by one son, James, of Tacoma; her mother, Mrs. Mary Pugh, of Shelton; two sisters, Mrs. Cannier Coble and Mrs. Gladys Tozier of Shelton; and three grandsons, James P., John M., and Gerald Clough, all of Tacoma. Mrs. Pugh is confined to her bed, sufferifig a broken hip she received when she fell on the steps at the hospital, after visit- ing her daughter. Use the Journal ;flassifieds-- they really get results. T-O-T-E-M Sandwich and Curio Shop a MILE SOUTH OF UNION Unique- Beautiful A Charles Russell reproduc- tion on a leather purse. NEW - DIFFERENT A painting reproduced on a leather purse, all engraving, tinting, tooling and ewing done by hand. A sterling sil- ver clasp engraved by hand: Not For Sale That's why ' On Display Only Saturday night. chance to ge See our selection of unusual aches and pa purses that are in stock--all I tooling, tinting and sewing R I G H T done by hand. NEED A Another new shipment of PLUMBER LA Navajo Rugs. /;//],  AT New Carnelian Jeweh'y. Chimayo Rugs. ,eo C. Nelson Chimayo Cloth Sport Coats. , Navajo Jewelry. Phone  48 i Weaver Ceramics--Distinct- Wilson Co. , I ire - Beautiful. J Baskets, Sweaters Sex from ort I I the 'Skokomish Reservation. . L. CATTO ''0dSDort ^ 10 or 17 II Bouckware Crackled Pottery. HARDWARE || SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL SHELTON WOLVES FEWER (The Journal is indebted to Mrs. Ben Hughes, the former Pearl Conklin of Shelton, now of Anchorage, for the follow- ing story printed in a recent issue of an Anchorage-news- paper.) Anchorage, Alaska. -- Wolves are disappearing from the Seward peninsula, aecoroing to Mrs. Grace Craddick, Shelton, Wash., school- teacher, who has spent the past two months at Kougarok with her son, Mark, and her daughter-in- law. Reindeer are almost extinct on the peninsula and the wolves are now leaving the country, Mrs. Craddick said. One oldtimer told her that his dog team was at- tacked by wolves last year, but this year he has seen almost none of the predators. Flying over the Kougarok re- gion from the mining camp to Mary's rivet', Mrs. Craddick ob- served numerous skeletons of reindeer which had been slain by wolves and some which had died with their horns locked together. One of the most unusual sights was three reindeer skulls locked together and entwined with old telephone wire, Mrs. Craddick said. A buck had evidently got- ten his antlers into a roll of wire and then had been challenged by two other bucks, all of whom died in the ensuing battle. Her first visit to Alaska was one she will long remember, Mrs. Craddiek said. The country around Kougarok was beautiful-- vast rolling hills covered with green scrub willow and flowers of rainbow hue. Little mining was being carried on in that area this year because of low water. The ,Remember-eee at Delight Park WOMAN FINDS DEER, AROUND ROME Castleton Mining Co. which era-I ploys her son, is doiog only main- tenance work, but some private mining is being carried on by John Kanari and George Bodice. Mrs. Kanari, who lives in Home during the winter and spends the summer with her husband near Kougarok, was delighted to see Mrs. Craddick and ber daughter- in-law. They were the only white women nile had seen since leaving Nome last spring. Food and mail were brought to * Kougarok during the teacher's stay by the Mundt Air Service, : which visited the camp weekly. Heavy freight was brought in by l boat from Davkl's Landing. i The two women accompanied : t Mr. Craddick part way to David's Landing on one trip to bring back freight. They decided to stop ov- ernight at Mary's River to do some fishing after promising Mr. Crad- dick they would carry guns for protection from any wild animals I that might be in the vicinity. However, after the boat left them they decided to leave the heavy guns in their tent. They caught six grayling within an hour and returned to the tent without sighting any animals. When Mr. Craddick came back the next day he visited their fish- ing site on the river and saw fresh wolf and bear tracks--the biggest bear tracks he had ever seen. Mrs. Craddick arrived in An- chorage this week en route back to her home in Shelton. While in town she was a guest at the An- chorage hotel. Tacomans Pinned Under Overturned Truck, Injured Mr. and Mrs. Ed A. Peterson, 3834 East C. Street, Tacoma, were taken to the Shelton General Hos- pital Saturday afternoon and later removed to the Tacoma General Hospital, after they had been res- cued from under their overturned truck. The accident occurred about seven miles fro,m tbe highway on the upper Hamma Hamma road '.  near the guard station when their aection With S. L. Pearson, Loca )i IL., truck failed to make a curve and c .Kaiser-Frazer Cars and Rototille J'r;'L + '  .W₯11 turned over, pinning them under , !JL mOOdsl it. It was about an hour before  and P ne Phone 676  .:"IDlli their plight was discovered and ' ",. O0dsorl • +  it took about an hour to free them. Mrs. Peterson received exten- sive and severe lacerations on her • / . + ..••• * • • •,•***•**•,••.•**••***•*****•**•**•,••,••,••******••,••,•***•**•,••,••**** left leg and was suffering from shook, according to Patrolman , ,-',,= .....  • • •  • •  •    • *  • • •  • • •  " "66 Don Walker. Mr. Pet%rson may be 00oo| LuncllseS00 ' :*:.:. suffering from possible internal " '" • • injuries, but it is not known hero the full' extent of his injuries. i:+  q. Grocers -- Fresh EverY 1 ING NEW "CELL ,R ALMOST ANY It's easy to brighlen up your Plosli.Ketel For furniture, linoleum floors, woodwork and walls. glossy or semi-gloss finish.' dries lo o smoolh, durable seduce • :• qr v v.q*qrqw v,qr vv'vv,v -'v v v vv 'qW'lFV v'qy • :'l Shelton Valley • .[ It is with regret your corres- pondent writes for the last time, i: after '1o these many years, the news items of the neighborhood. iS; The association with The Journal staff has been pleasant and the • •+ weekly items of news sent in by friends and neighbors has been I greatly appreciated. ',4 The second regular Grange aneeting in August will be held €, this Thursday, August 29. 1 Mr. and Mrs. b. W. Rice. of , Shelton, visited at Echo Farm  Tuesday evening, , MrS. Peter Boiling was hostess ,, at a party in honor of the birth-  day an'niversary of Mr. Belling and a• little Kenny Cunningham at the • =• Belling home in Isabella Valley last Wednesday evening. Visiting • • and music was enjoyed, not to :. mention the delicious birthday cake served with ice cream and • :• coffee. Those present besides the +: honor guests and hostess were: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Belling of Shelton, Mrs. H. A. Winner, Mrs. ill Dewey Bennett, Ava and Una Winner, M/Sgt. and Mrs. James Cunningham and daughter Wil- leen, Sam Belling, who had just received his honorable discharge from the Naval reserve, after sev- e;.i eral months of service at Guam OT I and in the Philippine waters; and • .=•I rote Boning Mr. and Mrs. oe Kneeland of $.;I Shelton and the latter's sister and little nephew of Port Angeles, ;i. lwere visitors one day last week • • at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Wayne Glover. They also called • • at the Highlands to see Mrs. Signe Kneeland but she was spending i: the day on the canal with Mrs. Margaret England of Seattle, who is at Alderbrook Inn for two weeks ii i or so. • Mrs. H. A. Wihsor and family are :noving into Shelton this week, having sold the farm re- • •1 cently to Mrs. Almeda Lavelle. I M/Sgt. and Mrs. James A. Cun- • $• ningham attended a farewell par- • • ty and dance in Tacoma Friday evening in honor of Major and ,2 Mrs. Hershel Saxon. Major Saxon, •  in the Medical Administrative • • Corps, expects to receive his dis- charge soon and plans to return - to the east to take his former TI job with the Up-John Company. • =• Mrs. Almeda Lovelle left for • $€ Bellingham Monday to attend a three-day teachers' meeting and • • plans to return Friday night to stay here until her school begins Wonderful values in Back- To-School- Needs' "On Display Now Now, while the stocks are fresh and assortments are complete, and before the rush sets in, is the time to equip the youngsters for their return to classes. They'll need pens and pencils and tablets and note- books. And you'll want the best values, the most reasonable prices. Shop here now. ZIPPER NOTE BOOKS 2 AND 3 RING NOTE BOOKS NOTE BOOK PAPER TABLETS PENCILS ERASERS PENHOLDERS RULERS CRAYOLAS CLOTH PATCHES COMPASS AND DIVIDERS SPIRAL STENO NOTE BOOKS +]KINDERGARTEN SHEARS and Many Other Items MASON COUNTY ii S T A T 10 N E R S , • q. ,, Plosti-Kole Is impervious to WoI m .'i I and weolheh ,,;sB i'if!!, ili!'i 118 North 2nd Street -- Phone 602 :$**! ,ea Y++::+N++ +Brus+ ...................... " : : ";" : o,.,..,..,.,-.:.' ,,,:; + . Slncerel : + _...,,,.,.,,k,y.,,,,--WeThal, k You Sincerely TiT: "mOlt"  • €  ,+-.,,-,  +, + + + + , : =,,+ ++ ,..,<'.+,s  r • + •' ", " "" li } Warln welcome and greeting at our Official Opening last Saturday 353 Won I enc ra m , and deeply appreciated Ma we + 2- .., /   derful, highy u g" g .... • y •.%: IIIeW ...... /  this means of expressing to all who helped make our opening so $; • /  I Sful our sincere gratitude.  * ;$; N ELECTRIC ] , D FINN M ++ ' Phone 154 W /;  i: JOSEPH ' , anager. $ cu.    y .;.{ +,+:++++++++++ ....................... ++ +++++++ .... + +...............:.. + ++ E+.......o.-...-- l+ii++ ' next week. She has spent the past six weeks here at Echo Farm with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Morton. Mrs. C. H. Baker was a visitor in Shelton Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Mortbn and son Gale of North Platte, Neb., arrived unexpectedly Sunday at the home of his brother, C. J. Mor- ton, for an indefinite visit. They drove out and will also visit his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scltultzer of Tacoma. Taeomans Fined $25 For Reckless Driving Kenneth G. Goodwin, Tacoma, was arrested near the airport Sat* urday evening by Patrolman Don Walker and Monday appeared be- fore Justice W. A. Magoon on charges of reckless driving which cost him $25 and costs and sus- pension of his driver's license for 30 days. I I IIIIIIIII I II WILLIAMS' POTATO-CHIPS Pkg. 20c 1-lb. Pkg. 55C MARCOE'S -- 1-POUND PACKAGE MARSHMALLOW CANDY @@ HI-HO CRACKERS pkg. 24’ MRS. PARKER'S FANCY COOKIES ...... .33’ box 29’ GOLD MEDAL ALL AMERICAN FLOUR ....... 25-1b. sack $1.59 JOY MIX -- No Shortening Needed CORN POPOVER... 2 pkgs. 35’ gO SPERRY'S PANCAKE FLOUR 4-lb. pkg. 35’ HELLO CUP -- Still at Old Price -- Also Other Brands COFFEE . Pound 32c 5HOP MONDAY, TUESDAY+ WEONESDAY. THAT THE CURRENT TO HELp "SOAP SHORTAGE" END You can help prevent Soap Shortages SPRING CLOTHES PiNS 1001n 159 a Pkg. 'l JUST ADD WATED AND MIX CORN BREAD MiX ... pkg, 2t1’ DELICIOUS AND FRESH CALIROX COOKIES lg. pkg. 52’ PURODOR BUDS -- ABSORB ALL FOOD ODORS Refrigerator Purifiers .. ea. 25’ FOR ALL WOOL WASHINGS - Blankets, Sox, Sweaters WOOL FOAM ........ pkg. 25’ The Perfect Wool Wash! FOR ALL BABY CLOTHES-- NO SOAP REQUIRED DIAPER- DU ........ pkg. 25’ No boiliig, no sqrubhing-+-just soak and rinse "OLD SOUTH" TANGERINE .JUICE... can 25’ DILL PICKLES Qt. Jars 37c Ii + I Kellogg's PACK Ii!;140:DRAH II ' I . DENNISON'S PO'RK and BEANS .4 l00Oz 53 c Calls ROCKDELL - 46-0z. Cans  TOMATO JUICE. ..... 2 for 47’ ROCKDELL - 46-Oz. Cans GRAPEFRUIT JUICE. 2 for 69’ TEEN AGE -- 18 Sheets - 18 Envelopes FLY SWATTERS ...... 2 for •19’ SNOWt8 CLAM CHOWDER ..... can 27’ LIBBY'S NOTES STATIONERY.. box 39’ PEAS NewPack . . 3 cans 5{}’ U S CfiEEz-ITs 2 .,o. 27c '! ' i ! I II I I  L ] I I ]1 J II