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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 29, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 29, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.+ • o qrqy  vvv e, v v  w " v  ItvqvqrV o, LEGAL PUBLICATIONS ()I&apos;FI(I , OF ,|?J?ERVI()I ()1+' 11 ¥1) Iil]L I('N ,qr v ,,,i,- ',w   "v+'v v' "qw I "It "w' v" "10' v'l"lw v v 'v "qr  OlyntlHa ,+it:He of Vashinglen 'OTI<'E O l;7-:;rliR nti( Ju;x' OI,T1(u,: IIOl"yDrAI3!tVt'mVlimi,ICs Oi," AI)PI,It'ATII)N NO.' '1'363 ()l.vmpm O W ++ r >m TT'+iA,Y[JONCJ]'{N: :NOI'ICE O++:'-"++++S"i+:I<H ltllHIT , No(h:c J+'+ llPlqJ+/ 'i%'{'+i thtlt li'*in+ AI'PI,II?AL'I{IN NO. 7;+51 @i,{ +g+. l{(li4'€?V,{ oP SheJl,JH +ia[+ (If ........... Wi+:+iliag'lozt, lu+li(.r d0,h+ ,,f Atlgos( ;i, T<) "WI]{)II 'IT MAY CON++'F+I'N: :bq46+ fJl+'d with th++ St+lie Ul+,,rvisor No,h,t, i:; h+uei+y gh'clj i'Imt F+rwin t.+f IlydrautiC+L "OlynHfln W+tshingl.on A Z ,b,'l +,f [hli(m, ++++{((' of Wa+'h- Jln ttDiHivathul Per +r pvrmit to +lvort ln(()l, under {bite ,d' ,lilly 30. 1946, [h++ pt||)li{+ wali!l's (,l' till ilnninIicd fih+d wJ[b [}ll+ S|tllc Sups:visor oC oukuol Illl{t. in 1,iyd ?tit ic, Olyn/piu, Washlnl,0n an second-foot, +lliv+ ll,p +) iC+I ion fOl' a IJ(!rillit. tO divert the Dultlh'. ware:+'+ of Itll utlnalnQd sti'eD+iil [FII)uIiI•3" of flood Canal, ill |11o alJl- ollltt oil iLoI serond-l'out, P;ubject to f xit;l II+ rigtlla+ for the puri)ose o1 dotllesl.ic s{tpp] y, (ollt, inuously ; that tle apDraxilnat.e t)oilIL of div+3rsion 18 lees,ted withhl (]overun|ent .I,+(,t 5 {If OIL:tIO'I 6, To'lit;hip 21 N+, llango 3 W.W,M'., iP. Msson 'Couoty, A n)ap {m showing |I o+ local+ion filial plan of S{tld d vt!l'ston it?hi lh(! l')lom) Og lilt: ill'0 - vl+m' of l,)(s('d +ts' l n fil+ in the oYfiee of iIlgton; together wi th/+<S(+ito Supe+rvLuor of y(h'aulles. formation as iS Olylnl) a W+ishiligh)n, togelher with Ally sti(,tl o!il(+r inf,H'ltlliti(lll :LS iS l'0qtlired WhIISO hy law. +Ally |)(rSoll, filqn or col, )el'at ion "Whose rig'ht will be injuriously aff<'et- (J|vllll) a, od t) said fi)ilicalh)n nuty. file with pl" repr(,Ie?l{at lho S al++ SIIIM+I'vJI%+r oJ J[ydrtltlliC, K. lit D'iay (bistro,to () V , VIs} ia 'loll Stl{!h obj(,cliolls days ariel' "dale {+f ]list ( r' ropl}(+senhdi+mP Jn writing as hi+ Whiuh date i,t August iIlIIy d+,ir(, l, Illako, within |]lil'iy (:'ill) +lays afl.r date of la,rt puhli(utlion, WIi" date! is AtlgUSt 29 l,q4{i, WIIIII:S,I )ll r ]ltlnd Slid oJ'flchtl seal • , Wltm,. nLv hund ]ds li3t  day of Augusl. A.D. 19<t;. (SEA +)P, ODNE)RVI4Em '+ SUIt<' SIll (+l'+tisor i;,f lIydralllics. 8-22-2ti -.21. 'O, 1(i8$ .+ " NOTIiI (IF 'SETTI,I"MENT OF AIi'OI]IT IN THE SUPER'[Of{ COURT ()F THg] TATE OF WASIIIN(<tTON IN ANI] ]L'C; I  MAON CO+UNTY [ (IN PIt')BATI) • In th+ .Matter of l,lfe' E.'+t+atq of Char- los Fran6is Carvcb Dee,as.a. • NOTICE 1, hereby given llult Char- es T, Wright, tile adnlinistraor +)[ tim {atate .f Charles t+'rancis (.,III+V(]I +, deceased, lfas t'ender(d lind presented ]fur settlement t(. and filed iu lhe upertoP Court cif said Coutlly alld tttl+ his +iJ'lal aeeoun as milch Ad- rnilflstrator; and .that ltul+dsy, the 14.ttI day {)f gq)fenlb+r, 19.t6, at 10 ¢)'clk A+M'., Rt r tllr( ' coati roOlll Of Our said Sulmrior Cotlri., in the City Of ShelteR,: £n  ,id .County, has been uly af)poiIltad by, our SIll)+tr/Or COurt ,for th( S+{ttlezilent of the Filial Ac- OUiIt, tit v/hl(:h thne and pia(':e .lilly !)erson int(+rested in said ,sial u ay ppcar arid' i'Jle hi+JXeeption:+ in writ- tug. to the said Final aecot|nt, l+nd contest the,same. WITNESS the, lIon, John M. Wil- Son, Judge of the) said Superior Court. nnd the seal of said Cotn't affixed this 9)t day of August, 1946. (]LAR] ENG ELSEN. Count Cierk and Clerk of said Superior Court, wRIGY[T  MALI:q., . Ai+toriley8 I)r A(lmln st.'a0r, ' 8-15-22-29--9-5--41. ' ' ro* 4TS5: , ' S U MM()NS 'P{I J) UI¢I.,I{]ATION IN, THE SUPERIOR ,COURT (lie TT[E STATE OI WASHINGTON F()l;t MASON COUNr£y Williem Kindred, Plstnl'lff, vm Axel 1lee Lindwall is to Plain- tho unknown Lindwall (ier a d Jttne Janfl Doe rtstian nanle Doe Knut-, to Jane Doe Lindwall true Christian name the unknown file unkllOWn heirs Kntlts(m. d,'ceasud, l)efendanL:  a . _ + You and dtn O1' you, are nerey summoned to ;appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the fh'st pub- icittton •of,, ttiiu S0nm<({ns; _to+'itl 7 •, .'Wlltbin stxt 'days afI, + tae ;4nu d: '+ of Aug'uat,.+'1946, mid d<::f(utd the at+or+ entIt:led aetion in th{ above entitled • Court, and answer (he lbe Plaintiff, and serw n qnn(!nl Lois 1 2 and+ the Sutit:heast q , To.llship' 22 > ( W+M,, :x(eptillK l tibli way, if any. C/'IA I{ LEWIS 0ffl< e and P )st OftS,e Ad(lre.%r; 119 So+ 4th Stredt, lell' tullding, Stlelt.en, ,{auon Cotn)ty, Washington, 8.22-29-95-12-19-26--10-3-- 7i ,I'IIE61F+T }NIl l(II, i TIIEIII • .' 015&IMS. , IN THE SUPERIOR COUT OF THE STATE OF' WASHINGTON FOT{ ' MASON COUNTY IN I)ROBATE <)f i.he Estate of Cal- lann, Deceased. R. Lewis. entitled court of this 12ill {It: or Atltl,U. A,I). :19i6, (SI''A Ia)T{ODNEY ]I, YK l!]R. Sla|o Stl[)(,rvisor of llydrauliem 8L22+29--.2t. CAI, L F(IR IHI) NOTI'CE I,l HEI{EBy GIVEN ilmt th(! ]o?ard of ([h{nn|ry Cl,liinlJssionfPs, 5ii,q(, i (.({ullly, Was]l[ngion+ will re- (],,ix,(, s{,ah,d )lids up to 2:0(} {l'ciooi¢ p.'ll' 'Sl' )tl,n'd'ff'r 9. I(,VI(; ei ilxe C, ourt t(?U('* Sil¢' |()il, W;l.JlJll)vl'H'l. a wh ch ) (" 'di is iil 3(, ,pel'd and t)ti)- llclY read al.ud f(." the'. ')llt4(rtn:iion {)f IHa+nn COUIItV Road l/'.i}i+'t. N+{, 86 No/l-Skid #tl'll41$ seal tre]'.tnloiit•-..SehedB]b A[ 18.(i mile hmg, Allproxh)lato +,s|htl{It+ • of Qut(lltil.ioi: 252 1<los l'lilum, t+' ! I{]-5; 3250 I.t yLlrd.+ h]ill, It'l{l'(';'Ille, E/l(ql bid !){atl l)+, ill ac[:ordlln(!e wiil thf I)lalL, ,l{(!c i fi(':H i, Ins, Iiiid oilier (,ontrR(.t (tOClIIH¢+nlM ]{{W on lille wlih ,tie Coltnl.y Au(lih)r o(' Meson (?oonty, Wasliilig[oh, wher(, cot)i+'s uiay he ol[)- thln%! ,by (tel')osiiillK ,Pi.00 for .eaeil :31!t.. I]('I)¢)sIt will he r(,fnnd(,d tf*phtns and sl)e+!ifi(.alions are l'e[ilrn(,d ill gol)(I condition. Bid forms nlay I)f{ obl0ined from Cotlniy Au(li|.of of Mason (j'•011uty. Eaei bid shall I)e a¢,clnpanied h,v a cerlifled check el' (!ll,%l{il"'. ('hock ltyat)le to the Coultiy Treasllrer (if • Son County in tlw, sum of 5% of hld io be forfoited t(, Mason (?(runty by the sucee,'+sful I)idder in c'a,c he fl, ils Lo enter inlo rontract and file an acceptlible sln'¢ly bol,d ill the sunl +,f tilt, Ilolouni of contract to fill con- ditlons o( aid enntract wJtlJlll ive i|avs Of (hO d[lle (Jr award, Tile I]c, ard {)f Cuunty (omnlJssion- ol,9 O|' M lL(4on (]tlllnty re[4p i'v(Lq L]i( righl', Io )'ej(,ct .qny or nll bids and to waire all info)'nulliiles ill the bidding, I)a|ed Ibis 26ih day of August, 1916. B()ARI) Ol "o (OITNTY COMMIS+ SI'ONERS. MASON COUNTY ,VASlfINGTC)N II It, DICIrINSON, LYLE O'DELL l{( }Y CARR. 8-29--!)-5--2t, NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANDS NOTICE IS tlEREBY GIVEN,. Tbat on Ttlesday, tile 1.'I day+ el: O(:i0her, 19,16, eomn)eneinl4 at t('n o'Clock in the forenoon of said d, ay. ill front 'Of the main <,ntranco door t() llm CoulIty CouyL I{+)uSc in the, CiLy of 8helion, cotlnty oP ]([aseu, tat(' of "V,%sbJngt0n, by the (Rninty Auditor of mli(l ceunty, the f(Hlowing d0scrlhed tate lands, loge.theP wit]l the iruproven)(nts ltll- ated thereen. 'will be ,'{()ld at public Itu(!tion t({ the highest bidd0r tl]erc- for, to-wit: , NOtE2-No on0 except, citizens of the Gnltd Sthf, ds, or pcrsons who lav'e devbu,(,d lheJr intenli0u to heconle suctl, fan purchase slllle ]lln(l,u. APt)LICATION NO. 192(;0 SE/) of 'NE{'i. uf sect on 28 town- thip 20  llt{vth, range 6 wes(, W. ,, e,dl(.tltlljll , rJ0 acres l'lol',( or tc:,q, tic + cord in[. 1,{) the '( v,*e t'nn eni HII ['VC r thereof, apl)raiscd at: $4(}0.00. Said land will l+)n s<: hl for net less thn lhe sppraised virtue aheve stated tlafl llion the t+.,l'tll! and eollditiolls fol- lowhg s No{h's.' t]mn one-tenth of the put- (!llase l.)rir lntlll lie Daid at the titan of S:llC 'tle l)tH'o, bagr, ,if he be not tile £1wnf)r, f)f the ilpl)ovelllenlL must J',or|hwltll ..Pay t¢( the +ffficer nlaking 1he stilc trl frill ainount of trle ap- praised value of ,the lnlprovelll0111s; a,l above stated, One-tenth 0f (ll( put'- ehe price TIlUSt be, l)tlhl Rllnualiy thereafter viil ln|ei'est 0r all def(,r red lD't,'n{ents at le fate of six pol + celltuJYl ] er al'HlUllq: I ravided, Tirol lny ptlrC]lRs0r nlay luftke lull pH,yn,0111: f l:)rinciI)al, mlerent and ,.to.tUtory fees ll, ttltV tiruo, an d obtBin d(,cd+ The I>lrc! tser of lant contalninff t I )ee or other v}tlu)t)le nlsteri.,ils 'is pro]it- blind I)y law frenl cutlinb  or i,(2nlov- inV, :my such limber or materials wltti- out fl'rst obtaining consent o£ the Commissioner of t uhlic Lands, imtil tile full amount of the purehase pri hss been paid and deed issued, All 8ales of slate lands ax' made sublet, to the reservations: Of (ills gases, coal ores. mtnePals ilnd t'(')s; sil of every n/iJUa, kind and descrip- tion. and to the addiitellal terms cud eondttlona,tll+eserihed Jn sectiun 30[ chapLer 2,56 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold mlbject to the terms, (:oditions and rem, rvatlons Of ebtpter' 312 of the Session, LaWn Of I])27, relating to easem,!nls for ]'Lgttt,8- of-tty and the carrying 'of timl)er, tone. inineral cud olher products over 1.he same. OTTO A. CASE, Commissioner of Public Lands. 8.2[1--+9-5-12-19+6--51, NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday th st day of Octoher 1946, cenunencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon ol 8aid dy, In front ef the muin entrance door to the County Court Hous in the city of Shelton, )unty of Mason, State +of Washing- m, .hy the County A udlfor Of said )nty, the ollowing aeserJbed state d, hmds, together with the improve- [0nts 81tuatGd thereon, will be sold , ,pbllc auction to the highest bid- er therefor, to-wit: , , .'. • . O!l:--No one except ehizens ,oi xe United States, or persons wno ave declared their intention to be- )me such. csnpurehsse stato lands. AI?P1}I()ATION NO. lllSl All tide rends of the se.&)nd class owned by tile State of Washington, situPA.e In front, of, adjacent to (w gbUtting upon Lot 5, Beetler 9, iown- IItp 2 n0r!h, range 3 west. W.M., ith a frontage of ,,65 lineal chainm niore or less, appraised at $40,00 per chain or $346,00. ,, Sald lands w;lll be s01d Iror nvt less than, the appyamea va£ue above stated and uPoa tue tgrms and conditions fol- lowing f the ur Not less than one-tenth 0 " P " price must at the time Bel prodtlCtS REAL r ESTATE N0W OPF]N to ('i¢tllans. Beautiful lieW 2-bed)oonf home part hardwood I'h)()l,% hi()detul, lat{,st styl ('quip- I)lenl, ,fir{rams and hall Ill,is utility )oreh, Levl'l 101 60 x 100. Ideal f£un- )]y iocati+)u, Ni,ur ()us 'Ill'lit NlJr(. ,,{I T+am'(,l and K Slr<,el., Mi. View, A r{'al i)uy al t.150+). inquire Eih<+l l](ll I- kia.% }[,qnie's Taxi Sl;ind+ ,efm,e 'l ::{0 pall. A8"2!)"" [)-5 .,; ........... = .......... :..---7,7- v liOlt. SAT+l.: 21 aPr+,!; i)i* wtitlrfrtnl on Till)lids lloninllia t11 Ilo,{d Cilnai, $,;01). "%Vril+, ltcl')ltIin .I)ewilz (]ral)e- Vi 'w, %Vash. 8..29-++10-:II IcOI{ SALE; :10 u('.ros wesl end of L(.)wn, Suittd)le For subdivision, Lots el' }(L:Oll{| g'r,JWl[l +tJlni)f?y, l(ioln for ].0 to ]5 IIOLISeS. Write M. 't. S(,hu- lntl{]ler, .i08 Franklin. 8-29 I,'OI:t SALE: $3,500. 4-room house and show(u', 'ql a(:t', of lanil; fotlr lll//es 8outb of Shelton on OlynHHc lligh- Way, Wood (:()ok 8tov.a)ld walnut i)€h'()0rn suitb, dnvenport and. kit- (:lien (ahlo and chairs, lvall (.? Shut- 1() ', I{t, l, ll0x 24. 8-29tf11, CLASSIFIED ADVRTISIN RATES 0 words oz" less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 50 'Lower rate for larger ads an4 more insertiotm, lteader notLees 8c per word. 75¢ minimum thai'g9 on enel notiee, Card of Thanks, $1.00; ox'lglnl poetry G0c p('r inc|l'; +htsslfle(| display .rate tUl requi;st. .'Advertisements , accepted over the ielel.)h0ne, from phbne sub. sel'ibsrs. Cash slh)d|d ltccompany till other orders or payment uad Within flvo (5) days Of' the firsl Insertion to save +xpcnse of blll tug. 'An extra Charge,'of 10c will be roads when billing is nece sary. PHONE 100 ++ WAN+ED W.NTED TO IENT: ga'/,age nekr '.Jawion Apts. Phone (]rant I-aek - ard. Apt, 2, 236J, 8-15-29 " ..... " FOR SALE [ Classified Ads Classified Service i|+ I. i+a..|.l+ )..,,,b,, ,. + +-":, ................................................ of L)r(,t)(lill • sIoi'k [)(,Ilk;" lind {,(l{/i )- I)APER }]AN(INO, ,ig'ns, blicri(u" ])ANCIN(] every .qlurday ill ]{al[Jl(!,'y IH(,II( 1)riv,,d {(+:?(,uubh,. l'h+mo ii:+,}- paillting F. 11, Mc.('Ju[t-h(!on, 222 (.].lallgC lhdl. (h)d llUl}4j( t;ood tim( fail' 25,1 Stm IOmto I ] ] , , >. 4  5 . I ) ) ] ........ Sollih Ser, od St. Phone 685. Office Ws-30ifn. with Robers<)n PlulnDing, 8-1-tfn J)ll. Vlsllhli4tt)lt. SE+IS(I]I, .................................................. I'IEMSTITCItING: 10c also L)ut- F()T S.A]E: 10-11.r,+. John:.m ()ulb(,;u'd SEPTIC TANKS cleaned out torrents tonholing. Mrs. Ellis yard' Wells. d0,5 Ar- lmt.r. Jnquiro '216 10,. ltlr\\;'ard SI. hauled away. uirk service. Call caciia A%,enue. (Corner Arcadia and Z8-]5-29 Chls. Jeles, ()lYlllpi:t 3-186 or 7026, ttOtuldary Streets,) 2-28-tfn F()I SA1,E: liKht pl:lnt:L :£000-wa[[ 8 -'.2'2--] 1-7 I HEMSTITCHING 10t: "t'ARD. Knife ll0-w)lt A, C, Inquire Sb,'?|,,n C;l/'- [ BUSINESS OPPOt%TUNITY: $525 in- and scissor sharpening. lould like I-:[':':- ............ 815:00,, vested in Vending Mmifincs ear to continue with Mrs. Twohy's eus- \\;Ft)] SALE: Worhl's h,,y 1)icyele. nlake you over $50 per week ill spare tolners. ).{rs+ Fred Elson, d27 tl(dle- v(,/'y b;-,,d ('(,aditi+m. ]'i)(,no 562M. time. No selling, Apply NOW. P.O. vue, 3-7-tfn [ Cal,iioi ]tilI Box i07-t, ()lymt)ia, Wash. J8-25--9-8 ]S-]5-29 WELL" DRILLTNG: Work and nmte- COME 'N GET 'EM FOR SALE: ml((],.,r oven l'irelJa('(. 5 TM rim guarrani(!ed. Vera Davi(Ison..<)03 While They Lust at L:FWIon Lulnber Co. 8-1,-.3 Ellinor, ShelteR, Ph(,ne 229W. 7-JStfn A Good Selection of FOR SALE: blavk suil 100€; wo.l. ELECTROLUX Size 16. Inquire Journal ofl'h'e. Too CLFANERS. SASES, Service and Table Model Radios Sl)mll J'<w .w]l,r. ]:)S-15tl'n. Supplies, Free, Pickup and delivery, lnade by 'RCA, from - Jack Mhniey only aulhorized fee- li'Ol SA-I,li: "While Giant doe.. I=h'ed. tory rel)resentative. Phone ]-hmdslIort $23 to $35 lh,as,ul,ll)le, lll(ltllro JOLIl'nal. 2W'2, 7-18--tfn A]S0, one only Conlbination ws-15tfu. P6RT'AILE- STEAI.t CLEANER for RADIO- PHONOGRAPH FOI SALE: 1lulls, l{art Sl)ringer Span- truck and ante nlotors, Wol'k eve- And, one otlly Al.ltomfl, tic i(,l. females $2,00 Ctlch. i,I'S, t.. (]. Rings.and Saturda}'s. Ernest tooih, RECORD-PLAYEI Osi.erl;('rg, l{ineo Av(', Soui]lsl(h,, 411 l-Ih'valk], phone. 178-J (i-20ifn, Sh(,lton, 8-15-29 at iliaD TIRES: pssenge and truck "r ± r -- . . FOI. SALE: dowrisl)Ollt in ]0-foot tcapping and reai,'ltg. Sam B. vvesLern upp£y uo. ] ' ' ' ] "l( t ]  + '  " : ['' ( ' ' ' ]' I' ]' ] ] )'' [' (: () ' Smitli Co,, ' egl0n and : Cherry, x-] %29 Olympia. Phone 7753. U. S. Tires ,,,.218., N" First St. Phoue ]26 • and batteries, ll-151fn. _.,+ . FOR SALE: Masonito Telul)rtile at Lawtoa Lunll){,r Co. 8-15-29 I ;YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND EECTtCIANS contact C. L.. Col- General Home Repairs nAvz CONNECTIONS fo,. new land lis, Business Agent, 1612 Divtsi0n. . alfalfa hay. Pla('e your ord(,r now f({r winter SuPl)lY whilo ii is avail- Phone 2,10W. 3-30tfn Handy nlan with pick-up.truck al)lo. Wag'on(,r Ifoed Co,, 21!t Sollth BURESON RADIO'REPA[RI.N near and tools, to take care of First Street. 8-Stfn. Jdmor, High Scn6ol. Closeu atur- those small repair jobs. day's, l21]PPantdin. Phoiie lI2W or PHONE 6,56 FOR SAT,E: TLZ i)ainior+? paste, Just .]tav+w0rlq t KiLlmer lectric. 5-7 ill(" thing f()r n. l)llx-yf)Ul'SeIl:, higil ........... "" KI'tl(hL. IuW cost ]lain(, 5 gall()u clln ' i | ii __. i, , lllakes ]0 galloll of ])aint+ Lawton FLOOR SANDING Lunlher (]o. 8-15-29 COOK SQVI AND FINISHING KITCHEN cabirmts, llneu closets store [ixiures, nnd cUSlem nd l werk. OIL CONVERTERS Rug and Linoleum Cleaning made to order. Fo,' f,'ee estimates .Again Available Best Rates'.-'Quick Srvtce Phone 2172. Peters(,n ]h'os. 8-1tfn BRACY'S FLOOR SERVICE ,Western Supply Co. Phone Olympia 9547 FOt SALE: shingle stain in lots of 218 I. 1St St. Phone 126 Buffer Motor Rt. 6 eiders at Law,on Lumber Co. ........ 8-15-29 " " L ][ ..... '' +''+ ," - -+ .:7/''8/30 HOUSEWIVES: Why "wax your floors ' = ......  every week! Use Plasti$Iote twice Quick,, Reliable) Expert a year. Sold at Shot,an Electric Co.. ll(J 4ih street. 8=l-tfn REPAIRS ,++,,,,-,.,+,. ,- ,,-, FOR SALE: Baled alfalfa hay. Phone RADIO , . . , . J, VLA&JFIIJJ[ a. 14F35. A. E. Lemke. Slat Route 2. .Western Supply Co. AUTOMOTIVE r.ex 6 Shelton. 7-8--8-, 218 N. 1st Phone 126 CONVERT YOUR KITCHEN IANGE to oil. See the new ,Therm ,silent ............................. MACHINE Air l'low Burner in operation at ....... SHOP Sam B. Smith CO.. Legion Way alld Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. ll-15tfn. .C L A R K' S o *F,m SALE: d,de,,inl; fell now 2nd 'HAND STORE SPEALIZING IN availatfle nt Lawton t.uniber Co, 8 - ] 5 -29 2Q1 E. 1Pie- Phone 40 MOTOR REBUILDING FOR SALE: see O.h, mpie)Mot6r Sales for auto prts and accessories.  First WE BUY AND SELL REBOIING and Mill Streets. phone 595. , 7-4tfn EVERYTHING ............ VALVE SEAT GRINDING BRIGGS ,AND STRATTON air cooled i ........ gas engine. Snfith and Binger. Le- WATER PUMP REBUILDJ2'G gion Way and Cherry, Olymnla, BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- Phone 7753. ll-15tfn n"+' GIFT BOX ING. FOR SALE: one spring" toou, harrow one single harness, one single horse eultivitor, $35. Write Box '55, Hoods- 20"0, (West 4th O port. t},one IIoodsport 2W2.MS.22.29 Olympia, Wash, 407 S. First St. ,>i SALE: Pal(mfino saddle horse. Lorena .Clark• Route l*. Box 93A. Phone 628 = Shelton Sheller LKmnile),e Point R()ad). Beautiful SLerling Silver med- 8-22--9-5 als of St. Christopher, St. An- ra " I()R SALE: Anchor coal stoker for in- thony. Scapular and Miracu- stHlation "in wood or coal furnace. lous on eighteen and twenty- Sup Good c(nldition. Phone 77W. foul  inch • chtins, price range Western ply Co. " A8-2-1- $3.50 to $4.25. 18 N. First St, Phone 126 F-SE: girrs bicycle, ,t1. aad • wlflte. I]alloon tires. Elg.,make. • ,+ .Good condition. Phone 831W, X. 7/8-tfn Has Plenty of Those " K8-22--9-5" • "" HARD-TO-GET-ARTICLES F() SALE: 12-ft. rowboat. 121h and Turner. Phone 390W. 8-22-29 -- Such As F(--'-ALE: pretty pinto saddle colt, Stoves and Hydraulic bumper jacks two ycars old. "lroke for children. Furnaces Friction-type bumper jacks Also several other young" sadd e horses. See at 7Alderbrdok Stables. Screw-type Scissor jacks Union. lhone Union 8.t2. $8-2-,)' o ( Chrome Exhaust Deflectors + xc o,0o, ,,.,, ,,,.n , V U. Model-A Ford WatSr Pumps FOR 'I two years old, lflostly Durham. Har- , Water pumps for other cars ohl IIall, Matl6ck;' Wn. .8-15--9-19 C L E A N E D ,lso GrUl Guards FOR SALE: hand woven lint'n, babv White Side-wall wheel rings blankets ,rugs, yar(ago etc. Orders Alemite grease guns and taken a so. 1416 Smmuit Drive, lo- P one 132-M equipment eated one hlock west of highway between Elinor and ].)eari)o/'n. HiZ1- Cook Stoe Oil Conversion crest. Phone 799JX. $822--9-12 Prompt Service Units FASltIONABLE AND EXCLUSIVE b * "" i : ,' +, . I +' . 2 and ,i-slice Toasters Maisonette Dresses and blouses in • acetate ravens and COltons reason- ,. '"' + , n . Light Fixtures . , ably l)rieocl. You are invited to see our Inerelmndise at 1416 Sun,sit D/'ive. Located on block wesl of highway hetween Elinor and Dear- born. Hiilerest. Phone 799JX. ' $8-22--9-12 :AUTO BODY• REPAIR WE HAVE THE NEWEST FOR SALE: home lighting plant 1,500 watt. 110 volt. 60 cyole, mlinual con- WELDIiG, PINTING TYPE BAR FOR trol, used very little. Reasonable and will demonstrate, Write+ Box C. i [t - . . , GLASS WORK R E B O R I N G J,,urnal. 8-"--9-5 O O Cleans Its Own Cut, Miscellaneous NEW CLASSES lcptember 3rd in all No Shavings To Clean deDa,'tnmnts. Dietz Business Col- . ' E  T 0i N I O"t Afterwards lege, Olympia, Wash. 8-:15-29 Body aid F en00eru wE ARE DmTRI00UTO00S Re- O frigeration Equipment, Home freez- ers, locker plants, milk coolers, etc., cold storage doors and insulatio! Third and rove Streets Crank Shafts Ground portahle coolers, power meat saw., PHONE 84 "Cat Line' of Garden tractors, Koh,- er Power Plants. Prices rlght 00ulck deliveries. MmICZLLA RE- "" ,: ...... "' ,-.+ • Ivx J. .X:L 111.  FRIGERATIOI & EQUIPMENT I A'I 1 'I" r .I-,l...^ Ph, 9690. OImpla. on the Highway ,-vmov -o1 at ud Ba 'r'. P.O. Bo mz ++-.+ . r ..... + " ' '" e4 +, • 2/7-tfn WDiH 1V+ A.isAGE 407 S, Fir, St. Phone 628 • PAPERHANGING Rligumatm, overweight, I INTERIOR PAINTING KEMTONING unierwbight. • 'Regulates New uctin Of skln, nerves, Plan HoBrightness,. for 9igei0n,' ldrnbago, ¢lrcu= SHARPENING Your Any Time "ldtibn :arid+dllminatlon. George W. Sawyer MONDA:THRU FRIDAY Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors 105 Front St. and Garden Tools of " 9,a+m. -6 p;m, 228 puth. Second St. all kinds - . - ,--., A. 0PP00iLT Bicycle Repairs USED CARS ' Phone Hoodsport:24J4 or Shelton 448 or trade for late model pickup, H. ........................... Sleyster's Fixit Shop L. todd, Star Route 2, Shelter. (near ,,, ......... ,.- .......... • ......... Dayton). . - g15-29 • l' Ill I I Third and Cote FOR SALE:. 19"14 2-door DeSoto, $200 as is. 'Call at Vanderwal's Mobil ,)°" z,elo n PHONE 243 Gas Station. ].st a,).d (]rove St,Bs.29 ' ( I' SHOP FIX-IT- " 29, [9i6. {'ux Apl, N(). I. ()-22-Z9 IH' all (.ars, ............................................ ICh'st slid Mill. AND PlCS ]•]] SAlAC: L. ]:I. ]ql:n'ris, Stnr HE} RI. 2, i:ox +'+)5, Sholh)n (wo mites[ ]0()Tt SALH: {,b]ld'S Otll+ iMatlocl¢. ]{():l{i'. . R.-22- 9.-5 2. Ih)x 22, C'll)iiol i ............................................... "" PItONE I"< ) I. .4A l ,l'; : r,Llnd Ii ,'; DIId sl)l'Jll[ ql" • • llile :u,j) ':t+,lv. n., ' :{/7 "iV,,:;l' |I:w:'ardo FOIl SALE: .] Ii:;l /I;SM, FOI SALE: 16' lmai and lr.qiIP1 RI ') I¢ox 4,10. FOR 'SALE ]aihe and ,)exv. $) 50. -,i. W:mh. FIRST TIME ON TItE MARKET 20 acres adj({ining (:it), Limits. E)e('tri+, line and (,ity water l('l'l).'.'4 llle tlr()l)cr(y. Priced h{r quick si(', I1" 3,o{i ar(, IooliJl, g" for iuvl!SilllPlllr ()It' a h o tl,lil114 I)]'() ]OCt 14(e WALTI'/I( A MA(IOON '+)25 Ytailrlmd Are, Shei|on Washinglon 8-29--9-5 FOI{ SALE: two houses. Apply at phoue 284R or 518 Park St. 7-4tfn FOR SALE: 10 acres Skek0nlish Val- icy, creel{ runs throiigh })lace, mod- ('I'll 6-rooul ]louse 'iHl iireDlace. 46 Ih,lly Irees, barn. chickeli house, l,l'age, woo(lsh(.)d, cows, chickens, (;:,arl Crawley', Slar l(,llte :1 BOX 72, Shelton. ' 8-]5-29 FOR, SALE: 80 nl:res Alder imtloni land. NorlllIln EIJisol,, Roule l T h)x ]l(I, Ehna, Was i, (Near Ms(leek), 8-15-29 4-ro,.m houso '., 00pp.r kekonlish Valley, $1350. Ph/)ne 21.7R4. 8 -] 5-29 FOR SALE: 7-room house 3 lnfles otlt on' Aroadla Road. Clint Oker- stron,. Plmne 360. 8-15-29 FOR SALE 240-acre rgtock ranctl 12 miles S.W. prol)erty. 4-r})onl' iiouse with' large )Ltie, new stock and hay barn 80 X 84. and other outbuildings ; . c'e- manted welt gas' ptunp' and+ large tank, Priced at $10,000, M. C. ZIN- THEO, Realtor, Phone 157 Shel- teR, Wash, 8.29--9.5 F(m 4-ro0m modern 000use on Mt, View with two lots, garage, chl- cken house, gardefl spot, some furn- iture hleludcd. $,1700. Phone 132M. Mc8-22-29 FOR SALE: 2 bedroom nmlern home, large living rooui, dinette, kitchen with lots of built-Ins, two large bedrooms bath, utility room with laundry ttlhm Chieken house and l00,yo .a,:,.,, la00n shrubs n i garuen ,liaLce. t none 331WX. K8-22--95 FOTL SALE: 4-room house furnished 19A, Sholton. 8-229-5 FOF SALE: two lots on Island Lake. Pimne 791J after 6 P,nl, D8-2 .--9-5 FOR SALE 13.73 ACRrE,Of g-'-'od properiy located on Hammcrsley Inlet about 12 relics from ShelteR, at Libbys Point. 3G0 feet of 1st and 2rid cltss tidelands. Has 6 teen, home with :fire- place, not modern, good well, woodsled, garage and chick- en house AbOut 240 grape- vines, 20 fruit trees, 6 nut" trees, all fenced. Also some second growth timbe'r. Excel- hmt suburban property for the futnre when you 'are'ready to retire, or year-round lome. Priced at $8500 cash. 5-recto mbde'rn holes in xcellent co),diti.n located on hill, Has good garage and utilliy room attached t,) home. Nice y'd. Can be pro'- chased with ad(litional lot i£ de- sired. Priced at $9,500.00. Good 5-room mod6rn home with ti).epla(,e alld cement foundations. Located about 5 miles from Shel- 14),1 on paved highway and las ab0ut 2 acres 0 land with lots of fruit trees and grapevJ.nes, also room for ,excellent garden. This will make your nice close-In home. Priced at $5250 cash and world like l, ) sell at once. 4 acres of land ill corner betwsen two highways, good soil• Excellent spot for store, service stalion and s cabins. (2b).e in. triced at$:1450 cash, .:i7 acres of good land and 2-room rouse ioeated in Skokomish Valley. $187`5.00. 10 acres of land and 4-room house. h)cated about six miles east of Shelter On AIlYn highway. Well on property but no electricity, $I500 I, eI'HlS. 5 acres with a most model'n 6,room home. Exeellent garden with plen- ty of fruit trees, Garage and fruit room attached, This property is located close in and Is complete in every respee. Will have to be sehu to be arppre$1atcd. Priced at $8.- 000.00. Herbert G. Angle WANTED; )lane: lllust he. in gooe <'(,nditiou. I'ile Ed Okonel¢ Grape- view, Wash. 8-15-J WE PAY CASIt for blackbe, rrles at Q]d county farm. Lake lsabeLh). R(Itid, llOU{.( 1, []OX 216A, L8-15---9-5 WANTED: good lmUleS (or young I)U- pies, Inlluh'e M,.tisllel, ]{outc ,3, lh,x ]79 (tl(?ar W/Hker 'Park). 8-22--9-5 WANTED,: woman to trite care of two snmll childrSn live days a week. Call 761,54 alter 6, C8-22=29 WILL TY{ADE; Cold storage locker hf Aubtwn for ohe in Sheiton, I 0- qalirc Olympic Motor Sales phone 595, 8-22tfn. + . i . , , WANTED:" clean/ng,wonian three days a @(;01€ Phone 160M. " ES-22tfn WANTED: responsible girl or woman to assist with housework. MusL like children. Home nights. }hone 160M. E8 -22t f|i. WbA.NTt.D TO :1UY: good. ued boy'. icycl, Write'C. C. Townsend, Bel- fah' Wash. • . 8-29--9-5 WATER PIPE pushed under lnwn Or lghway. New hydraulic pipe pusilr. Dougms,,Lhtce7 Star Route 1, Biox • 581. Union, Phone Belfair 530, 7-11--9=5 Ice cream WANTED; please return OUcrearl, packers, +Mason County WANTEI>: women 'to' work In Mason , GounJ;y Stream ,Iandry, 5-16tf. rANTED, AT :ONCE: ,ld,.6e quantitis' Alder and Maple logs v,a truck aiid rail. Higher prices. F.O.B. Tacoma. Full scae,. Irumpt,. settlement. This $0 ,not,'ltoIitabledbuSines for log- gers. Nbrtnwest Cffatr Company. Ta- coma. Washington, 8-8-29 WANTED: girl : for general office work. Write Box B, c-o Journal.' 8-Stfn. WANTED : bookkeeper." Inquire Mason • County Stean.,Laundry. , 8-Stf. WANTED: ExpelJene woman tr general housework ana care of oe chLld. ROln, board goou salary, In- quire Journal 4-11-ffn WANTED women 8 wor as oyster' cullers  Oyster Bay.'Call long dt- mce,.Oyer Bay, collect, ask fdr Uscar zandell. 10-18- VAITRESS and kitchen llelp wante0 Apply Hotel Sheltan Coffee Shep/: 5-t WN TO BUY: 6_Joraes for+ Mink eed. Myers ana :hsen Mink Farilt, Olylnpia. Phone 4670 collect. 1-1fn WANTED: man's old gold watch cltahl,, with round,.lfnks. Also watch eharma or fobs. Inquire Journal oz- flee, Will pay cash. B6-27tfn. WNTED: ALDEI. IAPLE TOP PRICES, honest sale short hahl. • + lrame Mil. Lyncl, li'oad and Hi- way, tour miles .4outh bf Sheltom 8-291fn. WANTED:if you have a good car tO sell, drivd it'to Fh'st and Mill Streets nqW :,Olyn!pi(r M0tq.t: Salgm 89 II I II1' II 0. ZT , : NOTICE' O1 IIEARING +ON ,qAIB ]PINAL REPORT AND I)ETIT1ON I+'Ol BISTRII)I]TION +" IN TItE' SUPERIOr+COURT OF THE STATE OF WSHINGTON FOR ASON e0tNY + IN e..oZiTa 'In theMatter of'theEstate ef Fan- lliO L, Adams. Deeeased. . NOTICE IS HEREB.Y GIVEN tlidt Esiello'.Shumway and Margaret S/nit,i, Executrixes +ol the.' estate of Fanille L. Aden,s, deceased, have filed with the elerk of the above' entitled curt thoir Final Report and Petition for Distributi01 asking Lhe cf?Ul't 'to st- fie and appr)ve sailt Final RepOrt and Petition for Distribution, to dis- tribute tbl properly, to' the persona thereto entitled and to discharge sQt Executrixes. nOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said. Final. Report and. Petition for Distribution 'will b0 .heard on Sat- urday tlte, 14th day o Septe.mbe,, 1.946 at the hour Of 10 o cl0ckv in the forb- noon, at the ourt Room, ,ill the Court l-Iouse, in Shelton, wshington ' J)ated flus 12th day o August, 1946, (SEAL) CLARE ENOELSEN, ' County Clerk of the State of Washington, for Mason County. CHAS.' R, LEWIS, Attorney for said estate. Bell Building, 119 So. 4th St. Shelton, Mason County, Washington, 8-15-23-29--f-5---4t. NOTICE OF ()LOSING ,R>EGISTRATION BOOKS NOTI.E IS HEREBY GIVEN tha th reglstratio books for Uiion pre cinct and portl0hs of Northstde pP cinct, lyipK_and .bhf}g. wi',thll tire bo oarles of e!h0ol"Dliitlhet llO. 10, wit be closed against all original regi trations and transter ot reglstrati0n on and .04/te.lej0tqmbeltZ6tll 946, u.n[i eptcmoer 2nd,..StturaaY0 Beptembe 21st beilg the .date oF ,Special Elec. tion in re_Selal ;ltt$e..and Bon( Issue for' SChd01' Diit#li[,No 10 H'RRY  ' " 90UnY.' A]lor.d RegiS, rav oF Voters, ason oiin, .y, Wash, 8-22-29.:--2 MASON, LAKE Waterfront Tracts 60 x 300 foot. beautiful,, marvelous gravel beach, good fishing fine camp grounds. Take Bayshore Road, follow signs. ONL 15 MILES{ come out and select your tract, you name the down and monthly payments--You can't go wrong owning a waterfront tract. •  ','.+] [' :' +' - : ?' See Gordon Mendenhall Representative on the Ground W+ C. &DING 702--3rd Ave., Seattle, El. 8745 7/4-tfn NO. 1841 NOTICF TO +CItEDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COI.IRT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON MASON CQUNT ?Y litho Matter o£ the Estate of James Ha'rden Nance, Deceased. ,. . " NOT.ICE IS ,HI]REBY GIVBN.'.that the indersigndd ba heen ai)pointe. arfl has qualifidd Its the oxectiI:rix,0r aboVe entitled 'estate; tha aH pgr+ sons Jlavtng claims againfit said .de- ceases ari heeb relUird. to serv same duly. verified, 'Pn lmld, *¢XgCII' T trix or n her attora/of rcsrd/at th address :stat0d eto', .ill ile same+with the Clerk of tho'.woUrt,.:o- 'g.ether lth l,roof oF sgrvtcc, !lthin six n,0ntt/s alter file fii'st ilibllcati:on of ttiis notice or Same wild 'he barreL Dfit of..*flrst publication: August 8, 1946 A.D, MARY NANCE,  : l+Ixee, utrix of said EsLato Address: ltoodsport, Wash- ington. WRIGHT & MALLOY, Attorneys for Estate Angle Bulldt,,, Shclton, Washington. + 8-8-15,22-29--4t. O Rem,011ng . ' WANTED TO BUY 0 Ftuiiitiiro Realr .' OIL CONVERSI(3N Good USed Cars for Cask at O Appltaiice Rpair OPA Ceiling Prices. O Cablihts Btiilt or , RepairI . UNITS S.L. PE&RSON • " , 0 Free Estimates, Phone 548-W NOTICE OF OND REi)EMPTION O.Pi,k-!!p and Delivery 5 types to change your wood NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thfit "CHArLEs WARD Public Utlltty DIstrict No. , of a- or coal ralge for oilJ Same .v.--..=.,q-__,,,-',m'..v.. son County, Washlrgton , has elected units as used by factory mod= FOI RENT to c, all f9r py,nent mt redemption Route '3, ox 182-A on. Septqmber 1',. 1946,. all of its out- Phone 462 JX els. -,- - - standing 'retzenle, +bonds known " FOR RENT: frozen food lockers. .".]Public lJlltty|tlqct'No 1 of Ma ........ Ready on or hbout October 1. H. F. k+''' C0*; 'J "h"t O ' ve"U e ......... ..... CAL WILSON CO. P+oysen, Phone 62R. St,. Rt. I, 11ox 13, s 986 .da.ted,Sel;i+embel 1 1936 ................. St' View. 8-291fn. [n.t 0 pmnctpal stln, oF $9500 bearing LOT AND ][) Hoe - interesi; ,atha rate 0[ 5% per an- lv ''''' "' J dsport Phone 10 or'17 nuffi pRYlable,,senfl0xliiUally. I ....... ,, [ North Bay and state highwhy 14A ,Tl!e "6wnl:s <j!nd, t!.]ders ' of said I LQ.ST:. 8attlrda nKht in, downtown " L ' ' , at Allyn, Washington, .known as Jaysido 2pts: 'Management furn= onas+are nLerebF ilotli3_ea o present alstrict, mait b llgln' wristwatch them 'r0i!, re'demttlbn<'ri q payment on I Rea aSyandw, old rengraved ol] back. . N ()'TI C E "  ings:iShcs hotUS)mlandfUrnitm'ecold runnian Surnish-, water. 8aid first:[)., fif gitelnocr, 1946, I I'¢eW l' tor .|leturn. L O Jurnat office OF PUBLI(f IIEARI(.G refrigeration, electric lights.., oil a tIe[ bfflflthe o]nty treasuPer I ingood condition .... ,: , $8-29 In th matter o Shelton Airport, o,.Iason;.:o-:' Wlhington at I i' JJ nurner and laundry facilities, helt F ' • 'nln n ": ' ....... , ,, .... , the Board of County Commissioners Apartment prices from $25 to $,32.50. O .. J HER NOTIFIED I CARD OF THAKs ' " f Mason County, Washington, desir- Cabins $15 and $17,50. W. A. Beak- ing to know public reaction to the ley. Manager. ' . 3=28-tfn t tlt lnt(irest, on 7tiald bonds will ce0se / , 'e wish .to, express .'our heartfIt unty taking over, will hold a. public ,y,,v,,--v September' 'L .I946,' .... , , I gratituae,'espeeially to Mr. and Mrs, h'aring on "ruesuay, eptember +srd, WANTED TO RENT This notice,, is given, by order Of [ rthur' Johnson and nJembers of fhe 1946 at4he horn' of 7:30 o'clock p.m., the Cammlssloners of Public Util|ty[SeVenth'lay Adventist tirch and in the Court Romn,+at Shelton,,Wasi. ". ...... .+--.+ DIsLrict No. 1 of Mason County Wa#h- [ olher fr, lend, for the 'kliIdnses, and . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SITUATION DESPAIATE: depehd- lug,on. " / assistance also 1 e beautiful fl6ral SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY able y6ung couple and four months )ated thts :1st day of Aligust, 116. /'offelqngs' 'given u durg"the loss of WASHINGTON , old baby need place to rent. %Vill O/I'l T./,. I0', :: ' J oUr loved one, Mi,s. Althea Hoag. by HARRY DEYETTE even consider temporary arrange- season tmtmty TreaGlrer. ,Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hoag, Clerk of the Board. ' sent, Call 160J, R. W. IleburtZ. ., .. 8-1-15-22-29=b nephew and niece, . ...... 8-22-292t. 8-29--9-12 ll CY(?LE FOI{ 25.0(I. htt('h, F()lt SALE: two and iul)('S, $I0 spike to(,t h lit;In. Reu[o 1. cUi off). F()R SA LI,l : IllS[Ill h'(l ill d('sk, hunp (]Vellln ls FOR..ALE: red or 50c dressed. llliles ()Ill on 101'l'l. BOAT FOR chains, ])tl one RANGE OIL Wa install if tric Sh)re. FOR SALE : [or exehan First and FOR. SALE : g ese I)Ul,pies, b s rock. , I+hire ({r;tnge , Polueranl Write M • O]ylnt)Ja, Wash, Axnlinstor rug. Shelto:n. Phone FOR and 8tar FOR Alniost four I{+ rs an.d dry and Cota or 1).lllo 1: TI{AILER. woeks old ratcd rat:ks. .iack. Phone er. FOR SALE : l, ic Motor ONE CHESTER old 3 I FOR SALE: whi lucks. Leonard 110. Shelter l'hone l(ili'l 1, FOR SALE : port j J oarnal. FOR SALE : 14. Mrs, Ihussman, 222 South Seco Open fm In Our Loca Comp present conmLi be limited for so as posmble we line of buildi .PtIONE 657 is George Syh .failed to have IL< Pr Walter ofesSional , FR-E Write P.O. BoX B) ATTORN CourthoUS e, Ae yo I Rt. 3 Phone: Eliot Electric Title Vh Angle ATTOR 119-12,1 Bell Shelton, &LDEN C, Title Opposite . Phone 23 LIoensed W. A. Phone 180 " ELLIOT 1, I ,+ i3 4t St. • oq!00e :L ght bulbs, latches, broken wipers are small, repair that, if ccidents. car in for check- "little things." Ford parts and ac= are yours at moder- + /.} . +++a + ,; L/< AI I Fifth