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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 29, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 29, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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;E FOl E: niq)ly Vil- ];&apos;ON .,q/I,T.]: Aqua-tlte , I cars, () V wpi¢' SJ22-21 ),,v V]L':I, :[ll(I Mill. n dv:( mdos i,'il: SAI,I,',: ,.hiJd ................. I [k-. [iI oDl'li'o fill .... (',). : .15<:!) I,' I L,, I A". ' I', )lll},d ....... and i ( II:d)'< throe ' "V ]'ill,' :: "i i i l ,':,:' ;lll(l :gill ilI;8. k{ told 4'qN]) - t I'D;Illl ' V, Hqal]'O ,'. l'l,,,m. I:,.[- ( ',:17 \\;\',,::( ll:)r,.'ar(l. lh,', ,4E5, ITli- l ;-q I,Sil'm I la)k' ,%.lA,; 9 ............. .)u. t ('I n.:,,u ()lfl I)<),') cd ] G\\;T. llll\\;:vd l. -. . , , v • q ZS-I,)-... ]"()N L\\;IAq: IiF I::, :Lfj(ff-W;I[I, j,l.ll /tlld [i':!ih'l' F,]wlt(,)t 1',;)'-- Ill. '2, l'h)x .IV, S-1;)-29 ............... ],()l  SA].I,] : l),,vq l)icyclo, i;dho :lli eli|IT|: l'h()n(, 5(;2M, < )0 ( l lh'W. .;]7 .... iL-l)-')'9 , "I. ,rKill. l ) I()li(' ......... ,1 ','vn fil'(,p]a(',': IHCY(q,E [0( '''['l')]t LJ,']'i'.I x-m-2;) s2:,.uo. )aquh'(' Bm ).'?i h,.). w:,>,,2.___...: :, a)t,l tul)('< ") q"md(I" ,pi>, t,,()tl, ]i'd,'r'."'I', ' man. T(alt( "I, 9 'I)[! euh)rf). ],'( ) P, AIA4 : Ill-;[a [h'(l ill (h'sk la)nl). ,y,75 T(!IIll)I'I ih' al S-I 5-2!) for now lnlld Lll' ()l'd(']' ]lOW le i( is avail- 7o., 219 S(tB|h 8-81 fn. ',q' l)aSlo. JuM O)Hl's(qf. ]li 4'|I 'il (.II (!all )aillt, ]Aiwll)n 8-15-2!) t closets, slore Ini]] work. "FO(' eS[illlal(!s lh't,s. 8-]tfn till ill i('(S ()f ,1 I)o1' (.I ,. 8-15-29 LX yOUP fIO01'S Itilq(ot e lwice t Eh!ctl;i(: Co., 8q-tfn 'a hay. lhoIl. Star Route 2, 7-18--8-2.q HEN RANGE .Tllerm silent ' operation at ;ion Way and ne 7753, ll-15tfn. FOIZ SAI,I": rod Or 51)i! dl'eSs('([. Illi](q4 ()|11 (ill 1 (I laJ 4. ]OAT VOR ALE : gal inl)0ard with ( ,]()illlSt)a ()Ill|SO chains. Jql()llC RANCIE o11, V¢o inslo}} if tric S(,,'o, :[()I> SALE : gen i'll ' (!XC]llll O, ];'is'st and i 1. ],'O1 AI.,E: lo Kose l ) tl|lt')i('.% St lick. ,1 )Ill'(" OINlllgO ])O l I] O F]*I!, (Wjlril , M(:Chqht]l( i ympia, Wash, Ft)Tt SALE: radio, l)iItn(), Axmin,.ter Sitelt on. ph()ne 1,'OR SALE: lovkC and Wl'al)l)ing Stay T{otlto ], FOI SALE: .Almosl; fOUl' t)OXillff sel's alld dry (leano(l. Itn'(l Cola (tr 1} ]).ILl. ])lO:lS(!, <, rei(-i,, ' "e-iii(ii;i;;SU Ho [JUlll[)el' C(), wo(,l(s OI(], g-15-29 ral.od )'Cl(:kS. csMo|or Sales ja(k. Phone !,ssories. t First er. c 595. • 7-.llfn - ....................... FOR SALE: )N alp cooled t)ic Motor SaleS, I Blnger, Le- ry, Olympia. ll-15tfn Iooth ] larl'o\\;v, Sillglo hol'se ',OX 55, ll(,ods- t 2V2. M8-22-29 sa(hlln ]lol'se. 1 l;ox 93A, int lh)l l). ONE CII1CSTEt, 3,ctr old for aft,,)' 3 1).hi (IOl.iskell's :F()I SALII: wh} l)llCl{S, I. oonlllHl 110, Sh(!ltoll l '110110 161"11, FOR SALE : t)ol't ,iack' J oil Fllttl, oat. :2ih and 8-22-29 o saddle colt, ft)l" (:hihh'en. "Ol]llg ' sttddlo ,rdok Stabhs. 12. 88-22-2':) 7 ,at less than DurhanL liar- 8-15--,  -19 n lin(Cn, baby 0, ('tO, ()l'(lel's :fit Drivo. lo- of il/ghwlly "al'llorn, ]:]ill- $8-22- ---[)-12 EXCLUSI VE td blollses ill [lOllS. r(lSOll- nvil(!d Lo see ].i 11; tll]llllil; ]()ck W(!st Of f)l' snd 1)0:n'- 799,1X. " $8-22-.9-12 ag plant 1,500 , l[lallual coii- t!asollable alld rile I:lox C, 8-22--9-5 OUS )er 3rd in all hlSilllSS CO1- 8-15-29 RS OF: Re- Holuo freez- : coolers, ete., td insulation, r meat 8av, rectors. Kohl- 'rices right-- IKELLA RE- QUIPMENT, the Highway Box 612. 2/7-tfn NOLAN Walter Professional ' FREE Write P.O. loX B. Fl.anklin ATTO R N EY" Courthouse! phone A. K. Personalized servl Address: Rt. 3, Phone: CRAIa ELECTRICAl, ]Eliot Electric Title phone GING ¢TING G aess for ' Time twyer KS Army truck, l picl¢p. I{. Shelto (near g15-29 DcSoto..,¢;200 rwal's Mobil rove St, 138-29 ) BUY : Cash at ON V Angle Building, ATTORNi 119-121 Bell ALDEN C. AT1 Title Opposite Phons 23 " T ood lockers. 3tier 1, It. F. Rt. 1, l(ix 13, 8-29tfn, r located on highway 14A , known as fement furn- and urnish- nni lg watei', lights,, oil € facilities, $25 to $32.50, W. A, Beak- 3-28-tfn RENT ['E: depend- four lllOn t h. o reIll. %Vill fry arrange- Kieburtz, 8-20--9-12 I Office at 29, 9a6. ROBERSON PLUMBING --- AND HEATING PIIONE 685 222 South Second Street Open for Business In Our Location on Mountain View ton Lumber Company DUe to present centurions our services Viii be limited for some time, but as Soon as possible we will handle a :0replete line of building materials. P.O. BOX 598 Sanitarian Leaving, Not Health Officer Through.a misunderstanding an arti(.le published recently stated that Dr. J B. Eason, Thurston- Mason County Public Health offi- (,vr, would no longer be with Ma- .;o11 colnlty. It was mean£ that a m,w sanit:n'ian would be reqnired In Mason county as Thurston county would reqnire the services ¢)1 Civu'les Reagen, present dis- trio| sanitarian, for fnll time. It is the duty of the sanitarian te inspect for all health conditions, the water supply, or anything else pertaining to the health of coun- ty residents. Dr. Eason wiil eontinue to act as the Mason-Thurstol County  v v v v v v v,q v vv,m v V v,..,qv H00dsp0rt Friday evening, August 30tb. will be the big rally meeting of the Fireside Group. All the young people from Taeoma and Shel- ton who have met with the Hoods- pm't group are expeetea to be present. The speaker of the evening will be the mnch-Wked Rev. Edwin L. Coy (otherwise known at l]ddie). There will be special music from Tacoma and Shelton and a peppy song scrvice. The Fireside Group is giving an invitation to attend to those of all ages who would be interested in eommg to the Rally..& capacity erowd is ex- Public Health Officer. pected. 'r' A group of young people went to the "Youth for Christ" meet- APPRAISERS APPOINTED in at the Baptist Church on Sat- Judge Wright Saturday during urday night. Superior Conrt appointed George Mr. and Mrs, Richard Bates Adams, William E. Stevenson and were week end guests of Mr. and L, A. Carlson appraisers in the Mrs. Harold Sund William Sandholm estate, HOME LOANS A birthday party was held on Friday afternoon in honor of the 13th birthday of Leslie Robbins. Those present were Kenneth Ev- ans. Richard Hunt, Glenn Lock- wood, David Hagen, Oliver Gray, Dick and Jack Siegel, Louis De- schamps and the honor guest. Mr. and Mrs. D: C. Mathews sp6nt Monday and Tuesday in Se= attle 'visiting friends. Mrs. Mary Ohm|t, who has been in, the hospital for several "weeks, ,came home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kovess and three children visited frnm Wedn£sday to Sunday with her brothgr, ,Cal Wilson and family hndher parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, F. Wilson of Potlatch. uMr, and Mrs, Hill Drpha and Ernest, have returned home after a weeR's trip to Oregon and Call= forna. MrS. Will Lunt attended the Remember the Dance at Delight Park Saturday night. is George Sylvester Rake- Who failed to have us fix his brakes "k Convenient Terms " easonhble Rates "* 10 i)ELAY Mtksoi Co m.ty Sav!ngs & Loan Associatmn Title Insurance Bldg. ? ' I e your Deaier for prompt, low-coSt setvice Thlngs -out headlight bulbs, or latches, broken wipers are small, repair jos that, if Your car in for check- these "little things." Ford parts and ac- are yours at mode- 'Tain't Funny, McGee, ! A • • /FZ* -,¢,,/,e,% No Jive Wanted Here Not when t's you acre /z.'/////)]"  " '* r ., . '" J f]";L.! Ifyourfantwheelsareget. dent. So brake,checkUp I  ting pigeon-toed, or if the and brake jobs are getting I ..:7 steering wheel "jitter-bu." • ." • P-;( //  :'.7*_',. , , ,. .. o top prmnty in our shop. I  you need a,heel ahgnment, ,That's one way we are co- i ([ k, [11"' You'll save rubber, save your operating m the coUnu:y ) m n ' " " " I h MKIIIIIIII. temper, a d save a possible, wide campaign to make ' t(l  accident. Drive in and let us our streets and highways I kkfl --ake ^ "-" ....... safer. Come in today. Let I )....a. assembly checkup. R brakes '///z///'#/#/z'' us check Y?U * " I _.,_. L __, . _ __. .__ i __. __. .__ . , =-=.==...._ " J . ' "i "" ' '' ; ,, I factory-ira,ned aL=!=:-- ===- __-- - -- --- I, chanics know your Ford car , . 7" J/ I best...have special Ford I sapre' ...,_ y',mm,,-,- • euipme...use factory- |. i2,'Z"Ce i  I Genuine Ford parts. Let s ]l.). FFd q£.7_'sL, :. o,mrx,,:  . check over your car to keep ][ -7 -'= ugl''| ! ",  ] it safer to drive and keep it ff,, ,.  --,z'/ _ resale value up. Bring your. " : ..... i  " *flx,] • ,-.-a ,)  ,, ,, " I Ford back home today.. "' For promibt Sbrvice Foirl00 Priced FORD DEAL[R EE YOUR AI Huerby Notors" Authorized Ford Agency Fifth and Railroad Ave.- Shelton- Phone 16 Marine Cadet Corps Applications Oct. 1 API)lications for aPl)ointment as cadet-midshipman m Lhe U S. Merehant Marine Cadet Corps must be mailed before midnight, October 1, to qualify for the semi- annnal eutranco examinations to be held in civil service centers throughont the nation OrL Novem- b(:r 6, ]9,16, it was announced by Commal(lev E. G. McDonald, U SMS. District Supervisor, 1000 Geary Street, San Franc|see. Cali- fornia. Candidates |el' appoint- ment will not need any Congress- man's recommendation. Honorably discharged veterans of the armed forces and the mer- chant marine up to the age of 24 as well as yuths 16//,; to 21 years of age aye eligible. Seniors still in high school may apply now, take the examination; and com- plete their studies to graduate in December, before assignment to U. S. Merehant Marine Cadet Corps School on February 1, 1947. Complete information may be obtained by wiring or writing the Supervisor, U. S. Merchant Ma- rine Cadet Corps, Training Of ganization, WSA, Washington, 25, D.C. Past Matrons' meeting at the home of'Mrs..Steve Ahl of Tahuya on Wednesday. Mrs. Frankie McCotter and Dale returned to Taeoma after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. LoeR- wood. Marjie Jackson has returned af- ter spendilig a week in Portland. Ore., and the week end in Monte- sane, where she attended the ded- icatibn of "Flet Park." Mr. and Mrs'. Henry Moore. of Portland, are visiting with Mr. and. MrS. George Jackson. Mrs. Rozert E. Locke, of Quinault, is also visiting with the Jacksons. Mrs.WiR Ltlnt arid Mrs. H. E. Lockwood spent Sunday and Mon- day in Tacoma. Mrs. T, B; Sith enterLained with a dinner Saturday eveninG. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robi0son of Lilliwaup and Mrs, Katie Abbey. Mr, and Mrs. Henry McClana= han attended the wedding, of their nephew, Byron McClanahan, to Betty At|wood, of Shclton, Others from Hoodsport attend- ing the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. HfR, Dickinson, Gordon Dickin- son and Mr. mid Mrs, Hugh WoN cott, Miss Hazel Cox was married last Tuesday to A. E. Dahlem, 2/c P of the battleship New Jer- sey. Mrs, Robert McClanahan, of Ely, Nev., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McClanahan. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ahl spent unday with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd ouse of Tacoqaa, Frank Ahl re- turned to Greyland where he is clearing land on their newly pur- chased property. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Bleecker and Mr. and Mr Cecil Ziimer were week end guests of Mrs. Hazel Bleecker, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lord and son "Skip" of Camp Five were Friday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahl. • lY[rs. Katie Abbey, Mrs. Ella Lunt and Mrs. Auie Dickinson v vvvvvvv,I),vvvv vvvvv Unioii "Union City Original" has been soraewhat nlolu'nfnl this p a s t week On Tuesday of last week, about a:a0 in the afternoon, sud- denly and without warning, there was no water and it did not come on mtil the next morning about 7:00. One resident }tad just made l)reparqtio)m for a nice dituler, a pie ready for the oven, whcn the hoL w:tter tank started rumblitg like a steam engine. He quickly pulled the fire and ran to the falteet where not a drop of water came out. He looked around rue- fully at his dinner to be; get- ting hungrier and more thirsty ev- ery minute. His neighbors, wire have their own water system, were out of .town so no hope there. ]Fie ate a cold. dry lunch then thought of the tavern where he hurried for a cool drinl( only I;o find a sign on the door "Closed---No Wa- tel'." Disconsolately he looked out ovm" tim beautiful eanal--":Water, Water Everywhere and Not a Dro I) to Drink," It was hot that afternoon. He started out trudg- ing ahmg the highway and after over a mile of it; im came to "A House by the Side of the Road" where he, panting and exhansted, found sustenance. Another honle on the hill had a bucket of water under an outside tap, handy for stray dogs and cats, but it was better than nothing"an4 With 'gn electric 1)late got along. Two,fam- ilies were away all, day and came home in the "eve)ling dusty and weary thinking "No Place" Like IIome" until they found not a drop of wa.ter :ht their cars again ,with all availabie containers tliey werit seeking water, No report:tias becn received as to thc difficulty. The supply tanRs .are all finislled and being used but the intale aitd,out- let are still open wboden t/'ouffhK Quite a crew wason a few, weeks ago puttingin a puSe lini but they are evidcntly needed on the pow- er lines. Local men ,were later working but they also have .bcen taken elsewhere. The vegetable and flower gardens are droopy but as we have been saying f6r years "Maybe next year it will be bet- ter." The bicycle Miss Elin Strandin bought in Sweden, when she was there, has arrived and she is now going places. "Mac" McVay and several naval officers of Bremerton "Sekiued" last week. They went on the Mc- Vay small cruiser and encounter° ed some bad weather--fog that made navigation difficult but they caught many salmon. Mrs. Ray C. Yost of Medford, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Car- rigan of Los Angeles, Calif., are visiting theisister, Mrs. Guy Al- lison. With their brother, J. A. Mearow, already here they have had a complete family reunion, Mrs. Allison is entertaining her guests Tuesday with a luncheon at the Athletic Club in Seattle. TKe rodeo attraete( man'y from here both Saturday and Sunday. Sunday it was said "Most of Union was tllcre. Miss Jane Aldrich and Gene Stark were in the parade. Mr.-Stark also had horses in the rodeo. were afternoon, guests of Mrs. Bee [ The McVays spent the week end Ah} on Thm'sday. I. at the ocean and the Andersens We Pay CASH FOR BlackMrrieS Price lb. Delivered to 6Lb COUNTY FARM (Isabella Valley - Rt. 1 Box 216-A) or 8¢ Lb. t these pckup points: MST L6'K--P,one. , F-23 SKrK0.IISH -- Phone 216-J-I KAMILCH E--pho,e 2 (Price' SUbject to .... larket Changes) Thursday, -saimrday Theres No One Like Her ;'GtLISA" starring Rlta Hayworth Sunday - Tuesday September 1 - 3 Barbara Stanwyck "THE Bi00mE WORE B00TS" Robert Cummings Wednesday Only September 4 TWO FEATURES Alan Ladd "THE GLASS KEY" "HIGH EXPLOSIVE '¢ i ..... 'g I'TT  g .............. were with relatives in Seattle. Tie "automotive" sign of Ural Bittle has been taken down and he is moving his family back to their old home in Toppenish. They will be missed as they have taken part in all com'mmtity affairs. Mr. Bittle was a ntember of the sehool board and an officer in the Sun- day School. I. P. Callison has offered to show his pictures at the Masonic Hall here as a benefit for thc benefit for the Hood Canal Wo- man's Club and also for conserva- tion of ur |rests. These pictures represent much expense and risk of life. Many of them are of Nor- thern Canada and Alaska and scenery from all over the United States as Call|sons are extensive travelers. Arrangements are being made now for Thursday evening, August 29th at 8 p.m. with hope that the troll will be available that evening. Keep your eyes and ears open for definite announcement as you will not want to miss this opportunity. ,, Ed Hgaas says troubles,never come singly." He went to Brem- erton Monday to see his doctor about an eye infection. Matloek Ttere will be no hot lunches for the first few days of school. So children must bring their own lunches. Nfatlock Ladies Club met Thur- day and birthdays for JulF and August were celebrat0d. HoitesSe for the day were Madge Kingery dnd Dora, Herring. ;Final plans were made for the fair, ugust 29. The nickle exchange was taken by Madge Kingery. • rs. Alta Watson and Mrs. Bes- sie Evers and girls Diane and Sylvia of San Francisco', Calif. were recent visitors' ith their, father J. W. Green'and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dean /nd daughter Patty of Olympia calied at the Don Nye home Sunday.,. Those attending Ponona Gr* ange Sunday at Harstine Islarid were Mr. and Mrs. ,Ed :Valley, Mr. and :Mrs. Earl lilishop, lYIng. Augusta Portman and Mrs. Sain Nye, :Mrs. Lillian Portman received word last week her ,nother, i?Ii'S. T. Ward of Tacoma had a slight stroke. She is able to be at home however Lillian spen t a few days with her. The Community extends their sympathy to her. Gene Nye is spending the Week at Camp 5 with Jolm Stevenson. They plan on hiking on up to the lakes. M:rs, John Derrick and children ,of Camp 5 drove in Thursday bringing a lovely birthday cake and ice cream and surprised Mrs. Earl Bishop as that was her birth- day. Latter in the day Mns Ida Lunquist and Mrs. Betty Le Garde and girls called. GIFFOR.D WILL PROBATED Judge Wright signed an order Saturday in Superior Court lad- mitring the will of Vernon S. Gif- $ord to probate and appointed Al- berta E. Gifford executrix of the estate. Ruth Jacobsen Wins Pin Prize First competitive bowling laur- els of tlle 1946-47 season fell to the fair sex when Ruth Jacobsen captured the inaugural handicap singles tournament which marked the reopening of the bowling al- leys last Thtirsday. With a 672 total comprising games of 167, 153, 152 and a han= dicap of 200 pins, she bent out John Dotson and A1 Fez'rier for first pze Monday. Dotson was second at 171-190-206-90---657, while Ferrier was third with 225- 163-192-65--645. House prizes for best single game scores were cap- tured by Emery ,'Lindeman's 250 mid Evelyn Smith's 241 scores. AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING GLASS INSTALLED RIDLEY'S Body and Fender Works PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE /ORK GUARANTEED 1 Mile South On Olympic Highway ROGERS BROS. GARAGE Phone 218R-2X UNITS Are the founddtion of an end't/'ping structuro, we; ue the best iriar. ials, every u,ni: stamped for your protection. A n d "q'U r' worim@dslp assures 'ybu.  of .h¢ best dollar-f0r.dol. lar value In elae building material. MASON MATERIALS Successors to SHELTON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. PHONE 123 7th St. Bridge , t , LITTLI CR HORNER ,' : LET'& CLUB TOOETHER ANO ET OUR. PIT(;RER IN THE • Symphony r Jive... what kind of reoords do you like to har? No surface nolle or.needle chatter but cam. eradike fidelity of occous- tioal accuracy if your radl0. gorer  IS se ected' t BECK WITH'S. iillll PRIy MO WEEK S oming. :. Tr.y.,The',, .(omo Hits. f0om B EC ,H,s, se, ,otto,,. Blue 8kips Girl el My Dreams  Gaff@ii In' ¢Rain 6;, Mii,'t' It&e Been a;:i I :Dream, Q[You .... g{m €oulgssn' r qr A& More qh', We|Didn't Have To Sa Oboitnight Temptation Goodbye Sue ' l:m Goa Love Tha Gel I] I Loved You ore Tan You know T}] T.End.o, T,'ime : Thdt Feeling in i he Moon, light 5-Pocket Souvenir A'[bums :,Og: May Fill With Vour Own Favorite Perry Coma. Selections ... 75¢ IIIII BECKWITH'S SHELTON MUSIC, STORE 120 Railroad Phone 143 J =: .ow. 00i00ii' THE ARMY HAS A GOOD JOB FOR YOU! NON-C0MMI$$10NE aJt't k:00W:0rrE))En TO FORMER ARMY OOCUPAINAL S}E¢IALIST$ GOOD jobs in non.cornmisdom)d ;gra&s are being offered now by the Regular Army to qualified former sericemenI. Veterans dischargcd on or after May 12, 194,5, who enlist or reenlist for 3 years may be e],li ted in the non-commissioned grade for which qualified :prov,ded this grade is not higherF than that held at time of discharge, and pro ided .float at leat 6 months of former servicewas in one of 4,00 des!gnllted militat'y occupational speciahie in "which enlistment s*inW desired," • Important, interesting j0bs are open in lun,ttas of ski|h.' and trades in the Army, with splendid training aad,ditucation:" advantages! These are in addition to free food, hounding, clo$: O  ing, medical and dental care, l w-cost ,nsuranca. There's advcnture, travel, education, a secure and profitabl future in this vital, realistic profession. Get full details at your nearest Army Recruiting Staiion. Highlilhts 6f Re=uilar Army 1. nlllstments for 1Va, , or 3 Qb'," "Z6af|; ( ILk;ear enlietments i6mitted |dr ihdh'now in the Army with 6 or moe months of service.) pay (based upon to all men who 2.' nlistment a e from .34 years incluivo (17 with 'pateat ' rnliet. €onsent) 'except for men now'in the " 6.' Option to retire at hslf ay ' riny/vlo may reonlist at ai$.iti, for the rest of your life aft)r  and former sorvice men depending yeare' servlce--inerealtng to,hre| on':leiigth of aervice, ql.arter| 'I.Y after ',ltts'serie. 3. A reenlistment bonu o[ 5) Atl lrevtoiI ective feder&t military ' fdr each year of active eervJce Slice servie ;counts t'owadL tl=tirement. auch bonus was lalt paid, Or since , 7J (3:! B I o. R|kitl Ienefltl al- Ibet entry into service) p/o'id6d sure for mbn'lio 6n]iet n or bef6"re reenlistment is within 3 months October S; 1946. ' after last honorable discharge. 8. Ch,ctta €; btmn¢t of ferric0 " 4. 'A furlough for men who re. and overieei theatdr "(0f'those tiil enl!t within 20 dayl. Full details of Open) on 3-aar e n|iitments. . , i i i , RtIltlMINf NEW PAY SCALE ',,".,, ..oM.a.., ; ' - ' Ittmre',,,arwca;.VlqYlt¢i' ":i ,.m.o. to c;o.n., roo, M,,/tr Seea.t  %% C=re;l"6dgtng' Midlc=l,k and l)e,tal or Fir=t ;ergeant 165,00 $107,25 plOp.Gpi Tecimica[ Sergeant 135.00 87.7 'I11,. In. ddHIon fo pay shown #t Staff Sergeant . • 115.00 74.75 129,$)' 'Ih}':'20% Increass for Sarvlce Sergeartt .... 100.00 65.00 .112,:I! 0% if Mamber of Corporal ; '.', • 90.00 58.50 lOI,2 Fly|n or Gilder Crews. % In. crease In Pay for Each 3 Yearl Private First Class. 80.00 52,00 9.01): of Servica, Private , , , , .00 . 84,3'8 Listen to "Warrior# Ol Peace, )' "Voico ol €he Army," "PxIy I | ) $ , nd. Oa, isWti- 1 rher Sporf$" evtdW" and "Spot- liht Bandg' on your radio. Jnllst now at ¥ur neares Army Iecreltlng Sfaf/e. and "Ma&e I a Milllenl , , MEZZANINE FLOOR HOTEL N OLYMI