August 29, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Percy rio
6017 S.E. 86th Ave
Portland, Ore
!Simpson Expansion Plans Here Outlined
35 Published in Shelton, Washington 10 Cents per Copy
29 1963 18 Pages -- 3 Sections
00ols In County Are Ready For
0t Ne. Sessio, Next Week
F BOOKSLiana, 6, and Steven, 5, children
n H. Ford. Shelton. look at the stack of some
have to read in their coming years of ele-
school. Liana will enter the first grade and
Mt. View School when classes open Tues-
schools and most of those in the rest of the
Is Approved
legitimate errand for the parent,
guardian or adult responsible for
The ordinance further states
that legitimate business shall in-
clude returning directly home from
any school function, work recrea-
tional activity or properly super-
vised recreation.
that violators will be turned over
to the juvenile officer for dispo-
3 a juv-
are sup-
and 5 a.m.
Voted to ad-
2 p.m.
sition, with maxinmm penalties if
the hearing in they are remanded to jus.ce court
::/mance wele Pro- of $100 fine or 30 days in jail
: n Christensen, The ordinance also provides that
i:!till Clyde John- any parent, guardmn or other ad-
i lle the local De- ul{ having the care and custody
w Ssistanee of- a
!. ,e l%en_ of minor who knowingly al-
a;y n, super- lows the minor to violate the ord-
• Kn'ght inance zs subject to penalties, with
ales that the
to a
adult per-
custody of
'S Journal
drastic ad-
Will be nee-
tising' copy
as well
COpy as pos-
the corn-
each Men-
meeting to
the eommis-
•Wi]i be the
the maximnm of $250 fine or 90
days in jail.
Supporters of the ordinance con-
tended that it is necessary to give
law enforcement officials a means
bf getting young people back home
when they are found loitering,
It will be back to the books for
Shelton and Mason County young-
sters next week as classes get
started for another school year.
Most of the schools in.the coun-
ty will open Tuesday, some with
full-day sessions and some with
short sessions.
Mary M. Knight School got the
jump on the others starting class-
es Wednesday in order to get in a
little extra time which will allow
for time to move into the new
school building when it is com-
school year in Shelton will get un-
derway Friday with a teacher's
A coffee hour will be held from
8:30-9 a.m. in Evergreen school to
be followed at 9 a.m. by a general
meeting for all teachers which will
last until about 10 a.m.
i At 10 a.m., teachers will go to
the building in which they will
teach for orientation meetings.
Classes will start Tuesday with
a full day of classes for all ex-
cept first grade and kindergarten
regular schedules and the cafeter
ias will be serving lunches the
first day.
The district will have 10 new
teachers this year.
They are Tom Aaron. driver
training; Richard Bottotff. Rogers
School; Byron Deffinbaugh, Bor-
deaux; Mrs. Genieve Hughes, Ber-
t deaux; Wsrren Johnson, Ever-
green; Ruth Koenig, junior high;
Mrs. Joan McWilliams, Evergreen;
Mrs. Annalisa Lunsford. Mt. View;
Mrs. Edith Mayer, Bordeaux, ann
Mrs. Marion Ulmer, junior high.
Because the new central kitchen
facilities at Irene S. Reed school
are not completed, the hot lunch
program for Shelton Junior ano
senior high school students will be
on a cash basis for the first mon-
th of the new school term. Princi-
pal Frank Willard announced this
Until the new kitchen facilities
are finisbed, junior and senior
high lunches, will be prepared at
the junior high and the Grant An-
gle school kitchens. During this
period no lunch tickets will be is-
su eft: an(teall 10nehe-wi-H 'be ,.iw'.
cash basis with no charges accept-
ed, Wiltard said,
Hunter $a&ty
I Course Soon
The last hunter safety course for
Mason County youngsters before
hunting season this year will be
bold Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday evenings in the court
house, Sheriff D. S. (Sam) Clark
said this week.
The classes will start at 7 p.m.
each of the three evenings in the
court room on the second floor of
the court house. All persons under
18 who have not previonsly had a
hunting" license must take the
course in order to get one, Clark
Anyone interested in taking the
course should contact the sheriff's
office to make arrangements.
Jac00,mn, RosellM To Be Here
Sen. and Mrs. Henry M. Jackson
Sen. Henry M.
Albert Rosellini will be th e fea-
ture speakers at a Jefferson-Jack-
son Day dinner here Wednesday.
The dinuer will start at 8 p.m.
ill the Shelton Memorial Hall with
a social hour scheduled from 6:30
8 p.m,
The dinner is sponsored by the
Mason County Democrat Central
!:i::i Committee. Tickets nmy be ob-
!!ii tarried from precinct committee-
men or from members of the Dem-
:ocrat club.
Roy Ritner is chairman of tim
Rep. Julia Butler Hanson was in-
vited to attend, but notified the lo-
cal gt'uup [m wou be ubl to.
aid this
:the ferry
as well as
a out of
Put back
SIMPSON EXPANSION--This aerial view of the expanding lumber, plywood
veneer and fiber processing plants of Simpson Timber Company presents one of the
largest concentrations of all-wood manufacturing buildings in the United States.
Simpson plant roofs will cover more than 10 acres on Shelton waterfront when
the first phase of a $21,000,000 plant expansion and improvement program for
Simpson operations in Washington, Oregon and California is completed early next
Additional Shelto'n waterfront
eonstructiou will begin immediate-
ly as part of Simpson Timber Com-
pany's $21 million expansion and
modernization program announced
last week for its Washington, Ore-
son and California operations.
Chief Plant Engineer Ken Good
reports that the shell of the new
veneer plant is expected to be com-
pleted next week, on schedule,
and work on expanding the dry
lumber manufacturing facilities
will begin at once.
The veneer plant, which will peel
and dry veneer for Simpson ply-
wood plants at Shelton. McCleary
and Olympia zs scheduled to begin
year. Largest building, shown in background, is new plywood veneer plant ex-
tending more than one-quarter mile and covering 5Y2 acres. It will open in March,
1964. Buildings in central area are first phase of dry lumber manufacturing plant
which will annually produce 91 million bd. ft. of lumber for rail shipment to
American markets. Sawmills serving Simpson's domestic and international trade
are in foreground.
ufacturing projects arc:
Construction of a new double
track dry ldln, Simpson's fifth at
Construction of a 400-foot long
addition to the dry lumber stor-
age shed. covermg 44.200 sq. ft.
ConsUction of a new 150 x
154-foot planing mill building with
one new planer; the building will
cover 23,000 sq. ft. and connecting
structures for sorting and unload-
ing will cover an additional 16,800
sq. ft.,
Relocation of No. 1 Planer (tim-
her sizer), moving it next to the
existing No. 2 Planer.
installation of an eight sort.
building), a lumber packaging ma-
chine and an automatic surfaced
lumber sorter.
These projects are lesigned to
increase production of dry lumber,
educe costs and improve Sinap-
son's lumber merchandising, ac-
cording to H. A. Ahlskog, mana-
ger, fir and hemlock sawmills di-
The new ldln will boost Slap-
son's mmual dry lumber produc-
tion by 19 million bd. ft. to a to-
tal of 91 million bd. ft., about 60
percent of the Company's annual
sawnfill production in Shelton.
THE NEW K[LN also will
launch Simpson into dry Douglas
, lock and a little Idaho white pine other $11 million will be invested
have been dried, in Simpsor's lumber, plywood, ehe-
Thus, in of 28 months, mical an," woodfiber production
Simpson:will have accomplished a in 1964-65-66:
eha.nge ia course from a marketer :Most of the $10 million being
of green lumber e.xelusively to a invested this year is for the .v0a-
predominantly dry shipper. In eer and dry lumber manufactu-
1961: competition from Canadian
mills reached a disastrotm level.
particularly in cargo hemlock.
Simpson turned to .kilns in order
to market its hemlock, which ac-
counts for about half the timber
harvested annually in the Shelton
Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit.
Simpson President. C. H. Bacon.
Jr.. in announcing the $21 million
program, said $10 million is be-
ing at Shelton and expanded ply-
wood production capacity at Kla-
math and Eureka. Calif.
The new construction in Shelton
will form one of the largest all-
wood manufacturing concentra-
tions in the U.S. The veneer plant
alone stretches 1,320 feet (a quar-
tel" of a mile) and covers five
and one half acres. Every building
features plywood, sawe'd timbers
operation early next year. rough green lumber yard sorter, fir markets. Heretofore only hem- ing spent this year and that an- and laminated beams.
INCLUDED IN the new reman-la hunber splitter (in the planer
• " "ty Cells At
Eight Youths Arrested Maxmmum Secur,
€orrectuons Center Descr, bed
in Probe Of Break-ins
[ By DENNY tIINrON .%NOTltEI{ ONE of the few fix - arae dining wings, attached, to tim
t One may gaze in wonder at the tures in the stereotype maximum building, underground to the hos-
• ma,tve structm:es.t the Vta'sh,,
'''nJ 18-year-old Shelton youth lalrbo)s on whom the invegtigati0n ington Correciors. C2qnter near
has been charged with breaking has bSn completed was turned Shelton. but a Space only six-feet
and enteTing and two others have / over to Prosecuting Attorney By- I six-inches by eight.-feet tells a
been remanded to Superior Court ron MeClanahan and Juvenile Pro- [ good portion of the confinement
by the juvenile court as the result bation ofeer Marvin Christensen. story.
of an investigation by the Shelton He said there were still sever- ' That's right---it's a ceil. but no
Police Department. al more boys and some girls to be ordinary one. This is a maximum
In addition, five juveniles are questioned in the investigation, al- security cubicle located, naturally,
being handled by the juvenile pro- though the major portion of the l i n the maximum security building.
batten officer, investigation is complete.
Willard Moffatt. 18. Shelton, CHRISTENSEN said there are / THIS CELL is one of 1O in-
was booked in Mason County jail five juveniles on whom he is con- eluded in a cell block. There are
this week on a charge of break- ducting an investigation on the 24 cell blocks in the building equal-
ing and entering, basis of the infer'marion furnished I ling a total of 240 identical individ-
REMANI)ED TO superior court by Sgt. Santamaria. One of the ual cells planned to be the temp-
were Gerald Wagner and l<ay Nell- five will probably oe remanded to orary home for 240 prisoners. One
son. both 18, charged with breaM- superior court because. Christen- hilly tiled shower is contained at
ins and entering as the resnlt of sen said. his office does not hen- one end of each cell block. The
a break-in at Mr_ View school in dle cases involving married peg- construction and installation of
which a number of items were re- sons even though they arc under, these cells is under contract to
moved from the school and hidden age. the Pauley Jail Building Co., of
in the brush nearby. The juveniles are mostly 16 and St. Louis, Me.
Sgt. Vincent J. Santamaria ot 17-year-olds. "Everything in the cells is ins-
the Shelton Police Department The investigation has cleared up toned with security or temper-
who has been conducting" the in- a number of burglaries in the city proof fasteners," said Ron Jones,
vestigation, said information on and county, a coordination and detailing en-
gineer for :iutnal Valle Construe-
lion Co. The reason for this is so
Mason County Fair Has getthe anythingpnS°nerSloose.may not be able to
The only exception to this Is
Good Crowd New Home bunks. They were welded to
steel pads insterted in the wall
around which the concrete was
The best attended Mason Coun- fastest hammer in um women's later poured, Jones said.
ty Fair in several years closed lnail drivmg contest with Mrs.
Sunday evening at its new home at I James Hickson second.
the Shetton airport. Winners in the varions 4-It con-
During the cay event more tests included:
tllan 7.000 persons visited the fair [ 4-II Ilnme It{qrovcment Judghg
grounds to view the exhibits and Contest: Sally Wolf, first; Karen
see the various parts of the pro-lSternquist ' second; Patty Mell,
gram. ',third, and Colleen Shrmn,' fourth
Fair offielaIs Were pleased with Jtmior Foods Judging Contest--
tlm turnout, which was well above 4-II: Robin Bakke, first; Robert
any attendance figure for the old Jackson, second; Bob Ruddell, and
lair grounds in the Shelton Valley. Alcca Ruddell, third (tie) ; and
Fair Manager Clive Troy said binda Anseth, fourth.
"the success of the 1963 Mason 4-H Senior Foods Judging Con-
County Fair was due to goodplan- test: Colleen Shrum, first; Sandy
ning by the fair board with the Lyman, second; Carolyn Auseth,
very able assistance of Carl Izett third, and Ruth Ann Trotzer,
as chief architect and construe- fourth.
tion foreman. 4-H Junior Clothing Judging
"THE SPLENDII) cooperation Oon|est: Beth Crumb, first; Kathy
of the various organizations andBoltender, second; Gall Bailey,
many individuals too numerous to third and Becky Jackson, fourth.
aention were also a big factor. 4-ti Senilor Clotifing Judging
"The management wishes to lContest: Pmfla Wood, first; Ruth
thank all who have given so much / Ann Trotzer, second; Doris Hick-
of their time, energy and mater-]son, third; and Etta Swcaringen,
ials to make a real show. fourth.
"WitI1, more buildings aud bet- IContintlcd on l'ag(, 2
tcr facilities We Can expect a real ,--7-7 , ,
good county fair ,text yea,"'. Institution Not
Troy commented that clean-up
crews" had found an Atkins hand
,w, a set of ca," keys and a lady's Open To Visitors
ear ring and that £he oners call Tim %Vasilillgton Correctioms
ela.inl t.hcna.
Center is not; open to visitors at
Among tile missing, hc said,, anytime beea,use of the inherent
vcere a , O-loot extensio,l C ¢,, U,"() dailj,r inveh,ed with the. tillfin-
green metal chairs and a hannner, islmd project, Ted luadson, gcn-
T%VANOH GIIANGE took top erai manager of Mutual Yaile
honors in the Grange Booth con- Construethm Co., said this week.
test with second phtce going to l(0tudsol| made his plea. again
Agate Grange and third to Pro- this week affter recent freebies
grcss Grange.
with more mgltt.-seers t'onliug
Garry Oakes was the wimmr of to viMt flu, instilution all the
tlle high Point trophy in /tie horse time, "espeehdly on weekends".
show Satlu'day aflernoon, colnpil- It just isn't mile, hc dd.
inS the highest total points in the l{nu(is(n: v(anmaea prospect-
various events, ire, tonrist. that tlmre will be an
X inncrs of thc pig scramble open house tnur of the project at
contest were Patsy Miltenbexgw', its comliletion next yea,r.
sandy Lynlau, andy Churchill, __
Danny H.agan and Mrs. Sally SeN
To m
PP" g the calf ridin-' event Room and time assigmneuts for
S.aturdab. afternoon were Stanley kindergarten and first grade. I
mn Altle Tome oun sters m the Shelton chool
. '. ".1 ' ", David Williams Y gs " " ]
inn JO Ann Cole system for the first day of school I
M', Cleave • : "-, " • ..... car ca Pa"e 2,
ubmua wxekied theS:ucdY aII g
security a .radio outlet box,
On the outlet will be L pigs f0i
ear phones, volume control' knd a
Station selectbr knob. Prisoner's
will be allowed to listen to three
radio statioris to be pro-screened
by the staff, the engineer com-
b Aut third installation is a mirror,
it'S not the kind you would
see in most homes today. This
reflector is nde of one-eighth-
inch steel which has been chrome
plated and polished. Why not
glass? "Because it's breakable."
said Jones in answer to the ques-
Another big feature is the water
closet and sink contbination. It
ts constructed of oncpiece cast
alumimmt with push-button fit-
tings instead of knobs "So they
can't be removed or tampered
with", commented Jones.
c Several other cell fixtures in-
ludea clothing shelf with hooks,
small writing table and a light.
THE PIISONERS to be housed
in these walls will not be able
Dital-if necessary and to the vis-
Iting room of the Control btiild
ins, Jones said.
Back in his own cell again, the
inmate has a very limited, took at
the outside world, as I experienced.
",lust trying to look outside
would make me crazy," said one
member of the Rotary club whe
the club visited the institution lasg
week. I share the same feeling.
IPIIKtM: INSIDE the cell, one
has to look through three differ-
ent constructions before seeing the
world around. First, vision is re-
stricted by one's own cell bars;
second, there are horizontal win-
dew muntins ,part of sheet metal
window frames which span every
six inches in the window wall);
third, holes in the security screen
three inches wide and 11 inches
high• But there are no bars on
the windows.
This maximum security building
will be a distribution point for ev-
ery male prisoer coming to the
institution, Jones said. l-om here
the prisoners will be transferred
to mix with medium or minimum to medium or minimum security
security inmates. Most of these buildings at the Corrections Cen-
men's time will be spent in their ter or be taken to another state
cells. They may be allowed out- institution, he explained.
Side their small confinement only B
y then I d had enough of the
for regularly scheduled exercise place. It has a tendency to give
periods, to eat in one of three sop- you the creeps after a while.
OUTSIDE LOOKING IN--ThiS Journal: photo chrome-p!ad and polished, and the jackpiug for
shows a typical maximum security cell in the .max padio earphone connections. The bunk and wPit!ng
imum seourity building at the Washington €ol table is located on the left, The barred cell doors,
rections Center near Shelton. On the back walt which are open now, are e!ectrlcalty controlled
is the one-piece water closet-sink combination, the fom a central point in each ¢11 block,
one,cightl inch steel nitu'or hih 'ha" hcmv ..... ..........