August 29, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 29, 1963 |
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Anna Fordyce, 92
Passes Thursday
Anna Fordyce, Route 1 Box 100.
passed away Thursday in Shel-
ton Manor Nursing Home at the
age of 92. She was born Oct. 23.
1.871 in Randers. Denmark. She
had been a resident of Mason
County 54 years.
Funerql services were held Sat-
nrday at 10 a.m in Batstone Fun-
oral Home. Rev. Clarence Lody of-
ficiated. Interment was in Shelton
Memorial Park.
She is survived by two daugh-
ters, Mrs. Annetta Carlson, Aber-
deen and Mrs. Mabel Johnson,
T_Nff.00 "o-
Sure hope you enjoy this lit-
tle column we intend to bring
to you each week and. although
we plan to touch many, many
subjects in which the automo-
bile is the principal subject,
you can anticipate our touching
on many other tales of th, hi-
ways and by-ways in this, our
column, "WHEELING" . . .
There are many cars that
have stirred men's souls in the
more than half a century oi
automotive history . . . Tens
of thousands of ears have been
designed, but only an elite few
will always be remembered . . .
Cherished chariots that struck
fire in the hearts of men . . .
Among these were the great
power gliders of the race
tracks - high wheeled, hare
riding and brass bright, their
gaudy guts growling with pow-
er, great iron engines spewing
the magic perfme of castor
oil . . . These were the giants
of the road . . . The stuff a
man's dreams are made of . .
Next week we're going bacl
to 1916 and the Pierce Arrow,,.
PRICE . . . For all your TIRE
or USED tires available at
MERV'S TIRECAP . . . 1st &
COTA . . . 426-8104.
Copr. 1960 Std. Features of Wn.
Services In Auburn
For Belfair Man
Funeral services were held at
2 p.m. Monday in Price Funeral
Chapel. Auburn, for Harvey AI
Alf, 71, Belfair. Burial was in
Anbm'n Cemetery.
Mr. Alf died at his home in Bel-
fair A]fg'. 22.
He was born in Howell Comity,
Me.. Feb. 14. 1891 and came to
Kent in 1906 and to Auburn in
1914. He operated a taxi business,
thinking and fnel business in An-
burn until 1947 when he went to
Colville in 1947. He moved to Ton-
asker in 1956 and to Belfair in
Survivors include his wife, Mary
Annie. Belfair: one son Vernon.
Spokane; three daughters, Mrs.
Helen Swihart Midway; Mrs. Ors
Garner, Sumner. and Mrs. Mary
Belle MeGinnis Tacoma: one step-
son, Claude Ransome. Belfair. and
one step-daugbter, Mrs. Gladys
Graves, Spokane and one sister, I
Mrs. Marie ............. Hudson, Tacoma.
Francis J. Bowers
Taken By Death
Death claimed Francis J. Bow-
ers of Tacoma on Tuesday, Aug.
20 at home. Mr. *$3owers had
worked and lived in Mason County
until his retirement in 1951.
Rosary was said on Ag. 22 at
8 p.m. by Mr. Dan Brown. Funer-
al services wme conducted by
Batstone Funeral Home on Fri-
day at 2 p.m. Father Wiechmann
officiated. Burial was in Holy
Cross Cemetery.
• Survivors include a sister. Mrs.
Lucy Beatty, Tacoma; two daugh-
ters, Mrs. Thelma Reynolds, Cou-
lee Dam. Wash., and Mrs. Helen
Bloomfield. Brinnon; four grand-
children. 16 great grandchildren
and several nieces and nephews.
High Low Precip
August 21 ........ 74 52 ,10 in.
August 22 ........ 70 55
August 23 ........ 73 56 .07 in.
August 24 ........ 70 54 .11 in.
August 25 ........ 71 55 .01 in.
August 26 ........ 75 53
August 27 ........ 80 47
Sales at the Shelton store of the
State Liquor" Control Board were
$29,339.60 during July, it was
reported this week. The sales con-
sisted of $26.159.80 in retail sales
and $3,179.80 in class H sales.
only Garland makes it.
Creamy knit,
dreamy colors,
with dainty white ec ffng
and jewel neck
to dress it (and you) up.
Of course it goes
beautifully with all
of our Garland
classic skirts.
_j $7.95 to $16.95
$8.95 io $16.95
$8.95 g up
100% wool
Vern Miller, Owner
409 Railroad Ave.
Gene Hanson, Mann{let
Ph. 426-6432
EHELTON--MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL--PubIished ill (Christmastown U.g.A.", Shelton. Washington
Kindergarten, F00,st Grade
Time, Room Assignments Set
These are the room and time Mrs. ,Va.qmr, level 3--12:30-2:45
assignments for first graclers and
ldndergarten students in the Shel-
ton school syslen-x for the first (lay
of school Tuesday.
The yo|m?,si.ers begin regular
classes Wednesday with the first
graders going all day and the kin-
dergartcn pupils in either the nmr-
ning el' :q.lternooM session.
Evergreen S(.hool. Mrs. MacWil-
Items, Morning Session -- 9-
111:]5 a.m.
Valor'to A1]noch. Nancy Archer.
Christine Bacon. Frederic Bedell.
Debra Sue Castle. Rachel Christ-
ensen. Donald Coots. John Din'kin.
Darlene Ferris. Toni Lynn Fonzo,
Sandra Lee Glaset. Vicki Good]',).
Daniel Hartwell. Donald Hartwcll.
Clayton Hayes. Robert Holtorf,
Michael Hovind.
Morning" Session--10:30-11:45
Pamela Hunter, Christopher
Jackson. Jennifer Knudsen, Diane
Look. Patty Lund. Bradley Lyman,
Terrie Lee Moran. Muriel Nelson.
Valerie egg, Christopher Palmer,
Dehorah Rebman, Robert Roller-
son, Brenda Snvder. Janice Vik,
Thomas Williams, Mitchell Wilson,
Lori Jo Yost.
Afternoon session - 12:30-1:45 l).m.
David Austin, James Barrett,
Mary Kay Bee, Naomi Carlson,
Terry Dion, Pamela Ellingsworth,
Gone Greenfield. Rick Grover. Car-
la Hartley, Michele Hines. Sherrie
Johnson, James Kieburtz. Bridget
Kneeland, Steve Koch. April Kuhr,
Marilee Matson. Judy Miller.
Afternoon session - 1:45-3:00 p.m.
Brian Moo. B'uce Monger, MeN
via Morgan, Lori Nelson. James
Parker, Andy Perkins, Kelly Pier-
son, Brett Remsberg, Colleen
Roach. Lorl Sehnader, Faye Shaw,
Rebekah Stein. GreGory Tanner,
Pamela Wiley, Susan Wyatt, Greg-
ory York,
Mt. View School - Mrs. Dayton:
Morning Session - 9-10:I5 ram.:
Janice Barnes, Alan Bennett.
Scott Beyer, James Christy, Geral-
dine Cross, Jennifer Cross, Mich-
ael Doak. Lee Doherty, Shannon
Duffey, Douglas Farrell Charlotte
Hansen, Mark Johnston Marilyn
Kahny, Douglas Kingery, Karen
Kramer. Teryle LeGarde.
Morning Session - 10:30-11:45:
Coleen Lund. Kristie Manke Be-
linda Nielsen, Wendie Phillips,
Dennis Reed. Jeff cry Shortridge,
Kurt Stacy, Michael Smith. Kevin
Voss, Rebecca Wick. Arthur Wig-
ton. Pamela Whitney, Susan Wood.
Kimberly Wright, Terry Young,
Jay Zamzow.
Afternoon-session - 12:30-1:45 p.m.
Vicki Barrett. Lawrence Baze,
Randa] Bostrom. Caroline Chap-
Fell, Victor Cummings, Patrick
Datlam, Elizabeth Fleteher, Stew
en Ford. Sharee Franklin, Michael
Goodwin, Frank Gullett Michael
Gullett, Bill Hanna. Sally Havens.
Rose Henson, Donald Howard.
Afternoon session - 1:45-3:00 p.m.
Michael Johnson. Peggy Kane.
Therese Mallinger, Gary MiMe-
thun. Deborah Miller. Wayne Rae,
Brad Richard. Herbert Savage,
Terry Silcox. Joseph Simpson, Lo-
retta Simpson. Mark Simpson,
Wesley Stockwell, Jimmy Thomp-
son, Cheri Tibbits.
Bordeaux School - Mrs, Buzzard:
Morninff session - 9-10:15 a.m.:
Car61 Aitken. Kenneth Aitken.
Lori Asche. June Barren. Robert
Borning, John Buechel Terry
Claussen. Joseph Coleman, Richard
Florek. Miehelle Getty, Douglas
Howard, George Johnson, Paul Ks-
rain, Brian Kangas, Lori Lambert,
Candiee Lisk, Dennis Neal.
lIorning Session - 10:30-11:45 a.m.
MeriAnn Nichols, Bruce Nutt,
Scott O'Dell. Carleen Schumacher,
Martha Sewell. JanMarie Sherid,
Robert Smith Kathleen Steinberg,
Daniel Taylor, Robert Twidwell.
James Venzke, Paul Visminas.
Cindy Woodard, Charles Wright,
Donald Young.
Afternoon session - 12:30-1:45 u.m.
Kathleen Becket. Robert Blair,
Blain Burgess, Sherry Chaplin,
Walter Cowles, Scott Davidson.
Michael Dittman, Kathy Downing,
Gaff Fuller. Sherri Goodburn.
James Henderson, Walter Hooker,
Stanley Karvanek, 3ohn Keyzers,
Pat Keyzers. Johnny LaBresh, Ke-
via Leimback.
Afternoon Session - 1:45-3:00 p.m.
Daniel Larson, Kenneth Lewis,
Peggy McNamara Alan Miljour,
Chert Moore, Doris Morris, Scott
Myers, Tracy Ridout, Margaret
Robinson. Richard Salee. Brett
Simpson, Dale Stansbury, Ruthann
Thompson, Julie Robey, Carol Val-
ley, Sari Wermlinger, Daniel
Evergreen Sehooh
Mrs. Moss - 9-11:15 a.m.
Erik Anderson, Bill Bryant, Bob-
by Christensen, Diane Cole, Chris
Cook, Joe Darden, Leigh Devaney,
Joan Gibson, Bonnie Greenfield,
Deborah Hayes, Debbie Huisingh,
Debbie Johnson, Jon Laugen, Stev-
en Lindsey, Brad Lowe, Debby
Morgan, Anita Hurd, Lauru Jack-
Mrs. Moss - 12:30-2:45 p.m.
Charlene Mounts, Ryan Otne.
Karmel Parker, Ginger Ring, Todd
Seoles, Ted Simmons, Kim Snyder,
David Steensen. Floy Sternberg,
Diane Stewart, John Stewart, Ri-
chard Stockwell. Shelley Sund
Jeanie Van DeRiet. Tracy Welan-
der, Mary Wittenberg.
Mrs. Wagner, level 19-11:15 a.m.
Debbie Browning, Frank Christ-
ian." Mary Lynn Cress. Richard
Durkin. Ricky Gish, Roland Hut-
son. Debby Kane. Mark Lycan; Mi-
chael Martin, Debts Mull, Lyle
Renecker, Matt Smith, Billy Stein.
Mark Way, Shelley York,
Richy Aldrich Shaune Dolan,
Kevin Kangas, Bobby Keyzers, Er-
ie Kimball Panl Livingston, Mar-
vin Nicholson. Susan Perrine, Paul
RoLertson. Nettle Sewell. gvonne
MI. View Selrool:
i'h's. Shimek - 9-ll:15 a.m.
Jill Be:geson. Larry Bradley, Ja-
nice Brown. Alan Clark. Carrie
Cross. Shawn Dallam. Edith Dens-
!ey, Ronald Dickinson, Barbara
Dorcy, Patti Dougherty, Liana
t,'o:'d, Cathy Hanson. Robyn Han-
son Tami Jacobsen.
Mrs. Shimek - 12:30-2:45 p.m.
Jackie Jolley, Joan Kahny, Kar-
nm Knight, Stan Kaszyeki, Danny
Knutson, Gary Nelson, Cheryl
Oakes. Alan mith, Sam Staey,
Linda Shfller. Jan Turner. Connie
Tuson, David Wick. Larry vVood.
Mrs. Jefferson - 9-11:15 a.m.
Teresa Avery, Micky Britt Shel-
ly Brown. Steven Coleman, Dennis
Fraisure, Allan Freeto, Julie John-
son, Carolyn Joslin, Karen King-
ery, Russell LaMent, David Leahy,
Linda Little. Joyce Lund, Ronald
Mrs. Jefferson- 12:30-2:45 l).m.
Scott Manke, Jeff McGee, Do-
reen egg, Shane egg, Judy Pile,
Bonnie Pitts, Donald Rae. Curt
Reed. Susan Ruddell, Delbert
Schnitzer. Michael Smith. Pamela
Sollock. Beverly Wilson. Duane
Mrs. MeArthur - 9-1h15 ram.
Becie Boxdorfer, Mike Coots.
Jim Demers, Ray Evers, Chris
Farreli, Ray Goodwin, Debra HeN
ser. Karen Kellog, Russell Krum-
pels, Toni Lewis, Kim McQuilkin,
Grog Mallinger.
Mrs. McArthur- 12:30-2:45p.m.
Bobby Morken, Wayne Pile,
John Rock, Craig Sawyer, Donald
Smith, Kip Stacy, Nicki Stoner,
Billy Stuart Ray Taylor, David
Trail Debts ,Vatters, Karl Mac
Bordeaux Sehooh
Mrs. Goodwin - 9-11:15 a.m.
Debra Aitken, Lori Auseth Mi-
chael Baeman. Scott Barnard.
James Barren, Renee Bogrand. Pa-
tricia Brewer. David Carlson. Al-
an Clark. Donald Cole, Thomas
Cruickshank, William Culpepper,
Alvin Eagle, Ronali Fosdick.
Mrs. Goodwin - 12:30-2:45 p.m.
Paula George, Timothy Gillie,
Merrieann Godding, Laura Hath-
away, John Hurst, Gregory John-
son, Kareh Kytta, Douglas Lane,
Dale McDaniels, Connie Putvin.
DeeAnn Nroh,, les "Waldrip,
Rick Wtinery.
Mrs. Mayer - 9-11:15 a.m.
Crystal Boring, Dine Decicio,
Randy Houle, Shelly Johnston,
Julie Kamin. Tammy Hulbert,
Sherri Knight, Patricia Landis,
Timothy Linn. Susan McNamara,
Jay Morris, Debra Morrill)n, Tina
Mrs. Mayer - 12:30-2:45 p.m.
Dale Rae. Cary Sanpe, Barbara
Senn. Mary Senn. Martin Settle,
Lauren Smith. Glenn Thomure,
Doug Twidwell, Rhonda Twidwell,
Mark Wilson, Beverly Willson,
Cynthia Zamzow.
Mrs. Tindall - 9-11:15 a.m.
Tammy Anderson, Donna Blan-
ton. Edward Bloomfield, Robert
Boelk, Terry Bolduc, Judy Caul-
Bui/ding Permit PreSch0ol Registration Set
Suit Action
h Delayed
A request from 14 residents of
the affected area. asking that
they be heard, delayed action in
Mason County Superior Com't Fri-
day on a disputed building per-
mit for' an auto wrecking yard.
W. A. Norris is seeking a court
order to reverse the decision of
the conntv commission that he not
be granted a building permit fro'
the construction of a building for
lhe storage and sale of used auto
parts at the intersection of Mill
Creek Road and Highway 101.
GLEN CORREA. representing a
group of residents of the area wlm
oppose granting the permit, filed
a motion in Superior Court Friday
asking that they I the residents of
fhe area) be alh)wed to intervene
as respondents in the suit to pre-
sent, evidence to support the com-
mission action.
5ohn Ragas. attorney for Nor'-
ris, objected to spewing the mo-
tion for intmentioa.
Judge Raymond Clifford set Fri-
day as the date for a hearing on
Correa's motion.
'PILE MOTION for intervention
delayed setting a date fez" hear-
ing the case. which had been ex-
pected in court Friday.
The court will have to rule on
whether or not the residents of the
area will be allowed to enter" the
case before a qearing date is set
to decide the issue.
(Continuod From Page I)
Championship Canning Rossette:
Kay Loertscher and Carolyn Ans-
eth in a ie. Each girl will receive
a Rossette.
Champion Foods Rossette: Ken-
ny Bare.
J. C. Penney Award: Sandra Be-
de with Karen Sternquist as al-
National 4-H Dress Revue Con-
testant: Sally Wolf.
State 4-I1 Dress Rexate Contest-
ant: Carolyn Auseth with Ruth
Ann Trotzer as alternate.
Child Care: Carol Evers and
Alecea Ruddell (tie).
Home Improvement: Kay Loert-
scher, first; and Doris Hickson,
Money bIanaffement: Beth Quim-
by, first: Sally Wolf, and Colleen
Shrum, second (tie).
Electric: Tom Trotzer and Les-
lie Snyder tied for" first, and Chuck
Sheppard third.
field, Ronald Freeman. Kim
Griggs, Richard Howell. John Kim-
merly, Mikel Grona Lorraine La-
Mrs. Thdal] - 12:30-2:45 p.m.
Marina LeGault, Donald Lisk,
Robert Livingston, Joy Nesiell.
Linda Nestell. Tens Nest'ell, Jot-
da Nutt Alan Saeger, Benjamin
Thomason. Kenneth Vatters. Lor-
raine Wivell. Virginia Wright.
Thurs., Aug. 29 (Buck Nite)
Troy Donohue, Sandra Dee
Troy Donohue, Connie Stevens
Fri., Sat,, Sun.. Men.,
Aug. 30 - Sept. 2
Charlton Heston, Sophia Loren
Howard Keel
At Hoodsport School Sept. 3
by Kathy Gray
HOODSPORT Hood Canal Pre-
School registration will be from 9
a.m to 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Sept.
3 at Hoodspor School. Registra-
tion fees will be accepted. Par-
ents will have a short business
meeting while children get ac-
quainted. For nmre informatim]
contact Mrs Rudy Schwab or
Mrs. John Pill.
Bill Bryant, Larry Spaulding and
Rick Peterson took a four day
hike last week. They started at
the Duckabush River and hiked to
Hart and Marmot Lakes. From
there they went to O'neil Pass and
around to Anderson Pass. then out
the Dosewalips River. They hiked
47fi miles while it rained every
C]'Hlnb and Carolyn Schwab are at
Black Lake Bible Camp this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goodpaster
traveled to Port Alberni. Canada
and took a four day boat trill They
also spent two days in Victoria.
Mr. and Mrs. \\;Vebb are having
open house Sept. 6 from 2 to 5
p.rn. at timir home on the Hamma
Harems River' for Mrs. Allie Ahl
who will be celebrating her 96th
Birthday. They request no gifts.
Mrs. Ann Anderson and Mrs.
Mary Elaine Dickenson had Sew-
ing Club Wednesday evening at
Anderson's home. The club gave
Mrs. Maxine Peterson a going
away gift.
Bob Smith and Norm Gray trav-
eled to Neah Bay for a few days.
The trip was a great success, as
they came home with their limit
of fish.
VISITING MR. and Mrs. W. G
Mohrmann are Mike Howard from
North Ridge, Calif.. and Mrs.
Mohrmann's mother. Mrs. E. Hall
fTom Maywood, Calif.
Miss Pare Gable from Redondo
is visiting her aunt and uncle. Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Calahan.
Jerry Smith has been visiting at
Pleasant Harbor with his cousin.
Darrell Peterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Schmidt trav-
eled to Victoria. B.C. and during
their stay visited Buchart Gardens.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peterson and
family spent the weekend in
Woodburn, Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hale and
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Calahan went
to Seattle to see "Camelot."
Plays©hod Is Being
Organized Again
Playschool for pro-school young-
sters in Shelton is being organ-
ized for another year.
All children ages three to five
are eligible. They participate in
group play, stores, rhythm band
and educational puzzles.
A montl:ly fee is charged to
cover epenses of the program.
Anyone interested may call Mrs.
Calvin Poe, 426-8658 or Mrs. Al-
bert Luhm, 426-'6105.
On the docket in
Court Monday
Halbert were
beke. no valid
.12. forfeit:
drnuk in public,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smitt and err P. Major. drun
family traveled to Yakima to visit forfeit: Rov F.
their' son. Kenny. possession of liqU¢
Mr. and Mrs. John Shm'tsleeves Dqlc L. Taylor,
have returned from their visit in sion of and
Buck Night Every Night
Wed. Thurs., Fri., Sat..
Aug. 28-31
Which one is the strongest?
Steve Reeves
Sun., Men., Tues., Sept. 1-3
John Wayne, Ricky Nelson
Glenn Ford, S. MacLaine
Mrs. Bunnic Denison. M'rs. ,Io-
Ann Grubb. Mrs. Shells Tolcr an(
Mrs. Charolette Winne traveled to
a P.T.A. Leadership Conference at
Olympic Junior College in Brem-
erton last Tuesday and Wednes-
John Denison went to a Pacific
Oyster Growers Convention m
Vancouver. B.C. last Wednesdqy,
Thm'sday and Fridqy.
Visiting Mrs, Anna Johnson were
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Alexander and
Sally from Seattle,
Ann Grubb and Mrs. Vcrna Rae
were the hostesses of a double ba-
by shower for' Mrs. Ronald Koenig
and Mrs. Terry Morse last Thurs-
day evening at Mrs. Toler's home.
There were 16 guests and prizes
were won by Mrs. Janice Cwait-
kowski. Mrs. Dean Fieldhouse and
Mrs. Arlene Nesbit.
Visiting in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gone Spaulding are Mr. and
Mrs. James Thnrman and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Yeager and
family - all of San Diego, Calif.
They are here to attend the wedd-
ing of Jim Thurman to Sandi Yea-
ger Monday evening at the Hoods-
port Church. The young couple
plan to make Hoodsport their
forfcit; Scott W.
in possession and
uor. $25 fm.feit; Lee
minor in
suming liquor,
E. Wilson.
forfeit : George
ishing liquor
and $2.50
drunk in public,
See Our
A qual00ly tlr.,,
al a prloe P"
can afford,
Plymouths - Valiants
(Sorry All Sold Out On ChrysleD
Cars Factory Equipped With
Undercoat Back-up Light'
Some with Automatic Tra
Power Steering and other
6 Cyl. & V-8
Ask us about Our Special oeal o
Our Executive Cars.
1 - Plymouth and 1 - Valiant
Our 1964 Models Will Be Here shorllY
We Musl Make Room
Rayonier Incorporated
Olympic Research Division
Shelton, Washington
Shelton, Wash.
Aug. 29, 1963
Fellow Citizens-
Sept. 3 marks the opening Of
most schools m our .area. This
means hundreds of children will be
at play, or going to and from
school, which necessitates crossing
many streets. This is where you
come in. Obey signals, stow down,
watch, save a child's life.
We're proud of our low accident
record in the past . • • thanks to
your cooperation. We must resolve
that not one accident will occur
this year. Let's outlaw traffic tra-
gedies from our community.
Each one of us must accept the
responsibility for m a k i n g our
streets safe for everyone. Drive
Frank Tracts, Jr.
Mayor of Shelton
Chief of Police
A public service sponsored by
AS THE big parade back to school be-
gins, it's time for you, as a responsible
driver, to go "on the alert". Especially
near schools, drive so that you can
"stop on a dime" .... and make sure
that your brakes are in shape to let you
do that. Keep a sharp eye out for chil=
dren crossing the streets, riding bikes,
chasing balls into traffic, at play most
anywhere. Wisely count a minute gain-
ed as trifling when weighed in the bal-
ance of a young life lost. Drive always
as if every child on the streets were
your own.