August 29, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 29, 1963 |
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approved by
ROnald Barnes.
Dahl, gar-
dock. $215:
dock $150 :
$150; L O.
Leo M, Tay-
and gel Jolm-
W. Johnson.
residence, $4.-
dock. $150:
wood resi-
?k Carney, car-
Anders(;n, re-
Lhe Harstine Is-
Week ending
it was re-
Slwlton General IIoslfltal
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Miklethun,
Route 3. Box 326. a girl, Aug. 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harper,
707 Franklin. a boy, Aug. 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Holt, 307
North 5th. a girl, Aug. 28.
¢ ¢ :::
Clinic Itospital
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thompson,
P.O. Box 513 a boy, Aug. 22.
Mr. and Mrs Robert C. Fur-
seth, Route 3 Box 326C, a boy,
Aug. 22.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Parker,
Route 1 Box 78. Yelm. a boy, Aug.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Heminger,
Star RL. 2. Box 184, a girl, Aug. 25.
Try A Journal Want Ad
big fashion check out... I
h swinging combination with the
young set.., our CheckSter shirt,
Ivy league look, in 55% Cotton/
45% Arnel triacetate blend. Wear
it with our super denim skimmer
pants, welt seamed and pocketed.
Shirt--Sizes: 30/38.
Pants--Sizes: 8/18.
Young in heartdresses now
in petite and junior sizes.
Transitional fabrics, colors
and year round smartness.
corduroy's gone wild..,
color's gone mild...
Everyone's wild about laminateff
wide-wale corduroy coats! A high
flying topper with whale sized
pockets. In a wide variety of
new fall colors on the light sidel
Sizes; 8118.
,e. $5.99
Use our'
new fall
Perb fash-
ors! Fur
es! 8.99 to
Odon@ acrylic
\\; sweaters, • •
3.99 ea.
Classic cardigan and pullover. ,,
tops the list of best sellers ia
our sweater brigade.They'll '
give the smartest skirts the
global sportive roOK.
Sizes: 36/40.
Cardigan only also in
women's sizes 42/46.
o"Orlon" Is DU Pont's reglsteretl
trademark for its acrylic fiber.
Ill Evergreen Square
SHELTON 1VrAP,0N COI.TNTU JOURNAI,--Publiched. in. (Oh:Lfmastow)b U ,q A.",.Nlelton, Washington
i i
Latest Fashions In Autumn Wear To Be
Presented At Bayshore Golf Club Tea SOOAL
Open Hm:se Will
Honor Allie Ahl's
96th Birthday
Friday will mrk another year
for Mrs. Allie Ahl. one o£ Mason
County's oldest citizens, as she
celebrates her 96th birthday at an
open house.
Born in Edwardsville. Ill;. in
1867. Mrs. ,Ahl moved to Eldon
54 years ago. For the past three
[years she has lived with her son
I Lon and his wife at their home
on the Hamma Hamma River.
She enjoys an active social life
and regularly attends the services
. of ttood Canal Community chnreh.
Mr. and Mrs. Webb are having
!the open house for her in their
home on Sept. 6th from 2 to 5
p.m. All friends are cordially in-
vited Lo attend.
It is requested that friends do
not bring gifts.
Penny Nordeng and Ann Correa (standing) discuss over a cup
of tea, the Autumn Fashion Tea which is being planned for Sept.
5 at the Shelton Bayshore Golf Club. Penny is general chairman
of the event and Ann is to be one of the models in the style show.
Fashion minded women won't
want to miss seeing the newest
autumn styles which will be pre-
sented Sept. 5 by the Jay Elder
Specialty Shop of Olympia.
For your pleasure, women of
the Shelton Golf Club are sponsor-
It's A Date
Today, Thursday, Aug. 29
ML. Moriah Masonic Lodge slat-
Marriage Licenses
Applying for marriage licenses
in the Mason County auditor's
office this past week were:
Carl ,V. Tinker, 24, Port Orch-
ard and lay M. Hussey, 22, Port
Michael E. Kirk, 22, Floodsport,
and Mary E. Hesser, 20, Hoods-
James E. Thurman Jr., 20,
ing the Autumn Fashion Tea to| Hoodsport and S.andra L, Yeager,
be held at the Bayshore Golf Club. 18, Hoodsport.
Mr ' nrnld Nn,,,n pienornl | Lester LsMarsh 41, Shelton and
s. H ........ r..., " "'7- /Loretta Sharp, 26, Shelton.
chairman fo r the affair, said star-] William R. Maining, 26, Shel-
ting time for the event will briton and Pameula McAulay, 15
12:30 O'clock. Tickets are $1.25|Shelton. ,
and may be obtained from Mrs.| George H..Mead, 44, Softwood,
LarryScheel. Reservations can be|Oh} °; azm Cmorae Arcner, a,
made by calling her at 426-2131 Ohio. . .
ing arrangements for ,the' tea az r. .... y' leutl'tle ,o, nelLunTu,k.. r.a rt
Mesdames Frank Heuston, IVan ]Tovnsgnd'and";'mv' reer.;9
Myers Bud Pauley and Thomas & ,- w' enl Y ' ' '
' | " 10 % T0 ns .
Rowe. throughout the afternoon RoberY C. Geist, 19. Shelton an-'t
ed Communication. 8:00 p.m., Ma-
sonic Temple.
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Friday, Aug. 30
Ruby Rebekah Lodge rummage
sale. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., PUD build-
Saturday, Aug. 31
Drivers' license examiner, 10
a.m. to 5 p.m., police station.
organ melodies will be provided
by Mrs. Loni Larson.
Modeling Jay Elder fashions will
be Mesdames Howard Somers.
Donald Daniels. John Stentz. Eb-
er Angle, Roy Kimbel, Charles
Manke. Robert Wuench, Bill
Smith.. Don Henry, Bernie Scoles.
Rudy Oltman. Dick Yaeger, Glenn
Correa and Miss Ginna Cort'ea.
Marsha E. Smith, 18, Shelton.
Mr. and V[rs. Frank Honebrnk
of Wilmer, Minn., have been vis-
iting, in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Owen Bye during the past week.
Mrs. Honebrnk is an aunt of
Ruby Rebekah Lodge rummage
sale. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., PUD build-
Sunday, Sept. 1
Shelton churches invite you to
attend the church of your choice.
Monday, Sept. 2
LABOR DAY. all public offices
and most retail stores closed.
Tuesday, Sept. 3
County Commission's meeting,
10 a.m. courthouse.
City Commission's meeting, 2
p.m., City Hall.
Welcome Chapter social club,
noon. Mrs. Bill Valley's home.
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Memorial Hall.
ShelLon Junior Chamber of
Commerce dinner meeting, 6:30,
Airport clubhouse.
School opens in most Mason
County districts and Shelton.
Fred B. Wivell American Legion
post. and auxiliary regular meet-
inks, 8:00 p.m., Memorial Hall.
Wednesday, Sept. 4
Drix{ers' license examiner. 10
a.m. to 5 p.m., police station.
Shelton Business and Profes-
sional Women's Club'. 7:30 p.m.,
home of Mary Dobson.
Recreation Bowling League, 7:30
p.m. Shelton Recreation Bowling
Thursday, Sept. 5
Autumn Fashion Tea. 12:30 p.m.,
ShelLon Bayshore Golf Club.
Pioneer School PTA, 8 p.m., Pi-
oneer School.
RoLary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Care.
More than 130 entering fresh-
men will take part in the Arts and
Sciences 'Honors Program next fall
at the University of Washington.
The Honors Program is part of the
University's efforts to meet the
needs and interests of students
in accordance with their abilities.
Without economy none can be
rich, and w[Lh it few will be poor.
Samuel Johnson
Virginia Safreed Completes Training
MISS VIRGINIA SAFREED graduated Sunday from St. Joseph
Hospital School of Nursing in Tacoma. Commencement exer-
cises were conducted in St. Leo Auditorium, Tacoma. Miss Saf-
reed is the daughter of Mrs. James Safreed, Port Angeles. While
attending school in Shelton, she Jived with her" sister and family
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ridout. Miss Safreed will be employed at Vet-
eran's Hospital in Portland, Ore.
Men's - Women's - Children's
50 New Ford Falcon Station Wagons as FIRST PRIZES
Complete Shoe Wardrobes for The Entire Family
Names Of Winners Will Be Posted In The Bootery
Reception Honors Golden Wedding Date
Of The Loitzs; Long Time Residents
GOLDEN WEDDINGAt a reception in the church parlors
at Mt. View Alliance, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loitz brought into
focus 50 years of wedded life. Approximately 100 guests attended
the celebration including their five children, 15 grandchildren
In recognition of Ihe broadening
program for undergraduate and
graduate teaching and research in
astronautics at the University of
Washington, the name of the De-
partment of Aeronautical Engin-
eering has been changed to the
Department of Aeronautics and
Ability is a poor man's wealth.
Matthew XVren
i i ,
1961 Ford Falcon
deluxe t. wagon
1961 Ford Falcon
deluxe 4 door
1959 Chev Belair
4 door loaded
1959 Ford
4 dr. stick V-8
1958 Plymouth
4 dr. Belv. 1 owner
1957 Ford
4 door big engine
and 19 great grandchildren.
Mr. and Mrs. Charle Loitz cel-
ebrated their golden wedding an-
niversary Saturday, Aug. 17 at
a reception held in Viountaln View
Alliance Chapel.
The couple, married in Napoleon,
Ohio, moved to Shelton 32 years
ago. Their children are Mrs. Marg-
uerite Lemke, Farnum Loitz, Shel-
ton: Charles Ross, Tacoma; Bur-
dette Loitz. Alaska; and Mrs. Lo-
tetra Burkland, Puyallup.
Shelton BPW 'To
Hold Fall Meeting
0n Wednesday
Wednesday, Sept. 4, the Shelton
Business land Professional Wo-
men's Club will meet in the home
of Mary Dobson.
Dessert will be served at 7:30
p.m. to be followed with the first
fall business meeting.
Plans will be formulated for
the Heart Forum to be held in
October with local and county
doctors participating. This is an
annual public meeting with films
and talks on the heart problems.
al: . . , f
t h e e:hmRhb eor ;enWedC![he Pr2tc°i2:
with a welcoming address congrat-
ulating the couple. Prayer" was
offered by Mr, Marshall.Jackson.
Singing Several vedding selections
was Miss Jackie Landis.
The mmiversary cake baked
and decorated by Mrs. Warren
Williams, was served bY Mrs. Roy
Berghm. Also assisting at the
reception were Mrs. Ken Volden,
Mrs. Cecil RieClain, Misses Marilyn
LoiLz, Lorraine and Linda Berg-
Out-of-town guests included a
grandson and his wife from Ket-
chikan. Alaska. 1'. and Mrs.
Frank Loitz; Mrs. Clara Somers,
Seattle; and Mr. and Mrs. Bill So-
mers and Laura of Grapeview.
1956 Plymouth
4 dr. V-8 stick
1955 Ford
V-8 overdrive
1955 Ford St. Wagon
V-8 overdrive
also more low
priced cars on
our lot . . .
Jim Pauley inc.
Phone 426-8231
Dealership - 5th & Railroad
Used Cars - 5th & Cola
i t ,
Ask us how you can double
your retroactive check on one
of our new or used cars.
5th and Railroad Ph. 426-8231
Beauty and quality features usually found only ia excIuslve
custom designt 4" octagonal shaped table estends to 42/' x 64"
with the addition of tv¢o tl inch leaves. Top has beautifully
grained, mar-resistant Boyal Walnut finish. Deeply
padded, carved back chairs are upholstered in supported vinyl, with
inside seat and back in bematiful Melon Tone; outside back ia a
vlnyI that matchesthe Royal Walnut Miealite table top finish.
Add new dining hxu/'y to your home, now, at these special budget prices!
Matching china
Matchin di'op leaf sorting table (price for
table & four
Low back, stoic': , seat bar stools chairs)
Olsen Furniture Co.
Fine Furniture For The Home
328 Cots Street Easy Term Phone 426-4702
i i