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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 29, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 29, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 L SI-I'ELTON--MASON COUNTY $0URNAIJ---Published in "Christmastown, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washing[on im, l.m|m.|mm||mmm||mmmmmlmm|mm|m||||zm||mlmmmm|m|mm|NmmmmmmNmm||||w LETTERS SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, INC., Publishers Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle Mailing AddregB: Box d46, Shelton Phone 426-44]2 Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, every Thursday. Entered as Second-Class :Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington Mr. Bill Dickie, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES--S4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance; Tbe Journal Outside Mason County, $5.00 Shelton. Washington :Member of National Editorial Association :Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association EDITOR AND PUBLISHER -- William M. Dickie PLANT SUPERINTENDENT Jim Shrum OFFICE MANAGER Lodema Johnson NEWS EDITOR -- Alan Ford SOCIETY EDITOR  Marl Waters OFFICE ASSISTANT :Mary Kent ADVERTISING MANAGER -- Barbara Nelson PRINTERS Russ Stuck, Dave Thacher, Ass Pearson, Jerry Stiller, Charles Schwarz, To The Editor I N DEFENSE OF P.U.D 3 L OFF TO A FINE START One heard nothing but compliments and optimistic pre- dictions for the future about the Mason County fair during last weekend's "housewarming" in the fair',s new home at the airport. That the move to the new site was a wise decision is vividly reflected in the 50( gain in attendance over any peak year in the past. That attendance will increase in the fu- ture is a reasonable assumption considering that future improvement in the fair is also a reasonable assumption. Expansion is sure to be one of the improve: ments as addional buildings already planned are added to the present complex of fair structures. The three permanent buildings in which the fair made its debut in its new home last weekend were all that time and finances allowed this year. All who worked--'and there was much work done--to make this 1963 fair come off on schedule on the new site deserve high acclaim, especially Clive Troy, president, and Carl Izett, who came out of retirement to plan and super- vise construction of the new buildings. Mason County was most fortunate to have a man of Mr. Izett's capabilities willing to make his talents available on this substantial community project. To him particularly the people of this area owe a huge vote of appreciation. TARDY AGTiON GOSTLY TO LUMBER Dear Bill : I thought Mr. Holt was a little unfair in his letter in the Journal of August 22. where he criticized the management of P.U.D. 3 by comparing our rates with Lewi County PUb. where circumstances are entirely different. I agree with some of his state- ments. Our PUb is in a healthy financial position, it does have substantial cash reserves, and i approaching completion of the re- habilitation of district properties. But the same mangagement which Mr. Holt is criticizing is respon- sible for getting our PUb into such a favorable financial condi- tion. Mr. Holt implies that the two PUDs mentioned are very similar when in fact the mrcumstances are greatly different. Lewis Coun- ty has approximately twice as many customers. Lewis County PUb has a much more compact district with several towns to serve while Mason County Dis- trict has one town and several scattered, thinly populated areas with long feeder lines required to reach the communities even un- derwater cables in at least two cases were required. These out- stretched communities are ex- pensive to serve and the refusal el the private power company to serve them. even at very high rates, was one of the major rea- sons that Mason County is now served by P,U.D.s, There is also a great difference in the type of power users in the two counties. 'iason County has a large number of part-time or summer users who pay only the minimum for most of the ,gear while Lewis County has a prepon- derance of heavy load customers. Mr. Holt, in his well written letter, showed himself to be quite knowledgeable on the subject o£ rates and I therefore believe he would have given the impression of much greater fairness had he admitted that Lewis County com- mercial rates have been about 30% higher than Mason and their in- dustrial rates about 50 higher. Thus it will still take considerable Legal Publications NO. 3413 NO'I'ICE OF IIEARING FINAL ]RE- PORT AND I'ETITION FOR DISTRI- BUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF. THE ESTATE OF LILLIAN LIBBY. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I]ANNAII PETERSON, Administratrix of the above entitled estate, has filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court a Final Report and Petition for Dis- tribution, asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the property to the persons theret(, entitled and to discharge the petitinncr as Adminis- tratrix: and that said report and peti- tion will be heard on the 13th day of September. 1963. at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. or as soon there- after as the matter can be heard at tbe court room of tbe above entitled court, in the Courthouse in Shelton. Mason County, Washington, at which time and place any person interested in said Es[ate may appear and file objections thereto and contest the sanle. DATED this 9th day of August, 1963. LAURA M WAGENER Clerk of said Court By TECKLA VERMILLION Deputy GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Slmlton, Washington 8/15-22-29-9/5 4 t NO. 3427 NOTICE OF ltEARING FINAL REI'ORT AND PETIT] ON FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Iu the Matter of the Estate of JACE A. SCI-ILANGE. Deceased. Susan Bertha Schlange.. Executril. of said Estate has filed with said Court her final report and petition for distribution, asking the Court to set- tle said report, distribute the proper- y to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said Executrix, Said report and petition will be heard on the 27th day of September, 1963. at 10 a.m. in the Courtroom of said Court, in the County Courthouse at Shelton Washington. DATED THIS 23rd day of August, 1963, LAURA M. WAGENER Clerk of the Superior Court by: Teckla Vermillion. Deputy Clerk. ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125V.. N. 5th Shelton, Washington. 8/29 9/5-12 3t NO. 3481 NOTICE TO CREDITORS, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of -dUGUST OLOFSON ROSBERG, De- ceased. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed and has qualified }s Administrator of the es- tate of AUGUST OLOFSON ROSBERG. Deeeased : that all persons having claillls against said deceased are here- by required to serve the same dilly verified, on said Adnlinistrator or his attorney of recol'd al the address be- mw stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. together With proof of sueh service within six montl]s alter the date of ,first publication of this notice, ov the same will be barred, Date of first publication AUGUST 22. 1963. DONALD M BOTTS Administrator of Estate JOHN C. RAGAN Attorney Jor Estate Title [1)surance Bldg. 122 Raih'oad Avenue Sbelton. Washington 8/22-29 9/5- 3t CAIINE NO. 8113 1N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ASON COUNTY MYRTE KELLY. Plaintiff VS. JACK KELLY. Defendant Noiice is llcreby gives that the shove (,]ltiiled eause will h,! called Ul) Io1' ll(al'Jn; ,in Friday, tile 1:4111 day el Sepielnber, l})(J:t, Ill. thP h(lul, of ]():0{} A.M. in the above entitled courl at Ihe Court House ill Shelten. Washing- ton. and tilat order of defanlt and judg'lnent of divorce on the grounds of desertion and son-support as prayed reducing before those brackets gc loxvn to our rates, While Mason P.U.D. 3 is ap- proaching completion of the re- habilitation of its properties, it is also approaebing, in the immediate future, further expansion at consi- derable cost. so it vouia seem that ;he management has followed the wise course, for our district ana provided some surplus funds on a reasonable rate structure which will save the district thousands oz 3ollars in future interest. I am glad Lewis County has reached the position to where it can lower rates substantially. 1 am looking forward with pleasure to the time when our PUb will be able logically to do likewise. We have been fortunate over the years, and up to date. to have had such fine. honest men as PUb Commissioners and managers, ded- icated to the task of seeing that the PUD gives the best possible service, and I am sure that when the right time arrives the commis- sioners will be very happy to re- duce as low as possible because the P.U,D. is a non-profit organi- zation and must pass the savings on to its customers. Mr. Holt might be in,crested to Inow that PUb 3 has already cut rates more than two million dol- lars a year. If each one of us cus- tomers had to have our light bills refigured at the rate the power company was charging when the PUb was established our light bills would be about three times what Introduction of a Congressional bill to extend the "Puer- to Rican" amendment to the Jones Act, voted first by the last Congress, comes none-too-soon. In fact, it may be so late now that some of the benefits to Northwest lumber shippers may be lost, at the very least temporarily suspended. Congresswoman Julia Butler Hnsen, instrumental in getting the "Puerto Rican" amendment passed originally, has introduced the bill seeking its extension. The original act was of an experimental nature, with a one-year limita- tion, exempting the domestic lumber industry from the Jones Act requirement that all shipments of goods from one port to another be in American vessels so that Northwest lumber might compete realistically with British Columbia mills for the Puerto Rican lumber market. The "experiment" proved conclusively that American lumber shippers could do so, for under provision of the exemption 6.5 million board feet of Northwest lumber have been sold to Puerto Rico in 1963 so far, compared to none during the previous two years. The need for continuing this exemption has been attested to in repeated letters received by Mrs. Hanson and other Washington State congres- sional members from state lumber companies. But the original "Puerto Rican" amendment is due to expire October 23 and the Simpson Timber Company, one of the Northwest lumber shippers which has taken full ad- vantageof the law, has been advised by the Maritime Ad- ministration that lumber shipments to Puerto Rico on for- eign vessels will be illegal, unless actually loaded and under way before the expiration date. This means: that efforts to sell any more Northwest lumber in thg!:Puerto Rican market this season will be sus- pended until an extension of the law is obtained. Many weeks of negotiation are required to line up transports±ion and or- ders and the Oct. 23 expiration date is now too make further contracts feasible. Thus a suspension, and a result- ing loss of sales, in the Puerto Rican lumber market is forced on American lumber shippersuntil such time as Mrs. Hansen s eXtension bill is acted upon. ' : The one year shipping privilege extended to American lumber manufacturers wishing to serve the Puerto Rican market has not yet been given a full year's benefit. The shipments to Puerto lico by West Coast mills was a promising beginning and deserves an extension to develop the progress al- ready made in the far--too-brief period. Another Congressional act which should be carried to culmination is the joint effort of Senators Maganson of Washington and Jordan of Idaho to amend the Taxiff Act of 1930 which would require the marking of lumber as to country of origin. ! The amendment, passed by both houses, is now subject to action by a joint House-Senate conference committee to iron out minor differences in the two versions. It could be jeopardized by a statement made by the president of the National Association of Home Builcers to the effect that marking lumber would result in higher rices to consumers. This. is a thoughtless remark from such a high office because all lumber produced in both Canada and 'the United States is by law required to be marked for grade and other things already. The simple addition of the words "Made in Canada" would add nothing to the cost. Such things as this are characteristic of the way the American lumber industry has been tor- [(nrsi]dtl,veemplaint, will be entered podded in every effort it h, as made to get eauaI sig;7h':-. I Trena etsito Wort'Mngion Attmney fol Pluni]ff treatment with Canada in the United States market I  hJrs{o r Saalng'. Bldg :: ...... and under United Statcs laws. [ olyhlIa, wLii/,th 8/u'", / County Moves To Obtain Right-Of-Way The Mason County Commission Monday instructed the County En- gineer and Prosecuting Attorney to go ahead with whatever action is necessary to obtain right-of-way on the two remaining pieces of property involved in the relocation and uprovement of the North Shore Road. Jim Lietch. who has been doing right-of-way work for the county told the commissloners that ag- reements had been completed for 57 of the 59 pieces of property in- volved and asked commmsion ap- proval to start condemnation pro- ceedings in the remaining two cases if necessary. The commission turned the matter over to the engineer and prosecuting attorney I or action. PLATS FOg Lynwood Beach Agate Beach and Nahwatzel Es- tates were approved. Also approved were emergency appropriations for the Sheriff's of- fice and juvenile probation office. A supplemental budget for $3.- 000 for the Mason County Fair was approved. The funds went into the building program and were some from the state which were not anticipated when the budget was made up last year. 52 Dogs Entered In Treehound Go we now pay. The fact that Lewis county At Sohafer Park P.U.D. was lowering rates nearly a quarter of a million dollars a Fifty-two dogs were entered in year while at the same time in the Western Washington Tree- the adjoining county of Thurston hound Association's field trial at the power company was asking the State for permmsion to raise to where the company would charge its Thurston County custo- mers alone an additional quarter of a million dollars shows dramati- cally how much better off people are who are served by P.U.D.s than are those who have to buy their electricity from a private power company. Very truly yours Charles R. Savage, Master Mason County Pomona Grange City Approves Zoning Change For. Duplexes The Shelton City Commission Tuesday night approved a zoning variance to permit the construc- tion of two duplexes at Seventh and Grant. The action was taken on the recommendation of the planning commission which recommended that a conditional exception for the northalf of Block 14, Need- ham and Day's Addition, be grant- ed to Darrell Welsh. Welsh had requested that the entire block be rezoned from res- idential i to residential 2 to per- mit the construction of multi-unit housing. THE PLANNING commission recommendation was the result of a compromise after objections from neighboring property owners were voiced at a planning commis- sion hearing. A zoning variance was also ap- proved for the Moll Chevrolet Co. John Bariekman, representing property owners in Beverly Heights, told the commissioners that in a meting of the residents there after a meeting with the city to discuss replacement water mains, the residents had been of the unanimous opinion that the replacement of the deteriorated mains was the responsibility of the city, it is 60 feet, there will not be stallation of two lights at Calla- nan Park. CITY ENGINEER Pat Byrne asked that the city attorney check into a right-of-way problem which is holding up a 'building permit to Ted Wittenberg. Byrne said there is a street, which was an old county road, running through the three lots on which the building is planned, and, that the city has right-of-way through adverse possession from use over a number of years. There is no record of the width of the right of way, he said, and that if iris 60 feet. there TiE not be enough area left to meet zoning re- strictions for lot size for construc- tion of a home. WOMEN BOWLERS Women in the Shelton vicinity who would like to bowl in winter leagues are asked to contact Paul- ine Archer at 426-6689. Both day and night leagues are open. Mrs. Archer announces to all winter league secretaries that the supplies are in: Secretaries are asked to contact her for picknp or delivery arrangements as well as new bowlers. .... To-Laie-To-Olassify TI{UMPET FOR SALE -- Three years oht. Excellent condition. Sell for $110. Call 126-4673. S 8/29 tin SAVE $l.0001 We have.-iust bem auth- orized to lower the Price to $,1700 on this trim downtown ]lOOle. This is the perfect spot fOl" Monl and POp as 1I is easy to care for and within easy walking distanee to downtown silopning. For infornlation call Vince Himlie at Mann Ieal Estate t26-6592. 8/29 TIIREE - R0()M- fu:nisht;,d-- h]mst; for _. }'cut. Call 426-4226. R 8/29 lfn REMINGTON Woodnlaster. model 740. 30-06, auto.-loader, with weaver. 4-X scope and pivot mount. 426-8788. Schafer Park Aug. 18. The winners and owners in the two events in final heats included: Senior Finals 1st line Blue Boy Pitts 2nd line Big Dan Polston 1st tree Dyke Gracyz 2nd tree Big Dan Polston Junior Finals 1st line Pretty Boy Pitts 2nd line Blue Boy Morse 1st tree Mike tester 2rid Tree Pretty Boy Pitts Green Finals 1st line Sally 2rid line Clancy 1st tree Dabby 2nd tree Clancy FOX TOPS IN GYGLE TEST Don Fox. Puyallup, won top honors in the Shelton Trailblaz- ers cycle club sponsored motor- :cycle scrambles at edge Mason County Fair Sunday. Fox got a first place finish in 500 cubic centimeter class compe- tition then won the title of the "best all-around rider of the day" when he victored in a final tro- phy dash which included the first three placers in the two classes represented. Jim Blanchard, also of Puyal- lup, was second in 500 CC compe- tition. A trio of Trailblazers took the next three spots. Ed Johnston was third. Bob Aitken fourth and Von Hogan fifth. John Schreiber won 50CC class competition. Jim LaMent was sec- ond. Perry Rose third and Stan Phillips fourth. It Was That Identical Name Problem Again Identical names, the bane of news reporters and often the source of embarrassment to inno- cent people, has popped up to plague a Shelton man. In a recent police court action here, an Olympia man forfeited $10 on a charge of being drunk in public. His name is Harry Flet- cher, his address is Route 6, Olym- pia. But Harry Fletcher. Route 1. Shelto., an abstainer and strong opponent of alcoholic drinking, has been suffering for his namcsake's transgression as acquaintances give him the business. So, to keep the recor'd  straight, Shelton's Harry Fletcher is not the Harry Fletcher referred to in the report of police court action carrie in the Journal two weeks ago. SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARRESTS Arrests at the Mason County Sheriff's office during the past week included W. H. Moffatt, 18. Shelton, breaking an entering; Ted Chapman. 18, Union. minor in pos- session of and consuming liquor; Bill Pauley, Seattle, driving while intoxicated; Stanley E. Jones, con- tributing to the delinquency of a minor: Marvin E. Ingram, illegal possession and consumption oi liquor: Peter E. Overton. Union, exceeding safe speed, driving while intoxicated. FEMES COMMERCIAL LEAG UE The Women's Commercial bowl- ing season Will start Tuesday at 9 p.m. at the Timber Bowl. i Among Your •"Merchants.. NEW HOURS,FOR MASON COUNTY SAVINGS & LOAN Daily service bours have boer revised for both the Mason Cotm- ty Savings & Loan Association and the Mason County Title In- surance Corn pany. Now in effect, hours will be J 8/29 TWO CORNER LOTS in ?hrivi from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. tinniness distriel, Terms. Write Be," Monday through Thursday, and M. c/o Jom'nal. 8/29 9/12 from 8:30 until 6:00 p.m. on Fri- CUST6M--XM'Nfi6 . 2b-- days. The new schedule was an- and gauges available. High quality, nounced last wcck by the board of low price. Prcl)l)'s I{loading Scrvn:e. 426-411,1, P 8/29 9119 dircctov. BOOTH W}NNER--This display by the Twanho Grange at Belfair took the top place in the grange Local 3-38 Elects New Officers Robert Whitmarsh was re-elec- ted business agent and Earl Jag- rJow financTal and recording sec- retary of Local 3-38, International Woodworkers of America, in re- cently completed balloting. Other officers elected in the vote are Paul Reeve, president; Verne Satterthwaite. vice - president; Lloyd Fisher. warden, and John Drebick, trustee. A run-off vote is being held for conductor between Wilbur Trink- et and James Sutherland. IO0.Mile Trail 'Ride Is Held At Tenino Wallman Leo Bishop, Shelton. a menrber West of the Southwest Washington Wallman Chapter of the American Trail West Horse Association. was one of the officials for the chapter's 100-mile competitive trail ride last week- end. Thursday, booth contest at the Mason County end. Rail Strike Will Curtail Effective in the event of a rail, items, should be strike, all mailings other than [ or airmail first-class, airmail, and air parcel pos if destined post. destined for points more than than 150 miles 150 miles from Shelton are unac- ishable items should not be ation of the Detailed to technical individual be obtained bY 3463. He noted that  and Bellin within the ton which wi] full mail service office, 1 6 Sept. ceptable until the strike is over, Postmaster J. H. Gray announced today. "This announcement is in keep- ing with instructions received by me from Washington, pursuant to a precautionary notice published Tuesday that limited, temporary suspension of service on all but first-class and airmail would be invoked in the event of a strike, postmaster Gray said He explained that alternative means of transportation would be utilized to the fullest possible ex- tent to maintain first-class and airmail service including air par- cel post. Second-class magazines and newspapers, third-class matter and fourth-class parcel post packages for delivery beyond 150 miles from the point of mailing" are included in the temporary suspension an- nounced as part of the national post office contingency plan pre- pared for the rail strike emergen- The ride started at the AI Ir- cy. ang ranch in the Tenino area. It The Postmaster stressed that was the second annual trail ride. any emergency shipments, such as TEN HORSES started the ride medicines or other badly needed and seven finished. There were six horses from California, two from Washington and two from Oregon. Dr. Ellis. Lon Beach, Calif.. president of the American Trail Horse Association. along with his wife, rode part of the distance. Mr. and Mrs. Tullington, Ingle- wood. Calif. nationally knom horse trainers brought four of lhe horses they have in training tor the meet. The ride was over a 50-mile course, going out Saturday and returning Sunday 2Krs. Tullington placed first and A1 Lorang, Tenirto. second. Mr. Moriah Lodge ' ^ F.&A.M. ' '" No. 11 Stated Connnunication SATURDAY, AUG. 31 -- 8 P.M. Glen R. Hufnail, W.]VL Arnold Cheney, Secretary I - -- L .:FF --j IABOIIBAY SEPTE M BER 2,1963. ; r & Dry 134 N. 1st A SMALL TRIBUTE TO A VERY Blfi PERSON... THE AMERIG00N WORgER There is a, dignity in work. Whatever the legitimate ] which a person is engaged, it calls forth from him solid virtues that mold him into a vital human being. Ph. 6ATSTONE FUNERAL 703 Railroad at