August 29, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY ffOURNAL--Published in "Christmastown, U.S.. , Shelton, Washington
Friendship Club At Southside
is Planning Picnic Sept. 4
By Mrs. Ray Krateha
SOUTHSIDE -- 'l-enship club
is having a potluck picnic at the
home of Alma Hurst Sept. 4. The
last meeting of the club was held
at Kneeland Park and Grace
XVright and Gertrude Rains were
Visitor of Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Putvin and Rose Ann was Mrs.
LeRoy Kellerman of Lusk, Wyo.,
who left last week after spending
a couple of weeks with the Put-
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Krie-
fels. Shells and Cheryl for the
Don't Miss the Fun and
Entertainment of Television
Law is close by
4th & Cota 426-6602
weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Kriefels and Shawn of Anchor-
age, Alaska. Mrs. Jim Tucker and
three children of Cloverdale, Ore.,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kriefels and
family of BremerLon; Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Ellis and family of Puyallup
and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Freeman
and family.
MIKE KI{IEFELS, son of Mr.
and Mrs. T. Kriefels. is in the
Air Force and has been stationed
at Anchorage, Alaska for the past
two years.
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
Putvin and Rose Ann last week-
end were Don and Steve Hansen
of Tacoma.
Spending the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. L. L. Putvin and Rose
Ann was Kathy Hanson of Taco-
Sales of U.S. Savings bonds in
Mason County during July were
$18,557. according Lo L. A. Carl-
son. county savings bond chair-
It is a fine thing to nave abil-
ity, but the ability to discover abil-
ity in others is the true test.
---Elbert Hubbard
Choose Pantorium's
For Your
They'll rate A for Apl)earance
(We also make alterations)
Free pick-up Mondays thru Fridays.
215 S. 2nd Ph. 426-3371
What's Doing
. Among Our
,F= ==============================
Skip A. Hash, fire control tech-
nician first class. USN. son of Mr.
and Mrs. R. W. Hash of Potlatch,
Wash., is serving aboard the guid-
ed missile frigate USS MacDon-
ough which recently visited Livor-
no. Italy, in the course of her pres-
ent assig-nment with the Sixth
Fleet in the Mediterranean.
While in Livorno, MacDonough
crewmen helped restore the Insti-
tute Maschfie La Mondonnia, a
boys' orphanage that had been da-
maged by regent fire. Burned
schoolrooms were cleaned and
painted and furniture was restored.
In addition, they distributed toys
among the children.
MacDonough is an Atlantic
Fleet unit normally operating out
of Charleston, S.C.
Airman Leonard D. Cochran, of
Shelton, is being reassigned Lo
Keesler AFB. Miss., for technical
training as a United States All"
Force communications operations
specialist after completing his in-
itial basic military training at
Lackland AFB, Tex.
The airman, a graduate of Irene
S. Reed high school, is Lhe son
of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Coch-
ran Shelton.
Army Sgt. Harry D. Cook. son
of Mrs. Mary L. Cook, Shelton, is
one of more than 75.000 armed
forces personnel who participated
ill Exercise "Swift Strike III". a
U.S. Strike Command exercise in
Georgia and North and South Car-
Sgt. Cook, a squad leader in
Headquarters Company, 1st Bat-
talion of the 2rid Infantry Divi-
sion's 38th Infantry at Fort Ben-
ning, Ga., completed basic train-
ing at the fort.
The sergeant attended Irene S.
Reed high school.
Daniel W. Pierce, son of Mr.
and /rs. Gerald W. Pierce, Union,
recently completed nine weeks of
basic training at the Naval Train-
ing Center, San Diego, Calif.,
graduating at the weekly Recruit
Brigade Review involving some 3,-
000 men.
Stale--A00w ar ds-B r-:dge
Work Gonlract
The State Highway Dept. re-
cently awarded a contract for re-
pair work on the bridge at the
northern tip of Hood Canal on
Highway 21 to Sea and Shore Pile
Driving Co.. Bellevue. The com-
pany's bid for the job was $13,637.
The work will take about 45 days
to complete.
Included is the reconstruction of
the existing bridge and paving
with asphalt.
"Ghrid" Scientist
Subject Sunday
Farewell Party Held For Minister Of Belfair Baptist Church
A Bible Lesson on "Christ Je-
sus" will be read in Services Sun-
day at the First Church of Christ,
Golden Text: "God so loved the
world, that he gave his only be-
gotten Son. that whosoever be-
lieveth in him should not perish,
but have everlasting life" (John
Related readings from "Science
and Health with Key to the Scrip-
tures" by Mary Baker Eddy will
include this: "Jesus is the name of
the man who. more than all other
men, has presented Christ. the true
idea of God, healing the sick and
the sinning and destroying the
power of death" (p. 473).
By Crolyn Freelin
BELFAIR The many friends
of Rev. and Mrs. Milton L. Gire
and their family gathered last
Sunday afternoon at a farewell re-
ception for the Gires, who are mo-
ving early in eptember to Aber-
deen. For a little more than four
years Rev. and Mrs. Gire and Em-
ily, Jeannene. and David have
been the "first family" of the Bel-
fair Community Baptist Church
here. Their new home church will
be the First Baptist church in
Among those, pouring and serv-
ing at Sunday's reception were
Mesdames Ivan Holm. C. W. Hen-
ningsen. Orville Weeks. Robert
Labor Day Dance Planned Saturday
Night At Harstine Grange Hall
by Donette Glaser
HARSTINE Don't forget this
Saturday night Aug. 31 is the big
Labor Day Dance. Music will be
live by the Four Sharps. lV[idnight
supper will be served. There .will
also be a transistor radio award-
led to some lucky person. There
will be a return ferry for any ot
you mainlanders who would like
to attend.
Harstine Island Womens Club
will resume their regular monthly
meetings next Thursday, Sept. 5
at 12:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs.
James Lohrer at Point Wilson.
Luncheon will be served by the
hostess. The new officers Mrs.
Larry Jerrells, president, Mrs.
Mary Baunsgard, vice-president
and Mrs. Jim McAuliffe, Secre-
ttry will preside.
We Islanders are extremely
proud to announce that Mr. and
Mrs. A1 Pridham won 90 ribbons
at the Mason County Fair. Mon-
iaa won first place in the Can-
ning division and thirty pounds of
sugar. She had 34 entries and won
34 ribbons. She had 17 entries
ill Sewing and won 8 blue rib-
bons and 9 red ribbons. Also en-
tered 17 Floral Arrangements and
won 6 blue. 8 red and 2 white rib-
bons. In Horticulture they had 21
entries and won 21 ribbons, con-
gratulations A1 and Monica.
a very happy household this va-
c'tion time. Loises sister and nep-
hews. Mrs. Gladys Drouilleard and
Wayne and Gary are here from
Long Beach, Calif. Their cousin
Stewart and Audry Langland and
Jame Ann from Conova Park.
Calif. and friends Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Barron and Randy, Steph-
an from Torrence, Calif.
Saturday night Mr. and Mrs.
ffeorge L. Waite Jr. entertained
at a clam bake on Uncle George
I[owards beach. Fifty-eight per-
sons attended. The Meeks and
their guests the Tom Tierneys.
I,arlene and Wands Laur will at-
tend school in Seattle this year.
Edd Waite and Sue Glaser en-
ter Junior High in Shelton. Hard
sine,Scho0l wilt however gain two
iew students. Marc and Randy
C ilaser formerly of Tacoma. Marc
will enter the second grade with
Mike Glaser and Randy will join
Vincent Glaser and Pat Glaser.
and Lorna Saeger m the fourth
grade and Jan Saeger and Bill
Waite will enter the fifth grade.
Mrs. Dorothy Green will be our
teacher again this year.
bad as their guests this weekend
Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Crandall of
Naoma and Jim Lohrer enter-
rained members of Naoma's fami-
1.r this weekend with a salmon
bake on their lovely beach aL Point
VVilson. Those attending were The
Dale Everettes and three chil-
dren: Ehna Sparling and Mary
Lynn Sparling and Dick Hoberg
all of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Engwalls of Vancouver. On
Sunday they were joined by Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Sammons and
daughters of Portland and Nao-
mas mother Mr. and Mrs. Dix
Batcheller of Olympia for a fam-
i?y dinner honoring Mrs. Batch-
oiler on the occasion of her 80th
Florence and Larry Jerrells have
returned home after a wonderful
6.759 mile trp that Look them
through 10 states. They visited
daughter Joan and Roger Paris in
I,ouisiana. They visited New Or-
leans, its wonderful French Quar-
ter. and enjoyed the real Dixieland
):usic. On the return trip they
saw the Carlsbad Caverns. In
Glendale, Calif. they spent four
days with son Nell and Julie and
son Harlin. Florence reports won-
derful weather with only two days
cf really hot weather. No car
trouble, not even a flat tire.
Pat and Mike Glaser have re-
Eb0t Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn turned home after spending a
ates, Rusty and Lisa and Con- week with their grandparents the
nie Yates, Ruth Wingert, the Gone Don Eddys in Hoquiam.
Sewards and guests Mr. and Mrs.
tiomer Clay, Ken Droscher, Mae n ,-,,= Det
Dunbar, Bill and Grace Williams, UIUO|II_I , 0ur Set
Evelyn and Mark Holt; Paulene
and Jim Archer and family, Ella idg
and Jim McAuliffe and Dan, the For Br e Work
Fz'uce Streckenbach family, Mr. The Rossmaier bridge in the
and Mrs..Bragger and family, Matlock area will be closed for
Mr. Waite Senior and Uncle George about six Weeks while a new
[oward and the host and hostess bridge is being constructed, Coun-
and their family. Everyone had a ty Engineer J. C. Bridget said this
wonderful time. week.
Our one room school house has The Vance Creek bridge in the
undergone quite a few repairs this
sammer. It has a new roof. Win-
Caw glass has been replaced and
new screens have been put up. A
new below ground gas tank aria
Fump have also been installed.
,lrs. Florence Jerrclls will be our
ew bus driver and Mrs. Jack
1Heeks will be custodian this year.
Best Selling Cadillac Of All Time! Month after month since its introduction,
the 1963 Cadillac has established new sales records, The reasons are dramatically evident wi00en you
combine an inspection with a personal evaluation at the wheel. Do it at your earliest opportunity,
1St & GROVE PHONE 426-4426
Shelly, Jack Dean Raymond Me- and will return to Norway this a.m. and 3
deiros, Lawrence McElhaney and fall. where he has accepted a po- 30. Teachers
Kenneth Spongier. sition in research at Oslo. shops will be
Opening day for North Mason be held Sept.
schools will be VCednesday, Sept. 4. with regular
Personnel at Belfair Elementary schedules.
The Belfair Community Baptist
church was the scene of two wed-
dings Saturday, Aug. 24.
Vases of pink and white gladioli,
roses and dahlias set the scene
in the church sanctuary as Miss
Yvonne Jensen and Donald Ward
repeated marriage vow before Roy.
Milton Gire at a 2 p.m ceremony.
The new Mrs. Ward is the daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Jensen
of the Old Belfair highway, and
her husband is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Ward of Sedro Wooley.
A reception in the church's fire-
side room followed the ceremonies.
The newlyweds will make their
first home in Winslow.
AN EVENING wedding with
their immediate families in at-
Skokomish Valley, which is also
being replaced, will have a detour
for about the same length of time.
The detour, at the site of the
bridge, will handle one-way traf-
Lee T. Dulin Construction Co..
Chehalis, is the contractor for both
tendance united Miss Diane Allen.
and James Cady at 8 p.m. Aug.
24. Parents of the couple are Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Allen and Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Cady Jr. Pink and
white flowers carried out the
bride's chosen color theme in the
fireside room for the ceremonies
and downstairs for the reception
which followed. Pouring were two
aunts of the bride, Mrs, Walter
Baselt and Mrs. Elmer Slagle, and
Mrs. C. C. Eddy, the bride's grand-
mother, served cake. Miss JoAnne
Thornton assisted at the gift ta-
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Huson are
at home on the North Shore fol-
lowing their week's honeymoon
trip. They were married Aug. 17
at the Everett home of the bride's
parents, ML and Mrs. George Bo-
thers. The new Mrs. Huson is the
former Judith May Bethers. who
taught last year aL North Mason
high school. An open house honor-
ing the newlyweds will be held at
the Huson home Saturday, Aug.
31, with friends and neighbors in-
vited to attend.
A reception last Sunday after-
noon in Bremerton at the Country
Lane Mobile Estates was held for
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Ruff. who
were married June 14 in Pitts-
burgh, Pa. Their parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Baker of Silver-
dale and Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Ruff of the North Shore. Both
bride and groom are graduates of
the University of Washington. The
new Mrs. Ruff was music instruc-
tor last year in the Central Kit-
sap schools, and Mr. Ruff studied
and worked in Pennsylvania for
the the Puget Sound Naval ship-
A GUEST at the North Shore
home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Blomlie is Mr. Jomar Songli, Mr.
Blomlie's nephew. A graduate of
the University of Oslo. Mr. Songli
studied for two years at the Uni-
versity of Colorado and was then
employed in California. He has
been 'teaching computer methods
at the Boeing Company in Seattle,
school are: Robert K. Johnsen,
superinLendant; Richard Burrell,
administrative assistant and ele- Phar$Y
mentary principal; Margaret Pas-
chke and Beatrice Pruski. first From Neil
grade; Carole Benson and Cora
Kelly, third; William Vetters and It's
Avis Whitfield. fourth; Jayne Ho- the talk
ward and Verna Marsh. fifth; Art acle drugs',
Guidi and Georgina Johnson. sixth;
and Nellie Castleman. remedial.
Second grade assignments are yet
to be made.
Teaching at Allyn will be Mary
Wing, grades 1-3 and GyneLh Aus-
cth. grades 4-6.
Principal at North Mason Jun-
ior-Senior high is Robert Larson.
Teaching junior high English and
social studies are Laura Allen and
Gay Terrell; junior high math and
science, Richard Strain; girls' p.o., with drugs,
Maryanne Raines; English and their own
counseling, Bill Hawkins; lang- of illness.
uages, Keith Lamb: home econom- corned, we're
ics. Ins Dagnie; science, Donald market
Magnus; math, Frederick Gruber; to buy
social studies, Peter Merrill; corn- can
mercial, Herman Nelson; boys' p.o. has
Clarence Hedstrom; music, Donald need to
Nelson; library, Emily Spooner; sake,
industrial arts, Jerry Berringer. self.
REGISTRATION for students He alone is
from both Allyn and Belfair grade open Daily
schools and kindergarten will be Saturdays
August 26, 27 and 28 from 9 a.m.
until 3 p.m. at the Belfair school ----a||'_
office. Junior and senior high
iluls --
school registration will be at the 4th & RailrOad
high school office between 8:30
Days like this are made
One ingredient is pric
Visitors wclcomc. Olympia Brewi.g Company,
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