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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 29, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 29, 1963
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29, 1.963 District Scheduled L district meeting of the and its auxiliary v’ill Sept. 14 ill Ray- will have a rum- the Memorial Build- Sept. 6. A fix-up at the home ot Godwin on Wednes- regular business meet- will be held 6 in the Memorial at 8 p.m. Save Tax eyl all drug do, you are entitled? item, can be lltted. free to our ish’ you an aim- in today and DrugTax. It&apos;s frtt tax moneyl REPp'$ Slore One 426-4642 St. David's Guild To Meet Sept. 4 Women of St. David's Guild of the Episcopal Church will hold their first meeting of the year Vednesday. The noon hmeheon will be hosted by Mrs. Harry Dee- gan and Mrs. Isaac Jeffery., A program will follow the lun- cheon at one o'clock. The speaker will be Irvin MeAt:thur, adminis- t'rator of the Mason County office of Public Assistance. He will out- line the general services offered by his department. Anyone interested in hearing of this vital work is invited to be present at the chni'eh for the pro- gram. SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chm,'stma,stown,• U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington * High School Spotlight * Pioneer School Sets Fall PTA Residents of the Pioneer school district are cordially invited to at- tend the school's first PTA meet- ins next Thursday, Sept. 5 at 8 p.m. in the Pioneer school. Parents. relatives and friends are invited to meet the teachers and school board members at this time. GR-NrDCHILD BORN The Winston Seotts, former Shelton residents, are grandpar- ents of 7'/h pound Clinton Emile Chourre. born to Mr. and lIrs. Jack Chom're of Denver, Colo. Clinton was born on Saturday, Aug. 24 in a Denver Hospital. Mrs. Chourre is the former Kar-. en Condon of Shelton. The great grandfather is Clinton S. Harley of Seattle and grandmother Mrs. Emile Chourre of Mill Valley, Calif. Mrs. Scott will leave her Canal home today to Spend two weeks with the Chourre's in Denver. Your Oonvenience NEW OFFICE HOURS have been put into effect by COUNTY SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION and the COUNTY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY y thru Thursday 8:30 to 5:00 Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 l?.m. .. Black hair, blue eyes and all of 6'3" is Larry Powell, junior at Irene S. Reed high school. As far as sports go, you name it and Larry's in it. At present he is making ready for the upcoming football season. A student as wl as atr:iete. Larry Poweil displays outstanding leadership abilities. Moving to the community only a year ago, Larry made himself ra- pidly at home in Irene S. Reed higl school. He now holds the of- fire of student body vice presi- dent for the 1963-64 school year. the age of  Larry remembers his brothers taking him out to shoot baskets and as he puts it. "I've been shootin 'em ever since." Commenting on the advantage of being in sports. Larry said. "I personally feel everyone needs some sort of competitive spirit and being in sports helps to ere- The job will be nothing new for ate this. Before I turned out for him, however, as he was junior sports, I was quite shy. This has high student body president in helped develop my personality and Eureka. Calif. helped to bring me out of my shy- Coming from Eureka last Aug-ness." ust. the 6'3" athlete lettered in Larry has been work|ng at the football, basketball and turned out canal home of Guy Beekwith the for track as well as maintaining past few" months. He has also ser- a high seholasISe record his soph- ved as president of the Baptist omore year• youth group this summer. His enthusiaam for sports began His plans for the future are un- long before he entered school. At decided, althougt he has consid- ered attending the University of Oregon which is a family Ahna Mater. Men's capacities have never been measured: nor are we to judge of what he can do by any precedents, so little has been tried. ---Henry David Thoreau -._ i:/:iiii::ii::i::::il] iii!!iii::ii!ii;i ,:: ::.::ii}i!:::i:iii!!i ;i:ii:!i : ii::i:[i:i:iii:ili[! ?!ii! ili!iii!!] ... the naEon'slargest Apple Crop ()ur Land... ... golden, sweet-tasEng Freestone Peaches "x So cial Even ts Society Editor , Jenny Knautz , Phone 426-4412 Rebekah Lodge Entertains Guests Shelton Rebekah Lodge enter- tained guests from Bremerton. Ta- coma, Renton. Centralia. a n d Alaska at their last regular meet- ing held Friday night. President of the Rebekah Assembly for the State of Washington, Mrs, Mildred Davis, made her official visit a'c this time and an interesting pro- gram was conducted in her honor. Rebckah degree will be con- ferred upon one candidate at the September 13 meeting. A practice for this will be held Thursday, September 12 at 7:30 p.m. The ways and means committee are holding a rummage sale at the PUD building Friday and Sat- urday with Tekla Anderson a3 chairman. Noble Grand has set the date for the annual birthday party and dinner for Sunday, September 15 at the hall. ALASKAN VISITORS Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- PTA To Sponsor Parliamentary Law Workshop There will be a Parliamentary Law "Workshop, sponsored by Dis- trict 17 PTA. on Saturday, Sept. 7 at the Little Theater on Olympic College campus in Bremerton. This session will be conducted by Mrs. M.D. Wilkinson. a past president of the National Parlia- mentarians Association, and will be held from 10 a.m to 3 [).m. Organizations in the area are invited to Lake advantage of this opportunity, by sending interest- ed persons. Registration fee is Sl. Those interested may send regis- trations before Sept. 2. to Mrs. James Lyman, secretary DisL 17, RL. 1. Box 1418N, Bremertou. Welcome Chapter Luncheon Tuesday Welcome Chapter Social club chic Underwood this past month will meet Tuesday for a luncheon have been their grandchildren, at 12 noon in the home of Mrs. Sharon and Warren Edinger from Bill Valley. Co-hostess is Mrs. Jes- Sitka. Alaska. They returned home sic Marble. Those wishing trans- yesterday, flying from Sea-Tar portation are asked to be at 5Zrs. airport• Minnie HaetCs by 11:15 a.m. WHAT'S [lOOKING IN WHOSE KITOHEN? Recipe Favorites 0fCounty Residents MADE I N :: : \\; WASHINGTON PURE FINE GRANUL,TE D • ..juicy, mouth-watering Bartlett Pears <_ _ , " Always buy home-grouch U and L... the purest, sweetest, finest sugar that nature or man can ,orodue’. i!  ;!i PAGE II JOURNAL GLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS BUSINESS DIRECTORY TV Service • Radio - TV • Phonographs • CB 2-way radio LEROY'S TV SERVICE Mt. View Ph. 426-3172 Floor Coverings .......... . Linoleum • Tile . Carpeting • Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 Tire Service ...... • New OK Tires • Recapping • Used OK TIRE STORES Mt. View Ph. 426-4832 Electrical • Fairbanks-Morse Pumps • Electric Heating , Westinghouse Appliances SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 Drugs • Helena Rubinstein cos- metics • Prescriptions Hypo-Allergic cosmetics NELL'S PHARMACY Govey Bldg. Ph. 426-3327 Radiator Repair I • Boiling out ] • Soldering I • New cores BOON'S PLUMBING HEATING, SHEET METAL 623 S. 1st. Ph, 426-3483 Florist • Plants for all occasions- , Flowers EVERGREEN FLORISTS 4th & Birch 8 to 8 426-8479 ii ii i Auto Glass • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 i • ........ Landscaping • Lawns, rookeries, trees shrubs • Top soil, tilling, leveling • Free estimates SUNSET LANDSCAPING Herbert Baze 426-4718 Draperies .... • custom made • free estimates • work guaranteed J, C. PENNEY CO. 305 RR Ave. Ph• 426-8283 nimal Haven • You bring them • We board them • Anything from mouse to elephant MEL-RU ANIMAL HAVEN Dayton - St. Rt. 2, Box 100 Phone 426-2387 or 426-6546 Electrical • House wiring & rewiring • Electric Heating • Trouble Shooting • Licensed & Bonded Contractor JIM EINARSSON ELEC. Star Rte. 2, Box 37, 426.6520 Hospital Equip. • Rental & Sales • Wheel chairs, lifts • beds. walkers . oxygen & tents Torsak Ambulance Service 2119 Adams Phone 426-8254 Ambulance • Radio Dispatched • Oxygen Equipped • 24 hr. service Torsak Ambulance 2119 Adams St. 426-8254 Five year old Shannon Doherty, just returning from a berry picking trip, shyly agrees to have her picture snapped with her mother who is cook of the week. With Labor Day extending this weekend, it'll probably mean that dad and the kids will be home and some sort of celebration should take place. All well and good for the rest of the family, but how about Morn? She'd like to have a day off with the rest of the family, but it's almost an impossibility to have a picnic or barbecue and a holiday the same day. W a little bit of planning and a few hours work the day before, Morn can have her holiday and feed the family a dinner fit for Labor Day. Sally Doherty offers an excellent salad suggestion just right for this occasion. Molded crab slad is usually served with Ice Box Rolls when this specialty is on the table in her home. The Doherty's came to Shelton last August and reside at 223 West D Street. /k happy homemaker is Mrs. DoherLy, mother of two girls, Cam and Shanan. Husband Jim, is basketball coach at Irene S. leed high school. He is also as- sistant track coach and history teacher at the school. Born and raised in Duluth. Minn. Jim attended the University of Minnesota and graduated from Whitworth College in Spokane. Sally, also attended VVhitworth. Chance brought the two together when Sally and Jim's roommates. who had been <taLing, introduced the two who later became Mr. and Mrs. Doherty on January 11, 1952. Since that time. Sally has found the roll and salad recipe to be popular with family and friends. Molded Crab Salad 1 pkg. lemon jello 1Vo C. boiling water 1 tbls. vinegar V._, tsp. salt 4 tsp. paprika 1 tsp. onion juice Let set until partly jelled /, C. mayonnaise 2 C. crab meat 2 chopped hard boiled eggs 3/4 C. celery (diced/ . C. choppel ripe olives Stir into jello Ice Box Rolls Crumble 1 Fleischman's yeast cake in a bowl with one tbls. su- gar. Stir until liquified. Add: 1 C lukewarm milk L C. sugar ]5 C. shortening (melted) I,'_, tsp. salt 3 well-beaten eggs 4 cups flour Set in ice box-lcovered) until ready Lo roll out. Bake 15-20 min- utes in moderate oven. Men are often capable of great- er things than they perform. --Horace ralpole Heating • Safety check • Clean - up • Minor & major repairs STAR KEY'S HEATING Sales & Service 514 Ellinor 426-4673 Insurance • Disability, HospitalizaLiou • Life • Retirement Funds Mutual & United of Omaha Duane Rodgers - 426-6142 Sewing Machine • Sales and Service • New and Used • All Makes & Models Singer Sewing Center 117 5th Ave. East - Olympia Open 'til 9 p.m. Fri. Ph. 357-7586 Masonry ,,, • Brick. Block• Stone • Quality Workmanship • Free- Estimates • Contract or Hourly asis BILL CARLSON Rt. 3, BOX 331 426-4480 BARGAI N S I0,,;,0,, I 6' O* Pink Pearl Erasers 10 = Pee Ohee Folders J " _ 79’ 48's 29’ Carters White Paste 98’ Papermate Pens 69 © Filler Paper Grayolas 49' 500 sheets "Simpson" College or wide rule 200 sheet pack 39’ 89 c Squibb's Vigram Loose Leaf Binder ,79' Lunch Kits % Price Table McOonkey's Drug Center Now Only final clearance of summer items Evergreen Square O 46-3456