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i L29, 1963 . , fiHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in ,Christmas[oWn, U.S.-A?',Shelton._Washington . . . PAGE 13
itelf a ource of • Fe eral Hi hwa " " " " -- ---
15 Pioneer Area YeunEsters. d g. . Caldornla Vmtors Of Dayton -
" • --- . " rr0gram u0sts LOCal . . .
r'ul .nother one of the Prance l tnz g b t tl v ep y . ., . . g . t .. . . !
Sho Wleq,an wo, ked hard md ion- NEW ¥OPd(,Spccia.t) --lto:: By Mabel Ki(hl Mr Edwards had the misfortune SO liTTle IIm6
By Betty Ann , cr " " " • t, • , Triers i. ' " " - " • .... "
• " ", Mo r" in he ain thunder and much ae passenger car o _._ DAYTON---Mr and Mrs Hem- o falhng and mjunng lus back
• , " . . - . ga..ohne a.d other auto taxes, to- . " o .... J " and weim
. PI?NEER John Wflhan) - t}o S.n " t u ,e r o,'t tle en- Mason County contributing via in er are the ,rot',d parents of a and is hospitalized.
area old-time h,ggers passed away loyed every nnnute of it. ,,,., *,,--or,t n¢ *hr* alo mile" little gn'l b n lece][, ,. g Shalon Moffatt was \\;,eel, end t0 SflV6,
at his home last. week. "PAL", :as Tile AKa.te Grange will hold a i l::ii(;ni"i, igil.a'.V" sys(e; 00 g s pot nlha;ldjf,]nOUnCsi guest of Doris Hickson. . '
: E[N he was affectionately known o dance this Saturday night. The -'- ' " cn ne. jo,ns a o.r , ', y MR. AND MRS. PE'UE Rooerts
his many f'iends in Mason Court- dance will begin at "9"30 p m and . Houmuch extla have they be a smter. SherL Grandparents are and Bill were Monday dinner
...... [ornin up since the increase in Mr. and Mrs Walt Bloomfield of guests of Mrs. Nena R'oberts of
the tax rates? Kamilche and Mrs. Ernest "Doble Shelton who entertained at a
ty was born in this locale when
Washington was still a territory.
He had lived here all of his life--
logging and enjoying life to the
fullest. The entire community
sends its condolences to the family.
-ell. Tuesday is tle great day
for some 15-odd children who will
start into the first grade. The
older ones seem to be just as ex-
cited and anxious as the little
ones though, as they will be re-
newing friendships and they also
are wondering what is the rew
teacher like? Speaking of new
teachers the community wants to
extend its greetings to the four
new teachers. Rex Malaria. Roland
Quinn. Susan Morz. and Sophie
Nudell. who will be teaching in the
Pioneer school district for the first
time this year. Also a welcome
back to Ermine Page.
The Mason County Fair proved
to be quite a hit with the Pioneer
folk. Many of then] didn't miss a
day of the festivities. The Agate
Gl:mge received second prize on
its booth and several blue ribbons
were won by the local boys and
girls and adults. A special well-
done should go to our own Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Auseth and Clive Troy
who were so instrumental in mak-
ing the fair the success it was.
Let's aH work together to make
it bigger and better next year.
two of the fortunate children who
were able to attend the largest
Grange Camp to be held in the
entire State of Washington. They
reported to have had a wonder-
ful time and are anxious to go
again next year. Again some of
our Pioneer folk were responsible
in making the Panhandle Lake
Grange Camp not only the biggest
but the best in the state. Mrs.
Martin Auseth and Mrs. John
the music will be by the Tune
The Ira, in Viks spent this week
in Eastern Washington looking for
some sunshine, camping, and fish-
ing. Their last fling before school
Mr. and Mrs. Don Bins spent
the past weekend in Seaside. Ore.,
visiting he Jim Young family. Lo-
retta also recently returned from
a trip to Salem and Eugene, Ore.
visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Corky Dickinson
and family recently spent a week
camping and fishing on the Olym-
pic Peninsula.
There will be a PTO board meet-
ing Thursday evening beginning
St 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Ger-
aldine Brooks. All new officers.
old officers and committeemen be
pure and attend!
The Ken Roberts family of Se-
attle visited in the home of Mrs.
Loren Roberts Sunday.
MRS. CI-IA_RLES Botts• Sr.,
grandmother of Mrs. Clifford Van-
derral has moved her housetrail-
er to the VanderWal's and will
be making her home there.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Edmundson of
Newport, Ore.. have been visiting
friends and relatives in the Pion-
eer area.
Paula "Wymore of Hood River•
Ore.. is visiting in the Cliff Van-
derWal home for two weeks. Other
recent visitors at the VanderWals'
were Ir. and Mrs. Vic Auseth and
]{r. and Mrs. LyTe Auseth.
Sun-flay visitors in the Jack
Ehero home were the Joe Youngs
and Mrs. Myrtle Shero all of Cas-
tle Rock.
The petty economies of the rich
are just as amazing as the silly
extravagances of the poor.
William Feather
Merr lller SCOTS
,,.a.l-,o .it v,.,in I rl %'.
.,id.-, .,. ti,r po-, I I. % ."
Ickog° for smul] garden I % !
IMots. Combines 2V hp | ]
d,oln-,t,,. ,r°,, ,,, I ! '..TgRtB&
dJver equivalent of a 4 he | / '
ormear unit. Comes ,:__:::. -- _-
Saeger Motor Shop
on Hillcrest
The question of who has been of Kelso. birthday dinner honoring son, Bill.
doing the paying, and to what Mrs. Tommy Jones and children Other guests were Mrs. Bill Rob-
extent, was brought to the fore left Wedfiesday of last. week for arts affd Jimmy of Island Lake,
recently by Congressman Oliver P. their home in Gardens, Calif., at- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberts and
Bolton of Ohio. tar a 10-day visit with Mr. and /VIr. and Mrs. Dennis Dewell and
HE PROT]E"TED the state- Mrs. Cliff Combs and family. Faro of Shelton.
merits carried on the signposts The Clyde Michlers also left last Mr. and Mrs. Ran Moore had
that have been erected along the week for Oxnard Calif•. taking as houseguestsher mother and sis-
stretches of highway under con- grandson. Gary Combs with then].
tar. Mrs. Eva Crowley and Char-
struction to the effect that thE They plan to return soon with lotte, Spanaway.
financing is being done with Fed- their housetrailer.
eral funds. Mrs. Norman Bunko and daugh- Three-year-old Jimmy Nichols'
They should state instead, he tar. Norms arrived last Wednes- foot was badly cut on a piece of
eclared. that the bills are being dy from Las Vegas to spend glass last week which necessita-
footed by the millions of highway some time with her parents, Mr. Led a visit to the doctor with eight
users across the country through a.nd Mrs. GErald Needham ' s'itches being taken to close the BERKSHIRE
the special taxes they are paying Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. wound.
on motor fuel. on tires and on J. W. Stoner was her daugiter, JOE BROI¥N JR.. won grand
other equipment. Mrs. Ernest Hull and Randy, eat- champion in gardening and live-
tle. sock judging at the fair.
For the average car owner in Mike Bunnll-of Agate spent a Vearl Bennett of Seattle was - StOCFdllgS
Mason County, traveling 10.000 couple of days this week with Tom weekend guest of Mrs. Alma Bak- ',]ii
miles a year and registering about beonard er and on Saturday evening they
14 miles to the gallon, the annual Geraldine Needham left Man- visited in the Shelton home of sis- 00AL[
cost is approximately $30, accord-day for,¥ilmington, Calif., to vis-ii friends, tEr-in-law, Mrs. Dewey Bennett. NDS SATURDAY
ing to figures released by the Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Schuffen- [:
Bureau of Public Roads. Shells Hickson was guest of hauer attended the Southwest Wa-
shington Fair on Thursday az%
Locally, with the number of I4athy Rock Saturday and for or- visited with her sister and brother-
cars now in use. the total tax e,'night. Hurry t or you'll miss this wonderful'
comes to $189,300 a year. It goes MICHIEL ANDERSON. son of in-law, Mr. and Mrs. barrel Fos-
into the Highway Trust Fund. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, won tar. opportunity to stock up on famous
Not included in this amount are a blue ribbon aL the Mason Court- Larry, laiy, Barbara, Gloria
the state taxes ,levied on motor- ty Fair on a rope halter, and Tommy Petty spent a few Berkshire Stockings..Remember, these
isis. Penny McQuilkin Ispent the dnys with grandparents, Mr. and
THE tIIGH%VAY system is be- x<eekend in lgeattle with her aunt Mrs. Lawrence Lament. are the stockings with the NyIoc ®
ing constructed on a pay-as-you- and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Imre Randy Howard stayed a couple
go basis, with the major part of Eorvath. They enjoyed a day at of days with his grandparents. Mr. Run-Barrier. They're actually guaranteed
the money for it coming from the -roodlan d Park as a pre-birthday and Mrs. Ted Berry of Shelton the
4-cents-a-gallon tax on gasoline, gift. fh'st of the week. riot to run from top or toe into the ,
Prior to Oct. 1, 1959, it was Monday, Penny entertained Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bloomfield sheer leg area - or you get a new
3-cents-a-gallon. At that time, be- friends at Kneeland Park on her and children and Mrs. Les Bishop
cause construction costs were get- 10th birthday. Guests enjoying r motored to Portland Saturday for pair free.
Ling bigger and because the trust freshments of ice cream, birth- a day of shopping. , , , , .... ,,
fund was falling behind, it was dy cake and pop were Jammie Sunday visitors in the L. A.
raised to 4 cents. Greene of Arcadia, Mardella Ni- Todd home were gr,fddaughter Check these fabulous savings!
For ear omers in Mason Coun- chols. Sheri and Carrie Chappell and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell
ty, the increase has meant an ad- and Patty, Franky end Dixie Ea- Hardy and children including Regular Price Snle Price 3 Pnirs
ditional $47,300 a year. gle. month-old little Carrie Linn.
According to the schedule, they Raenae, Paul and Garth McQuil. Mr. and Mrs. A. O, Schuffen- $1 $t $3
will continue to pay at the pres- kin have returned from a stay at hauer visited on Snnday in Che- .35 .09 .19
ant rate, about $30 year. until cmp Crestvicw. Corbott. Ore. hails with Mrs. Elsie Adolphson.
1972. when the road system is due Mrs. Darl Goldy and Mrs. AI Wednesday callers in the home $1.50 " $t.19 $3,49
to be completed. Chappell and children motored to of Mr. md Mrs. L. A. Todd were "
Their total contribution, in the Olympia Monday for shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Adams and
nine remaining years, based on Sunday visitors at tile Jolm All- lrs. Roy Maljor, Sheri and Alan. $1,65 $t.29 $3.79
the number of cars now in opera-
derson hame were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. arl:t Mrs. William L. Brown
tion locally, will be around $1,703,- on Herrick and Shelley, She]Ton, visited on
700, it is estimated. Mrs. Scab" Combs and grand- Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
The new highways will pay off sons, Larry and Leslie Doyle Howard and family.
in reduced travel Lime, easier tra- spent last week in Seattle. Mrs. The Pete Bloomfield family at-
veling and lower operating costs, Combs with her husband at White tended the fair on Friday evening
it is expected. Center and the bcys in their home and Susan won a blue and white
............. ith parents, the Charles Edwardu. , ribbon on cookies.
The Atomic Energy Commission
is financing new study and re-re
search programs for graduate stu-
dents and faculty of Northwest , i " , . . " •
colleges and universities at the ' '
.ow Entries In County Fair Last Week 7
programs will be coordinated by a
the Center for Graduate Stud'y
in Richland, which is operated b'.v
the b'fiversity of Washington in y Dor Hearhg days at Victoria, B.C. over the
cooperation with Washington MASLOK Matiock Grange weekend. *
State University and Oregon State booth took fourth prize at the Danny Walker and Virginia Hof
Universi[y. Shelton 4-H fair, and many Grange latz spent Sunday in Tacoma.
ladies took blue ribbons on their Mr. and Mrs. \\;/illiam Sweatman
open class etries on sewing and of Humptulips spent Sturday ev-
handwork. Congratulations go to cuing at the Kenneth Howard
Mrs. John McGarvie, as she gel home.
first prize and also the National MR AND MRS HARRY Rick-
00Become Effective In Shelton Sept. 1
Clean. Safe. Efficient. Convenient
For full information about the many advantages: of Natural
Gas (soon to arrive) we suggest you oonta©t our She.on
office ail22 South 3rd Si, or
phone 426.8433
Wool trophy prize on her knitted ert of Hoquiam and Kathy Hickso nwere Sunday guests Mr. *11
sweater, which will go to the Pu- dinner of
fair. and Mrs. Kenneth Howard and
Mrs. Marie McKay spent Man- evening callers were Mr. and Mrs.
day afternoon with Mrs. Augusta James Rodgers and Mary Bray
Portman. of Elma.
• Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Vaughan The -Dave DeFoer family spent
of Olympia were hmeheon guests Sunday in Olympia with Mr. De-
of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing Fact's" sister and family.
Saturday. The LeRoy Boothe family of
Mrs. Augusta PorLman and Carl Hoquiam spent Sunday at the I. C.
Portman spent the weekend in Ford home and Look Diana and
Shelton with the L. D. Portman's. Wade Boothehome.
Mrs. Andrew McGarvie and Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Mrs.
daughters Nancy and Margaret ,1. R. Singleton and Diana Boothe
spent a couple days lasL week at
the horse show in Chehalis. spent Tuesday at Vancouver, and
visited Mrs. Singlcton's ister,
MR. AND MRS. Michael Hoff- Mrs, thel Magill.
man and son of Tacoma called
at the Elvin Hearing home Sun- The LeRoy Boothe family of
day. Hoquiam called at the Herbert
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Thorson of Brehmeyer Jr. home Sunday.
'Shelton spent Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duggin
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker. and family have moved from CaN
Supt. and Mrs. Eugene French ifornia to the Barker place. Mr.
and family spent the weekend at Duggins works at Camp Grisdale.
Mt, Adams to pick huckleberries. MR. AND MRS. ALEC Taylor
Mrs. Watson Ross of Olympia, and family of Tacoma spent the
Mrs. L. D. Prtman of Shelton, weekend at the McGmwic home.
Mrs. Augusta Portman. Mrs. Lad Mr. and Mrs. Genc Brown and
Rossmaier and Mrs. Edward VaN aby spent unday with Mrs.
lay were hmcheon guests of Mrs. Brown's folks,Mr, and Mrs. /V[erle
Elvin Hearing last week Tuesday. Potter of Port Townsend.
The occasion was Mrs. Ross' birth- The Genc Brown family spent
day. a few days last week \\;:ith Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. ArC. Osburn of Bro\\;vn's folks, the G. W. Bro\\;ms
Tillamook, Ore., were houscgmsts of Aubunl and attended a family
at the Harold Clift home last reunion, and they also visited
They all enjoyed a couple friends at Blanchard. W'ash.
USED CARS intercelotio n
Auto, Trans. V-8 Power Steering - Sharp
TIs Tedwln sllp-on intercepted a "fast fake"
1957 PLYMOUTH STA. WGN ............. s79, 5
V-8 - Std. Trans. ghillie tie,..]ust for the effect. Actually it is a
slip-on, but you can tie it if you like. Just another
......................... s595 o Pedwin's young ideas that "'catch on" amon
V-8, Standard transmission. Clean.
the teen crowd. Touch down in tMs Pedwia soon.
1955 CIIE¥. STA. WGN ........................ $445
2/Dr, - 6 Cyl. Std. Trans.
1955 PLYMOUTIIv.s - utomat, -4"Drsharp ........................... $545
1954 DODGEv.s - .utomati¢4"Dr ................................... C,ean car s295 q
1953 PLYMOUTll CLUB COUPE ........ s245 ,, o, P. N..,r,o,,,
oooo oooo00 SHOE DEPT
OF 63's
Front St. & Railroad AVE. Phone 2s.sss CHRI