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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 29, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 29, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PACE 4 ttt t I ....... IS HIgH POINT RIDER--Garry Oakes, Shelton, of:the Mason County Bell Riders horse club. The is presented with tile high point trophy h w0n"in trophy ws donated by the fair board and was the horse show at the Mason Copnty Fair Sat- presented to Garry for winning the largest num- urday. Making the presentation M:(AH. &apos;E. Rowe bet of total points in the events in the show. Skokomish Valley 4-H Members Take Numerous Fair Prizes By +Mtry Valley  them from Seattle were Mr and .+ SKOKOMXSI-I_- The valley was Mrs. Arlan Johnson, and Kim, We are happy to report Mrs. well, represented at the Mason Bray is home from the hospital CoUnty fair last:weekend: Several and wishes to thank her many 4-H member's won ribbons on theh' entries. Fair queen Sandy Lynttan friends for the flowers and cards and PririCesses. Cindy Jackson of and visits. Her granddaughter; Ka- Sbuflisid aftd Karen Smith of Ka- thy Hess of Sunset each is stay- "milche was: presented with corsag- ing with her for a few days. s at the dress review Saturday • evening, Betty Ann Crumb and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley Hoquiam Couple Catch LimitOf Fish AtNahwatzd By Joann Tupper. LAKE NAH%VATZEL -=-Rainey Larson and his wife, Anna Bel, of Hoquiam each caught their limit of fish last Thursday. All nice size  fish, the longes b_ing, a 15-in trout. Archie Kelley ano Walt Chap- pell and sons. Dale and David, drove to Kalaloch to do some smelt fishing, Visiting Mr, and Mrs< Lawrence Hansen last Sunday was'Mrs. Hen. sen's sister, Mrs. Donna Watson of Seattle, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Gonsalzes of Artesia, Calif.. visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James. Bleeker for a few days. Last Thursday }Er. 1., F. Cook, Vfontesan and Mrs. Kenny How- ard, and family, Matlock, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Springer, Saturday evening the Springers visited MI:. an Mrs, Ronald Tho- mas of Shelton. Sunday they drove to Brinnon to the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Springer where they enjoyed the evening"visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Gleng, Spokane and Mrs. William Price of Port Angeles, MR. AND MRS. Amel Tveit motored to Bremerton to the home Kathy Bolender won first and sec- ond place respectively in Junior Food judging and will o to Pu- yallup. They belong to the "Guys and Gels 4-H club. Sandy Lyman won second place in serrior food judging and will also go to uyallup. Peter Cos- ette, Bill Johnson, and Butch Cleveland came in first, second and third in that order in the Forest- ry judging contest. Peter will go to Puyallup with, Bill as an al- tmnate. These boys are also mem- bers of the Guys and Gels club. Artie Tozier had the prize win- ning horse and the only blue rib- bon winner. Artie also shared the champion in the calf riding con- test. Danny Ragan and Sandy Ly- man really brought home the ba- con when they each caught a pig in the pig scramble. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dugger and son, Carl, drove to Centralia on Saturday and spent the day with Mr. Dugger's mother. Visiting at of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ward, the Dugger home on Sunday was where they enjoyed dinner  last,Mrs. Delorjs Drake and children, Sunday. That evening they were S; Dbn Pavel: also spent a cou- visited by Roy Anderson of Mat- ple of dacg at the Dugger home lock. " 'while her husband Don Pavel was Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Lee at Nelles Air Base near Las re- Dawson were visited by Mr. and gas, as a repair man for helicop- Mrs. Jim Chandler of '{,erett. ters. Saturday the Dawsons were vis- I MR. AND MRS. Arthnr Eohnson lted bv Mrs Dawson's brother spent the weekend in Milton with nd fancily, [r. and Mrs. George I their son Ron and family. On Sun- Eidemille: of Vancouver. day Mrs. Ron Johnson entertained :Mr. and Mrs. FI E, Hewson with a dinner in honor of Ron and spent a few days motoring through son Bruce's birthdays. Joining Eastern Oregon and Southern Id- BEEF FOR fat steers which were sold at the 4-H calf auction SALEThese are two of the three at the Mason County Fah- Saturday Auctioneer was Boney Loertscher. drove to South Tumwater, Sunday and spent the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lozier. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coble drove to Retsil Saturday to visit Mr. Co- ble's brother Jack. They were ac- companied by Mrs. Gladys Tozier, Vivian Smith and Colcen Strong. Mr. and Mrs Humphrey Nelson enjoyed a week of fishing'at Sekiu and came home with anice catch. Mr. and Mrs. Blair Barkley of Edmonds and Mr. and Mrs. Don Patterson, Kathy and Rian of Se- attle, spent-the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George Barkley. Joining them for dinner on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Bill Hunter and fa- mily. THE SKOKOMISH Community Sunday SchOol held a picnic at Panhandle Lake Saturday with a good number attending. FLAG FOR THE FAIR--Frank Kokett, ieft, commander of the Shelton Veterans of Foreign Wars post. presents a fhig for the new Mason County Fair Grounds to Martin Auseth, fair board chairman, at ceremonies Friday night. , Several of the youth of the Com- munity churefl ann Hoodsport are ll == ............. attending the Black Lake Bible i |il[ II i ii I illlf I Camp thm' week. Pastor John Had-[i Ir__LL== ==imm --.,,-----=,--ItlllltltLIltW ley will be the song leader, l ....... Mr. and Mrs. Denny Tempie and_L__ water uaranteed son Robert of Island Lake spen  Satnrday evening with her par-in i,Vk iinll ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Sjoholm. li m,/K i'llr'. Dinne guests Sunday of the Sjo-]i =.= ="= m m holms were Mrs. Robert Berge ]i =1 = a ,,,   P tel n  In ........................ and arry Jones of  to . Mrs .......... Berge recently :retrained from I m n ..... I, Ill..'. II ''. ---, _ trip to Europe and while there li II,__Pli IlrllllOy I;O !visited Mr. Sjoholm's brother in]i ,IUVVR, l|iminu b VVm :.Sweedbn and had many interest-l  B II Russel Pone 426-4245 ing things to tell. I • .... afternoon. ] ............ RELUCTANT BUCKER-- This YOUR NAME will be inscribed on any zipper binder or lunch box pur- chased at Nell's -- abso- lutely FREE! ZIPPERED RING or Brief Cases $12' To FILLER PAPER Simpson's wide or college rule 500 package reg. $1.29 Multiple Vitamin 100 Capsules reg. values $2.96 young lady contestant in the calf riding contest at the fair :.2 Saturday afternoon gets a firm  grip while the two young gen- i=lml =I Ill ..... Ill GOI[Y] tlemen on the left try to prod llilll' UUBiUHiltPV t some action from a calf which IILIL O /IIJ'IilIlUMUi would ra.ther walk around quiet- ly than buck. PITTSBURGH SUN ! aho enjoymg the beautiful scen- ery in our Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kruger of Shelton accompanied by Mr. Frank Cooper drove to Westport" last Snnday. They boarded a charter boat at Rockey's Boat Service with Don R0ckey, the skipper. They enjoyed fishing for king salmon and perch. Cooper hooked a nice 22 pound king sahnon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chappell and children. Charles, Jane. Larry, s nd Steve drove to Coos Bay, Ore, last Friday to the home of Mr and /virs, %Villiam Chappell. Satur- day Mr. and Mrs. Chappell were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Bisberg at North Bend. Ore. Their daughter Jane was ovegaight houseguest of Ran- dy Case at North Bend. They re- turned home last Sundy, bring- ing Kirk Chappell back with them. lie will stay with the Henry Chap- pel]s and attend schodl here. VITING Mr. and rs, Hec- tor Barbour last Saturday was Barbour's sister and husband, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Gibson of Puyal- lup. They drove up the Canal Sat- urday evening and enjoyed dinner at ]Vliltos'. Spending a few days with lV[r. and Mrs. Clifford Reeve and farab ily was Mrs. Reeve's nephews Seen and Kai Clancy of Olympia: .. Friday !v[rs. Reeve and son Rod- ney, drove to Setlttle on business, Saturday evening Mr. an@ Mrs. A1 Tapper, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Art Palmer, Matlock. visited at the home of lfr. and Mrs. Fred Linton of Brinnon, Sunday evening Mr, and Vfrs. Dick Tupper and daughter, Susav[ and Mrs Tupper's mother, Mrs, Mary Chrisman and brother, /'ed Chrisman and his wife, Janice and daughter, harron, all of South San Gabriel, Calif.. drove up the Canal to visit John Tripper sta- tioned at Eldon with the Forestry Service. On their return they stop- ped along the Canal for dinner in celebration of Mrs. Tupper'S birth- day. Last Bonday evening dinner guest at the Tuppers' home was Mrs. Art Palmer of Matlock. The occasion was to celebrate Mrs. Dick Tupper's birthday with a beautiful decorated cake made by Mrs, Palmer, If you are in an alligator are during mating time, you may hear the bul!s roaring. You can tell the size of the specimen by the sound he makes. A small, young bull will moo like a cow. A°big, old bull will all but make the timber rattle when he lets go with his bellowing roar. Journal Want Ads, Payl START THEM BACK TO SCHOOL WITH... O I DARIGOLD 0 Ii vclll liMIC Healthy, happy, strong and alert children learn more--faster! TO give them pep and energy from the first bell to the lastthey need at least 3 glasses of milk every day.., and.., the finest, freshest, most detidous milk is LOCALLY PRODUCED DARIGOLD the brand preferred by more Northwest people