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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 29, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 29, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.>9, 1903 SHELTON--MAS0N COUNTV ,!01JRNAL ,--pub!!l!fid, il!: "Ch!:i,tma,!tow!, U,,g.A?', ghe!t0n W ae, hington ......... PACE ]5 Residents Have Entries |air Last Week lnotion of the eral visits along the way, Lake Xair and after Louise and Vancouver, I3.C. being ,Mason L2ounty especially interesting to "tel'. Not , We found it, having leen here for five years, excitement, in- the cousins look forward to an ex- and friendly tended visit. • The Orin Soules are happy to 'hrst" for our have granddaughter Gayle Soule the convenient of Portland here with them fat' south of the aarvelous ira- interest to Was the St. since this county fair exhibit by Another to oxw Fair Harbor Marge Hull and Ethel of con- Lynn Sic- very ca- )reparations Barnacles their served in the pro- Jody search- for veg- and Cook- by Georgia UCky Query, Pogreba, Nick- and Alice ers. Entries in by Jerri Hill Art Nicklaus to enter his after many L at leading le grudging- lea- and Mrs. time and exhibits, :erring in ;Ling with horse afternoon to Grape- of expert who took second place nare "Dusty president of of Shel- against the Con- summer Island lVrr. .qd an "'olen at their cottage, new friends. gath- and cat- of the Bells, friends who Mr. are school area. -tUrn to CaN jobs, They orward to to the they fell and all ! Bell has area residents, Pe- and Celebrated Eaerett. to visit Stratford another visit. Gayle, who arrived last Friday evening plans to make the most. of boating and skiing before her departm'e Sept. 3. Last Tuesday the Soules were delighted to have as guests Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Spinner of Elma. The Spinners and Soules share many memories for they were wed on the same day and eeiebrated their Golden Wedding anniversar- ies together some time ago. Taking advantage of this last week of vacation Miss Catherine Query is spending the week in Bremerton with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Query. Like- wise, Georgia Clayton is spending the week with her grandma in Hoquiam. Monday, little Virginia Query celebrated her fourth birthday qui- etly at home with her folks.' There was lots of activity at Mrs. Daisy Bush's Stretch Island home over the weekend. Daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hagman, brought brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hagman, daughter Barbara and friend, Ju- lie Smith, along from Tacoma and, as a result, Mrs. Bush's old ap- ple tree was downed, the en,guing trash burned in a lovely beach fire and Daisy has a neat anaount of fireplace wood for this fall and winter. Upon returning to Grape- view this year, Mrs. Bush was de- lighted with the improvements wrought by the Hagmans; paint- zng, pa,pering and a lovely fire- place lfilt into her house. Now the wooer from the apple tree wilt give double warmth. LON(-TIME FRIENDS from Aberdeea spent Friday afternoon with the Walter Claytons. With them, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gustin brought :Mr. and Mrs. "Babe" Whitman of Sacramento. The Whitman's, recent Milwaukee res- idents, u/ewe fascinated with the "pursuit" oi clams and oysters on the beach and fully enjoyed the entire afternoon. On their way home from a trip around "the :Loop", Stan and Glen- na Hagedorn of Bremerton drop- ped in on the Fred Lutzes Sunday afternoon and enjoyed having Sun- day dinner slmred with them. Mary Jane Cook spent a quiet weekend n Grapeview with broth- er Dean and family. Roy Carlson, former head of the Washington State Patrol. now a U.S. State Department Employee, held his audience spellbound at the ,Tacoma. USAR Center Mon- day evening with tales of his ex- periences while serving in Cambo- dia helping to train their Inter- hal Security Forces. In this aud- MASON COUNTY'S Hal Ray and a lovely were lering, toe enjoyed . a cruised etts Sun- alon to take opera- of lo- Sun- from la Tacoma. h to talk head earer at the Gen- a Ki- tour north Creek, of the approxi- satisfying "Web and return- Mak- at Prince Bar- a popular :th for a Ar- eve- IV[on- :Sirs. lovely and useful items- among them towels, apron, pot holders, casserole dishes, to nanle a few. She served a lovely dessert and coffee. Ruth Nelson will be hon- ored Sept. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawson of Port Orchard spent last Sunday at the home of the Sam Clements. I)AVII) IIROWN of Stockton, Calif., son of Harold and Rachel Brown, spent the weekend of Aug. 17 with his folks. He came up for his class reunion Saturday night. which was well wortb the trip up for. He brought Norman, his bro- ther, wife Norma and Sbelley and Debbie with him. They will visit both grandparents while here and will return to California by train this week. Enjoying several days at Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clements home was their daughter Bey and Walt, Mar- tgean and Judy and Walt's sister and fmnily,: Natlie and Howard Rossmussen and four children of Missoula. Mont. A bridal shower for Louise Wat- son was held Friday, Aug. 16. There were three hostesses. Elaine Kowalcyzk won the door prize and several other games were played during the evening. Louise's moth- er-in-law to be was also present. Louise received many lovely use- ful gifts for her new home. Re- freshments and coffee were served. SPENDING LAST Tuesday in Seattle at Woodland Park Zoo and Seattle Center were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Greenfield, Mrs. Susie Von Osten and Mrs. Judy Von Ostcn Birthday Club At #e w Service Station Opens In Th! Kami!che Area This Week 1 T° accept g°°d advice is b''s '° increase one's own abilit[:.Goethe ml""ln Honors ,, Jem A nofSantaMoni-guesLs were Mr. and Mrs: Rich'-, | I III1 ( N lnqlllO|lS [ that czt Con atul tmns and b( s [ KAMILCtIE  Another trust- wislles are exlended to the happy ca, Calif., is visiting at the home ard Hinehcliffe of Butte, Mont.,II Pess d,)m' was opened last \\;reek  coupic, of Mr. and Mrs Gene Tavlor. Mort- and Mrs. Della Buyer of Olympia:l| The American Legion when tim Richfiehl service slat.ion! Visitors this week qi the Dan day Mrsl Allison and M)'s. Taylor They also called on the Roy Pet-![ ]1%,,4- a¢ i),ao'f*'-" Four I['IILAL [1| II.II Meeifl " operated hv Dean \\;Vilcox opened \\;Voo(i h(;me ;re|,  Mr and Mrs coiled at the.hmles Drahamhome ty family in Shelton. I[ ''l'u" u. ,,,,. its doors. "The service station iS Itichar d Swanson (;f Xiasl;a (form-' ill Olympia. Oliver Petty is spending two ll lRln r XXrT;T'TT located at the corner of the Lord er &mice Mainwaring). They are Mr. and Mrs. \\;V. I-I. MeFie of weeks 'w,th the" 'Natmnal" Ch,ard, I| _..e....._...._.. vv ,va:*.a*-*_ By Judy Yon Osien Road and the freewa.y intersection (,n their Way Io New York {vhere Twisp were Monday evening" over- Shelton Uait in Yakima.. /i POST 31 ALLYN - Birthday club this of the Aberdeen-McCleary road. !tliey will bolh enter school. Mr. night guests at the Cecil Black- month was held at tlc home of \\;¢rilcox and his family have pur-l.wimson in a chaplin's mission welder home. The Philip Simmons family I| Oelbert Weston, Commander Mrs. Vera Izett. Twelve mem;,ers chased a home in lhe locality and i school and Mrs. Swanson will I Mr and Mrs Don MeIntq-e of spent last week in Portlann visit: I| a Mel Dobson Ad;utant have moved f|'om Brinnon and has leactl mlrsin " a d also study Her -- .... .. _... __  £ .. ing the Dave George and Roland [| . , a and thre children and one guest ..... .... ; . ] .... s .... • ' " I Tacoma canes at me tene Toy|or Mrs. Virginia Greenfield were pre- )een m t e msmess tin- the past xotk will be in Boston . ' 2 i- . Simmons families. II Next Meeting ,'" ': " . . I ...... inome bu| aav. Callers at, the home of Mrs. I| Tuesday, Sept. 3 sent. The usual delicious potluck 16 ye!u's. He s selling gasohne I Karen Mainwaring of Portland[ Mr. and ll:rs Walt Bloomfield hmch was served. Four birthdays qnd off, (hesel, wh,te gas, premzx, ]visiled her g|'andparents tbe Dan Iham)ilv a,mo,me- "h- birth of a Annie Whiteiier Sunday were. Mr.l| A" -- • ' s ............ and Mrs. :Arthur Woodworth o00;tl - ,..o- wilt do nmchamcd work and ha  Wood's over tlie weekend and the H .; o ...... were celebrated ihis month, Mrs. 1 " = , granaaaugmer . to tne er'y a wrecker In his o eratlon ]rn the ..... [ ' . - • Ur, ion and the Ray James famil 5/i: .... Memorial Hall--8 p.m, Elaine Kowalcyzk, Mrs. Lucille I! o . ,. P:... " • I \\;Voods took he| back to t rutland. I (Kathy] Hemmmger home on Sat- ] of Tacoma. ' . '| .... " Rice, Mrs. Susie Von Osten and near zuu re u(-,r  wm e a grana -  ' Elli funil left: - ' k 24 h it third child . o " iz o. ),- - ? s'  ' wne Tony  son  y . [ u 'say, . ug. , t e .... ' • I Mrs. Judy Von Osteu. Birthday I pen  ( t me mu mess. . Tuesdav fro" a Vacation trip which Ca'llers at the Oene Taylor home t • Mr and Mrs I)an \\;Voou an: " '" • , club will be held at the home of " . ..: . ,. . I took them east of the mountains last week ere Mr and Mrs. Bob l nolluee 1;he weDDing Or Lneir granG- . " "" - i   n -" ...... ' Mrs. Kathy Neuzbatm] next month. ._  .-r ....... nrougn uKanogan and n[o wa - Scott ot aKzma. I SOIl lflanllv '¢% ODd /o ,Jane l-lelln t , tan " " " Harriette Chiplal was honored " --  "  o" " --" , ada Thev spent a da at S, - (OMING FROII Shelton to ws - this month for  e Replenishing i - L.°na°n, pnd']n.. They \\;ve!'e!ley Park in Vancouve|','B,C. before it at the Dan \\;Vood home last! lallle(l )n Jlll t) in a Cnlll C[l in Shower Cluh. She received many ' "  " -'  " ] re'turning home on Friday. Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Bob VICTOR OTTO , son of Mr. and Hite and Mrs. Walter Moulh'op. ience was USAR Captain Walter Clayton, Jr., who was much in- terested in the comparison of I,'ast vs. West apects of out, Foreign Aid program. A familiar and ahvays popular genlleman who is unable to resist the lure of the vineyards when the grapes begin to show color, is back in the community again. Jotm McGlothlin arrived by auto Sun- day morning from Oklahoma, ac- companying a friend, Joe HaP, of Siloam Springs At¢. He missed a visit here with his Alyee Cavanagh, claugl',ter-in-law Bernice McGlothlin. grandson John and granddaughters Lois and Car- olyn who had left for their homes in Oregon just the Wednesday be- fore following a visit with the Lloyd Richeys on Stretch Island. DINERS GUIDE --EAT OUT OFTEN-- m, I WALT'S ROBIN HOOD LODGE v_, miles East of Union on lhe Canal AN ENCHANTING ATMOSPHERE FEATURING-- , HOME MADE PIES AND PASTRIES • QUALITY FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES • BREAKFAST SERVED ANYTIME MILLO'S DINER o. Hood Canal near Potlatch on Iighway 101 BREAKFAST  LUNCH -- DINNER -- Our Specialty -- . BREASTED CHICKEN (finger-licken' good) We feature SEAFOOD, too! Phone 877-9488 -- Take-Out Orders! nTnWl N .1 North 1.t St. DAIRY in Shelton Recognized as THE place for thick SHAKES and smooth SUNDAES, and NOW from DAIRY QUEEN'S kitchen -- i:tAMBUF1GER and FRIES. Phone 426-8091 THE GROVE CAFE iy 101 less than a ,nile South of Hoodsport LUNCHES r..= DINNERS STEAKS  SEAFOOD  CHICKEN DINNERS OPEN 11 A.M. TO 12 MIDNIGHT Phone 877-5571 -- Fred Williams, Prop. THE OYSTER HOUSE s miles West of Belfair on Hood Canal We Take Pride in Our HOMEBAKED BREAD and PASTRIES • Complete Variety of DINNERS • SEAFOODS GATEWAY CAFE  mtle o suo. on the Olympic Highway BREAKFAST  LUNCH  DINNER • Prime Rib and Steak • Seafood • Homemade Pies Dinner Parties Invited Open daily 6 a.m. to 10 p,m, MAMIE'S GRILL 1934 Olympic Highway North o :Mountain View BREAKFAST- LUNCH  DINNER Special Dinners Daily  Fried Clams  Oysters • Buckwheat Hotcakes Anytime • WE MAKE OUR OWN PIES! MINOR S A & W DRIVE-IN 1729 Olympic I-Iighway N. on Mt. View "COME AS YOU ARE, WE SERVE IN YOUR CAR" • FOOD and DRINK ORDERS TO GO HAMBURGERS & FRIES FOOT-LONG HOT DOGS ,, • u and children. Later in the evening Mrs. G|'eenfield stopped to visit a friend, Mrs. Norms Rich of Se- attle, whom she hadft seen for ahnost 20 years We are happy to report Mrs. Walter McCrady is home from the hospital and feeling just fine• The Howard \\;Vsmns are home after spending several days camp 7 ing at lhe ocean. They dug clams and canned them, ,also erabs, and had a real good time. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Valley of Crescent C{ty, Calif., returned home this weekend after visiting relatives ani friends. Mr. and Mrs. Vince Angels of Antioch, Calif., spent a few days last week visiting friends in Allyn. They staved at the home of Steve Boyce W'hile here they showed slidcs taken while they were in Mexico, New York, Florida, New Orleans and many other interest- ing places: They visited with f|'iends, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terrell, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hirseh, Mr. and Mrs. James Von Osten, Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Von Osten, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam elements. Denise Wynn celebrated her 11 th birthday Sunday with . a small party and cake and ice cream. IRENE %VYNN of Oaklantl, CalTf., is up visiting relatives in Allyn Her mother, and a friend drove up with her. She was here in time to help he|- niece Denise celebrate he|, birthday Mr. and Mrs. James Von Osten took Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Von Os- ten ont to dinner at the "Beach- comber" restaurant on Friday ev- ening. The occasion was Jewel and Susan's birthdays. Mrs. Martin Otto, reinlisted in the Navy and=-left his home last week for San Francisco for all assign- merit of duty. Mrs. Helen Hill and son Phillip of. Sunnyside visited at the Clif- ford Roundtree home last week. They all enjoyed a trip to the ocean While here. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Waldrip spent three days last week in Vancouver, B.C. where they attended the Pa- cific Coast Oyster Growers Assoc- iation-meeting. They enjoyed a trip tluough Chinatox\\;m aiso while- there. Kamilche Progress Grange won third prize' in their exhibit at the Mason County Fair last weekend. Saturday the Edwin Petty's at- tended the Governor's Review of troops of the 41st Infantry Divi- sion of Washington and Oregon National Guard at Gray Field, Ft. Lewis. Sunday the Edwin Petty's drove to Fort Worden for the Fouvtl Annual picnic and parade of the 248th Coast Artillery Association. Monday Antone Ellison and son Marshall and Brady Whitener drove to Westport for a day of fishing. i Wednesday hmcheon guests at the Edwin Petty home were :Mrs. Flora Jorgenson, Christie and Matt, Mrs. Nelle Jordan and Diane all of Olympia. Evening drop-in LUMBER • HARDWARE • PAINTS 1 mile off highway on Cole Road Cole Road Builder's Supply Cole Road Ph. 426,8224 This cantanker0us Citizen, refusing to talk until he has some- body tO talk to, sits beside the phone awaiting a long distance call from his granddaughter. Have you called a lonely loved one lately? How about this evening, after six, when long dis- tance rates are even lower? PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL OPEN LABOR DAY PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 29-30-31 RIGHT TO LIMIT GROUNDBEEF & t.ean ................. LB. CANNED HAHS Morre,,'s ........ 19 FRY RS , BONEL.ESS .... , A il ................ ...... ,,! " ;!![.2: .:!i :7,. kS" 83 h"l00R(iLi'00iNE. 1 "1 SKINLESS WlENERSAo, SWIFT'S PREM 12-OZ. TINS , t;ql I .... """ WATERHELOH L2 thole 2 II :: ............... °2 Wa:2i.g;;;a'rowo " II A MARSHMALLOWS ,oo: 5/'1 2€2) h] tP : S L''k'l ......... C U *'''I' tll L mLL'S00,FEE 1Til:s59;T2i/'$117 Lc//Ut;I00 ............................................ Each LU  p GHEER ,0, o,, 69* -- m ' " "  " ' " " L a  e s " " :" " " ...... L B " I/ i0 SHRIMP ;:L: o, 3/sit GREEH PEPPER : ........ ................