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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 29, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 29, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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29, 193 0RTUNITY ? Shore ar- COil struc- Work orders- fox' 'All work you wan*d. docks, ramps, excellent 19- x 32'. (It's in). Cedar' slab. in- in. Lo- ? 40' upland heart of this area. Full price Terms can be are the right ]UBURBAN all on 1 laces, spa- room. Tinted trou- paint. 2- garden spot. Terms ar- )0WNTOWN to schools, room 14'X e. Washer, $7.950. Buy with $975 an costs. VIEW room ceptionally daylight oper- Garage, rooms. )r $8,950. Imme- home. er FHA ap- 2 It's big! s: Spacious water fur- tiled traffic Play yard. it $20.000. for your a home you Own. CH, CREEK clear, fruits. Plus extra South Out-of-state once at sac- $7,400 with $50. and pos- RANCH land, all. 20 acres around horse room, 1-3 th income be $85. .MEs from } down pay- $500 Mon- c y RANCE Wash. 426-8544 Legal Publications ('ALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will he received i)y 1he Board ol Connnissioners of Pub|to Utility Dislricl No, 1 ol Mason County, \\;Vas/lington until 8:00 1).m. Monday, Sel)tenHu,! 9. 1963 al I|lolr office ul Potlatch. \\;Vashinzmn: for liabilily in- surance el'he speeificalions for which -riley ho sePnFe(t at the District office, Daled this 161h day of Augum 1963. Publi, Utility District No. 1 o! Mason County Signed : HAROLD NUNTER. Secretar:v 8/22-29 21 Real Estate EXGEPTIONAL VALUES WHY PAY RENTBUY THIS Very low down payment and small monthly payments will get you into this excellent home. Two bedrooms and a possible third. Just recently remodeled and very little left to do. Brand new living room with large stone fireplace--- all paneled. Kitchen has ceramic tiled counters, stainless steel sinks. lots of cupboards. Partially fur- nished for only $6800. LOCATION DOWNTOWN-- DANDY NEIGHBORHOOD This family home has three bed- rooms. 2 down and one up. Large living" room with dining area. Com- pact kitchen with step saving ease. Utility room off kitchen. Fenced back yard. Separate ga- rage. A real buy for only $8500. EXCELLENT FARM--ONLY FEW MINUTES FROM TOWN This trim farm has three good size bedrooms, one down and 2 up. Living room Kitchen has lots of cupboards. Utility porch. Sepa- rate garage. Excellent well. One acre. All this for $6500. MT. VIEW LOCATION ACROSS FROM SCHOOL This excellent buy has three bedrooms. Living room with fire- place. All plastered. Kitchen is de- signed for easy work. birch cabi- nets, built in oven and table top stove. Extra large lot. $14,500. SPACIOUS--ROOMY--B U I LT FOR A REAL FAMILY Three bedrooms with built in closets. Bath and a half. Fireplace in large living room. Family room Full basement with fireplace. Patio. Deck all around. 'Large yard. Shown by appointment only. ACREAGE FOR SALE 100 acres. Some merchantable timber. 40 acres under tree farm program. All fenced. Roads on property. BUILT FOR THE HAPPY FAMILY This trim and neat home has 3 large bedrooms. Lots of storage slSace. Tiled and extra large bath- room. Living room designed with wall space for easy furniture ar- ranging. King size utility room. Sunny and bright kitchen with lofs of Cupboards. Garbage dispo- sal. Located on Mr. View for $14,- 200. FOR SALE OR LEASE Located on Arcadia, 5 minutes from town. Little under one acre. Three bedrooms plus sewing room. Nice size living room with sepa- rate dining room. New electric range. Lots of room in this yard. Large workshop. Carport. Halt basement All this for $8500. FOR RENT Three bedrooms: Living room with fireplace, carpeted. Dish- washer. Patio. Nice yard. $90.00 per month. Small apartment. All furnished. Garage. $35.00 per month. Three bedroom summer home. Fireplace. Private beach and dock. $80.00 per month. ANGLE AGENGY Real EState -- Insurance HERB -- Phone 426-8272 -- DICK SUE DANIEL8 DONALD (Bean) DANIELS 426-3434 1 Walter George-- Manager, broker 426-6642 -- HOME PHONE 426-3530 \\; Herb Rotter Associates, Inc. Accounting & Bookkeeping HOUSES--3 acres cleared. One six room, water system. Close to town. $7500. HOUSE, garage and two lots - $4000: Carport, 75 x 100 foot lot - $11,200, 4/fi acres, 3 room house, garage with - $14,750. E, garage, close to shopping center, $4500 payment $1,000, $50 per month, 3 bedrooms, garage, Lot 60' x 120' furnace, fireplace, corner lot, just fireplace, carport, large utility room and $11,200. three bedrooms, fireplace, electric heat 60 ft. of waterfrout, close to town. $12,000 lining room, fireplace, garage and car- 500. 4-bedroom house. One acre of land, spring garage, workshop  $9,500, corner lot, hot water heat, fireplace, Angleside -- $10,500. I1 farm home, 9½ acres, 250 ft. waterfront €¢ "R ]TELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL --Published in Ohm, tmastow7 U..A,", NOTICE OF WATER RI(;IlT AI'I'LI('A'rlDN NO. 18014 STATE OF WASHINGTON. OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OP WATER BE- SOURCES. l)epartmenl of Conserva- tion Olympia. TAKE NOTICE: That BILL I-;USCH of Gig Harbor. \\;Vasbington 1 Juy 15. 963 filed ap- plication for pel'nlit IO divert tile public, wat('rs of Unnaaled sl}riag trib. utary of Hood Canal. ill tile alnounl of 1.20 second-foe1 subject lo existina rights, continuously each year for tile purpose OF COlnnlunity dol'aestic Stl,P- ply illat tile OPl)roxinlah point of di- version is Ioealed within Gov'l Lot 2 (SV' NW'i) of Section 36. Town- ship 22 N.. Bange 3 W.W.M. in Ma- son County, Ans" objections Intlst be acconlpanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed will1 the State Supervisor of Water Resources within thir|y (30) days from Aug. 29. 1963. Wilness my hand and official seal this 31st day of July. ]963. 5L G. WALKER State Supervisor of Water Resources. : 22-29 2t Real Estate CHOICE WATERFRONT HOME NEW LISTING You had better hurry if you want a terrific buy on a choice water- front home. Here is what we have to offera 6 year young 2 bed- room home in perfect condition with heatalator fireplace, loads of storage, hardwood floors and it is fully plastered and insulated. Lo- cated on 3V2 acres with 95 ft. of low bank frontage only 3 miles from our office. This is the buy of the year for only $14,350, so call Vince Himlie at once for a showing. MT. VIEW NEW LISTING Here is the perfect spot for that growing family. This good=sized home has 2 bedrooms on the main NO. 3416 Ol'I('l,; OF BFARING FINAL IIE- PORT AND P I,'TPr lllN Fl)ll DIS- T I/1 I} I:TI I)N IN" TIlE SIPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF %VASIII NGWEE FOR MASON C()UNTY IN PBOBATE IN TPItC MATTER CIP 'HE ESTATE OF' GEORGE V. BOLIN, Deceased. NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN that VIVI4N BOLIN. Executrix of tile Es- hlte of Geol'g' %%. Bi)lin. deceased, has filed in the office of the Chrk (,f said Court a FinM Report and Petition for Distribution. asking the Court to settle said report, distril)uie the t)roperty to the persons thereto en/illed and dis- ebargc the petitioner as Executrix; and that said report and petition will be heard on tile 6th day oJ September. 1963. at 10:00 o'clock m tile forenoon of said day, or as soon thereafter as tile nlatter caiq be heard at tile court roonl 0f tile above enti|led court, in the Com'thouse in Si.elton. Mason County. rasbinglon. at which tinle and place an3' person interested in said Es/ale may el)Pear and file objections thereto and conlest tile sanle. DATED this 2 day of August, 1963. LAURA M. WAGENER Clerk ol said Court By TECKLA VERMILLION Deputy GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 Smith Fourth Street Shelton X.Vashington 8/8-15-22-29 4 t HOMESITE OR A HOME If you have been wanting Island Lake property, now is the time, We have a choice building site at $68.00 a front foot, or a complete 3 bedroom. 2 fireplace home on 125 feet frontage. Let's go look today. ....... A. ROY DUNN VACATION ON HOOD CANAL The house is not much more than a shack, but has a fireplace, 4 bedrooms, and lots of living left in it. The beach is some of the best and located in a top area. The owner has asked that we suh- mit all offers. Better look now. This kind of property is not on the market very often, A ROY DUNN- --- NO. 3419 NOTICE OP IIFARINII ]"INAL RE- I'OllT AND PETITlIIN FOil DISTB[- II'TI(1N IN TILE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF \\;VASt-It NGTON FOR MASON COUNTY , IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SOFUS NANSEN. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LAURA J. I1ANSEN. Executrix of the at)Dye entitled estale, has filed in the office o[ the Clerk of said Court a Final Rep(.rt and Politi(m for Distri- bution, asking lhe Court to settle said ]'ellort. distrihuto the prol)orly to 1he persons thereto enliiled and lo dis- charge tile petitioner as Executrix: and that said report and petition will lie heard on the 6th day of Septemher, 1963, at 10:00 (/('hick in the, forenoon of said day, or as soon thereafter as the" Inditer can he Ileard at the court r(oln o[ 1he ahove entith.d court. In the Courthouse in Sbelton. l,ason Courtly. Washington. at which time and phlce any pers.n interested ill said Estale may aPl)ear and file ob- jections thereto and (.(,nresl tile same, DATED this 6 day of Angust, 1963. LAURA \\;VAGENER Clerk of said Court GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 South Four|h Street Shelton. Washingum 8/8-15-22-29 4t NO. 8487 SU'MMI)NS RY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF %VA Sial INGTON FOR MASON COUNTY YVONNE M. CULPEPPER. Plaintiff, VS. "vVILLIAM H. CULPEPPER. Defend- anl. STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID WILLIAM H. CULPEPPER DE- FENDANT : YoU are hereby sunlnlonod to ap- tlear within sixty (60) days after tile date of the first lmblication of this sUlnlu(lns, to ,VII within sixty (60) days after tlle 22nd day of Augnst. 1963. and defend the above entitled ac- tion in the el)ave entitled court, and answer to conlplaint of tile plaintiff, and serve a COl)y of your allSJ,'el •npon the undersigned atlorncy at his oIfice I)eh)w stated: and ill ease of your fail- ure to do s,). judgment will be ren- dered against you according to tile demand of the complaint which has been fih, d with the clerk of said court. That the cause of actio herein is tel' 1 divo)'ee between the parties above darned wherein the defendant has treated the plaintiff iD a rruel man- nor. /s/ JONN C. RAGAN Attorney for Plaintiff floor, plus a large bedroom and LIKE SECLUSION Offi,... and Post Offire Address: den upstairs, Also, a n,ce dining Here it is with all the conven-]Title Insurance Building 122 Railroad Avenue area and handy utility room. Out- ienee you will want. This Har- Shelton. Washin;¢ton side you will find a trim yard and stine Island home features 4 bed- 8,22-29 9f5-12-19-26 6t large, garage-workshop Budget rooms, fireplace, nice 100 ft, fron- riced at just $9,700. Quick pos- tage with dock. There is a guest session, too. TAKE YOUR PICK! We have 3 excellent two bedroom homes priced from $7,000-$7,850. Each of these homes are in tip- top condition, so you will have a minimum of maintenance. They are priced right and will make good homes for small families. Why not call us for more information. 3 BEDROOMS ONLY $6,750! The perfect buy when you neeo lots of room on a small budget. Located on 2 fenced lots, close to school, this is just right for the active family. See it today! EASY TERMS! You can purchase this roomy 3 bedroom home with about $500 total cash outlay. There is an un- cottage with bath and electric kitchen, spacious 2 car garage with lots of storage space and workshop. $18,900 is full price. Terms. of course, ..... A. ROY DUNN LOVELY EXECUTIVE HOMES We now have listed 2 of Shel- ton's nicer homes. One is located at 326 South 5th Street. the oth- er at 627 Grandview. Each has 3 large bedrooms, family room fire- places. 2 baths, utility room. 2 ear garage and many, many ex- tra nice features, Your choice at $19.750. FHA - GI - or conven- tional terms available. A. ROY DUNN ........... MT. VIEW - VERY NICE This one was not just dolled np. finished attic for more bedrooms, It was built that way. It features or storage, plus a partia base- 2 bedrooms with extra large clos- ment, attached garage and a large back yard. Close to both school and stores. F.H.A. appraised at on- ly $10,500. Call anytime for an ap- nt. A LITTLE HOUSE Here is a little house (2 bed- room) with a little price ($2750) a little down payment ($300) an little monthly payments ($35). It needs a little work (???) but then you would do a little work to make a little money (wouldn't TRAILER MINDED? Then you should see this 45' mo- bile home located on 150 ft. of ex- cellent waterfront only minutes from town. There is a large car- port-utility room. huge sundeck, drilled well, year-round creek, plus several building or trailer sites. A good value at $15,000 with easy terms. MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 426-6592 ANYTI ME DOWNTOWN LOCATION Two bdrms, separate utility room and shower. Includes electric range and oil heater Cement foun- dation. Only 3!,@ blocks to Trade- well. $5900 3r dwn. plus closing. MOUNTAIN VIEW . . . Two bed- roon]s, newly repainted, new sid- ing. Includes oil heater & some furniture 2 blocks to stores. $6,000 Terms. DOWNTOWN . .. Three bedrooms 2-story home with dining rm. Fire- place. Lrg. kitchen & breakfast nook. $7,000 terms. MOUNTAIN VIEW . . , Two bed- rooms, Hwy. property. 2 lots (2 more for sale) Patio with fire- place. Insulated fruit room. Fenced yard. $8500 109; own. H I LLCREST., . Two bdrms. Wall- wall carpet. Oil furnace. Patio with fireplace. Double garage.": ets. Red brick corner fireplace, blocks to stores. Only $8750. 10 bardwood floors, natural wood kit- down. chen, attached garage, patio, and well groomed yard. Priced at $13.- 950 with FHA terms available, A. ROY DUNN LOW DOWN - $50.00 A MONTH 3 bedrooms, dining room, spa- cious kitchen. 11 baths, easily ar- ranged living room. garage, nice yard. Close to town. Ask to see this soon. -- A. ROY DUNN ..... OUTSTANDING RETIREMENT HOME Space with complete hookup for 4 trailers, year around stream. pond, tall cedars, fireplace in home, all thermopane glass, cozy compact kitchen, utility, bedroom. bath and lovely view of Hammers- lay Inlet. You name the terms, full price $11,500. A. ROY DUNN REALTOR 121 Railroad Ave.  Eves Call: SHELTON  Mary Voss .......... 426-8074 EVENINGS CALL A. Roy Dunn ................ 426-4601 V I N C E H I M L I E--426-6501 PHONE 426-6363 KURT MANN--426-3228 ,126 Railroad Preferred Properlies by Waterfront Realty 317 Railroad Ave. Call 426-8277 BETTER THAN RENT Put in the lawn and a few shrubs and this new 3 bedroom home can grow in value - while payments are less than rent would be. Only a very small down payment required and move in before school. Give us a call today! 3 BEDROOM, SUBURBAN Full price is just $2950. Yes, $2950 with only $250.00 down and $25 a month. Needs some painting but has 2 acres of land, garage, good well. If $250.00 is too much down payment, make an offer. Available right nowl BURSTING AT THE SEAMS? Then you'll love this 3-bedroom home! In excellent area close to schools and stores and with many features such as the lovely sandstone fireplace; built-in range; hardwood floors; all in excellent condition. Lets see this one NOW! FHA APPRAISED! A lovely 8-room family home with 4 bedrooms--has new roof and paint; draperies are included at the appraised price of just $11,000. Better see this one today! FOR LEASE! This large 3-bedroom; 2-bath home has attractive living room with fireplace; dining room; and basement. Immediate possession ! -- Evenings Call -- Marden Stroud .................... 426-4000 Dick Belling ........................ 426-8162 ANGLESIDE . . . Three bdrms. 14 years old. Radiant heat. 2 in- door fireplaces, 1 on patio. $2;000 dwn. $82.50 me. DOWNTOWN . . Two bdrms. Dining room. Hwd. floors. Plas- tered. Fruit trees & berries. 1 block to hospitals. $13,000. BILL PEARSON REAL ESTATE 125 No. 5tO Dial 426-3132 ANYTIME Evenings Call Sylvia Carey 426-6556 HOOD GANAL WEST SIDE 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, beautiful Canal home. 200' beach access. Club house, dock, and float $27,000. SOUTH SIDE 2 bedroom home, fireplace, full basement plus 100' building lot on low bank, fine gravel beach. $25,000. Executive type home. Guest house, cabin, dock, and float, $60,000. IN HOODSPORT ON THE BEACH 3 bedroom and guest house with fireplaces, $27,000. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, fine grav- el beach, wonderful view, $16,- 500 (now leased) Off the Beach New 3 bedroom home, fireplace, large family room, creek, land- scaped. $15,000. 175 ft. lot, 2 creeks, large family home ($14,0001. 3 comfortable 2 bedroom homes to choose from (Hoodsport) $5,500 and up. 2 bedroom, garage, storeroom, landscaped, creek, 148 ft. beach $18,500 Trailer lots $2000 & up NO bank beach lots $200 do. Skokomish Valley 4 bedroom home, approximately 3 acres on creek $11,750. Business Property with 3 bedroom home, 2 baths and garage. Will take small Shelton home as part payment. HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 or 877-5575 Evenings Shelton, Washington .i ........ NO. 8085 NOTICE OF SlIERIFF'S SALE DF 111';AI, ESTATE Under Pnol'a/ Exeeu|iou IN THE SUPERIOR C()URT OF TIlE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ARNOLD REX and BERNICE REX, husband and wife. dba REX FLOOR COVERING. Plaintiff vs. IDA A. BO- QUIST aka IDA BOQUIST. individ- u:llly and as lruslee for her lUlnor children. Defendant, Under and by virtue of a general execution issued out of and under lhe seal of Ih Superior C,)urt of the State of Washin lOll. in and for said Couniy. on the 2nd day of August. 1963, ripen a judnleat rendered in said Court on the 30th day of November. 1961. in favor of ARNOLD REX and BERNICE REX. hushand and wife. dba REX FLOOR COVERING. and asinst IDA A. BOQUIST aka IDA BOQUIST indi- vidually and %S trlstee l'or lleF nlinur children judgnlent debtor for the stun of Four hundred forty-one and. 15/100 Dollars. together with attorney's fees. interest, cost and incl'eased cosis. and to me directed and delivered. I did on the 2nd day of August, 1963. levy upon all the right, title and in- terest of said judgnleut debtor m and to the "followin K described properly to sutisfy said judgment, to-wit: A tract of land in Govt. Lot 1 See. 28. Twp 22 N. R 1 West. W.M., Mason County, AVashington particularly des- cribed as follows: Beg at a point on the East line sd Govt. Lot 1 which is 411.36 feet South c,f NE cor thereof; ht South alg sd East line 50 feet to a car axle nlarking the NE cor of a tract of land owned by Wilbm" L. Mil- liron and wife : running th alg the North line tllereof West 600 feet and South 82°30 . West 266.70 feet to a car axle marking the NW eor of sd Milliron tl':let located nn the meander lille: then- ee Nort] 9o45 ' West alg sd meander lille 50 feet to the SW cor of a tract of land heretofore sold on contract by the granters herein to Cortland W. Johnsen and wife: run th alg the South line of sd Johnsen tract North 82'30' East 300 ft. more or less to a pt which is 70 ft south of the North line thereof: th East 580 feet. more or h'ss. to the POB. subject to pipeline easenlent Its contained ill deed frouI F. M. Sisson & Clara E. Sisson to Fred B. Sisson. dated Feb. 20. 1923. filed for record March 5. 1923 as Audi- tor's fee No, 40039, and recorded in Book 41 of Deeds on page 374. records of Mason County. Washington, EX- CEPT THAT portion of stone lying easterly of State Highwqy No. 14B. NOW THEREFORE. NOTICE IS I-]EREBY GIVEN. That on Friday the 6th day ef Septenlt/er. ]963, at 10 o'ch)ek in the Foreneon of said day, I will sell lhe above described pro- perty, or SO )uueh thereof as nlay be necessary to satisfy said judgment, to- gether vilh attorney's fees, interest, Costs and increased costs, in all amoun- tinff to tlle sum of Six hundred five and 95/100 (605.95) Dollars. Said sale will take 1dace at the East door of the Court House at 4th and Pine in said Coultv and State. and will he at lmblic /u'etion. for cash in hand to the highest and best bidder, Dated at Shelton. Wash.. this 2nd day of August. ]963. D, S. CLARK Sheriff of said County. P,y THORA BASSETT Deputy 8/8-15-22-29-9/5 5t NO. 3414 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL RE- PORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRI- BUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FLORENCE GROSItONG Deceas- ed NOTICE IS HEREP, Y GIVEN that EARBARA JANE ROESSEL. Execut- rix of the Estate of Florence Groshong, deceased, has filed in the office of the Clerk ef said Cout a Final Report and PelItion f,)r DisTilmtion. asking the Court to set lle sdid rel)ort distrihute the property to the oersons thereto entittcd and to discharge the petiti- oner as executrix : and that said re- port and petition will be heard on the 6th day of Septmlh,r. ]96. at 10:00 e, Lclock in the, fm'eno,,n of said day, or as s(/(/n thereafter as the nlaller ('an be heard at tile court roonl of tile nbove entitled eourl, ill the Courthouse n Shelton. Mason County. "Washington, at which tinle and place any person interested in said Estate nl'ay appear and file objections thereto and contest t}te seine. DATED this 2nd day of August, 1963. LAURA 1%. WAGENER Clerk of said Court By TECKLA VERMILLION Deputy GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 8/8-I5-22-29 41 NO. 3420 NOTICE OF IIEARING I?iNAL RE- 1"1111'1' AND PETITION F(IR DISTIll- nl'Tl(IN IN THE SI:PERIOR COUBT Ol THE STATE ()F VSASHINGTt)N FOR MASON CC)UNTY Ia the Matter o| the Estah' of OLIVE ERTRIDE NOAD De,pased. Frederick Noad, Adminis|rah)r Wilh Will AnneNed of said Estat,. has fih,d wiib o.aht ('our| his final reiort allt petition for dis|rihution asking the Court to setlh, said report, distribule the properly to the persons Illereto entitted and tO discllarge said Adlninis- trator %Vith Will Annexed. Said re- porl and 1)rtition will be heard on tO, 13th day of Septenll)(r, 1963. al 10 ill the Coul'troonl (If said Cour|. in Ill(; Connty Courlhouse at Si/eiton. %Vash:: illK[OIl, DATED THIS 9ih day o[ August, 1963. LAURA 5{. WAGENER Clerk. of the Superior Court Sy: TECKLA VERMILLION 'OTICE OF SALE DF VALUA]LE MATERIAl. ON STATE LAND STATE DF %VASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Bert L. Cole, Commissioner of Pul)lic Lands NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Tuesday, the 24th day of Septem- ber 1983. coulmencing at tell o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Shel- ton District Headquarters, located at Shelton County of Mason. State of Washington by the District Adnlinis- trator of said District. the timber on 1be following described state land will be sold at pnblic auction te the highest bidder: to-wit : Application No. 28989 Fosens Lake No, 1 located approxi- nmtety 25 miles north of Shelton. The sale is composed of all timber within nlarked salc area, I)oundary and proper- ty lines on part Lot 1. NW,. NWA, S NWLi of Section 9. Township 2 North. Range 3 West. W.M.. contain- ing 140 acres, more or less comprising approximately 150,000 bd. ft. of Doug- las fir; I5.000 bd. ft. of hemlock; and 10.000 bd. ft. of pine, or a total of 175,000 bd. ft. Minimum acceptable bid: $2,750.00 Timber will be sold on a cash or instalhnent plan basis, Timber must be removed prmr to Decentber 31. 1964. On or before September 24, 1963. at 10:00 a.m.. each bidder must make a mininmm deposit of $275.00 plus a $5.00 bill of sale fee. or a total of $280.00 in the fornl of cash. money order or certified check, Said deposit shall constitute an opening bid at the appraised price. Upou award of this sale, the respective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The purchaser must pay the balance between the bid depesit and the full Lid price on {lie day of sale. or may, if the purchaser so elects at the time of sale, pay an additional amount, to bring the total amount of the deposit, exclusive of fees, to equal 25 per cent o the full hid price based on the cruise estimate, provided that such deposit shall not be less than $2.000.00. Tlis balance nmy be paid by personal check. Purchaser must also furnish. within 30 days of date of sale a surety bond of $1.000.00 to guarantee eompli- once with all terms of the hill of sale. All checks, nloney ol'del's, etc. are to be nlado payable lo the Coulnlissioner or Public Lands, Accessibility: Via public road, Complete contract and specifications may be examined at Shelton District tieadqaarters, Coun|v Auditor's office. and office of Comn/issioner of Public Lands. O]ytnpm. To be sold at Shelten Disirict Head- quarters, on Tuesday, September 24, 1963. at 10 o'ehlek a.m, Any sale which has been offered and for which no bids m'e received shall not be reoffered until it has heen read- vertisod. I1" all sales canno| be offere( within the specified lime on the ad- vertised date. the sale shall continue on lhe following day between the hours of ten o'clock and four o'clock p.m. Said timber on said hind will hc sold for not less |]lan tilt; al)praised value. as el)praised hy tile Co,nnfissioner of Public Lands ill the manner provided by law. a notice o! which is now on file in the office of the Auditor of said county, an@ District Administrator of said district. Terms of sale are: cash or install- ment plan basis. BERrl  L. COLE "'a'' Commissioner of Public Lands 8/29-9, 5-12-19 4 t PAGE 17 Deputy Clerk. ROBERT L SNYDER Attorney al Law 125  N. 5th Shelton. Washington. 8/15-22-29 3t NO. 3483 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF %VASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN TNE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SIDNEY SCOTT JARVIS Deceas- ed. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that the nndersigned has been appohlted and has qualified as the Executrix of the Estate of Sidney Scott Jarvis. de- ceased: that all persons having claims against said deceased' are hereby re. quired to serve the same. duly verified, on the undersigned Executrix or her attoruey of record at the address 1)e- low stated and file the sanle with the Clerk of the said eourt, together wi|h proof of such service within six nlontlls after the date oI first publication of this notice or the seine will he barred, Date of first publication August I5. 196;1, ESTER N. JARVIS Executrix GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building Shelton, Washington $/15-22-29-9/5 4 t NO. 3482 NOT1CE 1'(} CREI)ITOlkR IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CLAIR A. HAMMOND. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I,he undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the ExecntFix of the Estate of Clsir A. Hanlmond. de- ceased: that all Ilersons having claims sgainst said deceased are hereby re- quired to serve the sanle, duly veri- fied. en the undersigned Executrix or her attorney of record at the address below stated and file tile sante with the Clerk of the said court, to'ether with proof of such service withut six months after the date of first publi- cation of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication: August 8. 1963. VERA M. :HAMMOND Executrix "GLENN E. CORREA Attorney Ior Estalc Bell uilding Shelton. Wasllington 8/8-15-22-29 4 t CAUI.; NO. 111,11 NOTICE OF SllI,i{|Y'I,"S ALE I)F RI']AI. IdSTATE tTllder (3tqlel'd] Exe(ill/orl IN THE SUI'EI=C1Oi C()ITBT (IF TItE STATE OF WA StIINGTON FOI MASON COUNTY 'I'N Ut,ST(N C, OUNTY FEDERAl, SAV1NGS AND I,OAN ASS()CIATION, l'lain|}f! vs. SILAS R. VAN t-US14_II{I( and \\;;IOLA E. VAN BUSK1RK. hus- b:in(] and wih'. [)el'endant. UndeF and by Vil'lue of a general execution iSsu('d (l.I1 el aud tlndci, tb*, seal ,d" th,. Sllpel'lOF ('ourl tl]" tllo Simile of V}ls]liltt,tl,n. in and fol s:Li(l C)unty, on th( 91h day of Au.ust 1963. up(,n a jud tnent l'OItdered il s:ti(t Court Oil the 9th day of AUgUSt. 1,t 6,1.' ill f/xO1 of THURS'I;ON COUNTY FE- DERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSO- CIATION. and aminst SILAS R, VAN I:H.TSKIRI( and VIOLA E. VAN BUS- KIRK husband andwifv, judgnlent debtm's for Ihe Slnlt Of Nine Thou- sand Six ltundred thirty aud 26'100 Dollars. 1ogelhel" with ait Ol.ll -' s fe@s. in|el'est, Costs and increased costs, and |o rile dil'ecied and dili- vered, I dhl on lhe 9th day ,of AugHst, 1963, hwy npon all the right, tille and inh>rest (l" said jndg'lnent nu'nl , to-wit: ' " ' That part (,f the northeast quarter of the northectsi quartel, of Section :;l. Township 22 North Range 1 West \\;V. M.. described :is f(diows : BeginnhlK al Ihe Southvcest ciwnei" (f said nortil- east (]ual'Ter of uortheasi quarter: run- ning th('l]ce east 660 feet. north 650 feet. ,.vest 660 feel and seulb 650 feel [O tile point of heginning: EXCEPTINC therefronl public roads, if any. NO\\;V THE]EFORE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Friday the 13th day of Septenlber, 1963. at 10 o'- ('hck in the forenoon of said day. I wiIl sell 1he above descrihed properlv, or sI) lnueh thereof as lnay be necesssry to satisfy said ,ildgtnent. toffether with atto-ney's fees. hlterest. COSTS slld in- creased costs, in all alnountin K to |he sum of Ten Tln)usand. Ninety-six {lld 16/100 ($1(I.096.16) Dollars. Plus puhli, cation and sheriff' s fees. Said sale will take place at ,the East door ef the Coln't tt(,tlSO at 4tll & Pine in said County and State. and will be at put)lie suclioll, for eas]l ill }land lo the highest and best bidder. Dated Ill Sheltou. VSash. this 1.2111 day of August. 1963. D. S. CLABK Sheriff of said County By THORA BASSETT Deputy, 8/15-22-29-9/5-I2 5 t Fonrsquare Church 910 East Dearborn Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. C. Y.'s & Cadets ........ 6:00 p.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.) .... 7:00 pm. Lewis B. Wysong, pastor 1/31 tfn MT. VIEW Alliance Church Washington and J Sts, Sunday School ............ 9:45 a:m. Mornihg Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Robert S. Wick, Pastor FISHERHEN'S CLUB S""'" "iiiln;Tiltl/:::iiA,ii! ii:i I11 ° N ;" 9.  FIRST BAPTIST CHtiROH Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor" 5th & Cota Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY. SEPT. 1 8:30 a.m.lst Service "Privileges of Being a Christian" 9:30 a.m.BIBLE STUDY IN GROUPS 11:00 a.m.2nd Service BROADCAST KMAS (1280) 6:30 p.m.YOUTH AND ADULT PROGRAMS 7:30 p.m. "THE CHURCH OF GOD" "Its Calling And Enrichment" WED., SEPT. 4 7:30 p.m. GROUP BIBLE STUDY SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street Maon Younglund, pastor ' s ;" "sc'00ooT T T.:" :." """ .'.""" "" ." .'.7".: .:"" "'T'" ..... 7 "£ X 7; Morning Worship .................................................................... 11:00 P.M." Christ's Ambassadors .............................................................. 6:00 P,'I. Evangelistic Service ................................................................ 7:00 P.M. Wednesday ................................................................................ 7:00 P.SL FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7tO and Franklin Street 8:15 and 11:00' Morning Worship Services 9"20 Sunday School and Adult Bible Class CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated with American Lutheran Church THE METHODIST GHURGH North 4th and Pine Streets REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, MINISTER 8:30 and 11:00 a.m, Worship Services 9:45 a.m. Church School for all ages - 6:30 p.m, Youth Fellowsihp ' ' , i i FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wigton Bible School ...... 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetinga 5:30 p. Worship ............ 11:00 a,m, Family Service 6:30 p.m.  Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:30 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service RRST OHURGH oF 0HRI00r, SOIENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelton. Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11 a.m. Wednesday evening teatimony meeungs 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room houri I to 4 p.m. Mon. & Fri. Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH ! MISSOURI S-YNO D Olympic Hwy. So, &Cascade, The Rev. Gerald Herman, Pastor Sunday School .................................................................... 9:45 a,m. Adult Bible Class ................................................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worslfip ........................................ 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a,m. ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 a.m.--Holy Communion. 9:00 a.m.Divine Worship, St. Andrew's House, Hood Canal 11:00 a.m.---Divine Worship. The Church is always open for meditation and prayer