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SHELTON WA 98584-3847
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Shelton police, Mason County Sheriff's
Office gear up for more calls for Labor Day
By Michael Heinbach But after so many years in ]aw
michael@masoncoun com enforcement, it still amazes
Moody ~hen a~impatient
Shelton Police Chief Dar- driver aggressively tries to
rin Moody sees it all the time. overtake a slower motorist,
putting everyone on the road
in danger iz~ order to shave a
few seconds off their travels.
With the three-day Labor
Day weekend upon Mason
County - and with it an in-
ing some patience while be-
hind the wheel.
"In light of the kind of the
traffic accidents we've been
seeing around here lately, the
one thing I can tell you is to
around that car, or hurry up
and get through that light
or hurry up and get here or
there. I tell you, there's not
one place in this town that I
can't get to from one end to
creased population on the be patient," Moody said ear- the other within 10 or 15 min-
area's waters, roads and trails lierthis week. "I see it around utes. So. ifthe-raute you want
- Moody says staying safe on here all the time, people just
the road begins with exercis- want to hurry up and get see WEEKEND, page A-12
Hayzel Carter, 7, checks
out herfreshly painted
face in a mirror held by
Makayla Blaylock during
St. Germain Episcopal
Church's Summer Fun Fest
on Sunday in Hoodspcrt.
For more photos of the
event, see page A-14.
Jouma/ photo by Shawna
ir sex
By Michael Heinbach old Belfair man away to Mason County
michael@masoncoun~com Jail next door.
The day before, Wood faced pre-
The first victim and her trial management hearings
family waited 22 months for in three separate cases, with
a brief moment of satisfaction charges including third-de-
Tuesday afternoon in Mason gree rape of a child, third-
County Superior Court in ~~;~ degree child molestation and
Shelton. ~~ second-degree child moles-
1WmutOs afVer DougTas~EVEax ~~ ~a~ion. ~l~ose hearings were
Wood pleaded guilty to two ~ held over, and rescheduled for
counts of communicating with ~ Tuesday afternoon as change
a minor for immoral purposes of plea hearings.
-- taking advantage of a plea Wood About 50 minutes after the
School board approves $66.1M
budget for 2019-2020 school year
By Adam Rudnick
adam@masoncoun com
Long-range budgeting is the new
normal for the Shelton School Dis-
trict -- even ff that plan is just a
rough estimate.
The Shelton School Board of Di-
rectors approved its district 2019-
2020 budget Tuesday during a regu-
mates it will spend $66.1 million --
district administration must give the
state a four-year budget projection.
Last year was the Shelton School
District's first year forecasting bud-
gets for future school years. Starting
last year, the state required school
district in Washington to project
their budgets
"We budget our enrollment very
conservatively, and we've continued
to do that," said Brenda Trogstad,
executive director of finance for the
Shelton School District. "We keep
deal offered by Deputy Mason
County Prosecutor Jason Richards
-- the now-19-year-old victim, her
mother, a second victim and her moth-
er stood to watch Mason County Jail
Deputy Robert Vasquez place hand-
cuffs on Wood, then lead the 38-year-
Tuesday hearings' scheduled
start, Wood entered the courtroom
alongside Tacoma-based defense at-
torney Ryan Patrick Anderson and
prepared to face Judge Amber Finlay
see PLEADS, page A-9
lar meeting at Oakland Bay Junior
High School in Shelton.
No residents spoke about the bud-
get during a public hearing.
In addition to projecting expenses
and revenue-for the upcoming school
year this year the district esti-
staffing projections conservative. It is
what it is so far. Last year we knew
our ending fund balance was going to
be smaller. This year it's a little more
stable It's hard to go from year
see BUDGET, page A-13
player to perform will get facel,ft
8 26 3 2 Page A-11 Page A-20
Sluggers round the bases
at annual softball tourney
Page B-1