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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 29, 2019     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 29, 2019
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page A=22 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Thursday, Aug. 29, 2019 FAR LEFT: A walker crests a bridge Fri- day on the Theler Wetlands Trail in Bel- fair. ABOVE: The Union River winds through the Theler Wetland on its way to Hood Canal, LEFT: Blackberries ripen along the Theler Wetlands Trail. Herald photos by Gordon Weeks L It was a pretty low key week. I am sure Mary was re- couping from the Girl Scout hiking~camping trip. She managed to go see a movie. On her wedding anniversary she went shopping with Ruth in Tacoma and bought a new outfit. That day tuckered her out. Enjoy! By CLYDENE HOSTETLER Thursday, Aug. 28, 1941 A busy day and in the evening went to town and helped LaVerne Phillips make some of the decorations for the chapter. Ruth vis- ited at Port Orchard and then went to Bremerton to Rainbow. Home late again. Friday, Aug. 29, 1941 A busy day and in the evening took Louise to the ferry and then home. away. Worked in the store Sunday, Aug. 31, 1941 all day and then went Got up late. Made lunch at the home to do some work for store and Ruth, Flossie and I went the Post Office but forgotto see "Shepherd of the Hills." Went my pen and now must to Skene's in p.m. Got my spinning do it in the morning. Got wheel home. It looks fine. some lovely strawberries from Vasbinder and will Monday, Sept. 1, 1941 have some for breakfast. To store early and got all the mail They surely look good. out by twelve. Made a big dinner by Kay Thompson and a pal 1:15 so Mr. Harding could eat with of his from the Army are us. To the beach and ran waxer over here over the weekend all the floors. Mangled clothes in eve- and were in the store just as I left nine. Ruth and Charlie washed in the for the house. Joe Hackett is here A.M. so nearly all dry. Very wet out too from the Navy and his folks are and all campers are going home. The glad. Joe Senior is still sick and had house looks lovely -- clean as a pin. not worked since Tuesday. That has Walter Harvey, his sister Katie and made us very short handed and we Tillie and her husband were here. We all have had to work harder than had a nice visit. ever. However I think that our veg- etables rack looks just as good as Tuesday, Sept. 2, 1941 when Harry was here and we do not 19 years married today and Ruth lar, dress black, hat and gloves black. A neat outfit. Wednesday, Sept. 3, 1941 I worked all day in the store and then home to prepare for the "Star- light Club." I had a beautiful cake with the star points and Starlight Club written on it. We spent the evening working on things for the Grand Worthy Matrons' visit and also Mrs. Martha Churchill's reception. Nice time and to bed late. Ruth got home late from Rainbow Dance. Nice time. I am in Gig Harbor for three weeks house/pet sitting for friends traveling to Australia. I took the dog out for his morning walk and it was very clamp out and a bit cool. I think fall is ap- proaching us. I love the fall. It sounds like 78 years ago the weather was She got some of the warp on the loom spend nearly as much time on it and and I went to Tacoma. Bought a new changing to fall, too. Thank you for but ~ alo~ofknatrsthat she will not order ~ike he did so wilLnot coat, hat, glo~es, shoes and dress. Got reading this week's diary. had to stop. I think that Mat and I lose so much on the produce. Ruth school clothes and other things. can get it out. Saturday, Aug. 30, 1941 Another wet day and it quieted down a lot of the summer business and hurried some of the people Ruth has washed all the windows in the house and now all that needs to be done is the waxing of the floors and the place is all ready for the la- dies on Wednesday. I hope there is a good crowd out. Home about 6:40. Very tired. Shop- ping is a big job. Went to the whole- sale house and got some hose for the store. That took an hour. Rained most of the day. The stores were jammed with people. Coat, wine with grey col- Clydene Hostetler was a longtime Belfair resident, local historian, me- dia archivist and documentary film- maker of "Hidden in Plain Sight." She can be emailed at Clydeneh53@gmail. corn ltltll L.S' Cedar / company ] Construction, In [t[tiI[!! Top Quality o ] area since 1967 - v~:~lj Red Cedar Lumber ] / of All Types,Reconstruction and home repairs We deliver I 27s- ,6 Frank MerrillBelfair WA Lic #JESFII 228D0