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Thursday, Aug, 29, 2019 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-23
PUBLIC NOTICE ciary, the beneficial interest in which was as- purchase counselors foreclosure.htm The E ADAMS; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES
Trustee Sale # 062917-WA Title # signed to Wilmington Savings Fund Society, United States Department of Housing and Ur- OF THERESA M PAUL in rein, with a money
170413629 Notice of Trustee's Sale Grantor(s): FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but ban Development Telephone: 1-800-569-4287 award in the amoung of $185,597.76, plus post
SEAMUS MCGRADY, AN UNMARRIED MAN as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Web site: judgment interest atthe rate of 5.4900% per an-
Grantee(s): MASON COUNTY TITLE COMPA-Trust, under an Assignment recorded under Au- ~hcc/fc/index.cfm?webListAction=search&searc num from 06/11/2019 to date of sale, with a per
NY, as Trustee Current beneficiary of the deed ditor~s File No 2101679. I1. No action com- hstate=WA&filterSvc=dfc The statewide civil diem of $27.92, and whereas said judgment is
of trust: WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCI- menced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust legal aid hottine for assistance and referrals to a fore61osure without deficiency judgment, Zero
rent trustee of the deed of trust: CLEAR RECON
CORP. Current mortgage servicer of the deed of
trust: Rushmore Loan Management Services,
LLC Reference number of the deed of trust:
1789708 Par, - -' =,:i" ~ -0-51-02001
or the Beneficiary's successor is now pending to other hous=ng counselors and attorneys Tele- month redemption period. NOW, THEREFORE,
seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court phone: 1-800-606-4819 Web site: http~'/nwjus- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF WASHING-
by reason of the Borrower's or Grantor's default THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO TON, you are hereby commanded to sell, in the
on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust/ COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION manner prescribed by law for the sale of real
Mortgage. II1. The default(s) for which this fore- OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR- property on execution (subject to redemption of
closure is made is/are as follows: Failure to pay POSE. Dated: 5/17/2019 CLEAR RECON 0 months), all of the interest that the Defendant
when due the following amounts which are now CORP as Successor Trustee For additional had on October 18, 2011, the date of the Deed
in arrears: $79.710.50 IV. The sum owing on the information or service you may contact: Clear of Trust and also the interest that the Defendar{t
GIVEN that the undersigned, CLEAR RECON
CORP 9311 S.E. 36th Street, Suite 100, Mer-
cer Island, WA 98040 Trustee will on 9/27/2019
4TH, SHELTON, WA 98584 sell at public auction
to the highest and best bidder, payable, in the
form of cash, or cashier's check or certified
checks from federally or State chartered banks,
at the time of sale, the following described real
property, situated in the County of Mason, State
of Washington, to-wit: PARCEL 1 : That portion
of Railroad Avenue, as shown on the plat of Lil-
liwaup Falls, Volume 2 of Plats, page 2. records
of Mason County, Washington, particularly de-
scribed as follows: COMMENCING at the South-
west corner of Block six (6), Lilliwaup Falls, said
corner being a one inch iron pipe, North 82de-
grees 06'07" East, 2889.19 feet from the West
quarter comer of Section thirty (30), Township
twentythree (23) North, Range three (3) West,
W.M.: thence North 15degrees 50' East, 146.33
feet, along the West line of said Block six (6);
thence North 74degrees 10' West, 135.69 feet,
to a 3/4 inch ~ron pipe and the POINT OF BE-
GINNING of the tract of land hereby described;
thence North 31 degrees 01 '26" East, 49.36 feet,
to a 3/4 inch iron pipe; thence North 02degrees
17'49" West, 42.53 feet, to the end of "an exist-
ing concrete bulkhead" as described in instru-
ment recorded August 16, 1979, Auditor's File
No. 365588; thence North 01degrees 31'12"
West, 41.87 feet, along said bulkhead, to the
comer of said bulkhead; thence North 62de-
grees 56'06" West, 1.55 feet. along said bulk-
head, to its intersection with the Westerly line of
said Railroad Avenue; thence South 15.50'
West, along said West line of Railroad Avenue,
130 feet~ more or less, to the Northerly line of an
"existing public access road", as described in
instrument recorded August 16, 1979 Auditor's
File NO. 365588; thence Easterly, along the
Northerly line of said existing public access
road, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; excepting
therefrom road rights-of-way. PARCEL2: All that
portion of Block two (2), plat of Lilliwaup Falls,
Volume 2 of Plats, page 2, records of Mason
County, Washington, particularly described as
follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest com-
er of Block six (6), Lilliwaup Falls, said comer
being a one inch iron pipe, North 82degrees
06'07" East, 2889.19 feet from the West quarter
comer of Section thirty (30), Township twen-
tythree (23) North, Range three (3) West, W.M.;
thence North 15degrees 50' East, 146.33 feet,
along the West line of said Block six (6); thence
North 74degrees 10' West. 135.69 feet, to a 3/4
inch iron pipe and the POINT OF BEGINNING
of the tract of land .hereby described; thence
North 31degrees 01'26" East, 49.36 feet, toa
3/4 inch iron pipe; thence North 01 degrees
54'42" West 84.39 feet, to the comer of an "exist-
ing concrete bulkhead" as described in instru-
ment recorded August 16, 1979, Auditor's File
No. 365589; thence North 62degrees 56'06'
West, 133.81 feet, along said bulkhead, to its
most Westerly comer; thence South 26degrees
37'04" West, 26.30 feet. more or less, to the
Westerly line of said plat of Lilliwaup Falls;
thence Southerly, along said Westerly line, 65
ob!!gation securedb = - i' ; Corp~31 ! q ~ qmh Street, SuiteqO~d thereafter ~ cq,!red, in ~h,= ,==l ,-.--r--.n"~r'=rf"-, a=-
principal sum of $134,379.16, together with in- Mercer Island, WA 98040 Phone: (206) 707- scribed as follows: Parcel 1: That part of Tract
terest as provided in the Note from 2/1/2017, 9599 EXHIBIT "1" NAME ADDRESS DAN MC-15 Island Shores Second Addition, recorded
and such other costs and fees as are provided GRADY 627 NORTH 60TH STREET SEATTLE, in Volume 5 of Plats, page 109, records of Ma-
by statute. V.The above described real property WA 98103 DANIEL MCGRADY 28170 N US son County, Washington, described as follows:
will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and HWY 101 LILLIWAUP, WA 98555 DANIEL S BEGINNING at a point on the Northerly line of
the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as MCGRADY 28170 N US HWY 101 LILLIWAUP,said Tract 15, East 94.18 feet from its Northwest
provided by statute. Said sale will be made with- WA 98555 DANIEL S MCGRADY, AS PER. REP. corner, running thence North 510 32' 18" East
out warranty, expressed or implied, regarding ti- OF THE ESTATE OF SEAMUS FRANCIS MC- along the Northwesterly line of said Lot, 140
tie, possession or encumbrances on 9/27/2019. GRADY, SR, DECEASED 28170 NORTH US feet; thence South 38 49' East 110 feet; thence
The defaults referred to in Paragraph Ill must be HIGHWAY 101 LILLIWAUP, WA 98555 DANIEL South 38 30'West 78.52 feet; thence on a curve
cured by 9/16/2019, (11 days before the sale S MCGRADY, AS PER. REP. OF THE ESTATEto the right (radius 286.48 feet) 90 feet; thence
date) to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The OF SEAMUS FRANCIS MCGRADY, SR, DE- North 27 48' 15"West 136.37 feet to the POINT
sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any CEASED SEAMUS ERANCIS MCGRADY SR, OF BEGINNING. Parcel 2: An easement for
time before 9/16/2019 (11 days before the sale) DECEASED 627 N 60TH ST SEA-FFLE, WA road purposes as described in instrument re-
the default as set forth in Paragraph III is cured 98103 DANIEL S MCGRADY, AS PER. REP. OF corded August 28, 1968 under Auditor's File
and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. Pay- THE ESTATE OF SEAMUS FRANCIS MC- No. 237095, being a portion of Tract 15 Island
ment must be in cash or with cashiers or certi- GRADY, SR, DECEASED c/o L/O OF DAVID Shores Second Addition, recorded in Volume 5
fled checks from a State or federally chartered CARL HILL OF THE HILL LAW.COM, PS 1703 of Plats, page 109, records of Mason County.
bank. The sale may be terminated any time af- SE SEDGWlCK RD, STE 103 PORT OR- APN/Parcel No.12018-51-00901 and com-
ter the 9/16/2019 (11 days before the sale date) CHARD, WA 98366 DANIEL S. MCGRADY monly known as: 222 E Plantation Way, Shelton
and before the sale, bythe Borrower or Grantor AKA DAN MCGRADY 627 NORTH 60TH WA 98584 Sale of the property is to satisfy
or the or the Grantor's successor interest or the STREET SEATTLE, WA 98103 ELIZABETH S the sum listed above, plus the costs incurred in
holder of any recorded junior lien or encum- MCGRADY 20 THOMAS ST PORTLAND ME performing this Order of Sale. You are to make
brance by paying the principal and interest se- 04102-3638 FRANK R MCGRADY 68 BROAD- the return withing 60 days after issuance by the
cured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees and LAWN DR BREWER ME 04412-1204 JEANNE court. For purposes of sale, the Order may be
advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of MCGRADY 627 NORTH 60TH STREET SEAT- automatically extended for 30 days. The sale of
the obligation and/or Deed of Trust and curing all TLE, WA 98103 MAGGIE MCGRADY AKA the above-described property is to take place:
other defaults. VI. A written Notice of Default MARGARET MCGRADY 7 POST RD W APT 3 Time: 10:00 am Date: Friday, September 20,
was transmitted bythe Beneficiary or Trustee to WESTPORT CT 06880-4231 SEAMUS MC- 2019 Place: Main Entrance of Mason County
the Borrower and Grantor at the following GRADY 28170 NORTH US HIGHWAY 101 LIL-Courthouse on Fourth Street YOU MAY HAVE A
both first class and certified mail on 4/4/2019, SEAMUS MCGRADY JR 8 DOW LN WlNDHAM under statues of this state, including sections
proof of which is in the possession of the Trust- ME 04062-4370 VICTOR R MCGRADY 123 6.13.010, 6.13.030, 6.13.040, 6.15.010, and
ee; and the Borrower and Grantor were person- LIBERTY ST MADISON CT 06443-3200 6.15.060 of the Revised code of Washington, in
ally served, if applicable, with said written Notice 1977 August 29, September 19 2t the manner described in those statutes. Dated
of Default or the written Notice of Default was this 5th, day of August, 2019. SHERIFF CASEY
posted in a conspicuous place on the real prop- PUBLIC NOTICE SALISBURY MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON
erty described in Paragraph I above, and the SHERIFF'S NOTICE TOJUDGMENT DEBT- By: Angel Evans, Authorized Deputy PC Box
Trustee has possession of proof of such service OR OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Case No.:1037 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670
or posting. Vtl. The Trustee whose name and 16 2 390 1 SHERIFF'S NOTICE TO JUDG- 2131 August8, 15,22,29, September5; 12
address are set forth below will provide in writing MENT DEBTOR OF SALE OF REAL PROP- 6t
to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs ERTY Case No.: 16 2 390 1 IN THE SUPERIOR
and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON PUBLIC NOTICE
The effect of the sale will be to deprive the FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON KEYBANK NA- The City of Shelton at 525 W. Cota Street,
Grantor and all those who hold by, through or TIONAL ASSOCIATION, ITS SUCCESSORS Shelton, WA 98584 is seeking coverage under:
under the Grantor of all their interest in the IN INTEREST AND/OR ASSIGNS Plaintiff, vs. Western Washington Phase II Permit - "Na-
aboveldescribed property. IX. Anyone having UNKNOWN HEIRS ANDDEVlSEES OF MARY tional Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
any objections to this sale on any grounds what- I-.ADAMS; UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVlSEES and State Waste Discharge General Permit
soever will be afforded an opportunity to be OF THERESA M PAUL; CECELIA OXFORD; for Discharges from Small Municipal Separate
heard as to those objections if they bring a law- PAUL DAVID; MARCY L PAUL; UNKNOWN Storm Sewer Systems in Western Washington".
suit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW HEIRS AND DEVlSEES OF BEVERLY J. DICK- The proposed permit will authorize stormwater
61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may GIESER AKA BEVERLY J. ROTTE; ISLAND discharges from the municipal separate storm
result in a waiver of any proper grounds fer in- SHORES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, sewer system located in Shelton.The permit re-
validating the Trustee's sale. X. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OF THE PREMISES, Defendant quires City of Shelton to develop and implement
OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF a stormwater management program that: 1. Re-
at the trustee's sale is entitled to possession of MARY F ADAMS, UNKNOWN- HEIRS AND duces the discharge of pollutants to the maxi-
the property on the 20th day following the sale, DEVISEES OF THERESA M PAUL-IN REM mum extent practicable. 2. Protects water qual-
as against the grantor under the Deed of Trust JUDGMENT DEBTOR (S) A writ of execution ity. 3. Satisfies appropriate requirements of the
(the owner) and anyone having an interest junior has been issued in the above captioned case, Clean Water Act. Any person desiring to present
to the Deed of Trust, including occupants who directed to the Sheriff of Mason County, com- views to the Department of Ecology concerning
are not tenants. After'the 20th day following the manding the sheriff as follows: WHEREAS, a this application may notify Ecology in writing
sale the purchaser has the right to evict occu- Judgment of Foreclosure was entered and dock- within 30 days from the last date of publication
pants who are not tenants by summary pro- eted in this case on 06/11/2019. The Judgment of this notice. Submit comments to: Washington
ceedings under chapter 59.12 RCW, For tenant- was entered in favor of the Judgment Creditor: Department of Ecology Water Quality Program
occupied property, the purchaser shall provide a KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, 4224 Municipal Stormwater Permits, PC Box 47696
tenant with written notice in accordance with Ridge Lea Road, Amherst, NY, 14226; against 2160 August 29, September 5 2t
RCW 61.24.060. If you are a servicemember or UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF MARY
a dependent of a servicemember, you may be
entitled to certain protections under the federal
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and any com-
parable state laws regarding the risk of foreclo-
feet,more~or less, to the Northerly line of an "ex- sure. If you believe you may be entitted-tothese
isting public access road" as described in instru- protections, please contact our office immedi-
ment recorded August 16, 1979, Auditor's File ately. THIS NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP BE-
No. 365589; thence Easterly, along the Norther- FORE THE FORECLOSURE SALE OF YOUR
ly line of said existing public access road, to the HOME. You have only 20 DAYS from the record-
POINT OF BEGINNING; excepting therefrom ing date on this notice to pursue mediation. DO
road rights-of-way. Commonly known as: 28170 NOT DELAY CONTACT A HOUSING COUN-
which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation
dated 8/6/2003, recorded 8/15/2003, as Audi- and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and
tor's File No. 1789708, and later modified by a it may help you save your home. See below for
Loan Modification Agreement recorded on safe sources of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE
6/9/2015, as Instrument 2041353, records of Housing counselors and legal assistance may
Mason County, Washington, from SEAMUS MC- be available at little or no (:ost to you. If you
GRADY, AN UNMARRIED MAN, as Grantor(s), would like assistance in determining your rights
to MASON COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, as and opportunities to keep your house, you may
Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of contact thefollowing: The statewideforeclosure
MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION hotline for assistance and referral to housing
SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS"), AS DESIGNATEDcounselors recommended by the Housing Fi-
NOMINEE FOR SIB MORTGAGE CORER BEN- nance Commission Telephone: 1-877-894-
EFICIARY OF THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT, HOME(1-877-894-4663). Web site: http://www.