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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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30, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL m Published in "Christmaston, U.S.A., Shelton, Washingtnn l::g  oss after skid- last Thursday. le car. He was erred to Madi- ilures urt forfeited bail on Lrges in Shelton )re Justice Rolla light. 3doLe A. Witten- 10 forfeit; Rlch- ding $10 forfeit; 2rOnk in public, d R. Gamber, al- • driver to opeL- e, $50 fine and D. Pole, drunk in ; Harold E. Hop- .icensed driver to vehicle, $25 for- ;ers, minor con- i forfeit and Fred resuming liquor, rapser forfeited trges against her m drunken driv- driving. Case Too Late TO NEWS Valley Clovers f the Shelton Val- Club was held at s home on Aug. 23. garden judg- at the Mason The foods judging foods and the food s0::l ..... is :7='  i 'c°atest was describ- [ ro.m i,,m,' that [ "elTAug. 28 in the Pr,s. t ,,wn,,r has2. g' Tile leader asked m de n/ but must !]:i !t h'rs. Pri:ed ,.t $.aL, = COmplete and have . , Ooks signed by the terms. Call watertr°'!ii  g' This will be' held LVUST l .llg. 30 at tile home ha]Ill! located m  Jf'l '4 . The meeting was ,,,,. ,..m. l,u.,,: 0 efreshment, were ing kih ilen Call : Watevfrant ReaID' h'h"- vcrs, Reporter SI'I 'ell'i! sides nmn*'y l,,,, ,,,,:, .9atflUICfl |'O1' l'OI tll'll (If Phone .126-2242 or s,m. 1555 WANTED :L Cnr ft}l" MtSI }11 coal' 130 r ion(q} flat is, Sales Salary and fm'nished. Write PUblisher Civic, rnmental Fall Means Time To, Organize Clubs Fall is the time clubs get or- ganized. The Extension Service of- fers two choices. One is to form a 4-H chlb --- the other is to form a club of homemakers who want to get new homemaldng information. For 4-H club information call d26-4732 and talk to your county agents. The leader training schcd- ule will be announced soon. For a homemaker club, a small neighborhood group of women can get together and send two repre- sentatives to Homemakers' Council which meets Monday, September 10th from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the conference room of the Exten- sion Service in the Shelton Post Office basement. There the pro- gram fpr the year is planned and announced. The lcader training meetings arc held the first Friday of each month from 11:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Two women come from each club to get the lcsson to take back to their group. Two of the meetings this fall are on getting the clutter out of kitch- ens by inexpensive remodeling and re-arrangement. The Department of Agriculture has done much re- search and put out a new bulletin on this. There can be lessons in foods, nutrition, clothing, home decoration and furnishings. These lessons are taught by your County Extension Home Econ- omist, Jane Windsor, or by special- ists from Washington State Uni- versity. The teaching and bulletins are free. The only obligation is that your club send leaders for training and help plan the program. The other part of this kind of club program is the special interest workshops that the homemakers plan where they set up lessons and actually work at projects. Hillerest Homemakers Plan Potluck Luncheon Hillcrest Homemakers will meet at the home of Mrs. Clarence Sae- en on charges of ger, Arcadia Road, Wednesday :noTdaundk iFrapnu s- Advertisement) tn°1 f°LbaerP:talUkwlUTuhee°tn' wrXe ft.  'present at the last meeting.. TEST U. S. De- I iculture bulletins V I' I ! kl'T /" II & n I I r I and freezing ref- t' | e are at your Ex- 205 Co IJlIJll I .n/4RLIi: | .... N IN SHINGTON . AESS NTAT V j INAL CLOSE OUT,, 00on9 unnc, e REPR E I E? ...... =======mi  "  advertisement pd by Labor for Ritner I 1 VVII IllVlllBilll : };,,'ommittee, Wayne Burne'tt, chairman) I _ ... ................... II LYMOUTH -- VALIAN]O RAMBLERS M" --'" "" "'" 2 Oor Sedan ,,,AKII, LuNg te -- Heater -- Undercoat -- Reolir _ (recently of Palm Springs)  • REGULAR $2090.90 CLOSE-OUT PRICE  at the -IOO 2 Door Sedan Lowrey Organ • een -- Heater-- Washers  Back :oat--RcE2ZLE?3U$;1p75R5g E *1 Dlassic 2 Door Sedan & Saturday Nights -- Undercoat  Backup Lights 'alls- REGULAR $2337.15  CLOSE-OUT PRICE We Buy The License Other Models, and BodY in Stock at Huge Savings in the Shelton Hotel president of the Shelton Toastmas- ters Club at the club's meeting last Thursday morning in the Shelton Hotel. Others elected to serve during the next six months are Ken Frank, administrative vice presi- dent; Arn Cheney, educational vice president; Run Russell, secretarY- treasurer; and Steve Vigor, ser- geant-at-arms. President Boeckstiegel announ- ed that the club still has room for more members interested in the club's self-improvement goals of "better listening, thinking, and speaking." Meetings are held every Thursday morning at 7 in the Shel- ton Hotel and all who are inter- ested are welcome to attend, he added. Yacht Club Business Meet Next Thursday Shelton Yacht Club will hold its regular business meeting Thurs- day, Sept. 6 at the Pug audito- rium. Starting time is 8 p.m. State Nurses Hold Regional Workshop Washington State Nurses Asso- ciation held a regional membership workshop Thursday at Lec's Steak House. Those attending from this district were: Dorcas Smith, mem- bership chairman; Helen Doerty and Edna L(mghnan. It was agreed on at the work- shop that a nurse who is a mem- bcr of her professional organiza- tion is a better informed nurse and as research data shows, has the best record of job stability. The nurses felt that hospitals and em- ploying institutions should encour- age their professional nurses to join the Washington State Nurses Association. During the first fall meeting, Dorcas Smith will welcome all R.N.'s Who wish to become mem- bers of District 22. HOME FROM ALASKA Mrs. Eva Willis returned home Saturday after spending a week in Ketchikan, Alaska visiting Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Loitz and family. Mrs. Willis traveled by jet plane from Seattle to Annette, then by sea plane to Ketchikan, enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way. Ruth Deffinbaugh And David Harrison Exchange Vows In Baptist Ceremony The wedding vows of Ruth Ann Deffinbaugh and David Barnet Harrison were solemnized Satur- day evening at the Shelton First Baptist Church. Tbe newlyweds i are pictured in the above photo by Dean' Studio. - Parent of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lee Deffinbaugh, Shel- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Barnet Tlmmas Harrison, Victoria, B.C. Officiating at the double ring= rite were Dr. Kenneth L. Miles and Rev. Eugene C. Knautz. The solo- ist was Jesse Leise of Seattle, ac- companied at the organ by Mrs. Thelnm Strand. Miss Nancy Thompson, harpist, provided music for the wedding and at the recep Allie Ahl Will Oelebrale 95th Year MEMORIES OF THE PAST 95 YEARS will be brought to mind Wednesday as Mrs. A'llie Ahl celebrates her birthday with an open house fete in the home of her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Webb. Her friends are welcome to attend between the hours of 2 and 5 p.m. By Joyce Scott Mrs. Allie Ahl, one of Mason County's oldest citizens, will cele- brate her 95th birthday at an ()pen house on Wednesday. She was born in Edwardsville, Ill., in ]867, late)" moving to Se- dalia, Mo. As a young woman, she came to California. Mrs. Ahl, with a twinkle in her eye, says an uncle came to California during Navy Mothers Set September Meeting Navy Mothers will meet next Thursday at the Memorial Hall. The regular business meeting will start: at 8 p.m. Marriage Licenses the gold rush and wrote glowing letters home. Being an adventur- Applying for marr:iage licenses some person, she came West, ex- in the Mason County auditor's of- pecting to find a rich uncle, but ficc this past week were: by the time she found him his Edward R. Davis 26 Bremerton lortune had changed. : and Patricia R. Reda, 28, Bremer- Later, she mar,led and the first ton. home was at. the Web) Ranch, Paul McCoy, 18, Shelton and where her two chihtren were born. i Gladys A. Smith, 18, Tacoma. Mrs. Ahl mow.'d to Eldou 53 years Richard L. Okonek, 20, Milton ago .... For the past. two .yems- .she ,and Carol .I. Zabroski, 18, Sheltol. had lived with her son Lon and Eugene R. Howard, 28, Shelto) his wife. and Kathleen Lumsden, 22, Shel- When asked about her activit- ton. ies, she mentioned that site walks -- three quarters of a mile down the III i ,,,|n load once a wcck to look over her WOFR I#1fllnff own imme, and would go oftener llq@l,q//ll liIMIII| if her family would conseut to it. v She waits on herself and assists , Lessons - proper handling with the housework, s (ruulj"-"- crat*-:{ u-' Mrs. Ah] enjoys an active sac- .. • . ial life. She regularly attends the The outside of a norse cs :;ervices of Hood Caal Commun- aood for the inside ity church. "Being content with a _ what one has" is" her recipe for i OI a man. happiness. KU Mr and Mrs Web a,e hv LITTLE SKOO M illg the open house for her at tileir IBldlrllu home on Sept. 5 from 2 £o 5 p.m. n,ug All friends are eordmlly invil.ed Phone 426-8435 to attend. ..................................................... :-:.-L: .: : ................... /t's A Date Today, Thursday, August 30 Rotary Club weeldy hmeheon, mon, Sllelton Hotel. ai,urday, Sel)teml)er 1 }toad Clna] impl'ovelllel|t Club, hake sale, 10 to 12 l).ln., Flagwood. State Patrol drivers license ex- aminer, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., police station. Sunday, l!p[l'lUlH*r 2 Shell.on churches invite you to attend lho church of your choice. Monday, Sel)leml)er 3" Labor' da 3 ..... city aud county )ublic offices, most business firms close for Lhc ¢layl Tu('sdily, Sel)tenll)er ,I Opening day of 1962-63 school t(rm in both'Shellon and Mason County rural schools, 9:00 a.m. Kiwanis Club weekly hmcheon, r, oon, Memorial Hall. Wednesday, September 5 Stale Patrol drivers license ex- aminer, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., police tation. Hillcrest Homemakers noon ]tot- I=ck, llolno of Mrs. Clarence Saeger, Arcadia Road. Busincs, & Professional Women, Club, 6:30 p.m. dinner, ilomc of Mrs. Maybell Danicls, 1129 Bay- view. Thursday, Septeml)er 6 Rotary Club weeRly luncheon, noon, Shelton Hotel. Navy Mothea's Club, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. Shelton Yacht Club, 8 p.m., PUD auditorium. -k 15 Years Secretarial " 5'/2 Years Accounting 9r 2 Years Title and Land Records Works Dully with County Records Fully Qunlifled to Serve You as ........................................................................... ::,--7-- :=::::::::::" I IIII WE NEED USED oARS IBEL HOTOIIS, ,El{ -- PLYMOUTH R -- INTERNATIO rst Ph °e ..... • ::,:! i::i " i !i::i}i:ili :::/: : ,i }i!i,' "ii }il{!i!t :: !i iii:ii v } : :i ! i:v ! :iili ii:=::! ii i==: }i iiiiii:i}il  i : i :" :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  : , : ::   ;  :L:' :: :' :: i LAST MINUTE BUYS DRIVE //martJst GAREFULLY '/'/ Stepping XX, \\; PADER TYL GO S E Boy's -- Girl's Side Tie , s4.99 ' AND UP • Ghildren's Oxfords SADDLES  NYLON  PLAIN LEATHER s5.99 A'o s6,99 THE BOOTERY SHOES 4=OR "II-IE ENTIRE FAMILY Boys' Acrila# Knil Special S,zes Sl HG 4-18 .i.v Surface interest sparks rich Acrilan@ Acrylic knits. All tailored with £ashion collars, short sleeves! Machine wash- able ! tion which followed, Baskets of white gladioli with pink and lavender stock provided lhe floral decor. Satin bows and single white candles lined the aisle CALLING ALL BOYS as the bride was escorted to the altar by her father. Her full-length gown was of im- ported net over silk organza. The sculptured bodice was designed I! O with a bateau necldine embroider- ed with seed pearls and iridescent OSts'No More to Go Back To School With Class Leaders Boy's Rugged Paper . . . , action sequins and bridal point sleeves. Her fingertip veil was caught by a pearl crown. Pink roses, a white orchid and stephanotis formed the. bride's/cascade bouquet. Mrs. Marlene Christenson of Se- attle, matron of honor; Misses Mary Matson, Donna Halbert and Kathy Shaylor, Portland, Ore. were Open attired in full-skirted dresses of pink and lavender shades. They Tall Twill Tapered 8"30 worc matching shaded hats and Cact Friday  carried pink and white cascadc bouquets. US Darts Nite Sister of the bride, Miss Jean • Marie Deffinbaugh and Susan ' 'Til Lynn Deffinbaugh, cousin of the S=4]le bride, were candlelighters. Kathy Gay Deffinbaugh, cousin of the Ski Parkas ,rum'1195 Sporlcasler Knit Shorts 3L/'29S Van Heusen Levis s4ts Sport Coats 200 sheets  reg. 59¢ :ipper Note Boo ,o0 v00u. % off 1.69 to $10.00 ey Drug Center Acrilan  Knii : hid special , S,M,L 116urface Interest  an)Acrylic k n I t S. ' '.: ' All tailored wit h [[.J fashion c o l 1 a r s, .'}._ ribbed euffs! All Machine washable! Girls' Orlon ' sweater special bride, carried a hand crocheted basket of pink and lavender col- €,red petals. Ring bearer was Jay Deffinbaugh, cousin of the bridc. Best man for the groom was his brother, Norman Harrison of Vic- toria, B.C. Other attendants were Jim and John Harrison, brothers of the groom. Seating the guests were Marvin Christenson, Roger King. James Maw and Ronald Krehbiel. Mrs. Deffinbaugh chose a light pink brocade sheath 'dress with matching hat and corsage of pink roses and white carnations for her daughter's wedding. Mother of the groom, Mrs. Harrison, wore a pink linen dres with matching jacket and white accesries. Her corsage was of pink roses and white carna- tions. Following the wedding cere- mony, a reception was held in the church parlors. The five-tiered clover leaf wedding cake nmde by Mrs. Ralph Endicott, was decorat- ed with wedding bells, pink roses and topped with the traditional miniature bride and bridcgroom. Assistng in the reeeption wer Mrs. Jay O. Bovee, Mrs. Marjorie I ed Hunter, Mrs. Stanley Maple, .  eral Way; Mrs. Karl Lind, Port- lnnd, Ore.; Mrs. Betty Townsend; Misses Jeannette R.oss, SeaLLle; Genell SLoekwell, Sharon Clark, Mary Deffinbaugi. Miss Pat Pal- mer of Woodburn. Ore.; was ill er e].arrc of thc guest bool¢. Assist- ing at the gift table were Mrs. Amy Barnett and Misses Linda Denim Jeans s,zes and Judy Loucks of Port Angeles. ! 2 to 14  toria and northern Vancouver Is-: 50 land, the bride wore a red sheath tlron] dress with beige aecessorics. , Sizes  66 OrlonR) acrylio's The bride is from 6-16 pr. Shirts from '3 9s Wings Van Heusen Da Vinci ii ,i, WASH 'N' WEAR Pants 00rom '49S li.I.S. -- 0actus Levi -- Days Tee Shirts 3/'29 s Van Heusen Large Assortment of White or Colored Socks from 50 € Esquire Western style, w)t dyed, sanforized. Ma- chine Zashable! Soft completely hand-wash- able . . . classic cardi- gan look in red, white, royal, green, brown, powder blue! SLACKS ,from'10 95 graduated Irene S. Reed high school and is .... a junior at Seattle Pcific College. She is legal secretary for Moschet- io and Aifieri; Attorneys at LaW. Her husband graduated from Prairie Bible Institute, Canada and is a student at Seattle Pacific Col- lege. He is business manager for Woodland Park Railroad. Mr. and Mrs, Harrison will make their home in Seattle. Sweaters ,'rom00ll 9s ()PEN FRIDAY NIGHT L:T L 8'3(} MR, & MRS, SHOP Penguin Pebble 6each Van Heusen from =10 9S Jarman Grosby Square "Latest Styles" l)ark Plaid Rain Coats Latest Styles alld Some Reversible from'15 9s Short or Long Lelgths Shoes