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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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30, 1962 CLUB CALE 3R I;VENT nell[ oil arollnd nded 11)]' last mixed 2-ball seasoll at the ]elf Club. well thai when sidcnt of the \\;vhi(h sponsors *}or the group's as a virtually ' still another. s ¢!t' the season )f darklleSs fo1' it was decided I 2-131111 fonrsol"lle [ 16, with 2:00 IYI(. week's play in- .()SS ' Betty lyley, ,t3, first, [ Max Sehnlidt, I Jinl Fletcher, ; LO\\;V NET ard and. Frank rst, Sue Daniels [y, 34, second, ack Kimbel, 36, ANNUAl, I, IIEI)AllA'rIoNS Date for the sale, major lhe W()lllell's the anntl[E fu nd.ratSil t ' .... (livisi0a .[l ¢eigns as the 1962 ltttrict Indian lon-Bayshore Golf C-ltleer defeatin Baseball set for Oct,)her 5 andP g" Tulalip are under way a lreauvt:'igarnes in a title so- Anyone ha,ing fll OVer the weekend I ribu{ions, for the it ev!d.t0:;i,,)i.; 6-5 but in the re- to eitlrer bring ." Anita l(imbel or AIIB:.u two wins Sun- HIENII/ENI"S 'rg0[ to captu,'eAt the endthe Beason PLAY STARTING S. Sk')komi.:h Sectional win- was the Northern victor,?d tr Western League season for firsl .to f,r ldian crown i compete m't through with Phe Vallev team, I )ther Indi,n nines :he state and one tll vie in a Labor n' at Tacoma Satin'- Possibly Monday. w ,ig Alihoug'il a 81o " has the committee 0 definite deadline for the first r0,md in the "iqore Golf Club'S .I nent's Trophy c01 I?cen set for ,eptenl 1 This competition1 ¢ dieap with qualifier I.I then going into an ionship rolmd to t \\;;rinner. Under the ftfll visions of the ;S Ida Dailev ent gives the higher gprings, Ore. 78; CI,OSEST ers excellent Sleek. hole .... Anita the marbles, on the day's Fletciler, first, _ .......... at 12 noon. It' is Frank Heuston, He dwells tourney ] everywhere. * ere. ....... dn't waste any time in the third :!: I as the Valley ; €$ 9-4 victory for !" der Ran Peter- ' hits in pitch- win and sup- :1 CaUse with a two g O I1 rio the bottom tlf annin _unly .... ;  luy Miller, who !!! tl the plate for ] games, rap- RE ELEOT Ron's ei,'- sh eored four le Wild fifth inning E Bariekman got aboardon • 1, who " to first INDIAH NINE T ¢HAHPIONS 2amc with two singles and his three-bagger. $ $ ¢ With their backs to the wall in the second game and a win or lose everything situation facing them, the Indians of the Valley came through with a 6-2 decision. The score was knotted at 2-all when SkokolniSh blasted off with fern? run rally. Lee Johns, Mike Davis, Guy Millet' and Pete Peter- son all crossed the dish in that canto, sparlced by Guy's triple. Tulalip's Larry Strom homered in the bottom of the first inning. The first game was nip-and-tuck all the way until the tenth inning, when Tulalip pushed across the big run in the bottom of that round. Skok. seared two runs in the Lop of the ninth to g(i ahead mo- mentarily 54, but Tula.lip tied it again in its half of the inning. Tom Gouley doubled to score Alex Gouley and Mel Smith for Skokonfish's tallies in the ninth. .terry Bloomfield made it to third in the Skokonfish tenth, but died there. Landy James of Tulalip spiked the plate for the winning run in the bottom of the tenth. The box scores: Championship Game RHE Tulalip ............ 000 004 000---4 5 3 Skokomish .... 030 140 01x---9 6 1 Batteries: Landy James and Chuck James; Ron Peterson and Lee Johns. Game No. 2 RHE Tulalip .......... 110 000 000--2 5 1 Skokomish .. 011 400 00x--6 11 2 Batteries: Landy James and Al- bert Hood, Chuck James; Pete Pe- terson and Johns. Game No. 1 R H E Skokomish.. 002 010 002 0--5 5 4 Tulalip ........ 000 103 001 1-----6 4 1 HIGHCLIHBER GRIDHEfl PREPARE FOR OLYMPIC LEAGUE OPPONENTS ............ :.. ::: ............. i:i:#::.:;:: HIGHWAY TO THE SEA--This broad concrete ramp has recently been completed at Arcadia Point by the Shelton Port District to serve this community's many small boat owners. This launching ramp is 24 feet wide and 150 feet long and will allow boats to be put into the water at low tide. Construction was done by the Kimbel Logging Company. The log is not part of the permanent scenery, it happened to float onto the ramp at high tide and was a bit too big for the Journal photographer to move before he took his shot. ¢ *I= * first two Batteries: T o m Gouley and  mmmmnnmmm,,mln,mnn,mm,mnn,m,w|mm,mnmmmmm,mnmm • • • • Johns; Lenny James and Landy =omm]ss,oner District 3 ,for the James. (Paid Political .Advertisement,' ----'' E WITH ..  IIIIml WIHpJ IIIIWJ ll111111lllLlll[lll!llml I I!llllllllllllllllfl PIGEON HUNTING 4-8 blaekmouth; Merv Smith, 15-4 BE(IlNS SA2URi)AY king; Jesse Ells, 3-0 blackmouth. Band-tailed pigeous and morn- Tuesday anglers who scored ,}: ing doves had better watch out were Ben Barber', 124 king; Rod- SCHOOL for then]selves .come Sagurday. ney Matye, 19-8 king; Cisco Hiels, " '. 'The first of the 1962 hunting sea- 11-12 Icing'. i:}:) , : " .,  • Two last-minute reports came n sons opens on that dy S¢pt 1, g:hen both birds become legal Wednesday Cisco and Reeky Moi'- am e: ........ ris()n tricked three fish to' 6-8 and Ba hnllt are Lo (loves fl (lay g s ' - • Doe Thwaite caught a 11-10 chum. with 20 in possession and eight • • • i! i : !!iiiiiii pigeons per day, with eight al- RECREATION REPORT OPENS lo. ed,*, ill possession. The hunting Sheiton District" The Ranger eason for both birds runs through Orisdale Road from Matlock to NEXT WEEK thestateentireGamemOnthDepartmentOf September.biolo. Grisdale is still closed to the gen- VChat kind of football eompeti-I Iion err returning as ends. Peter- jnnior. Bob Kiet)urtz, n junior, is tion will the Olympic League Iman commission --, representing i,,portsmen, commercial fishermen and other' interested citizens-- 'vouhi serve staggered six-year terms. The commission would elect Fisheries director. In this man- ner continuity of thinking and pro- gramming can be accomplished. Washington has had eight Fisher- cries heads in 16 years, making any long-range planning utterly :mpossible. ' i The Washington Sportsmen i must obtain approximately 120,000 ugnature to be assured of the 97,000 requirement. They plan to file Initiative 30 with the Secre- tary of State for consideration by the next Legislative session. #v O ' ..... GREEN PRE-FINISHED reams offer this fall? That is a $64 question that Highelimber grid mentor Bob Sund would certain- ly like to know. BUT. he'll soon :[,lid Gilt. Sund has a scant two weeks to ready hku lorces for their first Olympic League with the usually rugged South Kitsap Wolves at Port Orchard Sept. 14. Shelton high school football let- Iermen will be issued their togs this evening at 7 p.m. at the gym. Junior and senior' non-lettermen will receive their equipment to- morrow (Friday) at 3:30 p.m. and sophomores can pick up their 1;raetice uniforms 4:30 Friday. A squad meeting for everyone is scheduled Friday at 7 p.m. in the Grant C. Angle building. Initial turnouts start Saturday morning at Loop Field There will be two workouts Saturday, at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Labor Day turn- outs are also billed. Sund has a host of 16 return- Jag letter winners that he musl whip up into a victory combina- tion by Sept. 14. He has at least one monogram earner to take ev- ery position on the team except for the center spot. That hole will probably be filled by a non-letterman or so- phomore. Jeff Drebick, a 200-plus pound letterman tacide has had limited experience at the pivot. In the backfield the Climbers Ck have eight returning. Seniors Bill Smith. 195, and Ken Droscher will command the signal-calling. Smith. who sfltrted all last sea- on, has experience and a good throwing arm going for him. First-string returning halfbacks are Joe Waters and Mike Sheedy. Waters, who relies mostly on 1 s'on is possibly the only doubiful'::lso a retm'ning tackle, but will letterman coming hack. He suf- iered a pmnful knee injury last b:efts()n 11111"] had air operation on it last winter, but is ex]ected lvek lhis year with almost com- plete recovery. Peterson and Orr are likely to be the offensive ends and Lutz lllay rest Pcterson on defense. Drebick and Bruce Crawford. both tipping tire scales a shade over the 200 mark. are good bets for filling the taclde holes. Craw.- ford is a senior and Drebick a BOB SUNI) Foz'e..=es Tough Season eral public. Travelers will have to detour through the Montesano road. Pine Lake Road also is still clos- ed due to 'logging operations. Campgrounds received heavy use last weekend. Fly fishing on Neby, upper South Fork Skokomish and Rock Creek is good with 10-14 inch trout reported taken. Band-tailed pigeons are abundant in older log- ged areas, ridges and river bob toms. More elk have been/sighted in Wynoochee River drainage. Hoodsport Ranger District: Heather is in bloom above 4500 !feet. Hueldeberries are ripe at higher elevations, while blackber- ries are ripe at lower' elevations. Campground use is moderate, how- ever, it is expected to approach maximum during the .coming La- frobably see the most action aL ol]e nf [lie elld positions. 'Pwo stocky seniors. A] Wagner anti Jim LaMent. come back as guards. Both were second team all- conference choices of tire Sea- n.ount League hrst fall. The two depend on speed and quick think- ink to accamptih their duties Depth appears to be the only sppsrent problem with the line, t xcept for thc, completely wrcant center pbsifion tidal must be filled, If no serious injuries OCCUH', It looks like Shelton could have a basically s(,und team for 1962 al- though the Olympic League is ex- pected to bt' a stronger and more well-rounded group titan the Sea- mounl League.. So whut will the Climbers do in '62 with their new league affiliation? We'll just have to wait and see. The 1962 high school football schednle: Sept. 11 S, Kitsap* tlere Sept. 21 Elms her.,. Sept. 211 East Brem/' here Oct. 5 Port Angeles',' there Oct. 12 Bye Oct. 19 Bellevue here Oct. 26 C Kitsap* here Nov. 2 Chehalis here Nov. 9 N. Kitsap* there : Denots league games Reg. =4s0 $5.75 Ferlilizer 80 lb. ORGANIC ' 1he State's sportsmen." "But with so many elements 00lndustrial Builders Supply snipping at our :almon, they are fast diminishing. We attemit to negotiate " conservation aggree- me,t with tlre Indian fishermen 6n]y to turn around and find that a dam is being planned in one of 1st 426 4393 the - satn'on's primary channels to th'eir al)awning area." Under Initiative 30 the even- WOOD Soreen Doors ALUMINUM Oombinalion Doors SCREEN and STORM PRE-HUNG -- SELF STORING '289s Aluminum Sliding Windows TREATED FRAME -- WEATHER SEALED 2' x 2' ............................................... $14.80 3' x 2' .: ........ : ................................... $17.24 3' x 3'. ............................................... $21.08 4' x 3' .............................................. $23.66 6' x 4' .............................................. $37.76 for a long-range program to save the state's salmon fishing. We've teen fighting years for, this but if something isn't done soon it will be too late. Washington sal- mon have long been famous tin'oughout the )ation. Salmon fi- shing has been a tremendous at- traction to tourists as wel! a one of the nost exciting activities of ton Electric VOTE DEMOCRATIC ( P ° 1 ' tca I a?tejt ' Srm ;n t e Pldnbe Yt ,Il°irl f°arn  'the' • mg seasons on duel€s, geese, phea- .i ,:ants and other npland birds in the state of Washington. The general buck deer season is set ileum products in the West--more than for' October' 13 also. s familiar Chevron and RPM fuels and Shellon Branoh CAAL PROSPECTS -arry top-quality roof coatings • LOO K I NG U P ,ents andpaintthinners.woodpreser 50 IA;un'y Federal HoodAS Canalthe Journalsahn0nWentfishingtO seem-press other useful products for farm ed to be getting better by the min- 'andardO,|produ¢,.¢aH I' I & Loan Association ute. All reports came in this week ................. out of Hoodsport Marina, from I]OLE & s"i fishermen angling in the Hoods- SON NO, port area. Art Baslcin boated the biggest IRD PHONE 426-4411 nts Insured to $10,000.00 by the F.S.L.I.C. reported sahnon of the week Tues- A.M,. 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday day when he coaxed out a 31-0 i I  10 to 3,4to 5:30 Fridays king. Monday Art brought in a 23-14 kiag. (floe Branoh Office Satt::'2.,y fisherman J. G. Breng- tl Way • 313 Railroad Ave. an, Seattle, boated a 25-8 king and i  Wash. Shelton, Wash. Cliff Evans had a 4-0 b]ackmouth. .:(i BOXES • Private, Confidential, Eoonomlcal Sunday successes went to Shirley .... ce Top Range .u,,,,, 14-2 king; Rev. Huts- :; ingh, 7-0 silver; Mrs. Jim Shumate, wolevel platform h: T "IS WRONG WITH ift Out Door SAVAGE'S RECORD lug Out Oven Heaters lfr-RedBroiler T HE CAN'T RUN ON IT? xailable In Automatic or :NOll-.&_utomtie WATCH THIS PAPER NEXT WEEK lolors: mint qut, lemO fr°stingl)ink' sugar  FOR THE ANSWERS copl)ertan ' : Polilioal Advertisemeni by Labo.r for Rilner ¢ommilhe '2599s : Wayne Burnett, Cha,rman VOTE RIGHT- VOTE RITNER ling", "equipment and government regulations", "rules of the road", "aids to navigation", "the maria-: DOUBLE COMPARTMENT piloting".cr's compass", and "charts and White Sink Interested persons may contact COMPLETE WITH FAUCET, HUDEE RIM AND Grant C. Angle Principal Frank 2 BASKET STRAINERS • Willard. * '* • =41a,g INITIATIVE 30 DOPI AIRED BY COUNCIL A plea to all fishermen in the State of Washington came out lastweek from TomWimmer, pre- PRE-HUNG MAHOGANY INTERIOR ident of ,the Washington State nnar ' Sportsmen s Council: "Take a few :ninutes out from your summer fishing and'help get Initiative 30 =l''Jlll • (Y - :)etitions si,ned. Initiative 30 is the Council's at- tempt to streamline the State's INCLUDES DOOR, JAMB SET, and HARDWARE Fisheries Department and head it with a even-man commission management. The change is pat- terned after the State's Game FIBER GLASS Commission, which the Sports- Palio Panels men's group also sponsored. "This modernization," said .pc Wimmer, "Will make the State Fisheries non-political and allow sq. ft. call saves of shoppi tou better we stock the most complete gists claim that the band-tailed pgeon population will be equal or, better than last year', witi birds ,'.tarting to congregate In elder- berry and cascara patches. A few "aid favorite" shooting spots around Mason County have been Eagle Point, Kamilehe and near Lake Cushman. OCTOBEll 13 THE BIG OPENING The State Game Department has selected noon, October 13, for the cpening of the generai 1962 hunt- bar Day weekend. The upper Ham- ma Hamma Road is blocked at 4 x - ¼,, V-GROOVE FOR DO-IT- BEDROOM2 LIGHT----Reg" $2"49 SLWHITE .a •----4 Lena Lake due to hazardous con- ditions. Fishermen have reported =4= YOURSELFERSI moderate success in the lakes of q" PORCH FIXTURE Reg.--JL I: S41 ai'Adk the district. * * * Black or Bronze $2.49 FREE BOATING CLASSES SLATED HERE Free instruction m safe and better boating will be included CAST IRON in the curriculum of the annual EXTERIOR adult education night classes 3 pc, Bath Sel which start Sept. 20 in the Grant House Paini C. Angle School. COMPLETE WITH DELUXE The classes are slated over a FITTINGS WHITE 12-week period on Thursday eve- nings from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. In- ,139oo $0095 Power Squadron xvl deal with '  gal. such topics as "safety afloat", "seamanship", "small boat hand- 00Mahogany Panels UgM Fixtures IHOPPINO HI WB" B T Y speed, is capable of the long gal- | / ..... !i lop as he showed last fall, while ,| Sheedy is a determined hard run- ner good for the short gains. ! so 00o u ! Combs was eighth in Seamount League scoring last year. Combs, whose main asset is shear power }i :nd muscle, is a good call for grinding out short gainers up the i middle. Junior Defensive backs and re- iurning lettermen are Kelly Hurst, Brian Brickert and Dan Olson. Hurst an,1 Brickert were famil- iar to the Climber corner slots while Olson's speed and slant-  L/BOI DAY WEEKEND field running ability put him back  SAT., SUN., MEN., SEPT. 1-3 in the safety position. Olson may see more offehsive action this year in end-around type plays. 3 LINES $1 Droscher and Olson (both left- footers) and Waters will probably Daytime only -- reg. prices_ after 7 p.m. take care of the kicking chores. TIMBER .,,nn Moving up to front line the --I. ...WI Climbers have seniors Gary Pet- erson and Doug Lutz, plus junior SPECIAL