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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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!! ,li ¸¸ Thm-,dav. Au I . Englana an(] 30, ]962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in UCh$tmastown, U B.A.&apos;" Shelton. Washington Page ? [ F]r 4frlr Sk Ketcm _. T ....... ..... .___elsey of _   - __ .............................................................  J. IL.J]tf Skelsev of Long Bea • l ..,,:..y  Former Resident WOLFKILL PLANS SIMPSON PRODUCES 5OMILLIONTH DOOR ,,,o,,,,, FLOYD ,o MOS,o Dies In Canada READING, RELAXING :: DID UNION LABOR o, ,,n,,co.,,,- c.,,.oo. ' ..,,a ,Be,,, ,,'o,.b,.. p.o DURIHG STAY HERE PUT IN CHhRLIE S ng for i'nv soil. Our Hood ( . her daughter, Mrs. Robert Lee of ,c ,lltillll4,d froIll l)/Igo 1) r • Mitchel Band CII1H(|I. Fmleral services were hem'd there was still fightinK gr)- lch a small job Re f SATURDAY hohl Wedresday ill Canada. Mrs. ing on in tile n.ollntfins. }!" . ...... .  ! :n' have saved a , lPol'bos lived in M'tson Counly for %VOI,FI(ILL Ali) he didn't ::3!.:;} :' FreewaY 35 years before nmving to ,,el' ,€.flow if ,he< helicopter was shot ......................... !:i:' i:::iii: SIDEWALKS CURBS? .ed on this run- ][ home at Chloe, (' "" .:l linded nle of 15 ahf. down ol' not, bill;, that the im- mediale cause (h the crash wfls iii:!l  ............... *.;..::::%<4!...:..,, :.:. i first. moved to Chrysler.PlYn a lack of oil in Ihe t.l.ansmissmn .................. "- F/!:;ii:!!:":::;::::::::i'::::i:":'* y-we. Internat IIIlIII[IIIlIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|IIIHIIIlIIIIIIIIlIIIlI which probably resulted from a (Political advertisement paid by Labor l(n' litner :'OVER THE WATER" -'"'"" fi, e. Conuniltee. \\;Vay,,e ]m'neLt, chairman) lists in helton He and the two crew members :::::::/:::::.:::::: .,.,. i , I, ,I tim in .P,"em,-: "- af the el'aft. John Shore Jr.. and  ......................................................................... to comprehend . . . . ". i lhe crew chief. John McMorrow :.::: ;::: :; ..:.::. ..:.;: !i"i ' W ' A ¢0 IH¢I ' ' " '" g n.;( ..:::,, no,s ;  $1 i ,,e,'e captn,'ed by the Communists : ": :: • , • " HAT - DEN€E!! they coum !: rosiest of schcd- The prisoners were marched 200  . . wait while my miles in the new month from one i .:::  1 "an emergency village o another until t.hey were THE ADVERTISEMENT THE STORY BELOW ould expect and linally seitlod at Xieng" t<hoan - BELOW APPEARED IN APPEARED IN THE in a building which had been built THE JOURNAL AUG, 2 JOURNAL AUGUST 23 .are if I were in :";' by an Anlel'iean grollp as pal't of Sheriff Starts ::  toDdle farm. During the march- e Cronquist sigh ing, the prisoner's hands were tied CUSHMAN RES behind ,,,o,,. ,,oy,,.o,,. New Plan For ORT led by a rope fastened 'u'ound their necks ..... • .. fAY S-Y-KE S ' ] i idNWe !: !i: O ;t:  : :ca: !::: t nets- was they allowed FROM were completely outside JI'NE untilkept for indark a short room September,andperiods which were : ::. :h ": Patr01i ng C ou nI00: u£1/:. ANCING AFTER I0 twice  v. : .. |L :00 P.M. [. Their food consisted of small A new system for patroling tile o,n page 1) l,,,fll,,,$310,w,,  ! i|i|||H|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||i ' quantities of ,'ice and rock salt. county waa started Friday, Sheri.f • only 19 pounds les Correspondent to Nong Het, about 10 miles from The COtlnty hJ.s boQ]l divided • directdfive --',11 I t ,t'n-egr'-y the Viet Nam border. There they • fells trees up to 3 fem five districts with one deputy"in cl finance corn- •lugged, fast-¢u01ng dip were held in a Vietnamese labor charge of patrtfling each district lion's first city eEround.levelcuttI  camp which was on the main road Deputies and the areas to which • between Lao and Viet Nam. They of governnlent • a .pos t on cuttinl -tP/ I War II, serv- •avaabewthstrallhtl .k. ill'i'""--  • m  they have been assigned aro ,1.€ gniDlll|V were in,prisoned there in an old 12"'t021"' , t   .... Harold Bl'own, Allyn: the Alln, 'rank Travis Sr. French fortress. Their legs were • missioner Roy Seetbenewfullllze L;,lliWl SIn'lpsort Timber Company, which is celebrating its 50Lh anniversary of door manufacturing0 tllusf;ras Agate, Grapeview " and Harstme Askforafm '-*,,' -- kept in wooden stocks, such as . IF ELECTED SHERIFF ' :  were used in the early days in the the change in door styles and women's lashions rom 1919. (lelD to 196 - (rlghD. DOOZ a zlgh is mew Island areas. Dick Valley, Belfair: the Belfair, y his wife, Mary,  colonies which became the United , , , . , • , .... ire in American States. I will endeavor, with equal dis- Tahuya and Dewatto areas. ' GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY THIS r edJ Phi|lip , StlJ", [.)'l'*Ol'l'* *h(. UniOlJ: tribution of men and equipment, area and up the Hood Canal t.o' and 8 & 40 on On April 6 the prisoners were r s to give you 24 hour protection Twanoh State Park, and up tle forked with hun HILL0 moved two or three miles to a " Se i H ld , economically as possible. I jreau;ll a. sister in ?"Service Elect VietNamHere theArmYtreatmentCamp" improved MONTH FOR COMPANY PLANT rv ce e D S (Sam)GLARI( canal tOand the Lakethe Jefforson County.llnecushmfln TM ale.' J I00 , somewhat, Wolfkill said. The VieL- Graveside  l',i(, (,s we '(. ]1('1 d ]  [ [ Oe (]l,t eh(l ] , A ,]c,] (li[- : AI]( r('**" alities and knew what was needed Simpson Timber Company which ils production facilities and broad- ,ttle, for Fred J. Phillips, SLar • Time for a Change • south to the 'rhurstorl Cotlnty line. to keep a person alive, has produced over 50 million ened 'its line of doors to include Route Two. John Gile officiated. (Paid political advertisement) WaJly Anderson: the L)ayto, incorporated trade association in the WORKING Up until that time they had doors, will celebrate a half-cent--literally hundreds of styles anti Mr. Piliiilps was born April 28, Matlock, Lake Nahwatzel and States Brewers Association, was l been held by primitive 35eo tribes- ury of door nmnufacLul'ing zn types. 1893 aL Sprague, "Wash., md suc- men who Wolfkill describes as August when its McCleary, Wash- Through the decades of the 30's cumbed Wednesday in Shclton ;ame year that STATE "primitive, very cruel, irratic and ington door plant obsez've' iLs Gol- and 40's and most of the 50's, General Hospital. He was a resi- dent of Seattle from ]926 to 1953. LEGISLATOR unpredictable", den Anniversary. there were virtually no major Before moving t()Shelt(m, he was IvYa 0Ui[KEN YOUR CHICKEN THE MEO are the hill tribes The Simpson McCleary plant be- changes in the deslgn of doors un- of LaDs. They are of Chinese de- gad manufacturin doors in 1912 til Simpson introduced the Sev- a truck driver for Safcway Stores tO cent, and migrated into the hills when the Bull-Moose party was cn-Eleven ceiling height door. Inc. many centuries ago and have been in its infancy, the Girl Scouts Where most standard doors are Sm'vivng are .s w=:e, Muriel, and .r'" represent ' living there everisince, were being founded and the Un- only 6'8" high, this new door, Shelton; two sons, Fred J., Brcm- r, ome Oul The LaDs, which make np the ited States became "48 States". which is 7'11" kigh, provided a erton; and Robert E., Hayward, you in the other part of the population of During its initial year of produc- clear opening from floor Lo ceiling. Calif.; three brot.hers, Roy i., La- 24th District the country, are. a pleasant and ing doors the first parachute jump WI'ItI1CING IN design, it elimin- Canada, Calif.; Frank and Her- easy-going leople, he said. was made and the S. S, Titanic ated mmecessary ovez'head fz'a.n- ry, Lewiston, Ida.; two sisters, (MASON -- CLALLUM The Meo's who held them cap- wrecked on its maiden voyage, inK, provided for a better flow Mrs. Graee Thomas, and Mrs, Era- JEFFERSON COUNTIES) tive most of the time have no AT ITS BIlVrti, the NicCleary of air throughout homes and of- ma Dresser, Lewi.uton, l(ia., and idea what Comrmmism is, Wolf- plant was hailed as the largest tices, and allowed complete ac- six grandchildren. FOX kill said. They are so primitive and most modern door plant in tess into closets. This is available Fra ........................... they have little coneept of any lhe world. IL was capable of pro- in flush, flush bifold and louvered nees Brown kind of govelunnent, ducing 4,500 doors daily, beiug the bifold doors. B C][ • O.11 3TON, on January 11. Wellla Walla "The Communists have been first eleetric'tlly-driven woodwof In 1,)58 Sinmson believed even F 1 T d town was booming, and by the end (Paid Political Advertisement) clever", he sold, "they have taught king plant iT] the Northwest. In more innowxti(ns in (It)(),' design ullera o ay lhe Meo to hate and they serve this plant, the innowtion of us- were necessary to accommodate I,hmeral services will be held to- ighty new buildJngs had been built, F the Comm;mist cause just as ef- ing dowell pins to join door parts the need. of architects, builders, 6My aL 9 a.m. for Mrs. Frances success with foaming stein s of beer. [ teetively, even though they do replaced the less-efficient mortise designers and home owners. Strop- ]Srown, Star Route Two, who died z,ot know what they are fighting and tenon system, son commissioned the internaLion- Sunday at the Shelton General It's the World's Newest Way to Cook, lOW, beer wasthetraditionalbeverage 'i for" ' Stile and rail doors were the Ily.-famous design fit'm o£ WalLer Flospital. Services will be under shington.)n" But beerThemeanBrewingmOrelndustrY coD'than enjoy" O] d '  ' loldTI-IEtheirPRISONERSrelease were heVer only type doo{s produced in this I)orwin Teague Associatds Lo c};e- the direction of Batstone Funeral ....... " I ,- was coming un- era with he most popular bein E ate a"new look" in doors. Home. Interment will be in Shel- iF YOU LIKE GHIOKEN 'e than one million tax dollars to our PER ti] the day they were released. - ;the five-lanel door, a favorite The TeaKue designers conceived ton M:emorial Pat'k. Mrs. Brown There hact been hints, Wolfkill accent to Victorian decor, a new concept in panel doors, u, as born in Wisconsin, April 1, tear--money that helps Ilupport our KILOWATT a'aid, but there had been hir)ts be- UNTIL TllE 1930% virtually no- These new dr)of's, which are a corn- ].91]. . You'll love golden brown, tender, delicious 'hools and parks. " fore, but, they never turned ()tit. thing lint panel door were menu- 19]td.e dep:trLm.e from the ever- She is qm'vived by hor husband, :s centennial year, the United States ][][OUR They had heard of the signing' lectured. Simpson then introduced present, flush doors, are c'd[ed the Norman Brown,; four sis- chicken cooked in pure vegetable oils, sociation still works constantly to of the agreement for laotian nen- the "sanitary door" which today Symphonic family of door;. Four lel's, Mrs. Joyce FosLe]', Minneap- trality two days after the signing is known as the flush door. It was Symphonic doors, Sonala, Concer- otis, Minnesota; Mrs. I. J. Eales, tenanceof high standards0fqualitT and later heard rumors the prim- so appropriately named because it lo, Staccato and Nocturne, arc Oak Park, Illinois, Mrs. K. K. with all the natural juices and goodness scaled in :y wherever beer and ale are served, all it eosts to operate your ('ners were to be released. had no recessed oz" protruding each designed to become an inte- Ivown, Omaha, Nebr,.d<a; and , . After two or three months at parts to catch dust. g,'r'fl part of the arehii.ecture and Mrs. WilIPLm Menzies, ]ockfor(l, HOME APPLIANCES his parents' home Wolfkill will re- While the "sanitar'y door" was (teco,. of any holno, inside and Ollt, Illinois. EAT iT HERE OR TAKE IT WITH YOUI hu'n to Hong Kong and his NBC becoming increasingly popular, IN OI,EI{VANCI,] of Sim,pson's .............................................. rews beat which covers Southeast the "Star Spangled Banner" of 50th annive,'sa,'y of doo," manufac- Victor Lundrstrom No LONG w*,T,NG Asia. ficially became the national an-tm'ing, the Company introduced Laundry Equipment A, if the news is breaking in them, the Empire State Building the Teague-designed Hospitality G id H ld ,,,, cooked from raw through to the bone -- LaDs, he may go back to that was dedicated, the first politi- entrance doors. Thee doors are raves e e IN JUST 7 MINUTES Heaters  Spaee Heating country, cal telecast was sponsored, and distinctively-styled to provide a Graveside 'ervices for Victor .' , the song "Brother, Can YOU Spare custom appearance for every home Lnndrstrom were hehl aL 2 p.m. SEA FOODS ALSO FEATURED _lnllWel Ili ]ll D,u A Dime" was sweepin the nation entrance aL modcst, budget prices, Tuesday in Shelton Memorial Par]( iTTSBURG00 ,, RE,ORDS REFLEOT Vllllll£11 llUlli iqMO [. Sim son con inuedto ex and Speci'd]ymilled custom enhance 1 P t , P .... ." : - " ' under the direction of Rev. Carl mmll lil/ • / __ '"'" .............................   m doors$900 sometimes cost as much as Caz'lsen. Mr. Lundrstrom passed illmll,aL l lrllll • , ] ,,'- or more, far mo]'e than' Lhe away Sunday at Tacoma, He was mlll00 = --,'l'/ON/Z00 ,0,_ Mason count,, home trees 200 Kilowatt  ' "--.-'-: : HospitalitYAl| Simpsond°°rs'd0ors are made born in Sweden, April 29,:I88,1. ---- -- i , month for lighting, refrigerator, radio and w,;.-,,/ ,,,.,,L..,.,,- On Hood Canal Near Potlatch -- oppos te Tacon a ;'Y snlall appliances alone.   _ .:: from select kiln-d,'ied vertical- iU 4T lJ :- = -¢ gL'ain Doi[glas fir to resist warp- R((eir)' ' .... '.="Ft H ".9   Light Fowerhouse on Highway 101 ;.' ps rom the narsune v'er- Phone I-oog,por TR 7-9488 '' ! _: =<:....._-. ing and dimensional changes. This ry for the week ondin K Aug. 2,), . * VilimPA/ A ','1: eperLY' all major appliances can be used at akilowatL hem'. . ,-- -- _-=-_.-- -'-.:!-.. tins wood is eareful]y machined, of $275.88 were reported by the_m il "--: .= :..  sanded, as,embled and inspected Mason County Engineer's of/;ice. , , , ,,  , [' of Mason County home electrical energy use   .:= by experienced craftsmen. Eve.n ........  ................. m mm ?   today, as in 1.912, many door as- OWing average eosts on "   1  - sembly operations are done by ,..| [ LA% :  ECTRICAL APPLIANCES .......... B[W[R .... ......... rig[I)___. P-R.R I_ ....v..) Wi''iinband;the. _l'Oa%!productmneXperienceTTof _af a [ualit'. , is a vital¢t..a quahtyl 1 doorkey. Sept. 4th TO NOO& WOII I r ' ,  ' A,'e .Averagewatts Per. KWHlonthoost "'  u am n. noo SIMPSON ,J  , • | II011 $K1.. most impor.ntpAIIIfi": ,, ::'7. ....................................... 190 15 $0.15   Last Rites Held ew Theme   ' I. Zipper / "el" 1200 " ,.. ............ __,][J  v-. u... .................. q--ooo died, • last Tuesday. al; his ,h°me' | Binders 1 .i ';: ............. : ....... ": ....... " ........ " 2 .  0z 'a, IRD ]Fa|H,-,  o a...... ,, William H. SLidd, 74 Route. one, xr SIMPSON = / , ........................................ 400  .0 '_. R' ICK Con,-*m,, ,aa Mr' SLidd was born April 15 1888 Nole Books  5oo ount ....................................... -- ...................................... h: ................ : ............... ...: ...... ,1600 " 92 .92 -- ..... zn Emerson, Iowa. He had been 'k'-" "'' ,., Never before aItyl;ll!., ............. ..................... '56 FOI*Jo Fairlane V-8, stick $695 a residentyears of Masoi Oounty for Sheets snap out m=b Fdler' Paper =t o= t=t" .. .  I, X itIgi,tsbutghl.'9 :::..en) . 250 8 .08 ..... ....... " ................... 20 and worked asa carpen- L ' J,°  : '53 DODGE Six .,_. 10 a.m. Sat, urday in Batstone Fun- I ible. Stop in aria e  .l '. e':ble ................................ 1320 160 1.60 ............................................ "'------ eral Home, under the direction of .... . ... " ..........................  ......... 65 1 .01 ' - the Rev. Eugene Knautz. Burial .......... :]1 ................................. .,. ,...a .................. . ' I |1 I I " details. ' :I was in Shelton Memorial Park. , i[_ ........... _ .......... = ................... rr , I It |. O GO,$.ON i=,$1. Ii[ .:..." :: " ........................................... 100012 .19 YD'II'O :Mr. Stidd is surv,ved by his I t / .,i ................... ; .................. ...... 1500 18 .18 • CLEANS Up wITH W .|'" /llllllll.l wife, Iva R., Shelton; three sons, mmmvmm .Jack and Eugene, Shelton, and 'r'"" ....................................... 150 1 .01 : u,, ' Tote Bags , Portable  . COO0 ON ALL$ ,, 0"; ............. : ........................ 500 100 . 1.00 ' q]liam D., KeLchikan. *laska; ..,, T,rrT-. ;. . ........................................... '' and Mrs. Eldora Hawley, Shelto'n; " .. i' ' • U..aUSH....O.e." i % .' ................. ................. ,  .0. '60 FORD 'L-tnn .1 (:t five daughters, Mrs. 3essie Bye Brief ,Oases i| <,,o., ,o. o,.., ! . . . :1 • CHALKS LESS .  ttlll" ....................................... 50 6 .06 "O1 uu '/,-ton I11"1.K Mrs Florence cDonald Wolf I lunches, oto) It /ap0.e©0rners / , .OLORSTAy$CRI$1. ttollyof4) --_ ............ ........................ ................... 150  1.50 ,_o nn,rT'o, . " ................................... ' "g=::: Creek, Mont.':lV[rs. Ruthlaroney, .... '- "-" i . #::,;,oo ! , o ,, / " ,!;; ' , " *ezr 0 ,0 .,o '54 FORD a,,--" .... Blair, Jacksonville, Florida; three  .95,,a i ............................................. z320 4o .4o p el ............................................. VD brothers, Howard and Fred, Calif.; $ -ff # i '-" ........................................ 1400 42 .42 /" ............................................ WJL-ZJ Annie Huntsman, Iowa; 33 grand- '46 *OR" I/,.tO.0ookpit SpeedboaA;" -- hp¢l and EdSUdd, Zowa'asisterrs.]h.rnj,__p , , ; ......................................... n0  .o 13 t. double 25 i' 0, .................................. ,o .,0 , aer, Upright .... "1 nn 2 02 Johnson OB Motor, tliler $'qtd'ttt T=.,,.,,, --..o,., bed, '* ' : ',t ............................................ WAS $395-- NOW ............ --I,U Dies At Hospital 3.Speed Razor | Mulhple !i  I ["PAI ''°atie .......................... ,2505.05 Emma Karolyn PeLerson. 1912 --';''S14 as | Vim,: . . | , t_veational .... : ................. 200 2 .02 Boundary St. died Monday at the 5 ia ns ' (lamily of 4) .......... 600 6.00 'r .... I1 ,. .= ,,- m. ,.  . Clinic Hospital. Born in Norkoring, ! t /urms llVailanle ewn al/IIA Prl£A Sweden, Feb. 12, 1887, she lived in ...................... ,n 0 o, Watohes -- " viason uot y y • . I" : ||HIr bl Rllffl|llUHtt nesday at Batstone Funeral Home. i_ ' "  il 'O '_ Rev, Carl Carlsen officiated. In- 0 PE " U I1 terment was in Shelton Memorial and u "TT LUHBER ¢0 D 0 3 Park. • IIM DRill PV IH Surviv!::g are her husband, Axel, P". Santa Barbara, Calif.; two broth- ' • secretar • ll|l [HULr.II lilU. a daughter, Mrs. Emmy Ermstrom, It's Time For Polio Booster Shot and Flu Inoculation 1 DEA---  ......... T.. ....... Nells Dahlgren, Woodstock, Illin- ph.e &,' : ''mmissioner;'CL-AUDE DANIELSON, manager USED CARS ,--. . r.,,+, ers Ernest Dahlgren, helton; and M..;I. Dk.....,.... Govey Bldg. - 4th & R.R. / LERSHIP __ 5th & Railroad rnone l-l Dis a sister, Mrs Esther Ander- 11!1113 .rllOllllOt. 426-3327 I ............................. Son, helton; and three grahdchil- dren, t