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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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30, 1962 ET]LTOIWIAON COUNTY JOI,RNAE  Published in r¢ChrLtmnfmn; U.S.A." 11eKn, Washington Page 11 nts, and to en- tile hills with 'ho was fol'l/lll- permit for a .ascades at the ason after La- ;haffee's seconel celt in drawing or a permit to :'nlits arc (lrawn 2haffee drew a years in suc- is also aid to [eanwhile I)lane guest of Mrs. 1' ill gl'eZllely[Oll nan is visiting ars. Jean Reed, md Ed Dalby .rip last week, Dr. Wilbur say- 1 the fish this h a fish dinner found, no fisll! :lese two "Isaac me a fish, they deep water, or tg. Merritt Stack ening were Mr. lenson, Ben Lo- Mr. and bIrs. renlerton. Mrs. Lattier are sis- fOl'lllel' IO\\;Va cks. ng Hood Canal n opening day be home by one t need to bring rohn Pill an- ] In LIBBY'S FRYER PARTS CUT FROM FRESH WAStL GROWN FRYERS LEGS TOMATO JUICE THIGHS 53 c Vote for SAVE 32¢ ON 4 CANS [b iant $ O0 R 53 € e000T G B EASTS, 46 oz. In the Tins d, NECKS or  € Wan___tlAd__ss ; eHEWONSK,NLESS WIN S ,b Z" BACKS ,b IU .... WIENERS Ci,00u00 BDLiS M ell Drilli 49 € ',R WELLS -- TEST ..... Ib :Ii,, ell Drilling LAWRENCE BEDELL • Route 3, Box 170, Shelton Phone 426-4713 /)i LUNCH MEAT ....,,oo0 .o,oon. o*o.,o o,--*o 25 ° . ,>., Olive, Oven, Minced or Tasty Loaf , 6 oz. pkg. i/ / BLOCK CHEESE 5 LB. TIN s398 DUBUQUE CANNED HAMS BONELESS, 3 " '2 s9 FULLY COOKED TIN 0 HUNT'S ,, .-_ M,-o WESTER. At¢ LB. i Whole or Half Fresh Eastern TE to. Fresh Salmon ,b.69 € Salmon Sleaks ,b.89 ' Scallops ............ ,b. 79 ' ,ES R. SAVAGE...' pORK & BEANS [iill rATE REPRESENTATI' I*, |jjjjjj|jjjj|jjjj|j|jjjjjj|j|jj|jjLjjjjjj|jj||jjjjjj|j||jjjjjjjjj|||||jj||jjj|||||jjj||j|||j|jj|| ' ::::: ................. Tradewel, Brand (10 OZ. jars J 89¢) _ Ine  I F I I -,,- = -- -- -- nay conUnue to use his broad b ",, 3 TINS FOR THE PRICE OF 2 INSTANT COFFEE o,., == = rnoM" experience and community wOrK ..........................  LUI,,AL ,is Districtandthestate. . Kraft "'1 i GROWN I. v R _'-.,,v 3 9c BAR-B-QUE SAUCE ................ 3 :,:: =" , 3emocratic Caucus Chairman and Y P ain or Iodized ' IL ,dhln¢  Ill I ?'- -esentatives. •  26  'k ,.,r" NO. 21/2 MORTON S SALT ................ Z o Z =  LARGE EARS orthwest States. SNOBOY I 10 rldl   man of Columbia Basin Compact(olitical Advertisement) ,, SWEET PEAS .li I0 , ........................ pkgs.q°z - ==__  . __=  .o.o. _oo 4°:° ""° i $.'. - STRAWBERRIES ................ p;,,.l  I  '"' SNOBOY, Frozen 6 $  , , .,.  t =-_  EARS'qr n  GRAPE JUICE ................................ 6 o. _ .. ,. ..... tins Blue Mountain, 100% Horse Meat AAI = , ' 15 oz GRADE A DOG FOOD ................................... :,ns  - ib DAILI 27 -S Wash. Grown. RedHaven 11, FreSh,A SNOBOY--Qt. '. Jq,_ SNOBOY, Cello Pak 4llql}_ B, " No 2 '€ _ PEACHES 2 LBS. ' OR NGE JUiCEq CARROTS 2 -BS. LI . GROWN BREAD ........................ a,, T,.  Tradewell  SAVE 20¢ BEST FOODS POTATO CHIPS 3 :o.  49 -Doone, Shortbread 39* NBG COOKIES 10v oz. ...................... Pkg. Blue Goose Brand, Regular or Crinkle Cut. Blue .Bell, 14 oz. Size FROZEN FRENCH FRIES 3 o;: qoo POTATO ,CHIPS .......... Donald Duck Brand (Save 47¢) Star Kist (Redeem Your Coupons FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 7 o o,. qoo o,u, TUNA at Tradewo,,) ................ Y2 Tins Tins Liquid Detergent Banquet Brand, Apple, Cherry or Peach FROZEN FRUIT PIES 3 o:. qoo Tradewell Brand Sherbet or (Save 20¢) ICE CREAM . o.,. 59' 14 oz. Btls. MrR, CLEAN ............................ 1 oz Detergent LIQUID THRILL ................ 12 o. Softener (Price incl. 10€ off Label) DOWNY FAR ......................  o. $100 DUZ DETERGENT" ........... o,. H or TRADEWELL MAYONNAISE SAVE 20 ' Te pp,, D q Standby Brand c TOMATO CATSUP Yellow Cling Halves HUNT'S PEACHES 5 ;:a qoo WaxTex WAXED PAPER ' lOO,t. .................... Roll l" :J EVERICH Margarine 20025 c ,,,,u,,u ............ s.. Sunny Jim Crearn Yr=iunchy 18 OZ. S Limit One CouPon Per Family --- Coupon Nxpires Sept, 1 ARC, Vanilla or Whole Wheat 49 € Cash Value l/20th Cent FIG BARS ................................ 24 oz. SAVE MORE WITH THIS BIG T COUPON WEEKEND PRICES IN WASH'INGTON'S MOST BEAUTIFUL FOOD STORES. Prices good through September 1. Limit Rights Reserved.