August 30, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 30, 1962 |
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i lwa ommunl u i ii: : il ''"Ki
T GHEN?/ iili) i C d P ty D G d ’ d PI M S it h 95th Bi thd y With 0p H L g A
ar ar raws oo row ans ass w c r a eft ogse : , ,,i::: , ,:
'ili!'} Y ' 0 .... ',w' " ' '. * , ". ' ,. " U l) l:0
n.;,iom., and a second LILLIWAUP -- Lilliwaup Com- Jaycock. 00flr Iglglvng00 HOODS.ORT - POTL*TC. -- ,,t the n,00w l,;o,, 00:cm .nd ,00ae.,00oe St'nrta
...e,t a'*) t" ...... munity Club Card party and pot- Mr. and Mrs. Oran Lee had as Art mvmvL! Ivv Friends in the Hoodsport and Pot- nave giveu their house..They nave ,,e:, ,;. ; ,.' .,', ::, ,, _ e,,_,._: qlh| |! ilHI B
m22n:embers are inVllXU ..... c :winter scnemue luck ctinner Friday evening was:their guests last weekend their "-- latch community are cordially ill- lemodeh(1 their living room and r(m t.).(i.g'er s a,n( o..wmose J!mt ii#,
.,:WLtl one morning . El'eat smcess ;i'hirteen tables daughter and family Mr and Mrs Friday evening after office clos-vised to a, open house forMrs added glass doors which 'rally aria ,'Jnlp.w)'e(!l. ]2.1 &msKa. lvl's.
; --,u at- c ,-, , ' . , .... . "' ,'o. " o ..... , ,. i%()(lX(q'N LLIaLLIe I l(rce) MJroLe tile
out tile afternoon. ; lZ a.m., and of pinochle were played, with hgh Bud Buttacavoh and children mg hours, a trelnendous feat of Alhe Ahl, Sept. 5, from 2 to o i,] thln.% dud LhL outside g ........
"rickson serves
one asked for
Dill Plc,kles
ere and fill jars
cucumbers). Add
dill, stock and
:love of garlic to
water, one cup
we cups vinegar.
mbers, hot. Seal.
is left over, save
aore pickles.
g' Service beginning at
-----.,d-Week prayer meet-
, n WIN.' ' ur begimxing
Mrs. Ar, illa wtG.
II U =. - t-n. ESsex 7-6464
Will Pay Delinquent"
Sept. 2, 3, 4
1909 S A Car
1910 S g Kong"
1911 S ...r."!' Crosby
1912 S ....... ::11 me"
1913 S ...... ;" Connors
1914 S ........ "!
1914 D .,.."'*' SEPT. 5
1915 S lht Out"
1922 D ........ Garner
1924 D : ........ 'i gh Country"
1926 S Joel MeCrea
1931 S
1931 D ."'"*
1933 O .... ,
1939 D ...... "*
cal advertisenlent paid by Labor
;ommittee, Wayne Burnett,
liOW Hotpoint gives you
pushbutton wash
every washable
l.lite goods-:heats, towels, dlaper,
2. Bright goods-plaids, prints, spread/, s
3. Sturdy wash 'n wears-dresses, shiNS,
&Delicate wash 'n wear
5. Special wool wash-blanketS, SweaterS'i
6. Special soak wash-work tlOthes, CUde
You Can Own This
,--or As $250
Little As
2nd & Cola
Phone 426.4fi61t
score going to Mamie Kaare and
Neff Vance; low to Nadine Chris-
tenscn and Lee *ndrus; 300 pin-
nchle to Mamie Kaare and Hen-
ry Mourik.
Letha Pollock of Arcata, Calif.,
was the lucky winner of the door
*nna Johnson and Pearl
Schmidt were hostesses for tile
evening. Another potluck dinner
n(1 card party will be held Sept.
]lOOt) (?ANAL G'n'den Club will
t'old their next meeting Sept. 6
with their annual pmnic at the
new state park at Minerva Beach
at Potlatch. *li husbands are in-
vited. Potluck dinner'will be ser-
ved at 12:30.
Another "fun night" wili be held
Friday evening, Aug. 31. at Union.
The public is invited to attend
Just a reminder to the many
friends of Mrs. Allie Ahl of the
"open house", to be held at the
Lame of her son and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. L. K. Webb, Sept. 5, in
honor of Mrs. Ahl's 95th birth-
day. The open house is from 2 to
5 p.m.
Mrs. Jean McKasson 'and chil-
dren, Julice and Billy, spent sev-
eral days last week in Port An-
geles, where Jean visited her me-
, REALIZE - - -
SIX of ihe NINE People
the Citizens of Washington
Within 50 Miles of Seattle?
Here's the Story:
1 Congressman
2 Congressmen
1 Congressman
1 Senator
1 Senator
West Side Congressman Away
This Centralized Areal
Resid#nt ...... ,. .
' '(Paid tent')
Mike, Toni, and Gina, akso Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph P. Mauro and
son Jean, all of Seattle. The men
folk returned home late" Sunday
evening. Mrs. Buttacavoli and chil.
dren and Mrs. Mauro and son vis-
ited the Lees until Friday. The
children had the ime of their
lives boating, swimming, digging
clams and picking up oysters. All
regreted having to return home
after a week spent on Hood Canal.
The same weekend Oran Lee's
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Cm'tis Lee and son Garry, also of
Seattle, enjoyed tile weekend with
the group.
chased property at Ayock. Beach
md are building a cottage. In the
future they will make their home
on Hood Canal.
:Mr. and Mrs. Don Berge and
children Suzanne and Tommy of
Seattle spent th weekend with
/V[: and Mrs. Oran Lee. Mrs. John
Arro and son John are visiting
two weeks in California with
friends and relatives.
The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Vic Richardson of Sequim
will be glad to know Vic is home
lrom the PorL Angeles hospital
after undergoing an operation, and
xs recovering niqely. They were
the former owners of Sunrise Mo-
tel at Hoodsport.
Mr. and Mrs. Nell Vance are
enjoying a visit from NeWs bro-
ther and wife of Arcata, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Pollock. This
is the first time the Pollocks have
visited on the Canal. They are en-
joying the beautiful weather, fi-
shing, digging clams and picking
up oysters.
The Vances have taken them
on several beautiful trips on the
Marion Johnston, daughter of
the Vanees, is spending a few days
in Shelton General hospital. We
are hoping she will be home this
Mothers need not provide hmch-
es for children attending any Hood
Canal schools next Tesday, open-
ing day, as they will be home by
one o'clock, Supt. John Pill an-
SheRon Lodge No. 1684
Gerry Hart,
Phone 426-3047
Russ Morken, Secretary
Phone 426-4071
2nO and 4th Tuesdays
of the Month
8 p.m. Airport
Vlde variety of Northwest fruits ace
d, processed and packed at their fla-
_ I best. Then they are rushed to refrig-
erator cars where constant temperatures
re maintained while they are speeded to
astern markets.
- tronically controlled equipment, com-
mications and data processing, super-
d by skilled employees, monitor each
Giant turbine and diesel Iocemo-
keep freight rolling dependably on
Pacific--the automated rail way.
Fruits from the Northwest
move to market dependably...
For expert Freight or Passenger information, ca//:
FL 7-$345 Olympia
manpower coordination and engin-
eering skill will take place, Pac-
ific Northwest Bell manager John
M. Doyle announced today. On
that date, teletypewriters across
lhe nation will, aL tim same in-
stant, change from manual to dial
operation. *ftev August 31, TWX
attendants will be able to send
their own messages direcLly to
other machines, instead of placing
them through a teletypewriter op-
"Never before, since the inven-
tion of the telephone instrument
itself, has the communications in-
dustry attempted a nationwide
cutover at one siugle moment,"
manager Doyle said.
Some 60,000 teletypewriters in
the United States will be affectea,
and telephone companies through-
cut the country are busy now
making final tests.
In Washington arid Northern
Idaho, about 1,300 teletypewriters
will be placed on the same nation-
wide dial network that served the
country's 76,000,000 telephones.
Some la TWX's located in this
vicinity are ready for the change,
the manager noted.
will be the chief result of the
switch from manual to dial ser-
vice. TWX messages dialed direct-
ly from machine to machine over
the existing nation-wide long-dis-
tance network will go much fas-
Besides speeding messages, dial
TWX will pave tim way for other
future improvements.
In 8L Louis, Mo., a giant in-
formation center will serve all Bell
System dial TWX customers. It
will be reached from any mach-
ine in the country without charge.
Here in the Pacific Northwest,
12 assistance operators, located in
Portland, Ore., will stand ready to
aid in dial teletypewriter prob-
lems, also without fee. Formerly
about 45 TWX operators in Se-
attle, Wenatchee, and Spokane re-
layed TWX messages from the in-
dividual teletypewriters. With the
changeover, these operators will
go into other company positions.
The nation-wide service xm-
provement program rpresents an
overall Bell System investment of
more than $300 million.
Hood Canal Club
Bake Sale Saturday
Women of the Hood Canal Im-
provement club will sponsor a
bake sale Saturday, at Flagwood.
The sale will be from 10 a.m. to 12
noon. Helen Timms will be in
charge, assisted by Mesdames
Beckman, O'Berry, Gardner, Coles
and Elaine Cool(.
t :
Fm. in the iaome of Mr. and Mrs.
Lon Webb in Eldon. V[rs. Ahl will
he celebrating her 95th birthday
nd 5;’ of those years have been
spent in Mason County.
Callers in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Marius Kaare Thursday were
Mr. and Mrs. Arton Ness, Taco-
ma. Saturday tile Kaare's enter-
tained her sister and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Vince Maragno and
(laughter Gini.
Tokyo, Japan, is vtsiting with
John Vinzant at tile Grove, await-
ing Bob's reiease from the *]'nay
in the fall.
Lawrence Marston, Pal Cedro,
Calif., is visiting with the Tom
Matye far(lily. The Matye boys
are busy fiing their land on Sun-
rhine Heights in preparation for
moving the trailer up there this
Rodney and Roger Matye and
Ricky Peterson toot( time off from
their duties for a hike up Nine
Streams to Home Sweet Home.
Jack Smith spent a few days with
Darrell Peterson at PiehsanL Har-
bor while Rick was gone.
Mr, and Mrs. Bud McDowell
with Mike and Site and Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Dickinson and chil-
dren also made a four-day trip
to Nine Streams and Home Sweet
Hmne. The men and boys of the
families went on for a day's hike
up to MS. Hopper. Even Julie
Dickinson made the trip and didn't
hardly groan at all.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shortsleeves
and the four McCann girls were
back in Hoodsport after spending
some time in Seattle taking care
of their mother, Barbara, and new
baby broLher, William Peter'. Bill
and Barb and Peter spent a. few
days in HoodsporL and Wednesday
Barb was pleasantly surprised
when ten of her Shelton neighbors
dropped in with presents and all
the trimmings for a baby shower.
That evening Mr. and Mrs. John
Shortsleeves (Morn and Dad), and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dickinson
were treated to dinner at Alder-
brook by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mc-
Cann, all glad to see Barb back
cn the road to recovery.
MR. AND MRS. E. C. Winkler
and son Ed of E1 Cerrito, Calif.,
are visiting with her mother, Mrs.
Hazel McDowell.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Schmidt,
Tacoma, were Sunday callers at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Those fishermen you see up
and down the Canal these days
are really catching fish. Lots of
the local people are also trying
their luck at Westport. Mauriee
end Marie look a dreadful beat-
.ing on a charter deal at Westport
so tool( off in their own boat Lo
LaPush and limited both Satur-
day and Sunday, with Marie pul-
ling in a 29 pound King. They
left their boat at Forks with the
Emery Winters aud can hardly
wait to get back there next week-
I had to look twice the other
has been painted.
Dimmr guests at the John Pill
, holn( SulLday wu'e hft's. *nna
L:evg(, and a friend Mrs. Johnson,
Shell.on, and M]'. and Mrs. John
Parsons, it()qtlianl.
Ms's. \\;Villiam Jasper and Lonise
Lave just returned from a trip
1.o Reno, Nev. First they travelea
lo California and met Gerald Jas-
per who goes to ET "A" school on
Treasure Island. Then the three
of them went on to Reno and
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Davies (Barbara Jasper). Bob is
with the Sheriff's department
there. Tiey had a chance to visit
in Virginia City, ad swim in
Lake Tahoe, w]lere Louise said
it: was warm conlpared to the
Canal. They also spent some time
in Salt Lake City, Utah, with Mrs.
Jasper's brother, Lee Mowry.
MR. AND MRS. JIM Stntmate,
Jane and Judy Shumate, and Jim
Smith and Doug Bishop spenJ: four
days aboard the "Bataan" sailing
to the San Juan Islands. They
docked ;It Friday Harbor, Deer
Harbor, l:{oehe Harbin" and had
l)lanned to go as far as Sueicia
Island but because of foul wea-
ther had to ttlrn back.
Mrs. Emery Winters with Mrs.
Bill Johnson and boys slopped in
Hoodsport for a brief visit on
their way to Olympia. Mrs. Nell
Simons Jr. and Julie reLtu'ned to
Forks with her mother for three
days and returned Sunday wiLh
Nell. IL gets kind of lonesome way
up there away from the kids and
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith (Mardel
Stmmate) and son Brier visited
with her' folks for a few days.
Bill will be reporting for ills tea-
ching duties at Castle Rock this
MEMISERS OF TtiE commun-
ity were deeply shocl(ed to hear
of tke sudden passing of C. H.
"Ike" Palmer while fishing at
Westport. Ike will be ]msse,
around-" the place as he was al-
wtys ready with a hearty lattgh.
a,nd had been actiw in the fire
departnlent and skin divers, and
many other local acivities that one
be(antes involved in after living
in one lo(mlity for many years.
Our deepest sympathy to his wife
Dorottly and daughters Martha
Michaels and Judi Manke alld
their families.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Jensen and
children and Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Sandvig and children atLended tile
Christian Converttiou in Olympia
over the wee](end.
Mr. and Mrs. Nell Simmons
lravcled to Puyallut) Lo attend a
wedding reception for a eou'dn,
I)ennis Nell. She also had a chance
to visit, with the family, and cou-
vins by the dozens.
attended the funeral of Itans Ar-
neson In Renton. Mr. Arneson has
been owner of a cabin near 1:'of
latch for a number of years and
has made many friends around.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kneeland
spent the weekend fishing at Se-
Southside Auxiliary, Grange
'Plan Meetings Next Week
:meets on Sept. 7.
Friendship Club meets at the
home of Elsie Bnining Sept. 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Lutler Rodgers
and Trudy returned home from
a trip to Wyola, Mont., where
they visited 5Ire. Rodger's sis-
ter and relatives, and visited Yel-
lowstone Park in Montana, and
ether points of interest.
BUSY BELLS 4-H Club mem-
bers are to have tbeir record
books turned in by Sept. 10.
Guests arriving at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Drake of Mill
Creek Thursday were Dean Drake
and Betty McManigill of Bell-
flower, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug McIntyre,
daughter and son-in-law of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Castle left Fri-
day for Brookings, Ore., wlmre
Mr. McIntyre will. be stationed
with the Coast Guard. Mr. and
Mrs. McIntyre have been visiting
the Harold Castles.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Emsley,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence LaMent,
Irene Emsley, Carol Emsley, Glo-
ria Walker and Sandy Anderson
spent the weekend at the ocean
between. Grayland and Tokeland
clam digging and surf fishing
with a good digging of clams arm
caught some perch.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jackson,
Cindy, Becky, Rabble, Wally and
Chris returned home from their
vacation trip to Baker, Ore, Lew-
iston, Ida., and Pomeroy, where
they visited relatives.
VISITORS OF Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Swayze and family, who
spent the weekend were Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Miller of Presser.
Mrs. LaChance and four chil-
dren left for Sitka, Alaska Sun-
day after spending some time vis-
iting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Drake.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Avery, Mr.
and Mrs. Noelen Avery, Susan
and Helen finished a trip to South-
ern California where they visit-
ed relatives and spent one day
in Mexico.
Dean Drake and Betty McMani-
gill attended the World's Fair
in Seattle Sunday.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Castle Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
John Korzeniouski, Cioquallum.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
wayze and tamily Sunday for
dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Rowlands and family.
-Visitors at the Ray Kratcha's
Monday were their niece and
nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Wally
Small, Terry, Vicky and Larry
of Anoko, Minn., and Mr. and
Mrs. Waiter Kratcha.
Visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Walter
Kratcha, Linda and Susan Mon-
day evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Wal]y Small, Terry, Vieky and
Larry of Anoka, Minn., Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Kimball, Jolm KraLcha
Jr., and Kathy of Bremerton, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and
article. The cont)ie live on the
]Jaranoff Islands.
MM],'3rd class I,:en Simons is
l=oule on lc,av( fronl Qtlonset Point,
Rhode Island, where he is station-
ed aboard the USS Chanlplain.
Ken drove along with several oth-
er fellows hut dropped them off
at their home;; along the way.
PAI{EN'rS O1 e children wishing
to enter kindergarten are nrged
to bring Lhem for registration
Sept. 4 at 9 a.m. in the Hoodsport
School lcindergarLen room. Mrs. [
Kudy Schwab will be the teacher i
tgain this year. Four and Five-
year-aids will be accepted.
Sehool-.-that is all schools--will
start on Sept. 4 and children are
eminded to catch the right bus
for the school they will be at-
tending. The first day of school
will be dismissed by 1. p.m. so a
hmeh will not be required. Regis-
tration for new students will be
takeu care of on the first day and
last year's report card would be
a help in registraUon. Fourth gra-
ders and new students are re-
quired to pay $2 book deposit
Loans on furniture;
automobiles, equip-
ment, livestock, or
other security and
take up to 48 mane lie:
to repay. Credit Life
Insurance is avail=,
able. Phone, stop in
or write: ......
124 Railroad Ave.
Shelton, Washington
Phone 426-4447
Republican Candidate for
Shelton Hotel manager over 41 years Veteran of
both World Wars Charter Member Mason County
Forest Festival As='n., Chairman Paul Bunyan Parade 10
years Charter Member American Legion Post, 40 8, 8
Voiture, Kiwanis Club, Chamber of Commerce, Shelton Golf
Club Graduate University of Washington. Mem-
ber of Elks Lodge.
(Paid Political Advertisement)
(McConkey Drug Center open every nite 'til 8:30 except Sun.)