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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, A  ' August 30, 1962 SWELTON--MASON COUNTY ,JOURNAL -- Published in "Christ.mastow% U.t.Av Shelton, Washington page !5 " "e AtAllyn er Plans Playrooms And Remodeled Former North Mason Coach Vmts Fn nds GRAPEVIEW--G'apeview Uhly was happy indeed to receive 28-OZ. TINS l 12.OZ. TIN 3 9 s 98 CHOICE" LB. - 14 LB. +° 49 RS DOZEN FANCY I 2 CALAVO EACH 00DAY RESERVED. Hoquiam "pment A complete re- Grays Harbor Pc- No. 1 paper ms- way it was an- by Ray Bower, for the Corn- Will work around- is back project is ex- weeks, as- g program had for some paper machine has continuous opera- in 1929 We planned Just as soon as was installed operation," was placed in 1962 and within time was mak- marketable paper. SUCcessful opera- raachine led corn- order early re- COmpany,s original will be put shift operation machine is back we are work- of orders, we will be Y all current cus- Bower star- Paper Com- mmer- recently formed papermaking fa- manufac- A pro- the second a new finishing warehouse completed Ads Pay grade school youngsters can look forward to a shiny, freshly paint- ed basement playroom and remod- eled kitchen when they return to their classes on Tuesday. Thanks to our Fair Harbor Grange mem- bers who have been in charge of the kitchen unprovements and the Grapeview Mother's Club, which was instrumental in the addition of plywood and paint to the basement rooms, our little coun- try school can boast that this vear it's "just a little bit better"! A special thanks this week goes to school director Ed Okonek for donating his time, paint-prayer and skill to this worthwhile pro- ject. Wedding bells were ringing last Saturday evening at Bethel Luth- eran church in Seattle for a young an from our community when Larry N. Etherton was joined in marriage with Miss Gall Louise Lutes of Bothell. The lovely dou- ble ring ceremony was attended by several friends from Grapeview and vicinity, including Mr. and Mrs. Bill Staudt, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoskins, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Somers, Mr. and Mrs Harley Somers, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ri- chards, Mrs. Charles Somers, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Somers and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Sund and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sund. Serving as bridesmaid for her new sister-in-law was Mrs. Dal Smith (nee Barbara Etherton) and as best man, Dan Robinson, grand- son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Robinson of Grapeview. Grandmother Irs. Earl Parks and great grandmother Mrs. Grace Etherton poured cof- fee and young Master Jeff Smith, hephew of the groom, was in charge of dmtnbutmg packets of rice to the guests. After a brief honeymoon, the young couple will be at home in Everett where Lar- ry will be attending Everett Jun- ior College. THE DON POGREBA home on Stretch Island was the setting last Wednesday evening for a de- lightful shower for bride-elect Carol Zabroski, with Mrs. Pogre- ba serving as hostess. Carol, who will wed Richard Okonek next month, was showered with gifts and good wishes from several Grapeview ladies, including Mes- dames Orville Kager, W. G. Clay- ton, Jr., Ed Okonek, and Joe En- gen. Carol's mother, Mrs. Elsie Zabroski. Shelton and the Misses Susie and Janie Pogreba were also on hand for the fun. It was "Ladies' Day" at the Ray Uhlys' Stadium Beach home last Friday when Mrs. Uhly en- tertained five friends for luncheon and the afternoon. Miss Julia Skinner, Miss Ruth Loren, Miss Florence Foley and Miss MarLha Dalgren, are all grade school tea- chers in Seattle and thoroughly • enjoyed,-:at beautifuI sunny day +way+from the city.. Miss Skin- net's sister, Mrs. Helen Hens- worth, on vacation from her Flor- ida home, accompanied them. Mrs. CHARLIE'S RECORD BUSINESS AGENT YOU THINK HE NTS LABOR? advertisement paid by Labor for Ritner Wayne Burnett, chairman} t,er friends, especially Miss Foley whom slle hadn't seen in 15 years. GUESIS at the WEEKEND " ' Clem Holls this past weekend were Margie's nephew and family, Mr. end Mrs. Jack Jolliff with son David and daughter Ginnie, of Cashmere. Accompanying them for a lazy time, spent boating and visiting was Ginnie's young friend Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Soule bade fond farewell Friday to their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Don Earl and father, C. H. Earl, all of Portland. During their vacation here they enjoyed fish- ing, boating and the time honored pasttime of pitching horse shoes. Still active in the Portland bus- iness world as an auditor, Earl belied his 83 years and made up for any piscatorial disappoint- merits by coaxing the horse shoes onto the iron pegs with the skill of a champion! Tuesday, the population of Soule's cottage increased by two when Mr. and Mrs. Iner-'Otter- son dropped in to spend a day and night with them before they returned to Portland after a week- end of visiting Century 21 in Se- attle. Young Kenneth Staudt made a rather successful attempt at get- ting up to date on the latest mov- ies this past week when he spent from Wednesday until Sunday at the Clark Hotel in Seattle as the guest of his cousin, Mrs. Georgie Hudson. Larry Lutz returned Monday af- ter a visit of several days with his cousins Steve and Jack' An- derson at their ranch in Mossy- rock. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ea.rl Anderson, former residents of Allyn. At the "Eke" Eacrett beach cottage, last weekend was a per- fectly normal one with the usual array of guests. Friday they wel- comed Mrs. "Red" (Joyce) Smith with children Greg, Diane and Gary who came from Oak Harbor for the weekend. Thirteen-year, old Greg Smith actually arrived by water, having launched his new ]6-foot fiber glass boat at the Marina after trailering it from tome. The guests divided their lime between swimming, water- skiing and relaxing before re- im, ning home on Sunday. "Red's" new job as Athletic Director at Moses Lake has already begun but bis family will remain at Oak Harbor for a while. Shelton visitors spending Satur- c'ay afternoon with the Eacretts were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Borer and youngsters, Keith. Karen and Da- vid, who took advantage of the better than average weather by water-skiing and picnicking out- of-doors. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. ClayLon, Sr. were pleasantly surprised' when long-time friends. Mr. an{] Mrs. Pat Patterson, Hoquiam, dropped by for a brief visit. The Pattersons have been staying with friends on Steamboat Island. and making the rounds while awaiting the completion of their summer Lome at Sunset Beach (near Pa- cific Beac!a}. Their former beach kome, cleverly named "77 Sunset Strip" was destroyed by fire last month. Trailering their attractive out- board cruiser out from Bellevue, Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnson a]d youngsters Mike and Debbie spent last weekend at their beach cabin south of the C. O. Landes. Grapeview Mother's Club will hold its first meeting of the year %Vednesday, Sept. 5, at 1:30 p.m. in the school hmchroom. EVERY REGISTERED VOTER IN MASON COUNTY TO READ THIS INFORMATION CONCERNING THE CANDIDACY OF LAURA M. (Mrs. George) ,:;:::i WAGENER REPUBLICAN FOR CLERK L¢ia,.aber, 'Mason County Orthopedic /i' tlOll, and its treasurer. I;.1! lllany years of Ma mc B. Taylor 00.ild Y L  ill 'i '"" 16 years, held numerous of- t.  'Parent-Teacher.Student Organiza- I, f rRng'e many years. treaSUrer ninny years. den mother. aad Past-president of Reviewers * Resident of Mason County 16 years, during which she assisted her late husband, George ,'Scratch" Wagener, in the opera- tion and managenlcnt of tile Wagener Feed Store. Widow, 46 years old, mother of Lynn Wag- ener Halbert, 24, and Mickey, 16. * Presently.employed as a clerk; previously receptionist at (knton Umldren's Hospital i] Boston, MasK., and clerk with Albert Bros. Milling Co. * Education --- 2 years at Central Washing- ton College of Education, 6 months busi- ness college, 2 terms post-graduate night scIlool. * Recent pllysical check-up accepted by trict life insurance company reveals excellent lmaltlL , Will devote full time to position if elected. SURE TO VOTE IN THE PRIMARY SEPT. II FOR LAURA M. WAGENER FOR CLERK (Paid P'olitical Advertisement) ALLYN--The Robert lurgoines, spending the weekend at their summer place, were pleasantly surprised to have as drop-in guests the Byron Grubb family from CaN ifornia. Grubh was a former coach at North Mason High, moving to California with his family last year. The Burg(tines and Grubbs were classmates several years ago at Franklin High in Seattle. The visitors are attending the fair. MRS. FRANCES Peterson and Randy were callers on the Von Ostens last Tuesday afternoon. Judy and Karen arrived safely in St. Paul Wednesday morning, tak- ing the night flight at Sea-Tac airport for their destination. Several fishermen from this neighborhood went to Westport to- day to try their luck again. Mrs. Bob Keutzer came out from Se- attle to accompany Mrs. Susie Von Osten on the fishing trip, along with Steve Boyce, Sam Cle- ments, Mel Hemphill, Jim and Jewell Von Osten. Luck went with them, we heard. MR. AND MRS. DICK Baum- gartner, Puyallup, came out to- day (Friday) to bring their chin dren--Kathleen, Mary and John-- to spend a few day's vacation with their grandparents, the Sam Clements. Mrs. Ernest Blains accompanied the Uldricksons on their vacation trip to Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota. They had a wonderful time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jolley, 'Gus' and Mike spent a wonderful two weeks in California with daughter the telephone Company in Chula Vista, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. H. Knoell have be,m entertaining their son Mark, trom California, recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Lund over Victor way were recent visitors out to Ocean Shores, digging clams while there. The Knutson children ace spend- ing the rest of their vacation with their father, Doug Knutson, and Mrs. Knutson. THE TERR1]LL home is a busy place these days, tlle house is being painted and a new well drilled. Steve Boyce has the dril- lers at his place for the same op- eration. Mr. and Mrs. Del Stormo and family spent a week':.; vacation east of the mountains. Mrs. Bee Beeson is becoming quite a song writer. One of her compositions was sung on Channel 13, Western Jamboree program the other day, several have been published as well as recorded later. The schools of North Mason will open Sept. 5th. In North Mason High there are some changes in the teaching staff, but Allyn schools two teachers are return- ing again this year, Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Auseth. The Howard Wynns have been having as house guests Dick and Eileen Valley, former Allyn resi- dents. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wolfe, Lakewood, spent last Wednesday with Allyn friends• Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wolfe have as their guests for a few days and five chiJdr(,n fI l'oi'lland. Sg'L. and Mrs. Clyde \\;¥iggins of Ft. Lewis called oll her aunt, Mrs. Steve 13oyce on Wednesday. Sgt. Wiggins has been slati(med in Germary for the past two years and is glad to be back at l,'t. Lew- is once again. Mr. and Mrs. ,lewel Von O,':- len were happy to have her aunt and two coilsins frolll t(allsa vis- it them last \\;rednesda y and Thursday. Miss Harbeston teaches at a school for retarded child- ren in Pittsburg and Mr. Harbes- ston is a teacher at the State Teachers' Collego there. NEW  • CONSTRUCTION REMODELING PURCHASE 6 % On Reducing Balances -- No Commission Charges Mason County Savings & Loan Association TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING SHELTON RETAIN---- ,,JIM McFADDEN DEMOCRAT STATE REPRESENTATIVE He is proud of the part he played in getting Shel- ion's new institution and the highway to Olympia and the George N. Adams ]ish hatchery in the last session. They're all,American! Those big, thick juicy hamburgers your family goes for. Made of choice bits of fine quality beefe .ground fresh several times a day to |h- sure its freshness at all times. Sust add a slice of onion, a pickle, your beverage and dessert for a meal your family will settle for anytime. SO PURE-AND SIMPLE! UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEES00 THE GROUND BEEF TO BE THEIR REGULAR HIGH QUALITY PRODUCT! I&VII,U 00/.Afll, I 1 OPEN SUNDAYS j0000RALPH'S on HILLGREST i Where Satisfaction is a "BUY" Word / HI m Im