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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 16 8TON--IIASON COUNTY JOURNAE -- Published in "Chrtstmastown, U.S.A.," She|ton, Washington Kamilche Family Views Indian Celebration At Neah Bay By Dolu)thy Simmons lor, Mrs. Sarah Butts, and Mrs. I KAMILCHE ........ Mr. arid Mrs. John Kriso and family left. Ka- milche Thursday and went to La- usil nnd camped out that nigllt. Friday they traveled to Neah Bay wtmre tile people ttmre were cel- brating Makah Day, Th Krise&apos;s watched many kinds of races ill- cluding Canoe races. Then there were Indian War Dances and ev- eiyone enjoyed the salmon harhe- :M,ti. Annie Whitener recently Vompleted a visit with Fame and Dave Rankin and tlleir family in Trinidad Calif. While tllere tile l.,.ankirs daughter, Sallee, chris- t ened their new 50-foot fishing vessel, named the Fame L. The Rankins were long-time residents of this community until moving to Trinidad a few years ago. Fame Rankin is Mrs. Whitener's daugh- ter. TI|URSDAY, Mrs. Justin TV- Eugene Taylor motored to Ta.con]a and visited with Mrs. Doll ivfc- lntyre, Mrs, Sadie Griggs, Audrey and Jirnmy Griggs visited at the Mar- tm Olto home Monday and Tiles- day. Mr. and Ml's. Earl Wiles were Wednesda.y dillrier guests aL tllC Dan Wood home. Sllnday, ]VII>. and Mrs. Eugene Taylor atendod open holise at lhe Frank Travis tmme. Mr. ann • rs. Travis wer'e celebrating tlleir 50th wedding anniversary. :Mr. and Mrs. Bob Whilener are moving back to Kamilche from Bellingham where Bob recently graduated frdm Western Wash ington Stale College of Educa- tion, Mr. and h¢cs. John Krise went to the World's Fair last Wedm,s- day and ail of the family enjoyed the trip, Mr. and Mrs, Bob Kate and fa- BUSINESS, DIRECTORY TV Service ............. * Radio - TV , Pllonographs , CB 2-way radio LEROY'S TV SERVICE Mr. View Ph, 426-3172 ...... • ii I II I I i I II l ltervte ...... , • Recapping • Used OK RUBBER WELDERS Mt. View Ph. 426-4832 I I I [ Electrical : [ I • Falrbanks-Morse PumIm • Electric Heating • Westinghouse AppltanceB 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. Drugs • Helena Rubintein cce- metics • Prescriptions • Hypo-Allergic cosmetics NEIL'S PHARMACY Govey Bldg. Ph. 426-3327 ii Floor Coverings • Linolennl • 'Pile • Carpeting • Fornlica 'REX FLOOR COVERING Mt, View Ph. 426-2292 ii i i Radiator Relmir I • Boiling out • Soldering • New cores BOON'S PLUMBING HEATING, SHEET METAL 623 S. 1st. Ph. 426-3483 iHi i,i i Florist ...................... J • Pl for all occasloml • Flowers EVERGREEN FLORISTS 4th & Birch 8 to 8 426-8479 i iH i i Auto Glass ..... ]! • Expert I nstallation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-8231 Used Furniture ' " • Appliances • Furniture • Beds & MattresseB KELLY'S FURNITURE 1st & Mill Ph. 426-2411 Bike Shop I • Sales and Repair • Locksmith  Keys Made • Hobbies I SLEYSTER'S BIKE SHOP [ Roy Cllnton,, , ,, 223 Cots St. Printing -- ,, I • Quality Work of All Kinds THE JOURNAL 227 Cota Phone 426-4412 i Draperies • cl]stm made • free estimates • Nork guaranteed J. C. PENNEY CO. 305 R R Ave. Ph. 426.8283 Abolishing Restrictions on Land Ownership Proposed Amendment to the State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962 imJ Office of Victor A. Meyers, tcretary of State, State of Washington, tl Whom It May Concern: In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolu- tion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution of the said state, as follows: mily of San MaCao, Calif., recent- ly visited :it the Kay Nagi frame. Mrs. l(alo is Mrs. Nagi's sister. MRS. ANN ,'4T:ALEY of Omaha, Neb. is visiling with Mr. and MI'S. J. Etch. 1Ml.% Slaley is Iq)eh's sin- tcr wimm he hasn't eeen for 21 yt!ars. ['hi:, 171ich's are showing hrs. Staley a good tinle during her visil. Last Sahu'day they mn- lore(J lo M1. l{airlier alld Mrs. Slaley thoi ollghly ;njoyod the .:cenery. The Eich's also took Mrs. Slaley to Weslport to see the Iishing boats t)ringinK in loads of huge sahnou, a sight she 118(1 ]level' seell before. Mrs. Nagi's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Tale Sag'ara, Buffalo, N.Y., ri!ccntly visited with :M'r and Mrs. Kay Nagi. They enjoyed many sights of the Norlhwest includ- ing a visit Io tile World's Fair. Still(lay, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fletcher attended the Simpson picnic at Mason Lake. A.,week ago, Mr. and Mrs. Nob Nakatani and family of Cascade, Ida., and Mrs. S. Fukumiyo, Mrs. Fran Fumdtawa and her soil Er- win of Sacramento, Calif., visiLed at the Kay Nag] home. Mr. and Mrs. Hart'y Simmons are happy to announce tim birth ol their fourth great grandchild, born to th'eir grandson, Mr. aud Mrs. Jim Simmons, Tunlwater. The baby boy weighed close to seven pounds and was. named James Michael. MARY RANKIN and her friend Kathy Johnson of Trinidad, Calif., ere visiting Mary's relatives and friends around Kamilche and also plait on going to the world's fair before returning to Trinidad. Last weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simmons spent a day at Kalaloch Beach. Friday wa, the day for a beach outing for the Intermediate Girls' Class of the Kamilche church. Juanita Ellison, Carolyn and Mar- olyn Ellison, Carolyn Ruckman and Marlene Otto ejoyed the day at Grayland beach. Ohristine E1- lison and Dorothy Simmons went with the girls. Sunday the Martin Otto family motored to Adna where they vis iced and had' dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Draven. Mae Julian of Kent was a week- end guest of the Edwin PerCy's. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson spent Thursday and Friday in Seattle attending a meeting of the Pacific Oyster Growers Association and ottended the World's Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty spent , OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE Senate Joint Resolution No. 21 ABOLISHING RESTRICTIONS ON LAND OWNERSHIP Shall the constitutional restriction upon the owner- ship of land in the State of Washington by certain non-citizens be removed hy repealing Section 33, Ar. tide II, as amended by Amendments 24 and 29 of the State Constitution? Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: THAT, At the general election to be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962, th.ere shall Be submitted to the qualified voters of this state, for their adoption or rejection, the following proposed amend- ment to the Constitution of the State of Washington: Section 33, Article II and Amendments 24 and 29 amendatory thereof, of the Constitution of the State of Washington are each hereby repealed. And Be It Farther Resolved, That the secretary of state shall cause the foregoing constitutional amendment to be published for at least three months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper in every county in the state in which such newspaper is published. llssed the HoIe March 5, 1961. Paed the Senate February 24, 1981. JOI4N L o BRIEN eakr o le HOiill, JOHN A. CItERBERG. President o1 he 3elmte k Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash- lngton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of the Senate Joint Resolution, No, 21, passed by the Legisla- ture of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file In my office. Witness My Hand and the •Seal of the State of Washington 1 day of August, 1962. A Legal Fblicatton  VICTOR A, MEYERS From the Office ot  Secretary of State Legal Publications NOTI(!I,: Ol.' SAI,I,', (IF VAIA!ABLI'; MATERIAl, ON g'rA'I'E I,ANII STATE OF hrASHINGT()N. DEPART- M1CNT ()F NATUP, AI, RESOURCI]S. let't L. C(d(', Colnlnission(w (if Pill)- it(' Lands. Nolic, i: II(*l'Ol)y g'ivt!a thai fill Tiles- day, Ill(! 25111 day (,f St'l)t(mll)el', 1962, Ci)lllllltllChtK Ill tell 0'/!][)(!]* ill tbo ft)l'P- 11OOII OI' Sti(i dlly, al tilt, S|lelt(m, I)isl- I'iC1 ].]t,tl(Iqllal'liq's. lot':[ted at Slwllon, Collll{, ol' MItslin, Slat(. t)f Wasilin'll)ll, by tile [)]strict Adalinisll,attw of sui(I I)islricl, i|u, tinlh(z' oll lhl, folhlwing described stab, [Slid will be sold at ptlbli(: aiwtiolI lo ill(" }lig]lps] ])i(ld(w lo-wiI : Applicaliou No. 27823 T)0lJst'bl'tk T]lillnJllg io('ate(] I%11- lWoXilil/tt(qy (i mill'.- llOl'lhwesl of Iililih)ck. Th(! Sil]O is COlil])osod or :l(] ,ll'OOS lllal'kp(] witll paint with* [11 l/lal'J4(,d sail} al'(!;i b(iillldal'y slid In'l)periy ]in(,s till Slt]!rl SW!l , SOl'- lion 21 aniI parl N,VII NWIi, soc- lion 2R, all in Township 21 N(n'lh, ]taavo it %rest, W.M,, (umlaining' (15 ILCI'('S, lll{)l'(! (}1' ](!SS, Coal])Pishlg :l[)lir,)xhllatply ]g'! 000 bit+ fl, of l)ollg]tls fil'; ]8,0(]0 bd. fI. of holll- I(,('k all(i 3,000 bit, ft. of ('[,liar, t,l' a hdal of 21)1,000 hd, fl, M i n i Ill tl III a(tcei)l/Ibl(! bill: $2.743.50. ¢.[hlll)Ol' %vl]] bo s()l(I (ill 'l ('ash or inslalllllenl i)lall basis, Tilnber lllllSi bP l'(,|ll[pJed ])rioF tlrl Deeem- b(r 31, 196a, On oP b('f¢)l'( Sepleltlbel' 25, 1982, Ill 10:00 n.m,, oacil bidder must lll:ikf! a Iii illi Illlllll deposit of $27d.35 ])his a $5.00 l.)i]l .f sale ['ee, o(' a total of $279.35 ia the i'(uull of C;Isll, lilt)SPy i)l'd('l OV (!erl if led che('k. Said dep((sit shall constitute all ()])(nill K I)l(1 H] lho a|)praJsed ])l'ice. lllmn awal'd of I]liS sale, the respe('t ive del)(,sits silai I be I'e- till'SOil to ]}lO IIIlSUCCPSSftl] bid- (|l!r'sl Tilt[ t)lll'chas(!F Ill[iS[ pay the bal:l|l('o b(,twP(!}l the bid deposit alld the fall bid l)lq('e oil lbe day [if st,]p, OF lilly, Jt liIo plil'C]lasei' S(, ell'ors Ill Ill(! tilne oF sale, pay an atl( aale)llllt to bvhlff tile to]al (nnot(1)t t)|' the deposit, ex- cltlstve of fees, to oqtlal 255} of lhe full bid pvh:e based on the (!Ftliso os]illlalo, t)rovidod till[ StlC]l (lep(sit shall' not bo less than $2,[]{)0.00. This balance nlay be 1)aid by ])0FSt)llai che(!k, ISpon award Of sale, l)lll'chas(!F lTltlSt {[|st) flll'nis]l a eas]l i)olld of $200,00 in the form of cash, money older or Cel'tifled check, to guarantee compliance witii all terms of th(, bill (ff sale. All cheeks, lllOlley ol'del's, etC. arc to be laade I)ayabh: to the Coln- IYIiSsiOIlPr oi' PLlbli(' Lands. Accessibility: Purchaser (nay use Saturday enjoying the Southwest Washington Fair. The ProgTess Grange picnic was well attended even though Sun- day was a cold, windy day. Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Petty visited Della Beyer in Olym- pia. State and federal men who were bore to look at oyster' beds were entertaind with a picnic Tuesday afternoon at the Herb Nelson homo. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nelson und Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson entertained the men. Voters' Pamphlet--Publication and Distribution L ' I| Proposed Amendment to the State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962 Office of Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State, State of Washington, o Whom It May Concerto In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolu- tion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution of the said state, as follows: OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE Senate Joint Resolution No. 9 VOTERS' PAMPHLET--PUBLICATION' AND DISTRIBUTION Shall Article II, Section 1, Amendment 7 of the State Constitution which presently directs the Secretary of State to send each registered voter a copy of the voters' pamphlet (a publication containing the laws and constitutional amendments referred to the people together with arguments for and against each meas• ure) be amended so as to require only mailing to each individual place, of residence, together with such other distribution as the Secretary of State deems neces- sary? Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: THAT, At the general election to be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November 1962, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the state for their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amendment to Article II, section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Wash- ington, as amended by Amendment 7 by adding thereto a new subsection to be known as subsection (el, reading as ollows: Article II, section 1, subsection (el. The legislature shall provide methods of publicity of all laws or parts of laws, and amendments to the Constitution referred to the people with arguments for and against the laws and amendments so referred. The secretary of state shall send one copy of the publication to each individual place of residence in the state and shall make such additional distribution as he shall determine necessary to reasonably assure that each voter will have an opportunity to study the measures prior to election. These provisions supersede the provisions set forth in the last paragraph of section 1 of this article as amended by the seventh amendment to the Con- stitution of this state. lie It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state shall cause the foregoing constitutional amendment to be pub- lished for at least three months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper in every county in the state in which such a newspaper is published. Passed the Senate February 14, 1961. Passed the House March 8, 1961. JOHN A. CHERBERG, JOHN Speaker o! the House. President oJ" the Serials. L. O'BRIEN, I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State o£ Wash- ington, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 9, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file in my office. Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of Washington this 1st day of August, 1962. A Legal Publication VICTOR A. MEYERS From the Office of Secretary of st --Ill Legal Publications I'O8(I a('¢ln'(]inl4 it) i'ociIwo(a] agl'Ot!- lllOnl with ,Qill/]lSol( TilllboP (.()lll- ])llll.'t', t'oDit' of w]lit'h al'i Oll file ill tilo l)isll'i(q :tlld O1.vlnl)ia offi- cPs. Clanpll'io (imtl'acl and sp(,(,ifil!i- tit,as may hi' t'X;IhlilIOd lit Sh('lloll ])istrici th,l(d(llalric('s. (OIllltV All- (iilDl"S of f i('(( all(l offi('o (it (lllll- iilissiDn(q" of Pllll]ic LtllldS, ()[+Vtll- pin. To be !ol(l ai Sb('ll(,n Dislrict I]eacIqtla I'I t'Fs, olt T(ios(tay. Sot)- ttqllllof o5, 1962, it l0 tV('lock :(.111. Any sail' wil i(!tl has bill! II (} [' f(' I'('d, alld for WJl|(:Jl llO bids al'e i'eeeivo(i s]lall 11o] t)(! I'e-offq'ed Ilnlil it has I)e(?n readv(!rlis(!(l. ]1' all sahs ('anllot b(, offer('d wilhiu the spocifi('ci time on lhe advt!l'iis(!(t (]lit('. []t(' sale sllall c( nti llU( lil ]]1- 'O )%Vi lg (1]iV ])C|%v('ell ]]1(* bOIll'S Of [01i ()'chick ll,lll, and follr o'(.b)ck l). iii, Said tim][,u" on said land will be sob1 f()r lll,] I('ss than liie at)l)l'ais(d valtlo, as apl)rai,'t!d by tllo COliilllissionol' oiF Plit)li(' Llinds ill ]h(, iIitlllllel' pl'ovid(.(i by law, li n(dico of whl(di is ll(iW olt fii(! in lh(, (dTil'e (if till, Atidilof ill' said e()llliiy, anlt Dislril'l Adulhlisirahii' lit' snhl dish'icl. Tol'las (if sale ai'o : vasi/ (li' inshiII- ilielit lllali Imsis. BERT L, COLE CollllttisSiollOf O[' Pllblh! Lallds 8/30 9/6-13-20 ,It NOTICE OF SALE ()F S'I'A'I'I,; TII)E LANDS STATE OF WASHINGTON, I)E- PARTMENT OF NATURAL E- SOURCES. Dert L, CI)[e. COlllllli- stoner of Ptiblic (fin(Is N()TICE IS ttID1RI!;BY GIVEN, Tluit Oil "l'tl(#sday, tile 25Ih day Of Sel)telll- b(l', 1962, c(illlllitllCillg ll[ l'li o CI(,Ut' ill till' foi'eno()ll i)£ said {lit',., (il ltie Coullty Cotn't Houso in lh(! city .ll SIleitoii, ('OUllty o[ }laslin. liit, (,f WasilillgtOll, by the Ctlllllty AIIditof Of said county, I.lle foliowiliK (]oscribt!d 2rid (:]ass ll(hdands, togptbpl' wiih l]ie inll)rov(qli(l)ts sittltlD,(t lli(.!rloil, will be sold lit ptibli(: titl(:lion tO ]lw higiwst bidder tlierefor, to-wit: NOTE--Nil i)111"! exc(:q)t cilizens of tim tin]ted Slates, Of pel'sons W]lO bavo dt,(',hll'e(I lheiF intell]ioll to bl!- Legal Publications ('lllllt' S(ll'h, t':ll/ [,/ll'('}li.t  siatt' ]ands. .,llllplicatilln Nil. 1',4112',I T!l' lilt,qands ill' tiu' st,(!lill(] class, iWllt'd hy lib' SI:III' of "llV:ish- inhu. :illiah. ill ti'olil ,1, ad.ia- COlll il) o1' :ibliliill" Ill)tin lhal |}liP- i illil ill' iht, litllqh 15S.65 I'pl,l tlf (i/VOl'llllit,lil |.ol ',{, l,(.i loll '.lit, Ti)wnsiii[I 22 Nol'lii, Range 3 Wosl, i,'.M., lyill4 S(lllll/ ill :l lilil' I'llll- ll'ill 1';t.'41 J'l'OIil ;I pllilll W]liCJl iS /l)lll Jl I '3 NI) fPPI fl'Olll lhe lhll'| h- v¢l,si ('lWlhq' ill" ((ivt'i'lllillql] ](1| , siitl Soc{ion 2(i, with i fron[at4o oi; 1.7:1 ]ili(.ai chahis, illlil't, lii' ]t,.Is, il[)praisc(l al $2|)().011 tn,i" (!}laill (ll' $3.1tL01). lqil'(.lili:iw llltlS] .lso pay a $5.00 sial I1 | (i I'.V I'()e. ](ICtl[o(i OI1 |Jlo tl()l'lil sitio t)lF Ih,od C(illal lil)(itll 2 lililes oaSl Of Tlihli3'ti ill I!/l>tl't'll ]{laSoli (}ltllil.v. El'o lu, sohi ;iF Sih'lton, ('tltlllty (':LI . ca 'l'llt's(lay, S(,l)h,nlb(,l' 25, 1962, ai 10 o'('h,ck a.lll. Jlllllit':ltion No. 1;I661 Th(, iid,htn(t ,,i' |he seitlli(l class, (iwlli!(i by Jill, Shtlc of WasilinKtoll. silllal(! ill li'oiil ill'. li(tja('t'lil Ill (il" aluillilig upon ill  ,(llilli SO f(,oi of lh(, liJl'ih I?,00 fo(!l ill ('lovI)l.nlll(llt Lid 2, Sol'lion 26, Ti,wilship 22 Noi'lli. }{lllll-','(: 3 tl'sl, W.M., b:lv- ing ;l ['i',)111:1!4(' ill' I..ll Jill(qt] (!llaills, lllt)l'(! ill' I('SS. ni)llraisod al $2(1{).0(} lur c|iaill tti' {'22.()1j. Pill'('ilil>'Ol' liltlSt Ills() ])ay a $5.00 sl:t] t}| Ot'y fo('. [O('ll(!d IJll tiln ll()l'thol'13' side o17 lhn,d (alllll 81)Olll I l/lih!s s(lutb- Wl'st i)l' hqlaii" ;ind witilia tllo'Poi't (i|" "l'a]lll.\\;':l ill Masiln Cotlll],V. To in, sold Ill Sh('llon, (llunly Se:ll, Oil rl'llt'sda3", oi)| Olllt)pl' D. 19t[2, a] 10 o'clo('k "i,lii. All)" SiliO wllic]l has i)el!a ()ffei'()d, and foF whi('h lh) bids :!l't' i'e('(!iv('d shall llot b,' l't, lffol'o(i Illl{il it has bt'(ql l'('- advol'tis('d. If nil sales C.qIllltll ])o of- f(!l't'(I wilhin the Sl,ecified lilllo on Ihe allw,riised date, lho sill(! shall ('Oil[ill/it! Oll {hi' following day b(!iweon th(' ho(ll'S Ill It'll (,'cJo('k a.lih l(ltd fl)lll' li'(!hldk tl.ili. Shill hinds will be s(tld r(,l' n(d 10s ill:lrl ]bt! ,t!)pl'aised V,'llue abiive stated lllld lit)oil th(! t I)l'liiS all(] I'(ill(l 1( hills [ ol h)Willt4' : r.GOvernmental Contlnulty Durln Emergency Periods Proposed Amendment to the State Constitution ' 'r  tO  voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962 l Office of Victor A. Meyer- / Secretary of State, State Of Washin0rl.' "-\\;, To Whom 11 Ma Ceneern, In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolu- tion of the State Legislature hereinafter refeh'ed to, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution of the said state, as followst - OFFICIAL BALLOT TITL House Joint Resolution No. 9 / GOVERNMENTAL CONTINUITY DURING EMERGENCY PERIODS Shall Article II of the State Constitution be amended by adding a section empowering and directing the legislature to provide a method of temporary suc- cession to elective and appointive offices when because of an emergency resulting from enemy attack the incumbents are unavailable to act and further em- powering the legislature to depart from certain con. stitutional provisions if, in discharging this duty, he emergency renders compliance impracticable? i Be It Resolved, By the House of Representatives and Senate of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: THAT, At the general election to be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962, there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the state, for their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amend- ment to the State Constitution by the addition thereto of a new ! ction to read as follows: NEW SECTION. Article 1, section 42. The legislature, in order to insure continuity of state and local governmental oper- ations in periods of emergency resulting from enemy attack, shall have the power and the duty, immediately upon and after adoption of this amendment, to enact legislation providing for prompt and temporary succession to the powers and duties of public offices of whatever nature and whether filled by election or appointment, the incumbents and legal successors of which may become unavailable for carrying on the powers and duties of such offices; the legislature shall likewise enact such other measures as may be necessary and proper for insuring the con- tinuity of governmental operations during such emergencies. Legislation enacted under the powers conferred by this amend- ment shall In all respects conform to the remainder of the Constitution: PROVIDED, That if, in the judgment of the legis- la'ture at the time of disaster, conformance to the provisions of the Constitution would be impracticable or would admit of undue delay, such legislation may depart during the period of emergency caused by enemy attack only, from the following sections of the Constitution: Article 14, Sections 1 and 2, Seat of Government; Article 2, Sections 8, 15 (Amendments 13 and 32), and 22, Membership, Quorum of Legislature and Passage of Bills; Article 3, Section l0 (Amendment 6), Succession to Govero norship: PROVIDED, That the legislature shall not depart from Section 10, Article 3, as amended by Amendment 6, of the State Constitution relating to the Governor's office so long as any successor therein named is available and capable of assume ag the powers and duties of such office as therein prescribed;. Article 3, Section 13, Vacancies in State Offices; Article 11, Section 6, Vacancies in County Office; Article 11, Section 2, Seat of County Government; Article 3, Section 24, State Records. And Be It Farther Resolved, That the secretary el state shall cause the foregoing proposed constitutional amend- ment to be published for at least three months next preceding said election, in a weekly newspaper in every eounw where a newspaper is published throughout the state. ]Palled the Senate March 7, 1961. Passed the House March 8, 1961, JOHN A. CHERBERG. JOttN L. O'BRIEN. reident ol the Senote. Speaker o$ the Houso, I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash° lngton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and corrcct copy of House Joint Resolution No. 9, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution' now on file in my office. Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of Washington this 1st day of August, 1962. A Legal Publication  " VICTOR A. MEYERS From the Office o! . . ._ llecretar¥ o! Stats BB Legal Publications Not less lbaD (me-t,ullh .17' tile ltll'- i']lasl pl'i((, li/tlSl bp pah] at ]lit. lillio (d" sil]e. The pill'(.h2st!i', if tit, ])e not 11i¢ (l,viipl ' (iJ' lhc illll)l'liv('llll'llls, 13]list hll'l}lwitb i):15, tll Iht, (d'l'i(.(,l' iil.'ikin7 fill. sale lht, full alill(llil ill' iho ali,- Dl'liis('d vahl(' ()f |]/. lllll)l'Cl\\;'t,lllt'll]S Iis :ibovi' s]ait'li. ()li,-{(,li[b i)t ilu, plir- (:Jl:lSt! ill'iCo liillSl ]l(, iniid llllllilali }' Ihl,rlqifter with iiil'-(,.M !yii ull (h,ferro(1 Day (lls u{ ih(! i'all' llJz six per i!tqli- tan plq' ilintllil : Prn'i(h'(t, Thai :ill)" tllll'(dlltSOl' li'Aly 11111k9 fllll puynloni ill' l)i'iil(!illai, ilil('i'('st and s{attllOl'y l'l!os al aiiy lilin' aiid llbhiiii Ih,od. Tlie I)tir('JlaSOl' ill ]llld t'ld/lliiriilll4 liliiDel' of (itilol' vtliual)b! liia]t,l'iais i4 1)l'(lilil)- iIo(t I).%' !IP, V t'l'()lii Ctliiillg (it" I'OlillIvili , IHly SliC]i tiliil)q' O1' ililiit!l'inis wil]io(It fil'st ohtailling" t!l)ll:Cllt (i|" till. (olll- lliissilllltq' of Ptlllli(: IAlll(]S. tlll]ii i]10 full alllOtllli llf iho l)tll'C]illo pric(! has lic('n paid and doted issued. All sttil!s of sla]o iallds aro lllliti( Stlbjt'('l to t]l(' I'(!SOl'\\;'tlli(lliS ()f oils. gas- I'S. coal+ (i]'('s, lliin!r'lils slid fossils of I'VOI'3" IHIII]C. khl(.t ,iild descl'[lllioll, and tll Ihe ad(tiiilmal io;'iiis aii(l coll(liti(ins llrt,s('i'il)cd in sot]ion 3 lit ct)ti])lt,l' ".'{ill lif file tf 19(17. Said |llll(t will t,(, soht t0 |]ltt t(!l'nls, ('on(ii]iolis :ill(i l'OSOl'\\;r(liollS of ('Jill)]el' {]12 Of [tIO Sossi(in Laws (if 19°7, I't!l:tlhlK t, ea(!nlimls for rigbls- of-way alld lbt CI(IT.V illK oil t hllb(w, Sloll(!, Illilh,l'als lllid ill hOl" ])l'Odtll!]  (\\;'('i' t[Ic sltlllO. 13ERT L. COLE. Coliilllission(!l' (l| Publi(', Lalld. 8/30 9/6-13-20 4t Thursday, Available to yell pres(u'iplion, otlr NEX. You lilllst 10 or yt)lll' ill(171ey exel*cise, of So-c;lll ed Of cookies, Of NEX is a tiny lowed. Wh(,n you still enjoy your foods you like, ilav e. the cause tits and decreases Y(llll" weig'ht as yt)lll' own you cat less, yoU of excess fat and l ,NEX costs $3.00 GUARANTEE: If reason just retui'll druggist and ge bacl.=. No in soht witll McCONKEY DR E%'ergre(qi Mail Orders chool Districts: Increasing Lel Proposed Amendment to State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, Office of Victor A. Secretary of State, State el • o Whom It Ma, Co'neerm In obedience to the State Constitution, and tion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred hereby published for the consideration of the voters { of Washington, the proposed amendment to the the said state, as follows: BALLOT Substitute Senate Joint Resolution N0. SCHOOL DISTRICTSI INCREASING LEVY PERIODS Shall the State Constitution be amended school district voters to authorize tax of the 40.mill limit at a specified maximum to four years for operations and/or the proposition or propositions be three.fifths majority, and the number of thereon constitutes not less than votes east at the last preceding genen district? Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of of the State of Washington in legislative session THAT, At the general election to be held In the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in there shall be submitted to the qualJied electors for their approval and ratification, or rejection, to Article 7, section 2 as amended by Constitution of the State of Washington, by new subsection designated as subsection (d) follows: Article 7, section 2.subsection (d). for the purposes and in the manner m this School district tax levy or levies at a for each year may be authorized at specified number of years not in excess of foul for operations Or four years for a lev both when the proposition therefor has majority of at least three-fifties of the electo .at which election the number of lion shall constitute not less than number of votes cast at the ,Such district. If any tax levy is provisions of this subsection district shall determine annually thereafter F equ!red from the authorized levy or levies of the schools of the district, and/or for within Chef limits of each tax so authori2 made at the rat e required to produce the mined as aforesaid; cr to or submitted to the electors of a school distri¢ whether called for this purpose, but ma, be submitted not more year. \\; No district shall submit to the electorate this subsection a proposition to authorize current operations or such electors hay, aroved a itr of this subsection for the same however at any time submit to the elo .substitute for authc the same ,purpose: PROVIDED (1) That br the substituted authorization will be ade contractual obli of the district authorization the shall b, its terms supersede the terms shall not become effective until the following the date of the election at which and then be in lieu of seded authorization The procedures specified in this eumulaive to the other And Be lit ResOlved, That the secretary of foregoing constitutional amendment to be three months next preceding the election in a ia every county in the state in which such 'a published. ]Passed the Senate Marsh 10, 1'961. Passed the JOHN A. CHERBERG. JOHN President o] the Senale. EXPLANATORY COMMENT All words underscored do not appear i Constitution as it is now written but will be this amendment Is adopted. I, Victor A. Meyersl Secretary of State of ington, hereby certify that the above is a full, copy of Substitute Senate Joint Resolution No. 1, Legislature of the State of Washington at its Session, as appears from the original of said Su Resolution now on file in my office. Witness My Hand and the Seal o£ the State of this 1st day of August, 1962. \\;, Legal Publication /rom the Office ,of EIII /ii 30,]962 m Le >:lid I'im ll'ihut i,l ,Ol)[(,t tlt) [/chcR / ,t,i/il ill ,':tF.ili IlV S llll)S (lIVEN tlml r(,vei\\;od hy |,ll,' )i]l'l'S t]" l'UldiC f)[ ]\\;lil;qlll (7!,11il.- 8:0(} P.A]. l]ti!l- 2, ;it |hell" lllt'icl  fti" I hiillTiy CilthlllS l'lll' \\;\'hivh 1(! Dish'ict /)(!i(.', ).tlf AtlllM, il9(J2. 1st riot N.. t-I U N q'Tf] I t 8/:0 9/6 21 a331 )I{T AND i'l{l I1"1'1 (IN 'URT (li," TIlE N(I'PON l('l)l }'H( ) 1 L\\;.']'E) ti;sl aic lif l)i"cO;iS{ 'd. t4i\\;'on Ihal Iqx<,cui I'ix \\;":ili Arsd.lo. llw Cl,'l'Ic hoF finai d ish'iblil ioli 0tti,, an(] ap- aild 1)(.1 il ili 'ihuh! lht, lli'l)- woto (qlti[h,d Exi,('ll H'I x. (HVEN lha{ Pay 1,, 1' Increadn Amendm State Constit on: NOVE Office of jSecretary of St[ (lineerni the State Constltutk Legislature hereinaf the consideration ( the proposed amendme ' i follows: IAL BALLOI House 3oint Re ..... CITIES, TOWI INCREASING LEVY ;tare Constitution be Voters to authorize limit at a specifie s for capital outlay le approved by a er of voters voting percent of the election in sm By the Senate and ] gton in legislati' eral eluction to be the first IVlor I to the" qualifi and ratification, or 2 as amended by the State of Washingt, designated as subsectio subsection in the manner in )ecified ma any single electio of four years for therefor has been of the electors )ersons voting is authorized pt thereafter the alr or levies of th the limits of eacl at the rate require aforesaid. iositions to may be subr submit to the, ,osition to au ,ear for under th ose. A cit the electorate a' a new au That (1) the will be adel L;/: ¸ . / autlrO .'tive until the firs at which it wa: autimrized in thls sul That the seCreta, amendment to .Dreceding the electic in the state in whi, 1981. Pas e HOUSe, IXPLANATORY CO1 Underscored do not a it is now written 1 is adopted. Secretary of Stl that the above i I-Iouse Joint Resolul State of Washingt ars from the original file in my office. and the Seal of st, 1962.