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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,Y, )lieations -i,mlh of&apos; tile put- . paid <'it lhe lime ilser, if hc be not lll)I'ilvcI|II'nT, lllllst hi' (d'I'ic(q' IIh'IkiIl ]IIIHI|I( Ibd' lifo II]i'- t' IIIIpI'OVcIIICIIIS IIS !cnlh of Ilw Imr- I., paid ammaIIy esl l all dcIm'red {1' O]7 SiX p(!l' ct!lll- ruvid'd, 'l'hal ally /,' [llN t)llyllloni J[' !n(t stattlh)ry l'l!os obhdn deed. The (,i JllIIli niII I iIiID!l' I;llt'lqais i 1H'ollib - ]lling Of I'Olll(JVill( illah!rinis wit]loHt Iclli ill tlll. CIplII- : Lnn(ts. tullil Ihe ])llrcllIlSo lltqC(! has issued. lallds al'o lllade • illiollS of oils, gas- • 'Ills Hlld fossils of Id d(}s('Fil)lion, add • Ills alld eoaditi,)llS tl  lit Ct]tl])ll'i' "lll F. (' SOld Sld)j('cl tO :4 ;Ind |'l5('l'v{tl i( ins t, S(,ssion Lav¢. of ()Jill!IllS fol' rigbts- I'l'yillK of thnbi'r, d ill hOl" I)l'Odtllq s (il Piiblie. LilnCts N/30 9/6-13-20 4t stricts: F I Available to you preseritilion, ()ill' NEX. t'l)tl nlllSt i{ or yollr nltlDey exercise, of so-called or c((Jkie.s, ol • NEX is a thly lowed. When yoa still enjoy your foods you like, ilave, tile urge cause C tite and decreases oUl" weight as yollr O,vn you cat less, yoU (If excess fat alia NEX costs $3,00 S GUARANTEE: If reason just return druggist and get bacl,=. No is sold with MoCONKEY DRI Evi, rgl'een Mail orders Increasing Let )sed Amendment to 30,]962 S 0R BIDs IRERy (lIVEN tbill be rr('ei{ ,d l,v lh, f$$1on(,i.s t)]" ['uliiic ), I I)f Ma q,ll (7)ilil.- llti 8"01 i { hi M n- 1969 ...... ' -, at lh,,i)" i,lli('(' llgtcil 't l" li:li>ll ly Cifieati lls ll)l' \\;vhivll lh(! ( )( !i(' ,, DiSirh.t ,,v,y .f A  .l, 162. "- DiStrict N.. 1 )Unty ROLD t.ii!Ni,l 1 crctary Si'30 9/(; 2t 33'il EAKiNG lilt AND l'lll II1"1'1 ()N )UItT ()1," TIlE NC'PON F()l 17)t{()I;A']'I']) ho ti]slalc ill" |)('('('IS('d, !-4iv(,n Ihal Iqx{,cnl )'ix \\;/311 Ai'sd:,,l¢. ill llw CI,'I'Ic h('l' fiil/1 dislriblll iOll 10tti,, and ap- aild l)lqil h Hi ql',llh! lht, lli'l)- I'Oto entilh'd Exi'('ll H'I N. (HVEN ilia{ 7 Legal Publications s:lid final r(.pld't and pplilbii f,)l' dis- lrit)tlti,m will lie Ii,!dl'd (ill J('ri(lay, 2g ,<,Iit('IMtiI.I • l{)(i'] ;il thl' h(illF (if 11) I i'(']iH'J': ill Ihl, fill'Vii( ii)ll it| lllf' (Ii il.1 I'[ I,.llil ill lit4' Ititli'[ Ill,itS,' hi Sll'lltJll, ,s a Y.tli 111 llll. l);lii'(I Ihh< 701h day (if Aligu>':i 1962• t { .\\; [t 17 Y t )lqY E']vrl,], ( 'll'l']{ ill' M :i:;,ll (7()11111 ', \\;,Vlshin[ (HI I l, l,'r:inl¢lhi li(,(isl,li, .%.111)1'111,3 lid' sliid 1,]sl:ill,, An4'lc !;htg., SIl,,]l()u, Wiishingl(in, i30 ,q/6-1{i-2fl dt NOTI('I" OF WATEit RI(iilT API'IA(!ATION NIl. 11123 STATI{] (iF VVASIIIN('TON, Ol,'lrlC ()It ,iH:>Ii]I),VLt)I >, ()b' WATER I=tE- S()[JtCI,]S. ( )l`%liil)ia. T?,ICE N(JT1CE: 'l'il:ll TI,).tiT\\;VI)I}D and BIVFH KEN- Y'.iN rAMS of S('a(ll(', WiimllillKti)ll Oil Jilly ',{tL 1962, fih'(l alililit'ation I()1' ti('l'- liiil |ll dh(,)'l lll, I)ublic wat,q' of all Illilla lli,';l Sl)l'iil4 1 i'ibtllal'y (if ] h))(Is (*/lll;il, ill lh(' tilllOlllll ()l 0.01 s('con(|- hJill, slll)j(,cl h) (:xistinv rigilt.% con= |llltl(lll:4lv ('i1('11 v('ill' fill' ii1(! litll'liiis(! ill' il)iu('siit' SUl)pl.v thai lh(, iit)l)i'()Xl- lll:ttt lic,inl .f di.i.l':hm i, h)l':li(ql with- h, N\\;VI ND,'ll. of Secli0n 29, Town- shill 22 N.. I{.ilill, 3 W.. W.M.. Ill ]%la- 8011 (?IlUlI1 y. Any llbji'clilms lllusl be aCCOlllpall- id 1)y a Iwo d(lllar (2.(Jl}) l'ut, llrdiag l', and filod v/ith llu, Slale SUl)(q'vlsor )1' %711t'1' l{l'S()lll'(!('S witllin thirty C;4t} days fl'Olll Sept,'nlbci" 6. 1962., \\;Villl('ss I11%' ban(i 1llld ()ffieiat seal lhis 21st (lay of Augttst. 1962, M. G. \\;VALKER, Silih' SUl)('v'visor ol Watel" I{('S()Ill'I'PS. S/.3() 9/6 2t Increasing Levy Periods State Constitution 00osea Amendment: to the i voted on NOVEMBER 6, '., State Constitution, Office of Victor h, Secretary of State, State !ay Concerni : to the State Constitution, and the te Legislature hereinafter referred d for the consideration of the voters the proposed amendment to the is follows: )FFICIAL BALLOT TITLE', tute Senate Joint Resolution No, SCHOOL DISTRICTS: r €CREASING LEVY PERIODS tale Constitution be amended ct voters to authorize tax I limit at a specified maximum s. for operations and/or aon or propositions be ajority, and the number of 'titutes not less than forty the last preceding general :i7 ed, By the Senate and House of Washington in legislative session he general election to be held in :t succeeding the first Monday in mbmitted to the qualUied electors zal and ratification, or rejection, ction 2 as amended by the State of Washington, by designated as subsection (d) subsection (d), ; and in the manner in this or levies at a nay beauthorized at an: r of years not in excess of /ears for a le proposition therefor has Least three-fifths of the n the number of tute not less than fort s cast at the is authorized subsection :ermine annually, thereafter ne authorized levy or levies ,f the district, and/or for of each tax le so required to produce the aid_._t to or e electors of a school , be submitted not more thai \\; aall submit to the electorate proposition to authorize ns or capital }roved a ection for the same time submit to the ele. auth( ;e: PROVIDED (1) That .d authorization will be ade( fattens of the district the ersede the become effective until the te of the election at which lieu of ion. in this ilved, That the secretary of state ational amendment to be :t preceding the election in a in the state in which such 'a i arch lo, l. Passed the Ho,';, ERBERG0 JOHN j  0I* OJ tile Senate. , "" EXPLANATORY COMMENT underscored do not appear It eti s it is now written but will ,e r  nt Is adopted .... eyersl Secretary of State of rtify that the above is a full, Senate Joint Resolution No. 1, e State of Washington at its its from the original of said n file in my office. !and and the Seal oi the State ot '; tugust, 1962. it,on VICTOR b. e ,of swrt=rg } x II On NOVEMBER 6, 196 , Office of Victor . Meyer& /ecretary of State, State of Washing0 @ncernt to the State Constltutlon', and the 3olnt Resolu. Legislature hereinafter referred to, there Is the consideration of he voters of the State the proposed amendment to the constitution o! follows: FFICIAL BALLOT TITLE----I-,m,,-- 0tltute House $olnt Resolution No, 1 CITIES, TOWNS: INCREASING LEVY PERIODS ;tale Constitution be amended to permit Voters to authorize tax levies in excess limit at a specified max,reran rate for rs for capital outlay, if the proposition or )e approved by a three-fifths majority of voters voting thereon constitutes percent of the votes cast at the last election in such city or town? By the Senate and House of Representatives gton in legislative session assembled: teral election to be held in this stat on the the first Monday in November, 1962, to the" qualified electors of the state, and.ratification, or rejection, an amendment 2 as amended by Amendment 17, of the the State of Washington, by adding thereto a designated as subsection ( ) which shall read subsection or town in the man]aer in thi subsection provided. ecified maxhnum rate .'or each year any single election for a specified number of four years for a levy for capital outlay, therefor has been approv_._e:d by a maiority of the electors voting thereon at which ersons voting on the proposition shall ercentum of the total number of eneral elect such is authorized,pursuant to the provisions body of the city or town shall thereafter the amount of funds requiredl or levies of the city or town for capital the limils of each tax levy so authorized at the rate required to produce the amount aforesaid. ositions to authorize additional tax may be submitted to 'te electors of election, whether called .specially for this; but may be submitted i 'ear.' submit to the electorate upon at/thorit. os,.'tion to authorize additional levies ear for which such electors have" under the authority of this, sub- rose. A or town ma V however at Ihe electorate a' proposition to substitute a new authorization for the same That (1) the levy authorized by the_ :ion will be adequate to fulfill all con- or town incurred by reason of the subst!tute proposition shall autlmrization and by its terms until the first tax levy ,ear followin at rhich it was authorized and then be. authorized )erseded author- in this subsection shall be deemed specified in this section. the secretary of state shall cause the amendment to be published for at least .Preceding the election in a weeldy newspaper in the state in whieh such a newspaper is  0''eh 30, 1961, Passed the Senate March 29, I10 I.EN t JOHN A. CHERBERG0 .Qk he House. "' President ol the Senatl. IXPLANATORY COMMENT !ll I . Underscored do not appear in our 6tate %a as it is now written but will be put In If "et is adopted. Secretary of State of the State of Wash- that the above is a full, true and correct I-Iouse Joint Resolution No. 1 , passed by the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh from the original of said Substitute Joint file in my office. and the Seal of the State d! Washing,or, t, 1962. FflX;TON--IAg0N COUNT JOURNAE -- Pub]lslei in "Ohsstow, U.g.'A.," leIon, WahIngtoll Legal Publications NO. 3381 NOTICF TO Clll,:DITORS IN THE StPI,]RIOR COURT OF TI-IE STATE OF WASHIN(ITON FOR MASON COUNTY 1N pROBATE In the Matter ()f the Guardianshit) of \\;VIN]IrRfql) V. 13F]AIID, All ineol)lpc- h nt. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that Illo llndersigned hlls been appointed :ind Ilas qtla]il'ied as the Guardillll of the Estate of %Vinifred V, tleard, 'ill ilcOllll)ctont ; tlud all l)el'sons Ilaving (',laillls against tier are ilereby required to serve the sanle, duly Vel'ifitxt, ()ll tlle tlndersigned Gilardian ()1' b(l' at- lorney at the address bel.w stated and tile the same wilh tile Clerk of the said court within mix months after lhe date of first 1)ublk:athm (if tbi, notice (it' the Sallie will lie I)arred. Date (if l'irst pllblicati(in: AHgns[ I6, 1 {t62. EDANA B. STRICKLAND, ' Guardian GLENN E. CORREA Attorney |74)1' Guardianship Ii ll l:hlilding Shelton, Washington 8/16-2.2-30 9/6 4t No. 3,324 NOTRE ()F llEARIN(I FINAl, ltl,l'Ol(T AND PETITION l,'Oli DISTRIni;TION IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF TtIE STATE OF WASItlNGTON FOR MASON COUNT3 Ill the Matter ()f the Estate of M1LES HOWELL, Deceased. Berniec H.well, Executrix of ,be above estate has filed in the Clerk's office of said Court ller Iinal rel)ort and petititon for distribution, asking the Court to settle said report, dis- tribtlte t}le properly to the persons tilereto entitled and discharge said Executrix. Said report and I)etition will be heard on September 2g, ]962 at 10:00 A.M. at the P)'obate Depln'tmenl Cotn't Rooni of said Coiirt, Dated Angumt 24. 1962. BERNICE HOWELL Executrix JAMES B. SANCHEZ Attorney for Estate 2,15 Fom'th Street Building, lremerton, Wastlington 8/2a-30-9/6-3t Legal Publications NO. :1',18 L NO'I'I(!E OY' SAI,E (}F IIEAI, ETATE IN T1.lI SUtt,]]:HOB. COUIT (.)1,' TIlE STATE OF WASI 1 N(:ITON leOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE Ill tile Mai(q' ,)l' llu' (]lllirdial]shil of rlNl]Pl{|,]l) V• ]'>EAR1), An iucoIIl- 1)('l (qll. N()T[CE ]S ItEREIY GIVEN ilia, EI;ANA I}. STII(I(LANI'L in tier ca- l)licily as gu:lrdian iif Ihe, al)tv,'o 4!.'4- lai,', will seil al privlitl sale the fol- ](iwing' descril)cd r(!al (!,-du|e: COllllnellCillK al file Northwest col'- ll(q' of (l()Vl'l>nlllell| Lot tlilrce (3) Sl'('li)n five (5), Towrishil) Lwenty Oll( (21). Norl]l Rallg( one ( ] ) West, "W.M. lhence East. ahmg the N,)r II lia(! lhei•otif 990 feet thence S()liih 8(17.5(I I'0,t t() Llle point of b ';'illllilig" o' 1  11' tCk of land hiq'eby d('scri/)ed ; lilenee continn- ing S.ulh 17g.50 flet; tlience South 89"30" Elsl 61)5 fl•(t, nllil'e i)l' lesm, to tile E:ut line ()f said Govel'n- lnent Loi tllz'c,; (3), tllelK',l Jn a Noriherly dirccthnl, alollg tile East |ine of said (i,lVOl'llnlan[ Lot three (3) tO a })oilll lllOl'f!()n Solltll 89"30' East fl'onl iho point of beffinning; ll'wnce Norlii g9°30 ' West 5.(t0 feet, nl()l'(! Ol' b!ss, to the ])oint of be- g'illllillg. Also all the tide ]ands of ill(! (!(!(ill(] eblS, fornleFly owned by the Slate of Washington, sit- llate(i ill front of. adjacent to, or abbuttinff upon that porlion of the (iovel'nlll(,n( llletlldel' line ill fl'ollt of tile /ll)(It'(' llplaltd tracts all(] ly- ing betweell the N.rth and South lines exhqlded Easterly, ;Ill ill Ma- son County, State of Washington, to the highest and best bidder. Bids nlusL be submilted in writing and may be left with the guardian at :121 South Street, Shelton, Wash- iligt.n. Bids will bc received until the date of sale. The sale wiIl be made on ())' after the 7th day ,ff Septeniber ]962. The gual'dian l't!m(,l'V(!s the right to re- ject anv and alt bidm, EDANA 13. STRICI{LAND, Gllal'dian GLENN E. CORREA I2(,11 Building" 121 SoHIh Follrtb Street Shelhm, Washing, on Attol'nl'y l'()l' (]l.lardian 8/16-23-30 3t Qualifications of Voters Proposed Amendment to the State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 1962 Office of Victor A, Meyers, ", ..... -- Secretary of State, State of Washington. To Whom It May {oncernI In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolu- lion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution ot the said state, as follows; .... OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE ( t / .House Joint Resolution No. 19 \\; QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS x I Shall Article VI, Section 1 of the State Constitution relating to qualifications of voters be amended to reduce /he periods of state and county residence re- quired for voting at all elections; eliminate disquali. fication from voting by Indians not taxed, and allow citizens intending to make this state their permanent residence to vote for presidential electors or President and Vice-President of the United States, after sixty days' residence? Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: THAT., At the general' election to be held in this state o the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the state for their approval and ratification, or rejection, amend- ments to Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Wash- ington by amending section 1 thereof and by adding a new section thereto to be known as section 1A, so that said sections will read as follows: Article VI, section 1. All persons of the age of twenty-on@ years or over, possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: They shall be citizens of the United States; they shall have lived in the state ((orre yeae)) six months, and in the county_ ((-m'-neby   i 4qw)) city, town, ward or precinct thirty days immediately preceding the election at which they offer to vote; they shall be able t read and spe¢ the English language: ((PROVIDED, diaes    eevee be-a4tev+ed the elective franchiae: A-N-D Fd-RT -[-t'E)) PROVIDED, That this amendment shall not alfect the rights of franchise of any person who is now a quali- fied elector of this state. The legislative authority shall enact laws defining the manner of ascertaining the qualifications of voters as to their ability to read and speak the English language, and providing for punishment of persons voting or registering In violation of the provisions of this section. There shall be no denial of the elective franchise at any election on account of sex. Article VI, section 1A. In consideration of those citizens of the United States who become residents of the state of Washin- ton durin the year of .a presidential election with the intention of making this state their permanent residenc% this section is for the purpose of authorizing such persons who can meet all ualifications for voting as set forth in section 1 of this Article except for residenc% to vote for presidential electors r or or/ the office of President and Vice-President of the United Statesl -s the case may be, but no other, provided, that such persons have resided in the state at least sixty days immediately, preced- .ng the presidential election concerned. The legislature shall establish the time manner and plac fgrsuch persons to cast such presidential ballots. And Be It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state shall cause the foregoing constitutional amendment§ to be published for at least three months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper in every county in the state in which such a newspaper is published. passed_ the .Senate February 22, 1961. Passed the House February 10, 1961. #util A. CHERBERG, JOHN L. O'BRIEN, .. President o$ the Senate. Speaker o$ the Hou$#, EXPLANATORY COMMENT All words enclosed in double parentheses and lined through are in our State ConstituUon at the present and are being taken out by this amendment. All words under, scored do not appear in the State Constitution as it is now written but will be put in if this amendment is adopted. I, Victor.A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash, Ington, hereby certify .that the above is a full, true and correct copy of House Joint Resolution No. 19, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file in my office. Witness My Hand and the Seat of the State of Washington this 1st day of August, 1962. Legal Publications NO, ,3384 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ,WASItlNGTON FOR ASON COUNTY In tbo Maltr)' of the Estate of THERON MEbL, D(!ceased. Mad,,line 1VI:.11, is 1he nppoinled and qualil'iiql Exec.ulrix of said (,shlle. All ])(q'OllH ]laving ciaililS liga hlsl said (lec('a4('d ILl'(' r('qllir('d 'to sel'v( lhe sailll ill dul,iicat,>, duly verified, ol. said Exectllrix or ilel' lil[orney, Robert Ii. Say l(q' at lie dd'ess below sitited, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, togeiher with proof of Sl.lch servict!, within SiX nl[)ntils after the dah, of first lmbiteation of this hi)lice, O1' the santo will 1)('. I)arred. DATE of first publicalioa: August 9, 1.(t(;2. MADELlNE 1I. MELL ' Execulrix 1504 Ridgeroad, Shfqtl)n• Wa:-l]tingt on ROBERT L. SNYI)ER A(lorney at Law 125!,fi North 5th Siiell on, Waslfington. 8/9-16-23-30-4t NO. 8264 SUMMON BY |qBLICATION IN TI-[E SUPERIOR COURT OF TI-IE STATE (iF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY REVF;L W. MISSMER, Plaintiff, VS. ARIAN BEINBOLD ZISSMER, De fendant STATE OF WASIIINGTON TO THE SAID MARIAN REINBOLD MISS- MER, DEFENDANT : YOU al'e Ilereby SUll]n]oned to ap- pear within sixty (60) days after the date of the l'irst 1)ut)lication ,)f Ibis Stllnmons, t,) wit, wiihin stxty (60) days after Ihe 23rd day of August, 1962, and "Jefend tile above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the colnphtint of llle Dlaintiff, and serve it copy or your answer upoll the undersigll(,d atlorlley al his ofl'iee beh)w stated; and in ease of your faihu'e so to do, jndgment will l)e rendered againmt yea according to tile demand of the e.onll;daint, which has been fih!d with the clerk of said court. That lhe cause of ae.tion herein is for a divorcc between the parties ubove named wberein plahltifl7 and defendant have lived separate and apart for more than five years last past. JOttN C. RAGAN Attorney for Plaintiff Office & Post OIfiee Address: Bell Building 121. South Fourth Strect Shelton, Washiagton 8/23-30 9/6-13-20-27 6t i , Legal Publications :NO. 3387 NOTICE TO CItI,I)ITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOI MASON COUNTY In the Matter. of the Estate of ED- WARD KRABI-ENItOFT, Deceased. Elizabelh Burzhfff, is the appointed pnd qualified Administratrlx of said esta(e, All l)el'sons having claims ag'aillSi said d(,ceased are requil•ed to sel'vo lhe :tallle ill duplil/:ate, duty ver- il'icd, em said Adnunistratrlx or her attorney, Robert L• Snyder lit the ad(iress below stated, and file the 4allle witll Ill(" CLerk ()f said Coln't, h)gethel' wiiil l)rot)l Of sucil service, witilin six nmnths after the date of Iirt publication of this notice, or tbe sanie will be barred. DATE ()f first putflication: A'agust 23, 1962. ELIZABETH BURZLOFF, Adniinist ralrix :1309 2nd St., S.E. Puyalhlp, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125, N, 5ih Slleit(tn, Washington. 8/28-30 9/6-13 4t NO. 8261 SUMMONS BY 1'1) IILIC, ATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIlE STATE OF WASftINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY I)ALLAS ELIZABETH SAVAGE, Plaintiff VS, ALVA T. SAVAGE, Defendant. STATE OF WASItINGTON TO THE SAID ALVA T. SAVAGE, DEFEND- ANT : You are bcreby sunlmollod to appeal. within sixty t60) days after the date the. i6'th day of'.ugust, 1962, lind de- fend the above-entitled action li the above-entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upoll the under- signed attorney at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been flied with the clerk of said court. That the cause of action herein il for a divorce be]ween the. partie above named wherein Plaintiff allege cruel treatment on the part of th, defendant. (s) GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address: GLENN E. CORREA Bell Building 121 South Fourth Street Shelton, Washington 8/16-23-30-9/6.13-20-6t l'ubUeatlon,, ot ' Pro00sed Constltutlonat -,, A000000Iments \\; th Proposed Amendment to e State Constitution to be voted on NOVEMBEit 6, 1962 l Office of Victor A. Meyers, Secretary o State, State ot Washingtoa,  Te Whom it My Concern: In obedience to the State Constitution, and the $o Resoht* tion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby published for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution o the said state, as follows" ...... OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE ,,, ,,,,, ,,,, Senate Joint Resolution No. 5 PUBLICATION OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS / Shall Section I, Article XXIII, of the State Constitu- tion requiring publication of the text of each proposed constitutional amendment in a weekly newspaper in each county for three months prior to the election, be amended so as to require only that notice of the_pro- posed cdnstitutional amendment be published at least four times during the four weeks preceding the elec- tion in every legal newspaper in the state? i i u i nl n na,i n n u I I Be It Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representative ot the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: THAT, At the general election to be held in this state on tim Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, 1962, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of the state for their ai3proval and ratification, or rejection, an amendment to Article XXlII, section 1 of the Constitution of the State I Washington, to read'as follows: Article XXIII, section 1. Any amendment or amendments to this Constitution may be proposed in either branch of the legislature; and if the same shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each of the two houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shaR be entered on their journals, with the ayes and noes theron, and be submitted to the qualified electors of the state for their approval at the next general elec- tion; and ff the people approve and ratify such amendment or amendments, by a majority of the electors voting thereon, the same shall become part of this Constitution, and proclamation thereof shall be made by the governor: PROVIDED, That tf more than one amendment be submitted, they shall be sub- mitted in such a manner that the people may vote for or against such amendments separately. The legislature shall also cause notice of the amendments that are to be submitted to the people .,1 to be published (( -fee e     ,,,-,,.,,,,, e is-pub!ihed !hreughout  stere))' at, least, four _times during the four weeks next preceding the election in every legal newspaper in the stae: PROVIDED, That. failure of any newspaper to publish this notice shall not be interpreted as affeetin the outcome of th%eleet!o n. Be It Further Resolved, That the secretary of state shall cause the foregoing constitutional amendment to be published for at least three months next preceding the election in a weekly newspaper in every county in the state in which such a newb. paper is publ.ished. Passed the House March 8, 196L Passed the Senate Febrtmry 2t, JOHN L. O'BRIEN, JOHN A. CHERBERG. peaker o$ ttte House. President a Nte Senat EXPLANATORY COMMENT All words enelesed in double parentheses nd tlhrough are in our State Constitution at the present and are being taken out by this amendment. All words under.. scored do not appear in the State Constitution as it is now written but will be put in if this amendment is adopted. I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash- lngton, hereby certify that the above is a full, true and correct copy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 25, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington at its Thirty-seventh Session, as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now oa file in my office. Witness My Hand and the Seal of the Stale'el Washlngto 1 day og ugust, 1962. Legal Publications NO. 3386 NOTICE TO CREI}ITOltS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of lira Estale of ROLAND ERNEST JOHNSON. Deceased. YETH R. JOHNSON is the appointed and qualified Adniinish'atrix of sahl eslale. All l)£,i'solls hiivhig clainis 8gains, sahl deceased are requh'ed t6 serve lhe same in duplh,aie, dilly veri- fied, on said Adniinislratrix or lier attorney, ]:{obert L. Sllyder al. file address below stated, and file the sanle with tlle Clerk of said Court, to- gether witb proof of such servh!e within six months after the date of the first publication of this nolice, or the same will be barred, DATE of first l)ubli('ation: Augllst 9, 1962. BETH R, JOHNSON Adnlinistralrix 1,12i) E. Fah'm(mt Slielhm, Washington ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorney at Law 1251/.., North 5t Shelton, W'lshington. 8/9-16-23-30-4t NOTICE OF PETITION FOR CllANGE OF PLACE ()F WITII- DRA:WAL OF GROUNI) %VA,TER STATE OF WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE STATE SUPERVISOR ()1' TI'E DIVISION OF WATER RE- SOURCES, Olympia, TAKE NOTICE: That the Potlatch Beach Mutual Water Company Of Pot- latch, Washington, has filed a lmlition for a permit to ehange the place of. withdrawal of 51 gallons per ndnute, 13.5 acre-feet pet' year. as granted in Ground Water Certificate No. 414-D; that the water is used Ior ct)nnnuaily doalcstic supply and is withdrawn lrom a Wfql at It point situated in Lot+ 3, Sec. 23, T. 22 N., R..1 W.W.M.; That they wish to retain the present location and add a new point oI wllh- drawal at u point situated in Lot 3, Sec. 23, T. 22 N., R. 4 W.W.M., suell point being. 500 feet wesL from lhe prescnt place of withdrawal all within Mason County, Wasliingt:on. Any objeclions mnst be filed with the State Supervisor of the Division of Water Re.sources within thit'ty (3(I) I ) days from August al), 1J62, Witness my hand and oftieial seal this 16 day of August, 1962. M. G, WALKLR,I Supervisor Division of Water Resources 8/23-3O 2t NO, 3.388 NOTICE TO CREI}I'rOIS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR .MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estale of WILEY WILLIAM MAY, i Deceased. Auda Zelvia May is the appointed and qualified Adlnhtlstratrix eL said estate• All persons having (:]aims against said deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly veri- :fled, on said AdmJnistrah'ix or her attorney, Robert L. Snyder lit tile address below stated, and file tbe same with the Clerk of said Court togetler with proof of such service, within six months after the date of first publication of this notie, e, or the slnne will be barred, DATE of first publication: August 16, 19{12. AUDA ZELVIA MAY Administratrim Route 2, Box 65 Shelton, Washington ROBERT L, SNYDER Attorney at Law 125& North 5th Shelton, Washington 8/16-23-30-9/7-4t Page 17 p , gal ublications NOTICE OF BU])(IET IIEARIN(I Notice is hereby givea tlial the Board of Collllilfssittners el llle IOt*.T ()t I' SItELT()N ha',! c()ml}l('ted and placed on file their pr(.liminary budget h)r the I'iseal yollr of 1963 all(i a col)y lbereof I/]dy i)e ol)t:lin(!d by aay [ax- Iniyel' fi'Olil Jalnes Pallley, al the Ford (]lii'a ge. The l}oard iif Cl)lUlliissil)ll(WS ot3 said l'3orl Of Sh(!lton will IIl(H)t a( 8 l).nl., on Sept. 2(}, 1962> ]V[asOll (t)llnly Cotn't l(ItlSe for Ilie lllll•tll)me of fixing alld adoldinK maid budgel. All}' laxpayer llllly ai)il(ar lit liie abort, lnel)tiolled lilne tind tdace and lie Ilellrd for OF ltgllinst any part of said btl(Iget• Dated at Slleitlm, Wasbinghtn this 2,11h day of Attg'tlS1, 1.q62. JAMES A, PA'LIL1UY, Pl'em id en t 8/30 9/6 2t ('OUNTY ROAD I'It(|JI,ICT NO. 365 lu the Inattor o[' C.R.P. No. 3{.}5 to be c(mstructed on qlason Cotlttty Road N,). 242 known hleally as tile Skoke- inish Valh'y rolld, and inore specifi- cally hlcated Sec. 13, T 21 N, R 4 W & Sec, 18, T 21 N. 1¢ 4 V¢. W. M. IT IS HEREBY fIESOLVED by the Board of Courtly C, HnnlissiliueFs that it is their hltention to (;,,tit danger trees, slope blink, and |l]aee rl 1) rap a]ollg tbe So'Uth bltldl of Skokomlsh easl of Ui)l)('r Vance Creek Bridge. Prineit)ll| q/ltlnlities are: Rip t'tl t) (I()0 cubic yards nnd that snid work is to l)e perfornled by day labor ill accordance with the Washington State Standard Specifi- cations f(n' Road and Bridge Conllrue. ti(lll as adoDLed by Mason C/)unty. BE IT FUtRTHI!]R RESOLVED that lhe ab0v( deseril)e(1 cl)un.try road pro- ject is necessal'y and Prol)er, alld till; emtimated costs oI' said project are tlerewfth set t)ut ill detail as follows: Road Constructio:ti $4,000.00 T()TAL $4,000.00 Tile cotlllty road l)roiect ilere, tn de- scribed is HEREBY DECLARED to be a I)ublie necessity nnd the County lhad Enginoor is HEREBY ORDERED AND, AUTlqORIZED to repert and l) 'oce.ed . th  'eon as tly law 1)l')vhled, ADOPTED tiffs 27th day of Aug- ust, 1962. loard 1)f C,)unty Contlllisstoner of Mason County, Wasllillgtl)ii HARRY ELMI.UND, Chairnlau JOItN IABIEKMAN MARTIN AUSETII Attest: Clerk (d" Board• 8/30 It NO. 3;t8. NOTICE TO CllEDITOIRS IN THE SUI-)ERIOI COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Malter of the Estate of CLIFFORD F. LIVINGSTON, Dec(!asod. Arnold Livingston is the aPl)Otntd and qualifie(l'Execolor of sald estate. All peroas having ehtinls against said deceased are required to serve' the same in publieate, duly verified, on said Executor or his attorney, Robert L, Suyder at the address below' statd, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within six montlm after tho date of first publication of this notice, or the same will be I)arred, DATE of first publication: ugusl 9, 1962. ARNOLD LIVINGSTON Executor loute 2, 1Rox 16, Shelton, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER, Attorney at Law ]25x: Nortil 5th Shelton. Washington. 8/9-16-Eq-S0-4t 00empora00y Per?ormance,lo? Judlda ! Dutles Proposed Amend.ment to the, State (onst,tutmn to be voted on NOVEMBER 6, 196 l Office of Victor A. Meyers, Seeretary o! State, State af Washington, To Whom It May Concern: In obedience to the State Constitution, and the Joint Resolu- tion of the State Legislature hereinafter referred to, there is hereby publi.hed for the consideration of the voters of the State of Washington, the proposed amendment to the constitution o! the said state, as follows: OFFICIAL BALLOT TITLE _ House Joint Resolution No. 6 TEMPORARY PERFORMANCE OF JUDICIAL DUTIES Shall Article IV of the State Constitution be amended by adding a new section providing that when neees. sary for the prompt and orderly administration of justice a majority of the supreme court is empowered to authorize judges or retired judges of courts of record in this state to perform, temporarily, judicial duties in the supreme court, and to authorize any superior court judge to perform judicial duties in any superior court of this state? Be It Rolved, By the Senate and HouSe of Representatives of the State of Washington in legislative session assembled: THAT, At the gneral election to be held in this state on the Tuesday next succeeding he first Monday in November, 1962, there shall be submitted to the qualified voters of this state, for their approval and ratification, or rejection, an amend- ment to Article IV of the Constitution of the State of Washington, by adding thereto a new section to be numbered section 2(a) of Article IV, which shall read as follows: Section 2(a). When necessary., for the prompt and orlerly administration of justice a majority of lhe Supreme Court is empowered to authorize udges or retired i'ud'es o courts 'of record of this stat% to perform, temporarilT udicial duties in the Supreme Court, and to authorize any superior court jud  to perform udicial duties in any superior court of this state. Be It Further Resolved, That the Secretary of state shall cause the foregoing constitutional amendment to be pub- lished for at least three months next preceding the election, in some weekly newspaper, in every county where a zewspaper is published throughout the state. ]Passed the Senate March 9, 1961. Passed the House March 9, 1981. JOHN A. CHERBERG, JOHN L. O'BRIEN, President o! the Sanate. Speaker ol tlte Housl, EXPLANATORY COMMENT All words underseored do not appear in our State Constitution as it is now written but will be put In if this amendment is adopted. I, Victor A. Meyers, Secretary of State of the State of Wash- |ngton, hereby certify that the above is a full. true and correct copy of House Joint Resolution No. 6, passed by the Legislao 'lure of the State of Washington at its Thirty.seventh Session, as appears from the original of said Joint Resolution now on file in my office. Witness My Hand and the Seal of the State of Washington this 1st day of August, 1962. VICTOIt A. MEYERS A Legal Publication  VICTOR A. MEYER$ A Legal Publication @ VICTOIi A. MEYEItll A Legal Publication @ ., , lecretar ol State. From the Office ot "  leeretar¥ oil ltttil Fr_gier ! ,,he Qffi¢ oi ..... ,cr¢ia¢l' ll  From the Office ol .......... il.[lli, E... , " . ...... ]; ........ • . ilI iI Iii VICTOR A. MEYERS -Secretary, e Stat