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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 2(.) SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "&lt;Christmas|own, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Hastine Island Social Club Sans Labor Day Dance At Hall By Donette Glaser tlAF;.STINE - The Harsine l- l,rld l)(.'i'tl Club is hl,sy templet- ilg" lTnen+tents for their annual Lab,n' lOay dance. Music will he t;,pe rccordmg of Lawrence Welk, Rill Miller will again this year bmg: his phonograph ;rod ampli- fier' over, There wilt he a transistor r;d/o awarded aAld Itlidllighl, sup- per will he .ervod. Proceeds ft+ol]l the danc'e and supper will go into th< hall inprovemep,1 fund. Tinte: 9::;rl. Date: Sept, I. l-'lace: Com- murfity Hall, Saturda,y, Aug. 18. David Phil- lip,,+ Allison and Miss Linda Porter wet,'-: ma)'ra:d at lhe First Chris- liun Cllurch in Auhnrn. David is the :<,m of Mr. and Mrs. Charles g. Alhson of Seattle and t:htrstine. MRS. GEORGE BRADSHAW Wit;) tl{:l' sister's F//}tfron (if her+or and Ct,laz'les M. Allison was hi8 brc, tlwr's best ina.n. leoflowing a wedding trip down the Oregon Coast they will live in Seatile. Mrs. Alli,'on will complete her c01h'ge, edueatiort at tile Univer- slt.y (d:' \\;Vashington and Mr, Alli- s,)n, a /4raduate of Washington State University, will l.eaeb in a Seattle high school. Ttlose attending from he Shel- l()Ii-l-lar'sLino area were Dr. and Mrs. Otto Goldsehroidt and fmnily and Mayor and Mrs. l<'raltk Tray- and family. Da.vid attended Lincohl School and Shelton Junior High when his family lived here ili 19,t9 and 1950. l,,ii]{-la's folks hl:L/(.*, il sunln-ler home on r|'roasure Island and the young CfJH])l( ll'e well knclwn to Islanders. ELlA AND JIM MeAuliffee and son ].)al are ill the process of mov- ing to ltarstine front Still Fran- *'i ,4 e { ). Jim has just retired from the FII II [+'r:l neise.o fil'e department. l)an will chief Shelton high. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Hendry /(_;racc Scot.(  and son Brian ot North Shore. Hood Canal, are stay- lrHt r al the falrlJ]y sin/inlet home at their Saturday overnight guests, Mr. and Mrs. Mel {Pauline Hitch- cock) and children of Des Moines. Friday their family arriw,d for a picnic. Those attending were Wal- ter Scott, Mrs. Ralph Scott and children Suzie, Sally, Gary and Tommy, Mrs. Carl Matus <Betty Scott) and daughter Carol and guest,<L their cousins Betty and Lou Ormerod and children Kent ancl l)cnny, Lancaster. Calif., Mrs. Al- vin (Peggy Scott) and son Mark. The Hcndrys, not expecting any- one, went fishing and arrived home in time to say goodbye to their guess. Mrs. Ted Ness reports that their Garold's Cove Marina will be open weekends only in September and will be closed the rest of the win- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sebring, Hayfork, Calif. wilt live in the Hess home this winter. The Se- brings have been touring the northwest all summer and decided to spend the winter here and see how they like it before buying property here. Pat Nea and her felh)w nursing student |fiends, Pat Nellor and Jan Minkler and Gene Nell, Dave Larson and Naana Lci- serf from Tanganyka) all spent the weekend as Pat's guests. The boys are attending the Worthburg Seminary, Dubuque. Iowa and the girl are student nurses at Imman- uel Hospital tn Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hagland were also guests of the Nesses this weekend. THE HARSTINE Island Wom- en's eJub will meet Thursday, Sept. 6 at the Jim Lohrer home on Point Wilson. Harlin Jerrells returned home Tuesday from Glendale, Calif. where he spent the summer. This week's ferry tally of ve- hicles stands at 704. Making tile five-week total 3,315. The James Lohrers had as their Saturday afternoon guests the Walt Lohrers. Weekend guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Linnen- kohl and Mrs. Dellinger, Aberdeen. Monday luncheon guests were Mr [l:tllow this weeR. They had as Herb Spahr and daughter Patty. Sk;io";iSh Ch"i0h+Ya"ihi iai' .... Cricket Game To Shelton Group lly Mary Valley SKOK()MISIt There was qulle }l |el, of (!XCl[Ollterlt Ht |.he el'i(:Ret }Jlll, phtyed last rl'hlll',qday evp- lqBg', h('lwecll the kol.(llnlsh CtJl<ll - trH)ni, chill'oh yell)IS t')Pople and the :-lhellrm Baptist Youlh gl'oup. ',l'he finM scow: was 17-13 In favor 01 lh( SI]CItoll l'(>llt). ']"l'i V next g-a llle will lie with l't oociypr)t'l al 5;kolu)llliSh school gl()lli'ii.|S st:u'tiinl.'. :it (i;30 lLl'rl. Mr and Mrs. I)())l;ihl I)oal all,eve )+, MI Rainh:q' la;t Sutlu'day and ht(l l I'rl{-):l. elljtlylthle t.rlp, They ver(, aco)Yj)anied |iv l(ev Beql'n [,;r, qH: .. Mr, and Mrs. A.lfYcd t,elt. ::IV1 ±-/1 )'S. N/tIICy l hill [< alHt t4t)ll 2/: I,.' ']'h( lJ('lgJl:A'; ;-11'( qttlI. C ).i'll ) pl£oLog)'al:)iler falls and g()t a)] ,m- l.,.+,ml qiot of ;) t'llt) ])ttl)" VJFHpped ,.YOre}r] a. )>'co l'lirt,g 1 rmp. MI*, +s(l .M,s l?,ctl who will be.' lea:ring .'.i;t)) f(l' lheil" hOIIIP ll'l lgtql'aat. |h'h)u<|. were lhl'ilh'd with the F,<:/tlil If IiI .C('lt(!l'y. llll. AND MILS, Arlhur Johlt.son ;,'+')+! M's f.o)lald Por|l,r II l'ld <'.;lllil]l+'I" A][iSoll. LOS Ang'eles, at,- h.':ld('( ,, ])i(:ra(: slid fat)lily refill- )el/ a) P()irll l)oltaltee lal'k last }:,ll/] ;tl y H f I+Ol'|l()()ll .l|'. aJld MI','-;. Ctles|(.r Valley a|- [+'nt{e+t a latfl+t! dinner at Ihe l:0ll'lO (If lrIF, add MI'S. (]eorge Va.l- h:  ()_l l:-;la!ld ]Ail.:.e lea Thnrsday ev{.llllf, "]'l)e I'IIPSI.S ()1" honor wel'e Ali's< l,;tl:t |>arks arld Miss Daisy Lillh,. ('+nisins of Mrs. Chester Will¢inson in Shelton on Sunday l: fI erneon. l{il+,:ta lind Carol Evans are visili"; their gTandpa, renl, s. Mr. tJn<l Mrs. Archit, Vaughn while lheir par(,nls av(. g(,tting settled ill }t nev¢ hOIll(' ill 5k, at|le. Mr. and Mrs. Ha.v,s f)avis. Se- attle, spent the weekend in ),he Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Valley and daughter Tammy, Seattle. were m,er-night guests Friday of Mr. mm Mrs. Chester Valley. Sunday dinner guests at the Havoht ]-tllnler holne were Mr. arid Mrs. Jtlstln T-lyh)r and family of Oyster Bay. Mrs. Sl,'toley Johnson is visit- !ng' le)" pnrents. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liann P)'osl<)n. Monroe, tliis week. Don't fOl'et ihe prayer meet- ins at (he Skokomish Commun- ity church this Thursday evening ) 7:4,5. Mrs. Mahle ]'t U n ,.c) " tl i1(1 Mrs, Mary ]tllll|:,r Joill(-'d h|rs. VVihlla Vail in< h(:r granddatwhters. !('i- {}2y MeLe.lri. Island Lake. alid 'j'elTy fiild Jildy Dowil.l fl oul A il;i- kcim. Ca,lif.. for a piclltc at Twa- l:oli Slate Park. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rebrnan ll|;el'[aJiled a| a dinner Monday evetlin o" in honor of their nephew, A/2c John Rebman and his par- +,nt.s. Mr. and Mrs. Joim Rehman, She]ton. John will be leaving soon Ior l.(iwai'ds A,F.B. in California, ... LON6 WEEKEND BIIY$ AT PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 30 - 31, SEPT. 1 RIGHT TO LIMIT HAM STEAK °°"-*s'+ 89< To Fry -- Boneless Ib Hygrade's fully cooked whole, half or quarter FRYERS Fresh Washingtonwhole BodiedGr°wn Ib 35 c 36 Publ :September 6, 1962 ' tlll ERS--Greeting Shelton after summer vacal row, Marilyn John d In • Smith, 19, 701 lon, is in Mason f $2,500 bail G degree burg- caught in the 00tttY'$ .,+ saturday Mason County by saw g. l , ,-tAs) a deputy patrolman 3er, . assistant mana- Was called and lltl  door With a. key, checking Smith hid- he had en- got SOme beer. SPLIT BROILERS WashinF;00SdlGrown "39 c CUT-UP FRYERS Fresh -- Pan-Ready Washington Chiekens • 43< POTATOES V:d!e7 tronl Af-'hlaul, I{7 who :Ml. mid Mrs Bob Cleveland and i I • II d b,,ve'bcen visiting )'elatives Ihe family spenl the weekend in Se- I SHUR-FRESH, 22 OZ. JAR : NIBLET (MEXlCORN -- 5/$1.00) 12 OZ. TIN I w,,,.l<r:, ,,':,,., Olh,.,.s prese,,t at l.'.il" .rid '+layihg over-night wil.l, | !_||tlli,||,M,l=' . € :tlIA, O' WHOLE $ 00 'h(, dinrwl' w,u'e Mr. and Mrs. Ml'. and Mrs. li'red Wrighl inKent R CiilPS 39 N .,. Eh "t J,flliison at)( (Ill ghl.(: 1' Jaue|, 'Veek(,nd visil.ors at the Er|e : l,.V(,,,[-,¢rr,., .Mr, ai,,I }Ir. ()erie Hill- Sjolloh'll t)ome were Ml's. Sic- 1 SHURFINE, SELECT RIPE, 7 OZ. TIN : TASTEWELL, 14 OZ. BOTTLE | -- i +,., ,.,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,.,,. ,,,+,,.,,,,, ho,,,,.,,,+.+ ,,,+,,,,,.+o,.,,o,+ [PITTED OLIVES 4/1 i CATSUP 6/1 ] 'Pat.nll,y. ,.I,'. a),,I M)'.<,, AlvJ); Hul- £1"{')I, Los Augeh, s, Mrs. J?l'n Sehi .... ' $ ! ' ' $ 00 4 'll | h(,.rt, i)onn,) anti Mike, Sheltnn, "cer,, ,tacky tli;lrl Kimberl 3 of Port- Mr. and, Mrs, Sl,anley Jollfls()ll Sjohohxi and fanlily of Everett and 1 TASTEWELL, 60Z, TIN • GIANT SIZE -- 5¢ OFF DEAL PACK 1 e Of t+ <,,,,+,+\