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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ARNOLD AND SMITH Shelton. c ompletion is planned for ~' NEW EVENING HOURS Chapman is a Sheltonian, he January, 1974. i / Don Smith, of Arnold and was graduated from Shelton High Sandstrom said the new Smith Insurance Agency, has School, went to Seattle, and then structure, featuring Simpson announced that their office will returned here. tle and his wife, interior and exterior building begin Friday evening hours next Alice, have three children and products from Washington, i week. They will also be open make their home on the Cole Oregon and California plants, will .,. :~u, i.~ Road. consolidate sawmill and Saturday mornings. SIMPSON BUILDING engineering offices now in several )" ; FLIGHT INSTRUCTION CONTRACT AWARDED locations. Parking for 37 cars w!l ~, .i ~ !. OFFERED IN SHELTON Awarding of a contract to tile be provided at the buildings Capital Airways of Olympia isTriune Corporation of Olympia to entrance on Front Street. \\ ~" now offering flight instruction in build a new two-story officeEngineering and design are Shelton. Flight training is building for Simpson Timber under direction of Bob Holt, chief available for all ratings, beginners' Company waterfront operations engineer for Simpson special • ~ i through advanced, in Shelton was announced today projects. ! ~"~711" o by Henry P. Sandstrom, area improvementsAm°ng the conipany's offiCein the ~ CRAIGjoINS HEMBRoFFCHAPMAN manager-Northwest operati(ms, past year , Groundbrcaking for the have been new quarters at the Craig Chapman is now $225,000 project on the former Klamath and Korbel sawmills in associated with the Rocky Lawton Lumber Company site is California and modernization of '~i ,, has been in tim insurance business Hembroff Insurance Agency. Hescheduled for September 5, and tire McCleary plant office. f ~) r e i g h t y e a r s, t h e p a s t ~--------------------- DICK RUST, (left) boys and girls chairman for the S e ton Kiwanis Club, three-and-one-half years in ~; presents a check for $500 from the club to Jack Stark of the Mason County Attention! Recreation Association. It is expected that the money will be used for a at the new Mason County Recreation Association complex Piol peer sprinkler system on Johns Prairie. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, sets opening " Pioneer School will open Saturday, September1 Church slates baptismal service Tuesday for the new school year ..... • LOdge LIoseo The Northside Baptist Church the church at 3 p.m. and then go with bus routes the same as they is changing the time ()fits Sunday by car to the site of the were at the close of school last -- evening service September 3 for a baptismal service on Hammersley Applying for marriage licenses year, it was announced this week. Saturday, September 8 One new teacher, Peggy .... special outdoor baptismal service. Inlet, according to Reverend Paul The time of the service will bc Butterfield, pastor of the church, in the Mason County Auditor's ..... " ..... Enrollment dinner and dance, The Capitols Lieoerg, is joining the stall this office this wcck were: year and will teach first grade. changed from the normal hourof Andrew R. Tuson, 22, T-rfi McCullock, who taught SWIMMING AI 6:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. AIRP()R] POOL Those attending will meet at .m...m..,,..,Imm...,.,..,n..,m,, Shelton.Shelt°n' and R()xann ltiggins, 20, first" " g~rade last year,'AS taking" " over every 3rd Ttl t~ts( a y. Moose n~,,~nt)e~s only. ~C'W~ Danny R.,, Cooper,,34, Pacific the third grade teaching duties for Beach, and Cora Burdge, 33, West the Coming year. _------------------------ ::::-:::::::::::::-~A~r~vals Staton, Oregon. , ' T. LAte to Class)f, Albert Saunders, legal, 'L-'~ I~~ II ~(~~" ~'~"llll~''" " " O~L~/3 Shelton, and Toni Aldrich, legal, ~ ) ..._, / ]~"~ ~ ,', 23" CONSOLE TV, ant_nna and A son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kent. ,'~ fL~- " remote control, $30. 426-4878L. Hammond, 21 36 Laurel, Albert Whistone, 65, Tacoma, afte, 6 p.m. G8,30 August , 5. and Loretta Wall, 53, Tacoma.. . " (~----~tt--71('!t" ~/H~/iL~s'~ CONSCIENTIOLIS EVERGREEN A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. / College student is looking for a - ' small cottage or cabin. Electricity Robert J. Iluss, Post Office Box .......,...................... and indoor plumbing not 3, Long Beach, Washington, necessary. P.O. Box 6,2, August 27. '__ -- Register now (or Dance Classes Olympia. 866-5189. E8/30-9/I3 T R A s H B u R N E R, g o o d BALLET JAZZ LADLES BELLY DANCE every Wednesday condition, $35, 426-1266. T8/30 "=-----~----------------------------------- HighLOWPrecip. August 23 72 45 -- '70 T-BIRD, full power, priced to Legal Publications August 24 66 46 .15 TAP and ACROBATIC every Saturday sell. 426-5994. V8/30tfn ________-------- August 25 69 42 -- August 26 77 50 WHILE MATCHED Kenmore NOTICE OF APPLle.L,~T~I;~I August 27 71 50 washer oryer, good running FOR SHORELrNE;* August 28 69 51 condition, $85. 426-5301. A8/30 MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL August 29 67 55 LOST SMALL white book, calendar and address• Need for tax records. 9922 Des Moines Way, Seattle, 98108. L8/30 BABYSITTER IN my home. Three children, 7:30-3:30 Monday thru Friday. Transportation provided if necessary, no housework. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that MASON COUNTY PARK AND RECREATION BOARD has filed an application for a substantial development permit for the contruction or development of Park facilities -- cooking shelter, water to sites, fire pits, electrical service and restrooms located at Walker Park within Section 21 of 426-2503. W8/30 Township 20 N., Range 3 W.W.M. LOST Iq2 YR. OLD Siamese Mason County, Washington. Said neutered female, Lake Isabella development is proposed to be within Hammersley Inlet and/or its area, $25 reward. Return 2110 associated wetlands. Keg, 426-3089. D8/30 Any person desiring to 1970 PLYMOUTH, used WSP, express his views or to be notified of the action taken on this still very good transportation, application should notify the 426-2433. M8/30-9/6 Board of Mason County Commissioners in writing of his 1 9 73 YAMAHA DT3, low interest within thirty days of the mileage, good condition, $725. last date of publication of this Call 426-6251. L8/30 notice. Publication dates of this notice are August 30, 1973 and TWO BOYS for News Tribune September6, 1973. paper route in Shelton. 943-6354, 8/30-9/6-2t Olympia. M8/30 YARD SALE, furniture, clothes, misc. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 9-5, 430 Dearborn. R8/30 TWO BEDROOM cottaqe available Sept. 1, $90 month, $50 deposit, Grapeview, 426-4028, inquire at 9's Fair Harbor Marina. N8/30 LOST FEMALE German shepherd puppy, missing since Aug. 10, reward. Answers to Elka, Angleside area. 426-8569. A8/30 FOR SALE 1944 Jeep. Bonanza mini-bike. Call 426-1067 after 6 p.m. W8/30-9/6 Ports & Service 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Man. thru Fri. Jim Pauley Ford Mt. View IDEA -- The largest black and white screen in portable or console TV! 282 sq. in. picture 22 in. CUT $30 Call now NOW 88 I I Near-normal temperatures with no rain in view is the forecast for the weekend. Lows will range from 45 to 55 degrees with highs in the low 70s. Fate Man's character is his fate. Heraclitus 000 -- to be held at Nimrod Club-Shelton REGISTRATION: Wed., Sept. 5th & Sat., Sept. 8 VIRGINIA SCHMIDT All tea'chers members of Dance Educators of America. Our students are qualified for NCDTO tests. For information and free brochure call: SHELTON 426-5055; OLYMPIA 352-9693 or 491-5380 ~L oI i Size 6.50x13 whitewall tubeless plus $1.73 Fed. Ex. Tax per tire and old tires. plus $2.09 to $2.30 Fed. Ex. Tax per tire, depending on size, and old tires. OTHER SIZES LOW PRICED TOO SIZES ilus $2.43 to 2.47 Fed. Ex, ax per tire, i= depending on size. and old tires. 7.75x14 (F78-14) 7.lSxlS (F78-15) 8.25x14 (G78.14) 8.25x15 (G78-15) 8.55x14 8.SSxlS i * BRAKES * BATTERIES * BALANCING * RECAPPING Sth and East Main 19th and Pacific Ave. Front and Grove ~'1132 Thorn Ro,ld Shelton Puyallup Tacoma Ketchlkan, Alaska Serving Northwest Motorists for 50 Years * TUNE-UP * ALIGNING 628 Burwell Bremerton TRUCK TIRE SERVICE ~':H E LTON 426-3333 Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 30, 1973 X- COMPLETE FARM & GARDEN AND PET SERVICE 1 $HELTON-2121 OLYMPIC HIWAY N.-4126-334 }. END OESEASON INVENTO FLOOR MODELS AND ALL DEMONSTRATOR MOWERS i LAWNN 21" Jacobsen Turbo Vent 3 h.p. Briggs Engine Reg. $144.95 : NOW W- : GraSS SAVE $34.00 Catcher ! i ' Toro Gu rdia ! NOW *i27e i SAVE $3~,~ • ° Toro Wh,rlwl 21" Self-Propelled Reg. $159.95 X- ]i" SAVE $35.29 W- X- SNAPPER RIDER 5 h.p. Briggs 26" cut 5 speeds forward & reverse Reg. $439.95 SAVE $I00.00 NOW 25" cU Reg. $: SAVE CLEAR OUT WEEDS 12-4-8 -- 50 Covers 5,000 sq. ft. Reg. $5.95 NOW X" 100% organic, greens lawns. Great for all plants & shrubs. 50 lb. HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInlllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIInlllllllll ~| THIS WEEKEND'S FISH SPECIALS Half Beaks ........ 57c ea. Serpaes .......... 37c ea. Green Sailfin Mollies. 88c ea. Zebra Danios .... 10c ea. i l Check our tanks for Specials I every day '~i s,, o,u,.,,,,~.,,I,,T.N~s ~ L..m,,..,.I.m FOR OTHER AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE!