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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1973
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ome is a l un Faith Home is one of the agencies which receives funds from the Mason County United Good Neighbors. The annual UGH drive is coming up in a few weeks with plans for the drive progressing. The following story tells about the activities of Faith Home. A recent issue of an Olympic Peninsula newspaper carried the following story: "A sixteen-year-old girl - unwed, pregnant, and dependent on her parents for support - had no place to live Monday morning. "Her mother and stepfather, with whom she had been making her home, thought she had to find of things,' her mother told the juvenile court judge. 'She's got to get her 'head together; she needs counseling very much.' "The judge, looking very stern in his black chamber robe, but with sympathy he couldn't hide in his voice, asked the girl if she had seen the Faith Maternity Home in Tacoma. "With tears uncontrollably running down her face, she nodded her head. 'I like it,' she sobbed. "The judge cautioned her about her new home and the decision she will have to make when her child is born. 'Talk to your mother and the counselors at your new home,' he said, 'but she nodded, 'Yes sir!' residential care facility for the "And the juvenile court wasteenage girl who confronts the adjourned for the day." problems of an unwelcome Faith Home is located in a pregnancy; a group care venerable old building at 52nd residential program for teenagers and State Street in Tacoma, five who can't cope with home or blocks south of the Mall. Its school, but who arenotpregnant; program has served teenage girls for several years, trying to bring them the best of social and medical services. It is not uncommon for it to be serving girls from eight to ten counties of Washington and two to three states. Its services are provided by United Way organizations and the Episcopal Churches of the Diocese of Olympia. The program of Faith Home and a day school program for troubled girls who can live at home but need a special school setting. Moreover, maternity residential care has changed to become a maternity service - a broad spectrum of services to the girl, her family, her baby, the father of her child, and his family. Rising costs of group and maternity care have placed them beyond the ordinary family has made changes in these girl's family. In this time of rising costs, the average delivery of a baby is running between $600 and $1,200, counting everything. Faith Home is used by the people of the Shelton area three or four times each year. None of the families last year could pay the full cost of care, paying only between 48-65 percent. The difference was made up by the giving public, United Way programs, the Episcopal Churches and other generous people. budget, and United Way support One hundred twenty families have turned to Faith Home for help since January 1. The mere request starts a wide range of services; service to young families, a place where she could getthe decision Is yours alone, hangmg tames;it is nolonger just permits its reduction so that no to unwed mothers, young fathers, counseling,. ''A faint smile of a maternity-care center. Three one needing it wiU be deprived of therapy to famdles, parent .... trainin , assistance in using " 'She s mixed up about a lot understanding crossed her face as programs are offered today: a it. This is especially true for . .. g . ..... maternit" care because an aaopuon agencies, when me gm .... Ya ......... : .... chooses this alternative, and a lot kis f ty ffot ted ...... y ,,or ........ p covered by most medical plans ototner neipmi tnmgs. cIr CII h e r st(:lr and usually must be borne by the An intensive safety campaign in appalling ,numbers this year," Superintendent Allin said, "all [ ~ : ~" aimed at cutting down of thesaid Allin. Ronald H. Walker,park personnel have been ordered LIGHTNING LAST THURSDAY shattered a large maple tree on the E.G. number of accidents in Olympic Director of the National Parkto increase their vigilance and t J Trexler ranch near Mason Lake. Here, Trexler stands by the remains of the National Park was announced this Se rvice, has ordered a already intensive efforts to | tree which was scattered around his pasture. He estimated the tree was about week by Superintendent Roger W. system-wide, top, priority effort educate visitors to the perils of [ J 65 feet tall before being hit. Parts of the tree were thrown more than 150 AUin. to stem this fide. carelessness when on the water, feet. "In all of our national parkin an enort to cut down on scaling heights, observing wildlife system, 105 visitors have died this the number of accidents at - and ,speeding on park J & year, compared to 85 at this time Olympic National Park," roadways, i ii .ii [llll] lree , d d p [ h last year, aid Allin. "While ,972 [ , II • wasthe safest year for visitors tO REAL ESTATE fOR ONLY$5.00 re uce rice unc es the parkssince ,964, drownings ~rfsexP,fainingtheShelton The school district has 5 508 610 yearoverlast.are up33 percent- to48- this| R V i~~~:* Jj Monogram Crests-AUniqueGiftForAMan Lf\ulstrict's free and reduced applications available for those 6 574 688 I .u,ers Hood I Next to you, the most important thing gP[~m under the Federal eligible under the program. 7 633 760 "The campaign at Olympic / N°wA 'Poker Face' , in your man's life is his name. Give him [knth~c_la°ol Lunch Act willIncome limitations which 8 693 832 National Park," he added,"is part | a luxurious Monogram Crest with his 1 own initials for a promotion, birthday, [rl~;'~,°me with each student, determine eligibility are: 9 747 896 of a coordinated effort to cut | anniversary, or graduation. [llr; ed price for eligible ra,,,,hlv Gross In,.,,--, 10 800 960 down on accidents throughout I He'll love personalizing his car, his ['l'h~'~ uve cents for all.~. ." ........ J "'"~. .... . 1 1 853 1,024 the National Park Service's 298 / don't get us wrong. We don't mean a dour, I I wallet, belt, golf bag, luggage, briefcase, nnouncement to ...... vamity Keducea • 907 .... l'le With-'~,~_' de sent . . . ~z t,uoo areas. People are killing and/ gloomy-looking countenance with a personality to match. I I camera, gun, lighter. I t h size lree price I A buyer is best advised to have an attitude of naturalI | They are self-adhering and affix easily tractR h thechildren will For each additional familymaiming themselves in our parks I politeness when negotiating what may be the most important I l yet permanently to leather, plastic, vinyl, thd ,-,dose who are not 1 $228 $ 273 member, add $53 on the free / purchase of his life; excess enthusiasm can throw a wrench into I I wood, metal, or glass. |%'1 w .h the decision of the 2 300 360 column and $64 on the reduced I vital price negotiations that co.uId come later. I •lic;ti""d!strict °n their 3 372 447 nricec°lumn'[, eal"uan " a denialthey canhaVe contact the i t a I . Owners e,n .uman natura,,. es, eto. t ["'~ .. You'll probably want one for yourself. [I '"un that 4 443 532 r I as they can for their property and may well mistake excessive I Ik~TM ~PPeal. Those who wish • I price, when it is not. . .... I Mus "" II I enthusiasm of a prospective buyer as acceptance of a high asking | I The result could be that the owner refuses to 10uage on a nigh I II • c e de:iO't • l If you are "madly in love" with a property, keep in mind that, I l~~J'~ ' 426-3283 [~;erl a r°s'26a;;~8tant Cha,rmen are appointed I is. I I price and a deadlock results. I I ,,. ~,. & Franklin 4 I you have to consider the price also. Confine your enthusiastic I einf°r " " " I I i"~e-in.f°rmation rovided on The following community Mrs Joyce Norris Snelton, Coming , comments to your Realtor; he is working to achieve a solution I I _-=24_ .-~_, ._~._~_ [ ~ I satisfactory to both parties. I I * Free Parking tldePnP)i, cati0n wPl be kept chairmen havebeenappointedfor943-8242; Mrs. Robert Smith, I Almost all properties ultimately sell for their true value, but I ~t:ai?nd every effort will the 1973 Breath of Life Potlatch, 877-9225; Mrs. Karen I Sept. 2 ~$t l | sometimes only after a little ,iv,and-take bargaining with, I * Free Gift Wrap ~h'~ld°oPreventidentification Campaign, National Cystic Kellogg, Lake Limerick, I I i adjustments by both sMes. | I You will prejudice your bargaining position by being too I I ~:,urenprice receiving free. or Fibrosis Research Foundation, to 426-8387. I Ford J I eager and perhaps even hinder the conclusion of a satisfactory | |--u lunches fight children'slung diseases. Jim PauJey j final agreement. J I I 1 ii | I • ,e e DELO OR SPECIAL 2-DAY SPECIAL IMIT CASE 311oes, W.EEL SET- MOST CARS R NEW ALL CARS 3YR. GUARANTEE 4YR. EX. GUARANTEE '" NEW CLOSE OUT PLUS Road King of Dayton 4-PLY NYLON ALL SIZES SALES TAX ONLY -- EVERYDAY CUT-RATE Wide Track Super 60 Series 2-DAY SPECIAL G -60- 14 G -60 - 15 F-60- 14 F-60-15 PLUS SALES TAX ONLY BUYS PR. Highway Tread ALL SIZES PLUS SALES TAX ONLY -- NO SMALL PRINT ADDITIONS FRAM NEW NEW DATSUN EX. CHRY. PROD. AUTOLITE AC OR FORD EVERYDAY G,M. TOYOTA,. MAZDA, FOR FORDS OFF LIST AUTOLITE EVERYDAY REBUILT G.M. HOIST OIL - 5 GAL. GEAR OIL - 5 GAL. TYPE FRAM WINDSHIELD WIPER BUY A COMPLETE BLADE FOR THE PRICE NEW G.M. OF REFILLS EX. EVERYDAY PR. EACH FORD - CHEV. ORIGINAL TYPE I.X.M. MUD & SNOW NEW HEAVY DUTY r 40% OFF LIST ALL CARS REBUILT PRICE - NEW QUALITY PAIR EACH ARE NOT Thursday, August 30, 1973 -' Shelton-Mason County :Journal -qU ge 11"8