August 30, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 30, 1973 |
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pie is
on we
ing annlversa
There are 763,594 native
!~dmns in the United States,
according to a federal census
report that has just been released,
Congresswoman Julia Butler
Hansen, Democrat, Washington,
MATLOCK - LeRoy Valley
and Jean and Sam Diggle took
their folks to the Oyster House in
Olympia Saturday night and
treated them to dinner for their
wedding anniversary.
visiting the Bradberrys.
We are sorry to report that
Clarence (Doc) Palmer died at
Saint Joseph Hospital in
Aberdeen Sunday.
Word was received here that
Max Cash of Lake Stevens is
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helen
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
A.C. Anderson of Port Orchard,
went to the castle in I-loquiam
and then to Westport on
and son, Bill, of Tacoma, spent
several days last week with Mrs.
Alta Kelly and then took Mrs.
Kelly home with
week's visit with
r o o o ,llllllP 0 o 0 o 0 ooo
reports. The total includes Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker doing real well and is home from Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
375,384 males and 388,210 and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollatz the hospital after surgery, spent Sunday at the Paul I
females, spent last week in Eastern Tuesday guests of the Rossmaier home at Rainier. Paul
Of the total, 379,214 Indians , ~ Washington. William Barnes Sr. home were is in the dairy business and has 50 1
reside in the western portionof Mr. and Mrs. Pollard of Mrs. Arthur Armstrong of Jersey cows. ~ i i
the nation. This includes 30,824 THIS OI-D GRANDDAD (or grandma -- its sex and age are Centralia were recent dinner Bellevue, Mrs. A.C. Tillman, Mrs. Saturday dinner guests of Mr.
in the state of Washington and unknown) lives in the tanks of the Point Whitney Shellfishguests at the James K. Gribble Byron Francis and the Misses and Mrs. Dick Topper were Mr. 1
13,210 in Oregon. Laboratory near Brinnon. A fisherman hauled up the critterhome. They also had guests from Genevieve Glennel and Lillian Fay and Mrs. Don narterson and i Pre- Registration
The populations listed for in Dabob Bay in 1972. Weight six pounds, length 14 inches.Indiana for a few days. of Seattle. Saturday Mrs. Betty daughters of Shelton.
nine reservations in the state of The Pacific oyster, a Japanese species, was introduced into Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper and Fellows of Edmonds spent the Mr. and Mrs. Don Siehl and I
Washington are: Colville 1,417; Puget Sound in 1902 and Hood Canal in the 1930's. Susan enjoyed dinner at Oakridge day at the Barnes home. children of Belfair were Monday i Child's Name
Lummi 651; Makah 443;Quinault near Elma to celebrate Mrs. Hugh Callow, Dick Callow evening dinner guests at the Grant
639; Skokomish lO0; Spokane Tupper's birthday, and son of Seattle visited Siehl home.
559; Swinomish 214;Tulalip 352, Mrs. David Smith and children Saturday at the Elvin Itearing Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Duyff ofit Parent's Name
and Yakima 2,509.
.. ~ ..("amn,-,rou nd charnes_~ of Humptulips are spending this home. They are sons of the late Seabeck were Monday visitors at v
week with their mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Callow who the Elvin Hearing home. Mrs.
340,367 of the nation's Indians el
reside in urban areas. Those m tO be disc:on|inu Arch e Ke,,ey. Sunday they al, were former Mat,ock residents. Duyff was super,.endent of
called on the Case and TupperMr. and Mrs. I.C. Ford spent Mary M. Knight School 30 years I Phone ___
rural areas include 375,822 who Charge for use of nationalwith u mechanical and hydraulic familics in the afternoon, several days last week at Vashon ago and now is retired.
have occupations other than forest campgrounds in Oregonequipment. ,, Grandson ofMrs. CondaDick,Island with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier
farming, while 47,405 are listed as and Washington will be stopped Schlapfer sald reasonably Ted Fiskewold, stationed at Long Stockton. were Tuesday evening dinner CII I~ i 17
rural areafarmers, immediately, according to available showers' is interpreted Beach Naval Station visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes ! Monday & Wednesday - Tuesday & Ttul
There are 213,770 Indians Regional Forester Theodore A. to mean within w',dking distance Wednesday and they all went to visited the Clarence Creamer Goodburn of Port Orchard.
residing on reservations, while the Schlapfer, U.S. Forest Service. and "reasonably,available sanitary the Tom Olson home at Shelton family Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Skidmore |i Please list the most convenient day and time,
remainder numbering 549,824 are Sch' fe a" the a ~" disposal stations' as being within and spent the night. Ted is Mrs. Eli Bradshaw and Mrs.
living in urban or rural areas off • lap r s m "orlon was " " I (morning or afternoon) for you and mail fornl
taken at the direction of Forest five miles ,,)I the recreation site. formerly of Minnesota. Larry Walker and girls are
the reservations. ' .
' The Pacific Northwest Regmn spen i~ week with the Ear
Indians in the state of Service Chief John R. McGuire ' '' " ' " Mr. and Mrs. Don Siehl and 1 Cub Ta~ rn
, . . ' has 1")00 developed campgrounds, children of Belfair and Duane T I I
Washington include 15,422 males after the president si~ned into law ' "-
a " - ~ .... "~ .........and 2°5 of them have b'een under Siehl of Federal Way were Sunday ,~--..~/.~ Mason $fieffons I ti alll$aml/el$(
and 15,402 females. There are • bill pronlnlunP, cna,~,~s a, "-
- "~ ~ thechar'csystemNoneof the ~ I
16,102 Indians in the state campgrounds without flush " • g" , ' . dinner guests at the Grant Siehl ~ County VFW
toilets, reasonably available225 sites appear to qualify under home. N o 1C, 94 SporttDenter
residing in urban areas, with showers and sanitary disposal the n,ew law (PL 93-8!). Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helen L~,k,~Z~ and Aux,I- I t
13,541 living in rural areas but ~ i a, y meets Home of the I i 706 Cota St. Shelton
not engaged in farming, while stations, and visitor protection Earlier, one natmnal forest, called on Mr. and Mrs. Arvid "M* l~t and 3,d MUG
controls, theMr. Hood, had contracted for Johnson of Skokomish last week. Fridays. Memo,,a, Bldg., 2r,d •CLUB I
1,181 are farming in rurai areas. _ ........ concessionaire operation of a few Dan Goodburn of Shelton and Franklin. Commande~: Lee
in the Oregon census there are/~ls,): prommteu are cnarges' " " camn~rounds in an effort to cope spent last week at the R.E Chapman, 42~;-8560. Se, vice Supel Hot Dogs, Ch I, II Please register by Sept. 5th
6,244 males and 6,966 females, facilities such as. wlm""Jme .... laCK Ol llla--n-ow-p er ana" Bradberry home. They all wentofficer: Eugene Hyatt, 109 So. 2ml J ,,.--.--.--.~--.--.--.-.--.
Of the total, 6,976 Indians reside picnic, ...... areas and boat ramps: money. Charges may continue at deep-sea fishing at Westport 426-8(,62.
in urban areas, these campgrounds. Friday. Michele Goodburn is
for Jack Harris
Sept. l st., 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Gfapewe.,J F lrehall, Rulh~e and Her Rhythmalrs
$6 per couple - food included
Sponsored by Grapeview Fire Aux.
& Grapeview Mothers' Club
E--:sHM-i; N T S--:::::-I
ii¸ !ii!:ii i!! !iiiii:ililiZi!i!:ili iiii?!Z :i
8 oz. Top Sirloin
....... • ..... • •
Prawns ............ ,
Open fol breakfast 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. everydaY.
Phone 877-9733
RESTAI ,NT , mile S- OI
Friday & Saturday
veal 400
Cordon Bieu ............
Oysters ............
"The Gold Country"
Appearing Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights
from 9:30 - 1:30 a.m.
Belfair, Wa.
up comln
this ad paid for by
Earl Owen
Friday & Saturday 9:30-1:30
o Seafare
Friday night
buffet 6 - 9
L ......... , ..... I
Every night,
from 10 p.m.
Excellent Food
Steaks, seafood,
• Cocktails
In Hoodsport In the
on Hood Canal
Mill Room
Everybody Welcome
Overlooking the lake.
This Saturday Night
French Dinner
Free Dance
Music by MARLENE and her Trio
Open 8 a.m.-8 p.m. -- 7 Days a Week
Serving Sandwiches, Short Orders.
Dining Room & Lounge open 4 p.m.
Open Sundays from noon.
Call Ralph Bennett, Genl. Mgr. at 426-3581
You missed
your free
Check daily at the
Ph. 426-4468
7th & Railroad
At Thunderbird Motel
the m0 "
We'll be
Fried lti ,t•
Shehon - 1st and Harvard
Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 30, 1973