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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~- ~. ~. ~-- -~_..~. ~.. ---~v~.~A ~.. ~ ~_ . ~-~v~ A ~ ~ A~._+ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ A~~~. ~ ~. -- Legal Publkations Legal Publications ' Legal Publications Legal Publications CALLFOR BIDS buried 600 pair telephone cable NOTICE IS FURTHER an application for a substantial Sealed bids will be received by upon a portion of State Route GIVEN: That said Hearing will be development permit for the Sports twenty-five years ago.. seats tothe~HOOdbeCana152ozDiStrict Koroseal" t No. 404 "e i"°r prepare anew'°" Resolut on declar ngin (~l~~br~ MasOn, e countY,mov,n~ t n _ store held at the office Ofe the CountYill= Auto Glass IiiiII ~ II construction After 5 or Installations development~ 8/30-9/6-2t 426-8896| of/111 llFinsuranCereo ofl~-- -''- Drugs ~,,,s..+nce 7th &.+226olymp,~ H~. N Park 1VIBilHk II W r 426-3344, ..... ALL STAR TIME. 0ledf IIP~~Z ~ Rental Service ~ 1 l'Jl. (.y,}+.,~ }¢wy N 42~ 34s3 ~ calculato, s ~~, jJ at the School District Office, R.R. Washington, for a period to expire Commissioners at the CourthousePark facilities -- parking area rest ...... =-------_------------_----=_--~------~. .......... 5, Box 392, Shelton, Sept. 10,September 19, 1991 at the in Shelton, Washington, at 11:00 rooms, electrical service, well, and ?. 1973 at 8 p.m. for 1-79 passenger following locations: A.M., Monday, ~eptember 10, septic tank and water to picnic ,~, school bus. Transit type fwd. Beginning at a point on the ]973. A nterested persons may sites located at Mason Lake Park : ; control 12,000 lb. front ax e. Bus westerly side of SR 101 oppos te appear at said Hearing to be he d within Section 34 of Township 22 Four minutes constituted the time Ken Cardinal, i " to be delivered ]80 days. The approximate Mile Post 344.47 for the ,purpose of hearing the No., Range 2 W.W.M. Mason 6'5" Shelton athlete was allowed to play in the high k ~' Board reserves the right to reject located in the SWl/4 NWV4 of Engineers report on sad CountyCounty Washington. Said school All-Star football game at the University of + | : any or all bids and waver Section 12, Townsnip 20 North, roads, development is proposed to be Washington Saturday. k :~.. ~: t . informalities, no bidder may Range 4 West, W.M,.; thence in a DATED this 20th day of within Mason Lake and/or its W ;~ withdraw his bid after the timegeneral northerw airection to aAugust 1973. associated wetlands. Phil Bayley is leading the men's division of the ''~i' "~ set for the opening unless the termination point opposite BOARD OF COUNTY Any person desiring to Eclectic tournament at Bayshore. Following him are ...... ~ ~ award of contract is delayed for a approximate Mile Post 344.00 COMMISSIONERS OF express his views or to be notified George Ashbaugh, Gone Burgoyne, Louie Keyser. Phil ' ~. : period exceeding30 (thirty) days located in the ,SEll4 SEll4 of MASON COUNTY, of the action taken on this f,..~ i Bus must meet Washington StateSection 2, Township 20 North, WASHINGTON Murphy, Heinie Hilderman, and nolle Halbert. ~: '; Sch ool bus standards and Range 4 West, W.M. /s/By Ruth E. Etoysen applicatiOnBoard of shoUldMasonnOtifYcountythe Z ~i specifications. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS Auditor & Clerk of Commissioners in writing of his : ;~ ~ 1. Motor to be 391 cu. inches HEREBY GIVEN: the Board interest within thirty days of the !+~ or more, air stop sign; Allison That a hearing will be held on 8/30-7/6-2tlast date of publication of this .~: ~ ~; Automate MT-540 Transmsson- sad application by the ~ notice. Publication dates of this M~DVEC .~ ~ "~ 2. Heavy duty axle ]8500 b' Washington State Highway notice are August 30 ]973 and ~+~i~ ~:~ ~:~ Rear. 12,000 Ib: front axle: CHoMmissi~lJiti~Sra~iffiC~uii~ ithe NOTICE OF APPLICATION September6, 1973. ' ~ ...... ~ Governed L~bU M P H 3 6 g ay a ng ~ k;:i ~ • .... . ' FOR SHORELINE il~ "~ Wheels, I0 hole budd. 10:00 x 20 Olympia, Washlngton, on the MANLIP.~¢N'r I:III~I:TANTIAI TIRECAP ;~. ++ ~ x 7'/2.; 4. 6 tires and tubes 10:00 ]7th day of September, 1973, at '-'nGExT£Cb~l;~i'E&~r~l~E/dff--- k ~ i~ :~ x 20 two Good Year Hi Milers & 1:30 P.M., or as soon thereafter as Nnf r. ~ '~'~.l~v oiven that lJ?~ ~, :: + ; 4 snow & mud tres Rear hearing may De naG. -............. & CAR CARE ~ ::~ :;+~,; : " MASON COUNTY PARK AND ~ii ! i 5. 12 volt electrical system DATED at Olympia, I~I=C'I~I=ATCIN I:lnAl:li-l has filed mwowrongs ~:~i~ ~iL. alternator 130 amp. Bat. 12 vote Washmgton, this 13th day of "-~"-"~-~'i~.'~,~" ;-'~"~''~'~--,,h~'-f-~nt~ Capital punishment is as ........... vv ....................... 1st & Cota Shelton .. ~ 'lt i ~ I 220 amp 6. Tachometer e oct July 1973. fundamentally wrong as a cure for +~; .... ~ ~. ] ~ ", ' development perm=t for the . i ~ 7. Brakes 161bx 7 rear. 16/2 x 5 W.A..Buller . construction or development of ' I1 I I II1 front. 12 C.I-.M. air compressor ueputy uirecror n=~U ,~,.;i;÷; ; n cnnkinn crinle as charity is wrorlgas a cure..... .... ~~ , , ' ......:~:~ " front whee, ,,mlt,ng valve.; 8. 8/23-30-9/6-3t ¢h.lf .... . .,#~t-,r,~'R serv c. for poverty. I | ill ~ Fuel tank 60 gal.; 9. Split Sash --~ pea'ted ,at Shorecres;~-'Park within Henry Ford : Windows. SwRe~iLng~ 2W] V~aMi: Od~e~M ~ohe i ~Cm2Oe0Unn?Y Illll I A I U ]r n0Ln! Iz;eod:~ ~ tsic a ts bai::' ra°nnmd NNgT' Cg g F, HE AHR/NR% B y s * , , I I II I I., ~ [] wmd°~ ;H~ nut~+~ ~n==b~. allqd GIVEN: That the Board of proposed to be within Hammersley I I II I I I I • ',-','~: "".'_'~,_Z:_,~"~.:~2.~"",''' ;~" County Commissioners did on Inlet and/or ,ts associated ii. I I am = m II [] [] ~lantds~Vi~3"w/;ersV~r'~-[[;yTo; ~" August 13, 1973, drecttheCerkwetlands, desirln llil IIi | " ' to Any person g ,o , slness, irectory r~_l~,~/l~ .... , • . ......... .~+ ' *, ,rye their intention to establish theexpress his v!ews or to be notif!ed • ;~_rm L;LAREY of Shelton boated 68 pounds of w~n. ~,ua ....... ~- ,~o na=r roads of Hiehland Estates as of the action taken on mis W?I!e trolling off the caves at Sekiu on August 8. Theaccep~e°l~lubber fenders front and .C.ounty Ro(ds, EXCEPTING applicatior~ should nnO~fy..the "~lned on ...... - ............ those roans w nicn were I:soara u .... U lily Ii "~ ,-w, ,.,, an(] z/pounos rear." J,b. ~.ux.~o~y emerg, a~r " he Commissioners in writing of his - " • :' " be ~n ..... establ~s d on September 7 ....... DraKe to cnorioK.; 1/. 1971 interest with n tntrry clays of tbe ~~~ Power Steering; 18. Heater to be The descrintion of said roads last date of publication of this 85,000 front and 12 000 B T U " " " " defrost fan 1'9 Ru"'~: ;" as fo ows: notice. PubLicahon dates of this rear. i ; . D ~UD "All the roads of the Plat of notice are ~uqust 30, 1973 and I~.-.__ _e • I floor and stops throughout. Hinhland E~tat~ Nn 1 ,-~ndSeptember 6, 1973. -l-mnlinn 4Plill 20 Dryers seat to be std .,L=+.~ ; .. ;-e ;--~ ;: .k ...... .+ - 8/30 9~6 2t " ----'ilium • VI • il • . ~., ,., ,.... ;__,. ,.,. ,, _ " I'~O /, cALr~'/ [nose roans t " t - II • - sea.[.;.z1. 13do;,:J~P~;L~Z._.Heaaer which were established till . _ • . 1 pad aDove ; - Peking gas on Sentemh,~, "+ ,n-~ ,, Ill I~, II~ll611~ lilll cap door; 24. Tail pipe extended FURT~-~ER~='-'~=l~e~olu+i--n "'~TICE OF APP- ........ t sn,.,, . u'ru,~"'Y'~L..~, ¢~. ........ did instruct the County Engineer FOR SHORELINE r ;i';]~' boatmen ,are waters of the United States. AsNo ~o .......... uu, u,str,crto report on said road MANA~gggpNMTISUBSTANTIAL ,,, the term oil the aeencv responsible for "b-.h~l Pill establisi~ e t and request the DEW ENTPERMIT Air Conditioning "--'---'--'3 " -- but many oI them enforcing" the" pohcy the Coast• ~'.'~.f~r'v'". Prosecuting. Attorney to review Notice "s hereby .mven that | and Heating ~ IC°'ns '" ] Radiator Repair-- be f ..... and give approval to the steps MASON COUNTY PARK AND I c ...... i-lought A,id Sold II 426-3483 llll-)lls than?illar~[ makeW]thfinesfedem]and ~tepGUardtoWillpreventtake everYoi] dischargesP°Smble _~_~__ 8/30-9/6-2ttherein ordered. RECREATION BOARD has filed I Engineering I I estate anp,~,sa~s l I Possible for anyone from happening and enforce the '~ ~Ven - • . • . Waters , FRANCHISE APPLICATION r Admi ...... The admiral concluded, 'The In the Matter of the /~'111~/ # R~ll~/~l~' IIk/Rll~ iM Jr, co'...°~__~aester ..~" job of making our waters clean is Application of Pacific NW Bell I I Concrete~ Refrigeration ~ 1 ,~ 2 -,=uanuer OI me - ,- -~ .- .Telephone company for a ..u[0 [:on_st Guard District" . an enormous task .... anu one tnat franchise" to co sn truct, operate I 181 'V O,C" . .o.-.,. V,ew" I i --Ready-mix Concrete I I o,r, m0, ,0, ,,,,or, r,0, I st pie can be accom hsh¢d only with 70. . Hw. asure boatmen and " P and maintain a bur ed 600 pair I " I ~a~erci~ ...... the cooperation of all those who telephone cable upon a portion of I - Sand, Gravel Brick & Stone I I * I P tllenls;]v:sPe~at??+9°n[, use our waters. Boat owners and State Route.No: 101, in Mason I I Kellogg mechanical I ' -- Concrete Culverts & Blocks , , S+,,es- So,vice | I -- Fireplace Screens & Tools I I .,,'OOO m,¢...,+~. I 0 =apUtt;lltlO.l County, wasmngton . f Polluti operators should take every .. - • ,to.._ . on. But the ...... WHEREAS, the.Pac,f,c I Complete Automoteve Servece I I+°sEcedar 426~3°Sl I GRAYSTON|ofSH|LTON II ,05E. Cedar ,++.s+0sI pcrat precaution to prevent O11 I r :., or of any vessel Northwest Bel Telephone I I it S a SUl:)ertznk .... ~ discharges and be preparedto Company, a corporation, has filed I ~' Which ~char_"_~_` ~: :" comply with the law when a spill with the Washington .State I I ; tho , u. is ,, Highway t.ommission, unoer the • m -- . . i ,, • Remodeling iba,.~ law. Public Law occurs. , ....... provisions of Chapter 47.44 RCW I tor Appointmenl IL~II I Air Conditioning & ~ Custom Gun Stocks , l e~es spilling, dumping, Anyone wno s~ghts an o,£ spin and amendments thereto, an I I I Heating i ~ I Carpenhy- Remodeling I mPtyin.... ~: .... is asked to report it to the nearest application for a franchise to I - - i J~lii~l~ "~A * W stocks made Kitchen Cabinets Ne r " - :°:Tt o? oilU'mtoarg;h~ Coast Guard unit. construct, operate and malntalna I Alex -Ironey ,l¢ll-,:171 !, .o,, *Gas ' I * Old stocks ,eflndhed II .on mg Painting I • . - I I Free Estimates l )r 't~t,ors °f the United I II Boon'sPlumbing&Heoting I I *Glassbeddmg, mlaY~ II .,.¢oo,, I he ~; cont,gu.ous, zone __----.1.. ~l..,,~-----m---------~..l.------.~. 9=,. ~m. ~l..l.------~,.--~i.----------~l----- ],910 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-3483 i ' dl,,..d~lldlg~l ] Phone 426-6(-,02 5o- .ly exception 1s that . l 2 operatm ! o.oo ouo, ~"Chleavesathinsheen i ii • H d ;+ gaS°line on the water is ~ nln oo s ort .,,,.., ....,, . I lll I S~all " t Expert Installation I + Cosmetics I ! 13ulldozers-Loaders-Pumps i e'- boatman who is i +'°° ..... A/E 't JIM PAUI'IIY+ INC" ii +Prescriptions I I FOlding Banquet Tables I : ;=~fl COmpartment, orl°M"J l+ ouges, pun, ping 1111 /11 il U I I -- Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics I I ~ +.+.s, Hospital Beds, Etc. / ~il"gl'~le oil runs a risk of I III 1 1 I I Mt. View ~ 1 NELL'S PHARMACY I I ,tw R|NT$ / 221b W. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 ,,,cesl.a.'. a spill occurstheseveral serious ~ jIIIfll iF 11 ~ ~~i h , ~ 5th&Franklin Ph 426-3327 2216W.4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Titles n ,L I o the s iUe I i Ib~i~t~s!h! r~r s~end :!t Yhra I -- Major Overhauls I I Lmoleum Carpeting , I AI.'S SIEWI"G | o~ ::;o[ ! w~. -~- ----- Ever,,fhin,', Goes -- ! AutoRepairing .... FloorCovering-~'~-~] SewingMachines ! I~elar+ g to the Coast ~ ! --- / . ! I -Brakes & Ignition I , il--dless of the s,ze of I I/~l I ..:o. I --Welding& Tune-upsl l +Tile Formica I I .ACHINER|PAI= l .,o I I I Used machines for I ailtire .nlpt report must be .~ ',f, • @ rli_e_.__ e.__L__/ " I =.,ss,,v,~= I I REX FLOOR ¢OVERING II Mt. ViewSale and rent. I "- "nlPrisonment for up I , ~ I ~ Mt. View Ph. 42(',-2292 L 2004 Laure, 426-t8311 +4r [ipo , . S-'. "conviction. I ~ ~ I miler is also res on 1 It" that may be I "~ , .... Icl p siDle , ] Elroken gl~s, s icplaLed I ....... PtlY'l I e n.p . Back Hoe Service +Glass Sheet Metal & Welding-- ~es t tthe Coast Guard '', -.~ , I SepticTank c, ..... s ' ' BOON S I p,o,o I I p. . L.,..ha the cleanu-b+I ". Lann na s ADDJlance ,s movlna II *+""'"" / I Mirr°rs* 51~'bone'...... esl I lumblng&HeCltlng • IS ~0~ l" .~ . , 'IL ~ II ~ • I - Free Eshmates i I ..... . .. , ]dition-~ adequate, it will I '~ __ -- i i _ i I ! Bonded & Licensed / [ SHELTON GLASS CO. ] [ ~e, v+,lg ,v,,l~cJ,~ Lounw iPillbe~jl~da~3P and the li / to Shelton and must clear out l i • r all costs II / lDaleFleshman 42630731 l ~o,-,-a's~-s'e~on-e-;2~,;i~2 I I S,n~e 1948 I / I '%1 o- wrier or operator ~ ,'Lil Ill • • i ~(iis~C~a;;~°roe?l'de/:l;ili~Ye | ~)~U~UUU in malor , Beauty I =~eating- Shoe Repair~ + ,, P_e"alty which may I / --- - ! I- Complete Hair Care I I II * Polishes & laces of el' kinds ' ! - wigs - wiglets - Switche+ I I .. I I * All types of boots and shoes I • t~eating & Cooling I I repaired. liltiChIct~lll~Ok $$,000nia.y otherf°r eactllaws Ill Appliances & Wsl t , -Merle Norman Cosmetics | I Sales&Service I I EXPERT $HOIt ,~i~9 Pena|ti~s may be I~ II --Pennyrich Bras I I .Sheet Metal II .=p.,. $.o, ~ be~'~00 Provides that i I | ILAINE'$ BtAUTY SALON | I sxmoN FURNACE CO, I I 3,, Grove Street ~. "eSsed when an I . . .. , I +th, Laurel 426-4582 J I ++' S +,d 426-4792 l .............. ~" ~)f aefe t Also an assortment ot small ! iv? n°'~ii!i deral civil I! dm:I IcableTv II Let us do,t for you I Farm Slaughtering"------'--- I I opplionces. Some to go at I For Service Call / I ..... II *Cutting& Wrapping :'~lli,iral ichmond ! cost rather than move them I | +us,,,ess-Pre,e,red n,sl,, ' I *Cu,ing, Sausage 1 insllrarlce I~, ~tir c~nty bLISli~eSS. I 1 . Shat,~ Freezin,~ atlt;"~:.~ had declared ' +-+/ &INOtD & SMITH ~ ~i 0f ~..l'e.+..uc Will be no • O ! i I,,, ~ +o.~"+~,,~N.~o,+ .~o ,,,, II Kamllche HOMi MIAT $11V1¢! tll't t'' y of the United I t ou e o . W u ...... ' I 426-1415 i I ,l(:~ ~U or • " 11 hazard e ' w,II be sell,ng at much below I Carpetlnstallation • Masonry 'l Tel vi " " o the nav~ I " I / e slon bervlce '9%~, I normal to costs. II I --Fireplaces /I _ _ I ,1,'~ i. ,a 1 __ | CHUCK'S CARPET I -- All brick and / I Roy & Jo's , TV Repair k-'"% p-- ' " : , sf.vl¢= . I -- B,ock work / I I ~0II ^ a[rlCK ~t,. A ~ ,,,ON,--,ON., / I I ot Mr l .. + , re++ 2 at C- at the Marine I _ oAmA ". *rap Pe I rll:)l trillS/ ' ndleton,. a I II ,4P ¢I • . Ceramics I pewr I~V wuit? I F,rst served [ I Adult & Ch.dren C,asses I I Perenma,s- Sh uhs- Trees / I c"~°'i~ I I Greenware Firing II MT. VlIW GAIIDtN SHOP /i ,==2=;: ::lrfs & -- ,'~erv'¢e ,! ,.1/ _o t I MT. VllW CIRAMIeS I | 1610 Olympic Hiway No. / ! IOUlPMfNT ] IF lll --14h lI • [ 'z'"+'+ | L 426-1313 l I''4s Seco.d t 'm t-- ^ I1 lllllllll l i 1 •,,,0" -- m. I' In LI ~1 I~ Pt' ~" "I Chain Saws~ "! Pit;robing i Upholstery ' 3 Fri II 1OOlh4Sll/OI I I +"°''