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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE For Sale For Sale Cars Used (=rs 4T4E,RRY_ 19' travel trailer RUMMAGE SALE 1735 Adams MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at 1965 CHEV % ton pickup. 1971 '70 FORD half ton V-8, ps, pb, ark model 1 200 426-16,, ' $ , • behind A&W Friday 31, 10-4. Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and 350 engine, new paint inside andheavy bumper, also small camper 9 La"--,~1, evenings Baby and girls' clothing, misc. Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfnout, heavy shocks, 6 tires and ideal for two, excellent shape, $8/30 ~ ~ split rimwheels, equipped for $2,895.426-4638. B.8/9-30 e-~L~.^RIUMS~ia~ ,""~+"'~ ~ ------ SHELTON JANITORIAL Service camper. 1969 8' overhead ~ ~- !i~nd 15'galYon?426"8098: FRONT YARD sale -- misc. carpet cleaning our speciality,camper, will sell 1 or both. '72 CHEVROLET Van, low household items, dishes, cookingphone 426-8936. S11/30tfn 426-5043 after 6 p.m. F8/30 mileage, excellent condition, utensils; linens, bedding, b/w portable TV, mahogany telephone CRUSHED ROCK for your September table and chair, etc. Cabin 2, driveway or the permanent I "1~2~ar Rout~ 1 B |,Fe~'an~;°u,te , 0x605, BayshoreResort, Sunday, Sept. 2,solution, concrete paving. |,mk'~ ,~.'Lu._ClUes, Jim Beam 12 noon to 4 p.m. 426-5943. Graystone, phone 426-3344. D8/30 2/7tfn 1 Itemb~ A L E A u gust 1945 GMC ton & half, twospeed WALLPAPER -- COMPLETE l~wa'n~oh ~l~a~Is rear end, cleat tractor, misc. Small selection. Lowest prices available. house, % acre, $4,500. Route 2, Coast to Coast Store,' 123 South Box 915, Shelton. R8/30-9/6 Second• 6/7tfn t~nvery reas.onable: FLUFFY SOFT and bright are MOST POPULAR sizes of tires {n= ko.n.•.amount and carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre• and batteries now m stock• Carl IIs~!l~ed. 426--85~,0, Rent electric shampooer, $1. Sears 426-8201. S2/8tfn Coast to Coast Store. C8/30 |0.'C~.U...M..pET new cost FOLDING STAIRWAY, almost AUCTIONnight at the EVETropicsRY Ballroom,Thursday ~; ~k ~-n~w.:l~o~-0ndition like new. For new. Elk hunter's camp stove. (Schneider's Prairie). Call ., e +0. New Ma.e 9,, asca e O,+0+9+0"0 O ,0.n 4-door Mark 2 air, new rad a s 0ttess $2,875. 14 cific Mariner, 35 trailer and Expensive carpet Y 13'x20', just 6-2384. B8/30 International trailer, air ~reo, roll up like new, ~, sacrifice, by Harstine /6 ROCKER recliner, ondition $30. 750, $150, take 426-1147. H8/30 sale lots of antiques, misc. Thursday day, 9-1. 1429 90 Avenue. J8/30 NEED GUTTERS? Call Norm 1946 CHEVROLET coupe, good FREE ONE gallon of root beer to Bunko at Sears for fast quotes on running order• Motor worked on, W.C. Buckley, Rt. 3, Box 241, continuous aluminum gutters, new brakes. Price $250. Call from Minor's A&W Drive-In on 426-8201. S6/]4tfn 426-4545. R8/30 Mt. View. A8/30 NEW TWO bedroom cabin, 1942 DODGE 4x4 off and on FREEZER -- USED 9'. Gibson Olympic Mrs. and lake view at road shake truck, has 15 ton upright, good condition, $70. Trails End Lake, Renton winch, 426-1494. H8/9-30 426-4313 or 426-4115. T8/30 AL5-8719. G8/9-30 FOR RENT lease or sale CEDAR FENCING call immediately, located Harstine Exceptional Foresters 426-1550 Island IH500D crawler with 4-1 for free estimate. Running foot drop loader. Bill Hunter P.O. Box approximate prices 3 ft $1.35, 4 78203, Seattle, 98178, phone ft. $1.55, 5 ft. $1.85, 6 ft. $2.15. 772-6828. H8/qtfn Includes labor• E5/2tfn USED ROSSOE oil furnace, good 175A Michigan Loader 23/4 yd. condition & duct work, all for bucket, 471 Detroit, airbrakes, $100 if you haul. 426-1298. clean. Call 268-3922, Westport. N8/23-30 C8/16-9/6 FORCED SALE, truck, saw, APPLIANCES, TI RES, over winch, line, misc. tools for cedar 150,000 items delivered in operation. Best offer. Morgan, Hoodsport. Sears Catalog Sales 426-5291. J8/23-30 Merchant, phone Hoodsport 877-5252• 7/]2tfn 14 FOOT fiberglass boat 18 hp L(:ANOPIE Evinrude motor with trailer. All S! in excellent condition, 426-6801. ESelection, lewes $600. R8/23-9/13 |)vm~. t prices IIl~ "N~c Peninsula. E : 24" long,wide b , DUO THERM oil heater, tank and [~ajor brands• ox pipes. 426-3256. G8/23-30 ~iaUpp.~YTRd~ILER¢'~HWA CORD WOOD for sale. Any ~i Y ~ SALES [ tsaD Kan0py King' length. Call Exceptional Foresters |! High. ' 426-1550. E10/Itfn I~r%~. way at Anderson //I J . 1.7 .l%cha//4 mile toward TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. [un ar~,'.~+, .tram Gorst• 4/16tfn L,, ~--a PASSING FANCIES by Jan topless." I~"m4~O~ 8/23-9/13 Danford. An illustrated book of verse and prose. $1.95 at the Journal and book stores. D2/24tfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, KELLY'S SHOP, antiques, second hand, glassware, furniture, fan PIANO• WALNUT Console Spinet belts. First left on Isabella Road, Piano. Assume low me. pymts. Shelton, 426-6685. K8/23tfn Also ORGAN with automatic rhythm. Phone collect CH3-9270 or write Credit Mgr., 612 S.W. 152nd, Seattle, Wn., 98]66. T8/23-30 refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5tfn on Cole Road SOIL OR l ish Valle t %st $- y op soil, bs" b.00 a yard. filled anytime. l%tim e, 426-3735. , Call 426-8993. D8/23tfn Uild% Materials ~:ncl & Gravel rushed Rock Reaay Mix TOP SOIL Skokomish Valley, good sandy loam, no rocks. Have supplied this dirt for lawns and gardens for 25 years. Deliver by truck load anywhere. Call 426-6749 after 5:30 call 426-2570. F.E• Ogden. 4/12tfn TOP SOIL And Peat Soil The best quality for lawns & gardens. Call Bob Brewer 426-4936 5/3tfn For The Finest In: PRE--CAST SEPTIC TANKS * CRUSHED ROCK * PRE--MIX * SAND * GRAVEL ARE WELCOME J LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone DAYS -- EVENINGS 9/3tfn Cars ]958 INTERNATIONAL pickup, excellent running condition $400. Call 426-1588. $8/30-9/6 '65 PONTIAC convertible for sale or trade for pickup 426-3178. C8/30 GOOD '52 Dodge pickup for sale or trade for car of equal value. Call 426-2477. A8/30-9/20 '72 SKYLARK Buick air conditioned. Call 426-5407. F8/30 Help Wanted NEED BABYSlT-r-E-R-Capit01 Hill area, 3 small children, 9-3 weekdays. Call 426-3120. G8/30 SCHOOL NURSE, salary scheduled, RN required. Should have PHN first level• Apply to automatic transmission, power Bruce Jaros, assistant 1966 GMC wide bed, three speed, steering and brakes• 426-4141. superintendent, Shelton School half ton. Phone 877-5483. V8/30 08/30 District, Evergreen Elementary School, phone 426-3118. '66 DODGE Dart wagon, newly 1961 GMC, V-6, four speed, good$8/23-9/6 rebuilt engine, transmission needs condition, Vz ton travelall $495. repair, good tires, $200. 426-8320. W7/12tfn MILLWRIGHT, SALARY open, 426-9380. E8/30 also swing shift custodian, salary %6 MERCURY Parklane, radio, scheduled. Start September 4. 1972 JAVELIN SST, V-8, duel heater, air cond., P.B., P.S•, clean Liberal fringe benefits and exhaust, new tires, air and very good condition, retirement• Apply to BruceJaros, conditioning, low mileage. 426-1479. S8/23-30 assistant superintendent, Shelton 426-3577. C8/30-9/20 Sch ool District, Evergreen 1956 ONE ton Chevy flatbed, 4 Elementary School, phone BEST OFFER over $3,]00. Most speed, 6 cylinder, good tires and 426-3118. $8/23-30 sell ]972 Gran Torino Squire engine. Phone 426-5671. wagon. Has all extras, power J8/23-30. steering and brakes, low mileage• Luggage rack. Superb condition. MUST SELL '68 Chev % ton CR5-6287, 426-9190. $8/30 pickup, power steering & brakes plus many extras. Excellent shape, $1,895. 426-8067. L8/23-30 '72 Dodge Coronet 4-dr., 318 V8 eng., power steering, air concl., war- ranty remaining ....... .$3,145 '72 Dodge Demon 6 cyl. engine, power steering, air canal., .... • $2,94E '72 Plym. Duster 6 cyl• eng., power steer- ing. canal .......... $2,895 "69 Dodge Polara 500 2-dr., H.T., automatic speed control, air cond., bucket $1, ^'ouo seats ................ 1964 Plymouth ................... $450 1935 DESOTO, airstream coupe, second owner, complete, restorable, fair shape, $495. 877-5434.58/23-30 1968 FORD F750 flatbed truck, power steering, radio. 5 speed main, 2-speed rear transmission $4,500. 426-4094. W8/23-30 BABYSITTER NEEDED Monday-Friday, Hoodsport area, write to P.O. Box 283, Hoodsport, 98548. T8/30 BABYSITTER NEEDED, my home, 8-4 Monday-Friday. Two children, I and 5 years. Own transportation, 426-4692 after 5 p.m. E8/30tfn Pets, Livestock 1970 EL CAMINO pickup, mag GRAIN FED weaner pigs, wheels, good condition. Call 426-1934. L8/30 Westport 268-3922. C8/16-9/6 ONE BLACK Shetland mare, HARDTOP FOR a C J5 Jeep, call gentle, good with children. 426-2745. S8/16-9/6 426-8669. C8/30 FOR SALE registered % Arabian Gelding. Well trained, gentle seven years. Oebby Shawver 426-3897. Wanted s8/3o ,.~- ----------------..-__-._-__-..-_ RIDING INSTRUCTION, Enqlish western jumping, Debby Shawver OFFICE FILE cabinet and 426-3897, Rt. 2, Box 645. $8/30 storage cabinet, 426-5865. B8/30 WANTED USED flute, good DOG CLIPPING, call Mrs. Scott condition around $75. Have one 426-2868. S5/10tfn in your closet? Call Mike 426-8548. C8/30 TWO REGISTERED Half Arab 16-month-old colts, both out of WANTED FRUIT jars, pints and Appey mares, one can be doubled registered• Both gentle, 426-8067. quarts• Call 426-1226. H8/30 L8/23-30 1,000,000 FT. per month- alder DOG CLIPPING and grooming• saw logs• 7" diameter and up. For appointments, call Mrs• Highest,prices in area, delivered to LaMent. 426-4164. L9/17tfn Elma. Lindell Enterprises, days 264-2358, Herb Schumacher, FOR SALE purebred white 426-5444 after 7 p.m. Will buy German shepherds, phone stumpage and have loggers 426-9527. L8/23-9/13 available. L6/28tfn PLYMOUTH * CHRYSLER DODGE * DODGE TRUCKS Bud Knutzen eves. 426-4780 Front & Railroad 426-8183 1972 Pinto Wagon $Ot.O. ................ $2395 1972 Maverick 2 dr .................... $2,395 1972 VW ............................. $2395 1972 Maverick 4 dr .................... $2,495 1971 Custom 500 4 dr. air ............... $2,095 1971 LTD 2-dr. hardtop with factory air .... $2,725 1971 Montego 2-dr. hardtop ............. $2,095 1971 Torino500 2-dr. hardtop with air ..... $2,595 1971 Torino 500 4-dr ................... $2,395 1971 F100 z/2 ton ..................... $2,695 1971 Gel 500 2 dr ...................... $2,395 1971 Maverick 2-dr .... . ............. ... $1825 1970 Gel 5002 dr ....................... $1595 1970 LTD 2-dr. formal'. ................. $2,195 1970 Plymouth Valiant ................. $1,995 1969 Mercury station wagon ............. $2,450 1969 Plymouth 4 dr .................... $"1,625 1969 Chev Carryall ..................... $2,395 FOR SALE -- Two year old ALDER LOGS wanted, 7" and blackface ram, cross bred ewe, up, we'll pay premium price year purebred Southdown ram lamb. around. For more information Two-horse trailer, needs work• call Mason Hardwood, 426-3464 Phone426-6152. A8/23tfn day, night• M6/21tfn D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Co. Port of. Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling stumpage and land. 426-6350, home ohone 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn WANTED SAWMILL or milling components. 426-1710. K8/9-30 Mobile Homes BEAUTIFUL landscaped corner lot at Timberlakes. Complete with 1 bedroom, all electric mobile home, deck and skirting. $4,000 equ ity, flexible. From owner, 426-6750. B8/23-9/13 AT RAELAKE on 90 x 118 lot. 1972 Bonprix 12x60 with tipout. 2 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, carport with carpeted room. 426-1706. L8/30-9/20 TRAVEL QUEEN motor home Dodge 70, must sell account of health, 15,000 miles, $4,000 total price, 877-5539. S8/30 1969 Galaxie 500 4-dr .................. $1,295 1969 Buick 4-door .................... $1,295 1968 International Carryall .............. $2,095 1967 Chev Pickup ....................... $795 1966 Mercury wagon ..................... $595 1966 Pontiac Lemam$OtJD ................ $595 1965 F250 ........................... $1,095 1965 International 4x4 .................. $1295 Parts & service hours: 8 II Open 'til 7:30 Men. - Sat. JIM PAULEY, INC. Mt. View at Knoolond Center Phono 426-8231 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday - Friday 36x8 NASHUA 2 bedroom, gas, hot water and stove, must sacrifice $2000 investment in trailer, $1700 firm price. Phone 877-5434. G5/10tfn FOR SALE 13' travel trailer, great hunting trailer, good condition, $400. Union, 898-2270. L8/23-30 Farm Slaughtering Custom cutting and wrapping. Old fashio,,ed curing done arid pepperoni and sausage made. Livestock bought, sold and hauled. Home Meat Service Glenn & B.J. Probst 426- ! 415 Kam fiche Curtiss Breeding Service ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Dairy and Beef LENNY LETT 357-4143 tt. Mobile Homes BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPED corner lot at Timberlakes. Complete with 1 bedroom, all electric mobile home, deck and skirting. $4,000 equity flexible from owner. 426-6750. B8/23-9/13 $500 FOR equity in 24 by 56 like new mobile home, 426-8339 after 5:30. $8/9-30 8' BY 35' trailer furnished, $1,900. 426-3103. O6/21tfn FHA MOBILE HOME FINANCING Example: 12 x 64 2-Bedroom Selling Price $8,795.00 Sales Tax 439.75 Total Price $9,234 75 Down Payment 579.50 Amount Financed $8,655•25 120 Monthly Payments of $ 93.53 7.97% Annual Percentage Rate Now two locations to serve your housing needs. Taylor Towne - 426-5568 Gorst - 373-500! Open Daily 9-5 Closed Sundays in consideration of our religion - our families - and our health. @ @ ~..%%%%%%%%%" Work Wanted For Rent BABYSITTING FIVE days a week my home, Angleside, 426-5341. B8/30-9/6 HOUSE CLEANING weekdays, call 426-5478. C8/30 CHILD CARE in my home 1 block from Bordeaux School, 426-3814. A8/23tfn EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS women and children's clothes, formal and casual wear, call anytime 426-1312. M8/9-30 LICENSED CHILD care Mt. View area, 426-6576. K7/19tfn INTERIOR EXTERIOR painting, texture and glitter. Free estimates. Phone 426-5741. P3/15tfn TEACHERS ETC. Lease furnished two bedroom, open beam, fireplace (Island house) with all resort amenities at Hartstene Pointe for school year or available by week month or day. Very reasonable rate to responsible party 1-232-4043.K8/30 FURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment, w/w carpeting. Close to downtown, water, garbage and cable TV furnished, $90. 426-4000. S8/gtfn LICENSED CHILD care--Agate area hour or day• Experienced sitters. Call 426-6152. F6/29tfn $po ag Goods COMPLETELY FURNISHED apartments, $50 to $65 per month 426-5892. S8/2tfn PROFESSIONAL OR business space for rent or lease, downtown, 900 sq. ft. 426-4481 or 426-4895. W9/28tfn 1, 2 and 3 bedroom furnished apartments, no pets, available now. Edgewood Apartments, Hiway 101 above airport. 426-5093. E7/26tfn FOR RENT, furnished studio apt. for single adult, at Lawton Apts., references required, 426-2121. L7/26tfn FOR SALE 16 ft. Aloha travel trailer, $800. Very good condition, used very little, call 426-2763 or 426-6059. V8/30 1971 HONDA, trail 90, driven 95 miles, licensed and extras. Phone 426-5671. J23-30 25 HP Johnson, excellent, $200 or best offer, 426-864Q. M7/5tfn BOAT AND trailer, $400 A8/9-30 14' YELLOW JACKET boat, 35 hp Merc motor, in good condition, includes trailer. Call 426-6660. J8/23-30 FOR RENT: trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. lO/8tfn FOR RENT 5 bedroom older home close in, partly furnished. $160 per month. Available September 4, 426-6693. L8/30-9/20 BEAUTIFUL ONE bedroom furnished home on beach and golf course. 5 minutes from town, w/w carpet, electric heat. $165 per month. References required. 426-4000 or 491-6339. B8/30tfn ONE BEDROOM pleasant garden apartment, fireplace, laundry and carport included, unfurnished, adults only, no pets, $115 per month, close in. 818 Pine st• 426-1479. O8/23tfn Instruction GUITAR LESSONS -- Rock, blues, classical, folk. Starting September 1, Johnny's Music Box. Call 426-4302. G8/23-9/13 A representative From Famous Schools of Westport, Inc. will be in this area soon to interview prospective students for home study courses in writing, art or photography. If you are interested in more information in any of these crafts and would like to have a no-obligation interview please write to Famous Schools Inc., P.O. Box 206, Kirkland, Wa. 98033 and the representative will arrange a convenient time. 8/23-9/13 Porsonal PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING Service, marriage and family counseling. By appointment only, phone 426-4034. F8/16tfn REDUCE EXCESS fluids with Fluidex -- lose weight with Dex-A-Diet capsules at Nell's Pharmacy• 05/31-9/13 FOR LEASE By owner on ..Mt. View. 2 bedroom modern very comfortable house. W/w carpeting, kitchen w/breakfast bar, slate entry, Arizona sandstone fireplace, all electric heat, vanity bath, utility room. Two landscaped lots with ~arage-and-a-half detached• 125 per month• First and last months rent in advance with $50 damage deposit. Close to schools & stores. C R 5-6287 426-9190 $8/30-9/3 One and Two Bedroom Apartments, with carpet, drapes & appliances, no pets. 2329 Jefferson St. Mgr. Apt. 2 or 426-1916 7/12tfn MT. VIEW 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished Available NOW -- No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-31 O0 tfn ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION and referral center 428 Birch St., Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S2/12tfn -Red Estate Lost & Found LOST 12' Fiberglass runabout. White with blue deck and gunwales, 40 hp Johnson motor and equipment, drifted away Saturday a.m. August 25 from Wilson Point, Harstine Island. If found call collect 426-2312 or Vancouver 892-8185. C8/30-9/2 (ink of 1hanks We wish to express sincere thanks to all those who have showed kindness and sympathy to our beloved departed mother. And to those who have expressed their kindness and sympathy to our families at a time when it was deeply appreciated. The family of Grace Sylvester 8/3O For Rent AVAILABLE AFTER Sept. 1, new 2 bedroom apt., carpeted and draped, close to town adults only, no pets, $155 per month, 426-6251. L8/23tfn Thursday, BY OWNER Hammeksley Inlet waterfront with tidelands, medium bank, heavily wooded approximately Vz acre, $9,500 terms. Call collect 838-1110. $8/9-30 INVESTORS: 5 50-acre wooded tracts, 10% down, owner. 943-2915, Olympia. V7/26tfn 4 Acres & New Home At Agate Secluded and wooded, this large 3 bedroom home just completed, built by fine builder has daylight basement ' -- -- b and lots of room. Shown Y appointment. On fine blacktop road. Cash out $.35,000. More land available. Cute - w llkNt A 1-bedroom home just listed. 2 lots fenced in. Fine garage, room for shop. Extra nice neighborhood. Lovely lawn and trees. Fine patio & grill. Only $13,950. Stewart Realty SHELTON 426-5000 August 30, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25