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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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AT LOST LAKE . .. MAKE AN OFFER! . .. The entire family can enjoy On this roomy 3 bedroom and this recreational cottage and all den downtown area home with the waterfront activities too. separate dining room, fireplace, Only $7500 and on easy terms, and many plus features. On extra large lot with beautiful LAKE LIMERICK... trees and in area of fine homes. Asking $16,950, but owner is One of the very best anxious to move, so all offers waterfront lots available. Enjoy considered. the golf,-tennis, fishing, and clubhouse activities too. Only LOVEL COMPLEX... $6950. Four new duplexes all rented with $1320/month income. INCOME-ACREAGE... Each unit has 2 bedrooms, 51 acres near Hood Canal with pretty colored appliances, 4 nice cottages bringing $320 carpeting, drapes, and patio. month income. Beautiful trout Located in top area. Come in stream too! Ideal for for details. developing. $]07,500. 20 ACRES - CANAL... FAWN LAKE... Yes, here's 20 acres on Hood No-bank with this pretty Canal with 165 waterfront frontage, and neat trailer all set with nice beach. Excellent up for your enjoyment, development property. Excellent vacation special. $50,000. $9500. LOVELY BEAT THIS ONE! . . . POOL HERE! . . . 178' of no-bank waterfront on nice Pickering Pass cove with It's heated and fenced for modest 2 bedroom home. privacy, and just one of the Beautiful view, ample clams extra nice features of this very and oysters. In addition there's lovely 4 bedroom 3 bath 4 acres too. $27,500. country home. It's very spacious, all carpeted, beautiful large stone fireplace, family 3 NICE RENTALS... room, and large 2-car garage They are in downtown area and workshop. A buy at a n d h a v e i n c o m e o f $49,000. $235/month. You could live in one and rent others. $17,500. AT SHORECREST... WANT ACREAGE?... Pretty waterfront lot with water, power, and telephone We have 160 acres of beautifulright there, and swimming pool land near Matlock. Dandy for privileges. $8500 on terms. Xmas trees or farming. Can divide if desired. $495/acre. HARD TO FIND... Yes, this exceptionally pretty FURNISHED RENTAL... waterfront tract on Pickering 2 bedroom completely Pass is tops in our book. There furnished cottage on Mason is 100 of wooded property with 475 depth. Beautiful Lake. $80/month. Available view. $20,000. until June. WEEKEND ESCAPE?... A DANDY MOTEL... Want a place to just relax on Iit health forcing owner to now the weekends? This could be sell this excellent motel. Ideal for you. Modest cabin at for husband and wife Totten Shores with fine deep operation. Good income and waterfront lot $7950. home too. Come in for details. LO Real Estate COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST .01 ACRE FAMILY ROOM: Plus 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, separate utility, separate ~arage, carpeted + hardwood Ioors, fenced yard and much more. $24,750 and qualified vet can assume existing GI loan. MT. VIEW NEAR THE PARK: Almost new shag carpeting, 11/2 baths, recently remodeled kitchen, attached garage, completely private backyard with patio deck. This is one of the best built homes in town. See it by appointment. $29,950. NORTH BAY: 2+ acres with 260 feet low bank waterfront. Also highway frontage. Call today -- less than $100 front foot @$20,000. NEAR TOTTEN SHORES: View lot w/60' waterfront by 230' deep. Only $6,500. Good building site. SHELTON VALLEY: 60 acres or smaller down to 8 acres. Good site for hillside home w/view of valley and good access. Just a few minutes from downtown Shelton. Legal Publications Legal Publications Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. February 8, 1972, in Reel 89, 19 N -R~--W.VV.M.~IIIt~_ 132-16, U.S.C. 583-583i), and the Frame 67 of the records of the ~s nr-e thm~nuatemOU~.= Cooperative Agreement for the Auditor of Mason County, ~nute~,s~dl~ Management of the Participating Washington, under said Auditor's exist'rag r'~hts continuou~ Forest Properties in the Shelton File Number 266861, from James ~r rthe-purp0-se of Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit C. Patten and Terry L Patten, ~~ri-ng i11e: ! i entered into by and between the husband and wife, Grantors, to season for irrigation .... United States of America and the Pacific National Bank of Protests or objeC~ll~ Simpson Timber Company, dated Washington, as Trustee, to secure approval of this aopllcatl(~ti_, itl~ti DIVISION ONE December 12, 1946, an estimated a n o bligation in favor of include a detailed stam~lJk, 2,000 M board feet of timber Firstbank Mortgage Corporation, the basis for objections;P]L-" marked or otherwise designated as Beneficiary. must be accompanied bYal~ J -on- | for cutting will be sold to The beneficial interest under dollars ($2.00) recordl~JleL MASON LAKE ] Simpson Timber Company, said Deed of Trust was duly filed with the Depan'~l~ Seattle, Washington, on assigned to Federal National Ecology, Southwest W~~ September 24, 1973. The Mortgage Association, a Reoional Office, uL11e! Washington 98504, wi~ld minimum acceptable bid per M corporation organized and (30) days from AugustB~J~ei I • Every lot a waterfront tract. I board feet is: Douglas-fir, existing under the laws of the $108.53; western hemlock and United States and said other coniferous species, $88.55. J r~enl: corporation, as Beneficiary, has I • Big spreading cedar, fir and dogwood trees. I Additional deposit required for elected to seek satisfaction of the I • Pure, clear water piped to each lot. I slash disposal is $2.03 per M obligation by advertisement and NOTICE OF HEAR I,I a board feet for all above species, sale for reason of the Grantor's NOTICE IS HEREBYJJk0~ I • Electricity available to each lot. I There is no road amortization default on the obligations secured THAT the Planning C¢0~'~ allowance on this sale. Inaddition by said Deed of Trust, and the of the City oT a"i=t I • Telephone service. I there is within the sale area an covenants therein contain e~l, Washington Willhold lilt= unestimated volume of all specieswhich default is the Grantor s of hardwood which will be paid failure to pay when due, the hearing Monday,septe~ll~ I • Community access area. I for at $37.77 per M board feet. following amounts which are now1973 at 7:30 p m in the ,v E I • Blacktopped county road to each lot. I AII Included Timber shall be givenin arrears: The monthly on the application f~ln I Domestic Processing except all of installments due for the months change from R-1 to I FREE BROCHURE / the Alaska yellow cedar, if any, of July, August, September, portion of NE V4, SeC,,~llln 20, R 3W, W M, West 51m.J~, i. determined pursuant to publ,c October, N owe m ber and w~enp.._,dam=s~o;~'gB~ ;~- / hearings to be surplus to needs of December, 1972, and January, Strr%ekt abet I Knauf Realh /dOmestic users and prOcess°re is February' March and April' 1973' exempted from Domestic in the sum of $152.00 each, plus Track. 1. Processing. Bidders are advised late charges on each of sa'd John K. Bennett, jr~eS that violations of the Domestic delinquent-monthly installments Chairman .~J~0! P r o c e ss i n g r e q u i r e m e n t in the sum of $3.04 each. ~t]~d constitutes breach of contract and I n o rd e r to ca u se a I 426 SSS9 / may result in contract discontinuance of the sale of m cancellation, or in refusal to which notice is hereby given, the award timber sales to the violator, aforesaid default must be cured / 2201 Oly. Hwy. No., Shelton, We. ! NOTIfJ ',[ / or debarment or suspension from prior to the time of sale set forth OFFICIAL bidding on future timber sales. If hereinabove. Notice is herebY g~l~l)~ ql requested by the State of The sum now owing on the the Timberland Regi0,n,,w~l~c Washington or by Grays Harbor obligations secured by the said Board of Trustees=wil!~l~'~ or Mason Counties, or by any Deed of Trust is the outstanding 7:30 p.m. on Septernbe~l["" person deemed to have a principal balance of $17,939.96, at the Service Ce~n~l~lOl Legal Publications Legal Publications reasonable interest in the together with interest thereon atSleater-Kinney S.n~ proposed sale, or in its terms, athe rate of seven percent (7%) per Washington to co'~l]~ public hearing will be held in the annum from June 1, 1972, and adoption of the prel|~'i~lL"~ DAYTON AREA: 20 acres w/year-round creek, $10,000 w/only $2,000 down on R/E contract. FOR RENT: 2 hr., 2 bath duplex at Hartstene Pointe. Completely or partially furnished -- d/w, G/D, range, refrig., washer and dryer. All club privileges included. $150.00 per month + $150.00 damage deposit. Available Oct. LaBI$$ONIER£ AGENCY REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE 122 SOUTH THIRD ST. office of t%e Forest Supervisor, such other costs and fees as are budc et for the NOTICE OF SALE OF stated Delow and file the same Federal Building, Olympia, provided bystatute. Reg,onal Library..',dalna VALUABLE MATERIAL with the Clerk of the Court, Washington, on the 14th of No action is now pending in further given that the,~'~,~~ ON STATE LAND together with proof of set:vice September 1973 at 2:00 PM, local any Superior Court to seek of Library Trustees W,~ 0 STATE OF WASHINGTON, within four months after the 9th time. Requests for public hearing satisfaction of the said obligations the said matters in .~=iffcer DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL day of August, or the same will be will not be considered unless by reason of the Grantor s default therewith and will ad~.'lillna in w -.~ RESOURCES, Bert L Cole, forever barred, received in the Office of the on the obligations or covenants budget at the meet g.wll." Commissioner of Public Lands THOMAS R. WESTON Fo rest Supervisor, Federal secured by said Deed of Trust. at the Timberlanu~,~'tel Notice is hereby given that on Administrator Building, Olympia, Washington, The above-described real Library Service C~'l~ie ~ Tuesday the 25th day of Post Office Box 610 on or before September 6, 1973. property will be sold to satisfy Sleater-Kinney S.~..'jtl~J~~ September, 1973, commencing at Shelton, Washington 98584 Dated August 16 1973, Wynne the expense of sale and the Washington at g~]l~d'lll( ten o'clock in the forenoon of B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, M. Maule, Forest Supervisor, obligations secured bv said Deed September 27, 1..~fQ~ said day at the South Puget Attorney for Estate, Olympic National Forest. of Trust as provided by statute, necessary, said meet~?~.1011 Sound Area Headquarters, located Angle Bldg., 8/23-30-9/6-13-4t Said sale will be made without continued from daY * '- lid at Enumclaw, County of King, Shelton, Wash. 98584 ~ warranty, express or implied, law provided. B/~v State of Washington, by the Area 8/9-16-23-30-4t regarding title, possessionor ~;,fl~t0: Manager of said Area, the timber --~- encumbrances. on the following described state NOTICE OF DATED this 30th day of land will be sold at public auction TRUSTEE'S SALE April, 1973. J~er, to the highest bidder, to wit: INVITATION TO BID I~UI~I~ MASON COUNTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN /s/ Theodore D. Schultz Application No. 36816 that sealed bids will be received that the undersigned Trustee will, Theodore D. Schultz NOTICE TO C_R.E: ! on Friday, September 14, 1973, "Trustee" P.ROBA.TE No~'0~!l~ Tiger Creek No. 2 located by the Board of Directors of at the hour of lg:00 o;C~eCkMAasMo~STATE OF WASHINGTON, ~11.40~iqY approximately 8 miles by road Shelton School District No. 309, north of Belfair. The sale is Mason County, Washington, at at the front steps o County of Thurston, ss. SUPE~'i'OI~--COU'~J composed of all timber bounded the District Office in the County Courthouse in the City ofOn this day personally WASt-TI'I~IGT6iN FOH 'L"'u, by clearcut boundary tags and Evergreen School, 8th and Pine, Shelton, State of Washington, sell appearedD. SCHULTz,bef°retomemeTHEODOREknown to be COUNT-Y- -" '^rEstate of JAY u,"]~lGl~/l~ t't, ~ 110 RAILROAD 426-4447 Call 426-1641 property lines on part SE% NE%, Shelton, until 4:00 p.m., at public auction to the highest part NEV4 SE% of Section 18, Tuesday, September 11, 1973, or bidder for cash, payable at the the individual described in and Deceased. --~11[0- 1~ Bey Thomason 426-8615 Township 23 North, Range ] at the regular school board time of the sale, the following who executed the within and The undersigne°~,~lL~" n l west, W.M., containing 17 acres, meeting before 8:00 p.m., described real property situated in foregoing instrument and appointed and has ,~.~IP a Evenings and Sundays Call: Keith Anderson 426-4379 more or less, comprising Tuesday, September 11, 1973, forMason County, State of acknowledged that he signed the Executrix of the es~J~t approximately 160,000 bd. ft. ofinsurance for fire, liability, boiler, Washington, to-wit: same as his freeand voluntary act Graybill, deceased..=~"~c[.' ~" A. ROY DUNN 4264601 That part of Shelton and deed, for the uses and having a claim aga~l~ ~" Douglas fir, 20,000 bd. ft. of safes and blanket bond. hemlock and white fir, and 5,000Bids will be publicly opened Donation Claim No. 37, purposes therein mentioned, named person or u~ -~ bd. ft. of cedar, or a total of and read aloud immediately after Township 20 North, Range 3 GIVEN under my hand and serve the claim, dU~y.~l~ JIM ROUSH 426-8522 DON BROWN 426-6388 185,000 bd. ft. the closing time for their receipt.West, W.M., described as official seal this 30th day of the claimant on the u-'.~i ---'=_-_-_IIAII~I rnl~'l(a~llS--- Minimum acceptable bid: Specifications may be secured follows: BEGINNING at a April, 1973. o~the::~oin~y(S~o~l~___ -rrkO~ "'" .......... $13,487.50. at the Business Office in the point on the westerly line of /s/ Clifford L. Stilz, Jr. Timber will be sold on a cashEvergreen School. Laurel Street North 61 NOTARY PUBLIC in and for it with the cle ~IIB~ or installment plan basis. Timber The Board reserves the right degrees 31' East 340 feet the State of Washington, together with proof°~lr~ | from the southeast corner of residing at Olympia. within four months a~,'~[ " NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER must be removed prior to June to refuse any or all bids. Business Opportunities Business Opportunities FOR SALE, OLYMPIC 31, 1975. By Order of the Board of Lot 3 in Block 24 of 8/16-23-30-9/6-13-5tof first publication°.~ff~J~%e NATIONAL FOREST, CANYON On or before September 25, Directors, August 14, 1973. Mountain View Addition to ~ or theDateClaimofwillfirs~be .u"~d• ]h,," RIVER H1 73 SALE located 1973, at 10:00 a.m., each bidder Signed: Louis R. Grinnell Shelton as recorded in August 30, within T. 21N and 22N., R. 6W., must make a minimum deposit of Secretary Volume 2 of Plats, page 41; NOTICE OF GROUND /s/Norma All ....~l~!lle degrees 31' East 100 feet, WATER RIGHT Norma Aileen u.j¢~l~g THINK BEFORE W M., partially surveyed. PubiC(; $1,348.75 in the form of cash, 8/23-30-9/6-3t running thence North 61 notice is hereby given that money order or certified check. North 28 degrees, 29' West 60 APPLICATION No. G2-21200 Executrix of sato v I._,~ YOU SELL YOUR TIMBER!! pursuant to the provisions of Said deposit shall constitute an ~ feet and South 61degrees 31' STATE OF WASHINGTON, Address Box 24~t10(~ Section 5 of Public Law 273, opening bid at the appraised West 100 feet to said Westerly DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Hoodsport, Wa;~-Elll= 78th Congress (58 SLat. 132-16, price. Upon award of this sale, the NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER line of Laurel Street; thence TAKE NOTICE: DAVIS & ROETCI~;~J~, , Timberland management may be the answer you are seeking. U.S.C. 583,583i, Sup. 4) andthe respective deposits shall be FOR SALE, OLYMPIC South 28 degrees 29' East That RICHARD E. NOBLEof /s/ William R. Roet C.~.~Jr~ There are three important items to consider before selling your Cooperative Agreement for the returned to the unsuccessful NATIONAL FOREST, LE BAR along said Westerly line of Olympia, Washington on June 21, William R. Roetcis°eJ'~ll'"Pl timber: Management of the Participating bidders. On the day of sale, theFLAT SANITATION SALVAGE, Laurel Street 60 feet to the 1973, filed application for permit Attorney(s) for ~ep~'~r be Forest Properties, in the Shelton purchaser must pay the balance located within T. 22N., R. 5W., point of beginning, to withdraw public ground watersAddress 3316 N.P--. =~ =' . HIGHEST MARKET POSSIBLE Cooperative Sustained Yield Unitbetween the bid deposit and the W.M., surveyed. Public notice iswhich property is described in through a well situated within Lot Seattle, We. 98125 . ATTRACTIVENESS OF PROPERTY UPON entered into by and between the full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of hereby given that pursuant to the that certain Deed of Trust dated34 of- the plat of Totten ShoresEM3-7500 COMPLETION OF LOGGING United States of America and the sale fee, or may, if the purchaser . A RELIABLE COMPANY Simpson Timber Company, dated so elects at the time of sale, pay provisions of SEction 5 of Public February 1, 1972, and recorded Extension of Section 5, Township December 12, 1946, an estimated an additional amount, to bring 16,600 M board feet of timber the total amount of the deposit, I' ................................................ marked or otherwise designated exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of The solution can be simple. Call TAYLOR BAY LOGGING, for cutting will be sold to the full bid price based on the specialists in timberland management. We will market your Simpson Timber Company, cruise estimate, providedthat j l Ilit( • .. Ii |lilll timber at the highest available price. We willworkoutathinning Seattle, Washington, September such deposit shall not belessthan ii •:ira ;Ifli; program wh ch will not leave a ravaged piece of lanD when logging 2 4, 1 9 7 3. T h e m in i m u m $5,000.00. This balance may be ( is completed. If you wish to log all of y.our tim,Per, we can acceptable bid per M board feetpaid by personal check. Purchaser I - ' • arrange to have the tops piled and your land reforested. With the is: Douglas-fir $128.19; western must also furnish within 30 days constant fluctuation of local markets, it is virtually impossible for hemlock and other coniferous of date of sale a surety bond of ! 'Just fill In this easy-to-use order form and then mail to the Shelton-MS an individual to keep pace with the highest available prices and to species, $92.57. Additional $3,000.00 to guara ntee negotiate the sale of his timber to his best aDvantage. We make it deposit required for Slash disposal compliance with all terms of the I i our business to be fully informed on all aspects of marketing and is $1.92 per M board feet for all bill of sale. All checks, money County Journal, Box 430, Shelton, Washington 98584. therefore are able to best serve you. above species. There is no road orders, etc. are to be made i • amort zation allowance on this payable to the Commissioner of | "-'toy=or Boy Logging sa,e In addition there is within Public Lands. I the sale area an unestimated Accessibility: Via Private and i " JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ORDER volume of all species of hardwood Department of Natural Resources ! r--~ r--~ -- L__jl--q Services I--Ii I Want "oiti] TR6-5238 which will be paid for at $32.27 access. Evenings Rex Dempewolf, TR 1-2144 per M board feet. In addition Purchaser must enter into a I I I For Sale L__J Pets, Livestock U Personals I~ Work Wanted I--7 For Raid there is within the sale area anRoad Use Permit with Pope & , , , 8/30 unestimatedpricing 293 acreSpaid Offor allat Talbot, Inc. I D Wanted L_~ Mobile Homes I--7 Help Wanted I~] Lost & Found I--"]Real E:~J~,~ species logs subject to per acre C om plots contract and i ~ Cars Used D Sporting Goods D Instruction ~ Business Opportunities 1---]Real Est~ which will be specifications may be examined at ! J I --------~-----------~---~: $102"78 per acre" All °f the S°u t h Pu get s°und Area . Land Investment Publiwt ns Alaska yellow cedar determined Headquarters located at I | 'i"a, I • .Ti pursuant to public hearings to be Enumclaw, County Auditor's ' ,|4,~ I ARCADIA SHORE TRACTS: I ~-~"~---~'-----~--~-=-~-= surplus to needs of domestic users o f f ice, and office of the 3OO J' Ir Tract A I n ~), $I 000/ac, ! j~a I l e/= dn -- : ' J NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO any,and processorSis exemptedaS statedfrom Domesticherein' if Olympia.C°mmissi°ner of Public Lands, ' Name Date J h I ......... I FILE CLAIMS No. 441S Processing. A total volume of 500 To be sold at South Puget I ~l~b"eS I Tr=ct =a -- c= acres ¢1 000/ac I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF M board feet in addition to that Sound Area Headquarters I Address Phone With I 13%dn ' ' ITHE STATEOFWASHINGTON which is surplus to needs of(Enumclaw), on Tuesday, I I " J IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF domestic users and processors as September 25, 1973, at 10 | . . n I Tract C -- 7.:. t'~ $1,000/ac I MASON (IN PROBATE) stated herein is exempted from o'clock a.m. ' I ONE WORD IN EACH ~/ ti. "rl I 13% dn ~fJ~'' ' I IN THE MATTER OF THE Domestic Processing. If successful Additional information 'on | I 1 I I [ '%' | " " | ESTATE OF ROBERT E. bidder notifies Forest Service terms and procedures of sale are I Tract D -- 700' w/f + 30 acres | SHEETZ, deceased prior to award that he will not contained in the "Public Auction | I I .~l~b0vs 15165,000 ' I NOTICE IS HEREBY export all or part of the exempted Sale"pamphlet. I I I - I " I G I V E N, t hat Let ters volume, the exempted v°lume inSaid timber on said land will I I ~ ~.qthof |Tract E--2n~.L~) $1,000/ac., I Testamentary on the Estate ofthe contract will be adjustedbe sold for not less than the i i I J I J~!~C'tu n ~,-' Robert E Sheetz, deceased, were accordingly, so that the appraised value, as appraised by '"'° ' t I I I ..... I aranted to the undersmned, on uncommitted export exemptionthe Commissioner ot PuDIiC LanDs I J " ~ " ~6 n~ I HAMMIERSL,EY INLET J {he 23 day of August, ~973, by may be assigned to one or more in the manner provided by law, a I I I NO. 1 -- 155 w/f, cottage + 12 I thesaid Superior Court. subsequent- sa!es...Bidders are notice of which is now on file in j ] I I I I acres timber" $45'000 terms" I All pers°ns having claims advised that V'°latmns °f the the °ffice °f the Audit°r °f I I I I I ~i:~ i ..... _ i against said estate are required to Domestic Processing requirement Mason County, and in the office | bL I No. z -- zuu w/f, b acres I serve them with the necessaryconstitute breach of contract and of the Area Manager of South 1. '~n( | wooded. $30,000. Terms. | vouchers upon me at the office of m a Y r e s u I t i n c o n t r a c t Puget Sound Area. I I mY att°rney' Frist°e' Tayl°r & cancellati°n' °r ~ in refusal t° /s/Bert L C°le ii I I I I ~'Y°0 |-~rn~ ~tih~ , ,noo. ro-- , s utz L,0 Su,., aw.'i r ,e,o, evoa,or ! , -- I . . - r:: ~.... I Professional Arts Building, or debarment or suspension from Commissioner of Apartment ,~ un,t ~neJton I ~ .... I Olympia, Washington, within four bidding on future timber sales. If Public Lands 1.6o ~ 1.a0 1.9o ~owntow. o , I i I I ~!i~ I • ' " ! months after the-date of the firstrequested by the State of 8/30-9/6-13-20-4t in r i n.., ...... , e. Ioun,,e -- n"-- I publication of this notice, to-wit, Washington, or by Grays Harbor ~ I ,.v~=u,. ..... .- "~ " I '~=" I within four months after the 30 or Mason Counties, or by any . ~. Lon view r_xcelmnT ease, • .............. 2.20-----~ I ~ --_.,_,.., ¢=~ ~,~n IDay OT P*ugust, 1~/~, and Tile the person deemed to have a 2.10 2.30 2.40 newly remuu=,=u ~u~,vv~ " I same with the clerk of this Court, rea sonable interest in the NOTICE TO CREDITORS I terms. I together with proof of such proposed sale, or in its terms, a No. 4409 I I service, or they shall be torever public hearing will be held in the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF r barred S ltw.te " • hi Federal Building Olympia, FOR MASON COUNTY (IN iiiioii iii:!: :iiiiiis I ....... bedroom I Dated at Olympia, Wash. t s office of the Forest Supervisor, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON /u sa,[wa~er, ~ r e at 23 day of Au ust, 1973. I home, Bayshore Golf COUS . I n~r,~*h~ I~ ~--~===t? Washington, on the'21st day of PROBATE). i your back door. Clams ~, I September 1973 at 2:00 PM, local IN THE MATTER OF THE • oysters $39,500 ................ time. Requests for public hearing ESTATE OF JUDSON H. I " " I Estate of Robert E. Sheetz, will not be considered unless HOLLOWAY, Deceased. I | deceased, received in the office of the The undersigned is the I u ~l Ir~,J~ II~Jl4~u; | Frist0e, Taylor& Forest Supervisor, Federal appointed and qualified I II1.111. I~l~qra~ i~q~laay J Schultz, Ltd. P..S. . Building, Olympia, Washington, Administrator of said estate. I ?= ¢,~,o~ ~,,,~ , .;,,, I Attorneys ror me e-xecutrix on or before September 12, 1973. Persons having claims against the t .......... , "-"'~ I Suite 1, Professional Arts Dated August 23, 1973 by Wynne deceased are required to serve the I Offl¢o: 456-4460 | Building M. Maule, Forest Supervisor,same in duplicate, duly verified, | Eves: 426-8460 Shelton I Olympia, Washington 98501 Olympic National Forest. on the undersigned or the I / 8/30-9/6-13-3t 8/30-9/6-13-204tattorney of record at the address Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 30, 1973