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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ono L~., CES CATI'O ~). ebrating the 80th birthday Johnstone, more than 50 ' r .S'.neighbors and friends August 19 in the COmmunity Club Hall close of an afternoon, ed by much reminiscing, lYull ' enjoyed a potluck buffet t.a . Marian, wife of the guest or, Wearing a red-and-white ii$ s gown, but the large cake, iced in white f t-1.' rated with red roses. the newly-made ,, enarian, who doesn't "look,'' made a speech apPreciation to those 5 attended the ,.~ party in his ;~PI[; data to the relatives and rs who had presented him .31r1 ew boat motor st°he' Who came to the area from Seattle ,n ,~ active for manYoYears | mechanic in the Iness F gg g L • or some time the es have made their home 1 i-.ulan Beach south of u~P~.Where Jack continues .,r~L~v~mes of gardening and rl i /" tote years he has helped ng~llr~°~, Allie Robinson, in the ill .0t attractive rock walls in ef ~l~'mlty. r e o n By DIANE SHIRK Our summer seems to be quickly speeding towards it's end, but Smokey and l are still busy at the task of reminding those we meet to use caution with fire and litter. Smokey and I visited Twanoh State Park this last weekend and found many of the campsites empty. It seems that many families were using this last weekend before Labor Day as a chance to stay home and prepare for the long school year ahead. The coming Labor Day weekend will probably show heavy traffic and full parks as families make use of their last three day weekend before the beginning of school. For those families who will be traveling or camping this weekend, please remember to use your ashtrays and carry a litter bag in your car. Each week as we visit All I can do • • 'lnuIn different parks it, the county we from littering in the future and take along a large supply of litter become one of those who are bags to hand out to those wehelping to solve this problem meet. The problem of litter is rather than create it. becoming increasingly serious and Next weekend Smokey and 1 the roads and highways prove it will be finishing up our travels by the number of beverage cans around the county together, and and bottles, paper, and garbage we will be visiting Lake Cushman found along our scenic highways. State Park and Potlatch State Decreasing our litter problem can Park. We hope to see many of you be done only if each individual there, but for all the others who make it their responsibility to will be out enjoying the weekend, actively fight litter. Please make a remember . . . "Let's Keep conscientious effort to refrain Washington Clean and Green!" PHOTO CENTER PRICE Cx 126-12 3 ,o,,s ................ '3" Cx 126-20 3 ro,,s ................. '4" Cx 135-20 3 rolls ................. Kx 135-20 3 ro,,s ................ s54' Attend the church of your choice. Northside Baptist Church 123 W. "C" Street Pastor Paul Butterfield 426-2488 Bible Study .........10:OO a.m. Morning Worship ..... 11:OO a.m. Eve. Worship ......... 6:30 p,m. Agate Sunday School . . . 2:00 p.m. Jesus loves you -- we do too: S.B.C. Church 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship...l 1:00 a.m. Evening Service .... 6:00 p.m. SHELTON CHURCH of the NAZARENE ..... NEW LOCATION -- Fairmont & Holman Lowell Keene, Pastor 426-1298 Sunday 'School ........ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ..... 11:00 a.m. Youth Choir .......... 6:00 p.m. Evening Service ....... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wed .... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.) 7:00 p.m. ~t~'~0ng °Ut-of-town people at Kx 126-20 3 o,,s ................ $545 iij~lr~y~ Were Jac k's brother, i i • and his wife of Super 8 movm 3 rolls ............ $r0 FIRST BAPTIST "°n; a daughter, Janie I CHURCH I "twochild re n, J am ie and ,i,,:,I.,__te0t Burns Lake, B.C.; a IS ask. Also our Photo-Finishing prices , ,thandcotado.ntowns.e,to. , -- I SEPTEMBER I " "t'°ltlldd~[lt!r',m ElizabethGl_bebbie, BradleV,and_ Mrsher ~ ~ Call 426-5336 I A.M. "NOT A FABLE" I 7 #Tit%rid 'PIIt- en and their tw° i I will save you money too! ,~t#,[i,... , or write: Box 884 "~.,J[;~ Koberts and her husband p73 ~d M " From Yelm came NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN / P.M. MESSAGE BY n I i rs. Harold Grafton. He that effective September t, ~ " ----"'------ .Mt. View J TOM BARWICK I i°~L]°ha'time friend who had 1973, the partnership of McConnell's .tr With Jack at Kosmos, C E R M A K a n d W I L E S All,once Church / ..... J ' I ITER _. ,, , 9:30 a.m ......... ~unclay bcnoo, I ~) here the men were LOGGING CO. is dissolved and vvasn,ngton & "J Sts. / "1 l:O0 a.m ..... Morning Worship | for US PI wood A that HARRY WILES will , SLIdaySchool~ .... (l:4~a.m. / 7 ...... oo p m Evemng Gospe Hour I er " " Y • Ire' Unable to attend, is continue business as a sole Mot.,,~g wo,,h,0 ll:00am / Dr. Arlin M. Halvorsen, Pastor I proprietor under the name and l~:l rq.?ll(I • Shelton Eveni lg Se~v,ce .... 7:00 p.m. J°hnstone of Austin. JACK JOHNSTONE. 80. caught this 20-pound king salmon style of C & w LOGGING. P,aye, ,~ou, (Wed) 7:30 p.m./ " ........ J Wednesday HIDie Study hi01| on his first canal fishing expedition using the new boat motor ,,2(~-(S1~; ~ • Free Parking AY~ (Wed) . ./:30 p.m.| 7:00 p.m. I )'""lYu'iJrt,.in the week followin, he received for his birthday. /*The Morning Worship is broadcast I :}B IL"uay, a ...... ~ EARL EVERS, Pastor ! live over KMAS, 1280 kc. I " I~ ...... -cpnew, Kooert ~ t ~ i a#~' ~]th his wife and two ~" 4i'0~e°rn Seattle, visited the ,