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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 30, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 30, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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proves im By NATALIE JOHNSON ~mtal ie@rnaso ncou n m The Port of Shelton sale / • Mason County resi- dents Tom Davis and Gib ] Board of Commissioners voted Tuesday to sell a Johnston joined Hupp in speaking out against the ] sale in Tuesday's public hearing, i "You have to brain- 100-acre stand of timber storm to find ways to | at its Johns Prairie Indus- o spend the money? Is mort- trial Park for $676,537 to ~ il~ ey the only thing we're Merrill & Ring, a lumber ~ ttl 1 talking about here?" | company from Port Ange- l ~l ~ Johnston asked the com- les. ~ ~J ~ ~ mission. "It's certainly go- | Port staff and commis- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ing'to be worth a lot more sion members have been ~ I ~I~ ~ if it's left standing."] researching the potential ] o I I I J Commission Chair Dick timber sate since April. ~ I 111 1 Taylor spoke briefly about | The timber sale was pro- J I ~ ~JJ the proposal, saying the posed for a variety of rea-~ J ~ J J j ~ port could have a tree farm | sons, including eliminatingJ J ~ J j j i~ on its industrial property. a laminated root rot prob- ~ ] ]j] J "In my observations and | lem, making more effec- ~ ~ ~ J J ~ i studies there is precedence ~. ~ ," ~ ~*~, for havin cro s rown on tiVeaddingUSe money°f timberland,to port andre_ J] ~~11.~1 ............. : port property,g Pthey g do it in | serves to complete capital ii :ii 'i i: ii::: ii ~ Eastern Washington," he projects and infrastructurei! ~i ~ ~i~ ~ ~ ~=U: :~- =~ ~ .~ said. "If we can take those | improvements, i i ill I ~ trees and replant that and The port commission j j J J~~ ~ make it a planned forest, I | • voted to ask for bids on the J j J J j ] ~ think that's abetter use for " J. timber in June. II I!! ! ~~ :~"H~rovet'hetimbersale | ) The commission has uDD proposed a motion , :, been divided on the issue, I photobyNataheJoh .... ' pp ' | with Commissioner Jay Port of Shelton Commissioner Jay Hupp proposed Tuesday that the port to Merrill & Ring, the high- Hupp strongly opposing use all of the $676,537 from a sale of timber on Johns Prairie to improve est bidder, with the stipu- | the sale and Commission-port property there. The port commission voted 2-1 Tuesday to approve lation that all of the money supportinger Tom Wallitnerit. strongly his proposal and sell 100 acres of standing timber on Johns Prairie. beusesdevotedat the specificallyports Johnst° | "I thinkitis the business plant into full production," new industry and jobs. I'm verity of the root rot prob- Prairie property. ~ • of this port to be good stew- Wallitner said. We need all for putting money in the lem and said the timber The motion passed with | : ~ ards of our assets. I think that money to invest in bank against ~hat effort." should be left standing to a 2-1 vote with Wallitner :i~,~ we should harvest it, re- infrastructure to promote Hupp disputed the se- appreciate in value, voting no. | n 200 el: y hoedown : More ' L | ': By TERRI SHAW many devoted volunteers Special tctc, tl~the Journal who did the following: Ruth ~~ | Coots the event coordinator; ~ , Verda Sam" Selby and St- " "Downtown County Hoe-~ san Simpson prepared the ~ I ,. down," the theme of the Ma- potato salad and served; Viv- . . • son County Senior Activities inn Bentkowski and Coots Vzvmn | ~,.: Center fimdraiser to pur- prepared the coleslaw and ~ Bentkowski ~: ~. chase a larger activities cen- served; Shirley Shober, Max ~~ serves roasted | ~ ~.: ter, netted $2,067.80. Ratzler and Keiko Wyatt ~ pork during ~, , The event organizers said assisted in the kitchen and ~ the Mason I : ' • they were thrilled by the en- served the food; John Wyatt ~~ County Senior thusiastic support with more and Max Ratzler handled the ~;ff~ Activities | than 225 people enjoying the event set-up and take-down; ~~ _~C~n*~rL~ Pi~'B~|~v beautiful sunny day eating and the team of Kay Smith ~~ (: ~ RO st and and Dolores Plckermg ca- , _. ........ .. delicious roasted pork pre- , .... " .'.. ~ Mu:.: ~v~l,~ u. ~: ~-" pared by Inar Lofgren and smerea ana smmpea nanfls. ~ ~=~t _ _ Saturday More ~:. his family who donated their Also thanks to Vi Stickly and ~~ " time. Attendees loved the Mike Skipworth who loaned ~~ than 225 people ~: other food items made byhay bales for the event and ~~'~ attended the | center volunteers and espe-to Clay Long, Phil Shipman ~~~1 event, bringing cially the ice cream donated and Patti Vernie for picking ~~ in more than | by Olympic Mountain Ice the bales up. Also, to Phil ~~ $2,000 to the • Cream. and Lori Shipman for loaning center for a | Attendees filled the center their canopy. , , new building. • and the tables in the parking Even~ organizers wisaea ~:i !~ • : : lot to dine and listen to top- to thank the City of Shel- ~~ J ..... I photos by Emily H ..... I :~.? " notch performances in both ton for blocking off the area | locations including Evelyn for the street dance and its ~L~ , Trenckmann on the piano,neighbor businesses that al- l, • ~% ~, John Rosengreen on the key- lowed attendees to park in | board, Vern Morgus on the their lots" Windermere Real ." . ~~i~ | BRIm harmonica, Lars Fisher on Estate/H~mhe, State Farm the guitar and then paired Melanie Bakala andthe 4 with Mick and Laura Mc-Health Care Center. | | Cartney, known as Rhythm The organizers also ~z®. ~ | .~. and Sass. The Center Linewished to give a big thanks ~ ~ I | ' Dancers performed and Lor- to the Shelton-Mason County ~ if ~ ~ | kJ raine Hauenstein gave a Journal who donated two col- ~k~z'[ |~A ~']~ ~ | | lesson to all interested. The or ads and Shelton Life and ~.~ ~_~,x..,~ ~,.~ ~ ~ %_~ ~-~'-1~ | evening finale was a perfor- Shoppers Weekly who do- TOBACCO ]1| d mance by the Washington FAC~OR~UT~E~ 36~-42~-5254 | nated color ads, plus KMAS , Old Time Fiddlers led by WillNews Radio 1030 AM and • | and Laura Farr, Gil Palmer, 104.1 FM for having Execu- ,i' •-' Fred Crabtree, Lucille Law- tive Director Terri Shaw on _~" .'.' son and Gus Lester. the Dale & Jeff Morning I :f::~ A special thanks to the Show to promote the event. • - I INP i: ~ ~..~= ~ 100~ hDDITIVE-FREE i ~:~ (' ®~ COMPLETE ~,~ o i ii,3 89 $3 99, S4 't9' STILL OFFERING FAcToRY 2NDS SALE ON~DITION$ ONLY! | Always quafity products, plus you save/ i HI Aug. The Shelton Senior Center Linedancers : perform for attendees at the Mason County Senior Activities Center Pig Roast and Music event on Saturday. The line dancers also ~" ! :provided free lessons during the four-hour event. Sale offered on Traditions Additive-Free and High Air lOOs I i MONSTER ENERGY ~o~,~ ;ALLY Buy one 16 oz. can for ' o I~ ,.~ %~o:__ I LUN-CH SPECIALS ~1 ' I Budweiser &.Bud Light I A~ZZ0~Ao~Wed. ~.~s. I ' ........ $ 99 ............................. ~ili~ ...................... 20 oz.$ S0 ii = . i ib°ttles ~:~ ~, i STORE LOCATIONS ° OPEN LATE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! I KTP . Intersection of HWY 101 & 108 • Open 6am daily KTP Express - 3850 Old Olympic HWY Steamboat - 6233 Steamboat Island Rd. :~i¸ : ~i : SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal Injury, Premature B rth, And Low S rth We gh, III II II I IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, *Carton sales only, while sepplles last I II III I '111111 I1'111111111111111 30,2012 Page A-3