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Mer er The area in question is
bordered on the northwest
Continued from page A-1 by Purdy Cutoff Road, to
the west by West California
Revised Code of Washing- Road and U.S. Highway 101
ton (RCW) 52.06.100 allows to where it connects to East
areas to merge into a fire dis- Brockdale Road. It is bor-
trict if60 percent of residents dered on the east by Brock-
sign a petition approving it. dale up to East Webb Hill
'%Ve have done our due Road, where it connects with
diligence to make sure we do Fire District 6.
the merger right," DeCapua "This isn't about territory
said. or turf.., it's about holding
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government accountable,"
Severance said.
DeCapua and Severance
need 60 percent of voters in
the disputed area to sign the
petition for the merger. With a
population of about 580 in the
disputed area, they're work-
ing toward 400 signatures.
"We underestimated the
community interest in this,,'
DeCapua said. "People are
energized about this."
The Fire District 6 com-
mission and management
have no part in the proposed
merger. DeCapua is a former
commissioner in Fire District
9 and current Fire District
6 volunteer, and Severance
is a Mason County Sheriffs
deputy who lives in Fire Dis-
trict 9.
A letter accompanying the
petition, signed by DeCapua
Severance, states that Fire
District 9 is unable to pro-
vide adequate service to its
customers, that fire district
volunteers are not properly
trained and that the Fire
District 9 commission has
violated public meetings and
bid laws.
"In the history of the fire
districts in the state of Wash-
ington, I don't think this
has ever happened," said A1
Leister, assistant chief and
commissioner for Fire Dis-
trict 9. 'Tfe've got a sign up
that says 'Neighbors Helping
Neighbors.' That isn't what's
While most fire districts in
the county rely on mutual aid
agreements to fight fires and
respond to aid calls, DeCapua
said Fire District 9 relies too
"What (Fire District 6)
is doing now is responding
to district 9 because nobody
B uy & Se I I ! shows," he said.
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DeCapua was elected as a
Fire District 9 commissioner
in 2004• He said he resigned
in July 2005, a year and a
half into a six-year term, be-
cause of problems at the dis-
"I resigned, a fellow com-
missioner resigned, the com-
missioner who replaced me
resigned," he said.
DeCapua said he resigned
out of frustration with a"good
old boys" method of govern-
ment at the district.
Dr. Rose Ann Rayos
Rose Ann Rayos, M.D. joined the medical
staffat Oakland Bay Pediatrics in July 2012, after
completing her residency at Children's Hospital at
Monmouth Medica Center. She graduated with
a medical degree from the University of Santo
Tomas Royal and Pontifica Catholic University of
the Phili 9oines in 2006.
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Research Award during ner res aenc/for her
paper entitled "Oral Health Assessment of
Children Ages One to Five Years at Monmouth
Family Health Center in Lonc Branch. New Jersey:
A Prospective Study", She nasa oarticular interest
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Some of her other interests include neonatal
resuscitation, oediatric dermatology, and
adolescent health.
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Oa.kla d Bay Pediatrics
(360) 426-3102
247 Professional Way, Shelton WA 98584 ~
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Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
AI Leister, Mason County Fire District 9 assistant chief and fire
commissioner is fighting against an effort by residents of Fire District
9 to annex about a quarter of the district into Fire District 6, including
this station at Road Runner Drive. Those residents, led by Mike
DeCapua and Trevor Severance, allege mismanagement and poor
training of firefighters at Fire District 9.
DeCapua and Severance's planned the project outside on its firefighters.
letter questions the training of open public meetings and Leister said the issues
of Fire District 9volnnteers. have not followed laws re- would be addressed by the
DeCapua said Fire District garding the procurement of deadline set by L&I, which is
9 volunteers lack continuing bids. Sunday.
education, which puts lives in "There's no bid process, If the merger goes through,
danger. • there's no accountability," it will have a major affect on
"In essence, MCFD 9 fire- DeCapua said. both districts, Leister said.
fighters responding to a fire Leister responded, saying Fire District 6 is geograph-
may pose a greater risk to Fire District 9 has managed ically a much smaller district,
themselves than the fire," its money carefully to fund but takes in more money an-
DeCapua and Severance's capital projects outlined in its nually than Fire District 9,
letter states. 10-year plan without asking with levies that amount to
Leister said Fire District voters to approve extra taxes about $520,000 annually.
9's volunteers are just as able or bond measures. The district includes about
to fight fires or provide medi- '%Ve've been saving money six square miles, while Fire
cal service as professional for a long time to accomplish District 9's levies amount to
firefighter/EMTs, this," Leister said. about $150,000 each year for
"One of the things he's not DeCapua and Severance's an area of 40 square miles, he
taking into account...there letter also questions the use said.
isn't a different training for of funds brought in by Fire Leister said if the merger
volunteer or professional ... District 9's EMS levy. passed, it would take away
the state of Washington has In 2011, Fire District 9 about a quarter of Fire Dis-
one set of training guidelines," passed a levy increasing the trict 9's area.
Leister said.'~cVe send our peo- EMS levy to 50 cents per "The rest of the area we
ple to the same Mason County $1,000 of assessed value on a take care of is the Skokomish
recruit class ... the same place home. This levy funds EMT Reservation, the Skokomish
as Fire District 6. They're get- training and equipment on Valley and Eells Hill," Leister
ting the same training." its vehicles. The district does said. "They want to tie district
DeCapua also takes issue not have the ability to trans- 6 boundaries to district 11."
with a project to expand Fire port people to hospitals. Losing that much land
District 9's Station 2 on Road DeCapua and Severance would reduce the amount of
Runner Drive. also bring up a Washington revenue Fire District 9 will
"They don't have funds to State Labor and Industries have to cover the rest of its
staffit, why are they building (L&I) claim that DeCapua district.
a station?" he said. filed in June claiming that "I expect the budget would
DeCapua also said Fire Fire District 9 was not per- go down 40 or 50 percent,"
District 9 commissioners forming medical evaluations Leister said.
Spill The Washington State Department County public health responded to the
of Health has closed the shellfish har- failure of the septic line on July 5.
Continued from page A-I vesting beach immediately opposite On July 6, each of the tenants re-
the spill, Riley said. ceived eviction notices. Johnston said
flowing in the apartments' front yard. Dave Stucke, the former onsite the eviction notices came because the
"There is a problem with the pump manager of the units, said about two residents all stopped paying their rent.
chamber and it is filling up and over- months ago an above ground septic "This failure didn't happen until
flowing," said Debbie Riley, environ- line from one of the mobile homes at they got their eviction notices," John-
mental health manager for the Mason the property failed, causing raw sew- ston said.
County Department of Public Health age to run down the hillside behind The property was built as a road-
and Human Services. the apartment units, side hotel in the 1950s, and was pre-
On Aug. 17, the department of pub- Stucke, Dunkum and other resi- viously known as the Union Bay Hot
lic health issued an order stating that dents said they cleaned up the spill. Tub Cabins, Stucke said.
the problem needed to be addressed "For days after we cleaned up the In 2010, the property was convert-
within two weeks. If the septic system mess you couldn't open a window," ed from the hot tub cabins to a set of
is not fixed by this week, the proper- Dunkum said. apartments. Johnston said Stucke
ty will be posted for non-occupancy, Then in mid-August, tenants say a performed extensive, but unpermitted,
meaning the property will have to be sump-pump, which pumps out extra work to the septic system at this point.
immediately vacated, Riley said. water to keep the system from flood- Riley said the septic system will
"When there is sewage on the ing, failed, causing flooding visible at have to be repaired and inspected by
ground ... the owner can either repair the driveway to the apartments along a licensed septic system professional
it or vacate it," Riley said. "If they're State Route 106. before the department of public health
unwilling or unable to make the However, Renee Johnston, offsite signs off on any new repairs to address
changes within the (two-week) time manager of the properties and former the leaking.
frame, we post it for non-occupancy•" step-daughter of Stucke's, said Stucke Many of the tenants in the cabins
Riley said this means the tenants and other residents have caused all of are elderly or disabled and almost all
would be evicted "usually right then the problems themselves, of them are on fixed incomes, tenants
and there•" "They've been sabotaging it in order said.
Residents say for the past two to cause problems." she said. "These Whether the cause of the spill is
months the septic system serving people are poisonous.., you're dealing sabotage or poor maintenance, the
eight apartment units and several with a mob mentality." tenants of the Union Bay Cabins will
mobile homes has been intermittently On June 30, residents of the prop- still soon be homeless•
spewing graywater onto the driveway, erty signed a letter questioning the "Legal Aid's took my case, as far as
and into a culvert, which drains into management changes at the facility, moving expenses," Dunkum said.
Hood Canal. Environmental staff from Mason
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Shelton-Mason County Journal-Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012 - Page A-7