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Steven Chamblin
Steven Glenn Chamb-
lin, 53, a lifelong resident
of Shelton, died on Aug.
23, 2012.
He was born on June
22, 1959, in Shelton to
Glenn Chamblin and
worked in
a variety
of posi-
tions in
Steven through-
Chamblin out his
life. The
latest was
at Fir Lane Health & Re-
He enjoyed fishing,
gardening, bicycling and
other outdoor activities,
his family shared. He also
loved spending time with
his family and friends•
He is survived by broth-
ers Bruce (Peggy) Cham-
blin and Charles (Teri)
Chamblin of Shelton and
sister Linda McClanahau
(Chuck Brown) of Shelton.
He was preceded in
death by his parents.
Arrangements are un-
der the direction of Forest
Funeral Home of Shelton.
Alice (Rank) Godding
Alice L. (Rank) God-
ding, 96, a longtime resi-
dent of Christmas Village
in Shelton, died of natural
causes on Aug. 13, 2012,
in Ever-
was born
on April
14, 1916,
in Olym-
pia to Lee
and Dora
Alice Rank.
Godding She
Morton A.
GoddJng on Nov. 2+7, 1957,
in Olympia. She was also
married to Arthur R.
Olmsted from 1936-1955.
The marriage ended in
She worked for the
Washington State High-
way Department in Olym-
pia and the Washington
State Department of
Health and Services in
She graduated from
Olympia High School and
Dietz Business College.
Her family shared
that she loved to dance
and sing and was accom-
plished at both. adding
that she was a great cook
and loved entertaining
family and friends.
She is survived by
daughter Donna (Olm-
sted) Kaiser of Arlington;
grandson Michael Hann
(Dorisa) of Tillamook,
Ore.; great-grandson Ja-
cob Hann of Tillamook,
Ore.; great-granddaugh-
ter Jolene Hann of Port-
land, Ore.; and great-
great granddaughter Jil-
[ian Gardiner.
A private graveside ser-
vice took place on Aug. 28,
2012. It was officiated by
Rev. Cecil Thompson•
Burial will be at Mason
Memorial Park in Tum-
Dorothy Goforth
Dorothy Evelyn Go-
forth, 85, died on Aug. 14,
~:: ...... ~ She
~was born
on Oct.
5, 1926,
in Enid,
to Ardie
and Nellie
Stu, rda-
Dorothy vant.
Goforth She
Vern R.
Goforth on Dec. 20, 1949,
and they spent 43 years
The couple had three
children: Jennifer, Doug-
las and Donna•
He is preceded in death
by his mother, brother
David Greaves, father-
in-law CG Marsh and
brother-in-law Dr. Leland
A service will take
place at 1 p.m. on Sept.
15 at Faith Lutheran
Memorial donations
can be made to Faith Lu-
theran Church Memorial
Fund, 1212 Connection
St., Shelton WA 98584•
Arrangements are
made by McComb Funeral
Online condolences can
be sent to the family at
Send obituaryinformation to:
Deadline is 2 p.m. the Tuesday
before publication.
Francis Griswold
Francis Edward (Ed)
Griswold, 68, died on Aug.
24, 2012.
He was born Feb. 18,
1944, to Francis and Mar-
jorie (Pierce) Griswold•
She is survived by her In 1972, he began a career ~ entered
son Douglas and daughter in forestry management ~ the Army
Donna White;-from her at Simpson Timber Co. in in 1963
daughter Jennifer (Steve)Shelton. After a 30-plus and was
Flockhart she is survived career at Simpson, Rick honor-
by three granddaughters retired to pursue his per- ably dis-
and eight great-grandchil- sonal interests and spend charged.
dren: Janet (Steve) Fleck rime'with his family and He
and their three children friends, married
Taira, Courtney and Da- He was a board mem- Margaret
kota; Jennifer Lynn Flock- ber, former council presi- Francis Cowgill
hart and her three chil- dent and longtime parish-Griswold on April'
dren Angela, Raphael and loner at Faith Lutheran 15, 1994,
Steven; Stephanie and her Church. He won many in Silver-
two children Tyler and awards as a trap shooter dale. He was also mar-
Alaina. From her daugh- as a member of the Ev- ried to Dianne Franklin.
ter Donna, she is survived ergreen Sportman's ClubThat marriage ended in
by three grandchildren and served as the club's divorce.
and seven great-grandchil- treasurer. He worked for Qwest
dren: Dawn Marie Plyler, He was active in Ma- for 40 years. He was a net
and her four boys Justin, son County Little League technician•
Dylan, Daniel and Dayant; Baseball, coaching his His family shared that
Richard Christiansen and children and other youth he was an avid gardener,
his three children Bran- for many years. He was an amateur photographer,
don, Athena and Charm a longtime member at a ham radio operator and
and Troy Smith. Bayshore Golf Club, thefisherman• He enjoyed
Dorothy was preceded UW Alumni Association, home improvement proj-
in death by her husband Ducks Unlimited and ects and loved jokes and
Vern and her daughter VFW. He was a lifetime tall tales•
Jennifer• member of the NRA. He is survived by
A memorial service is His family shared that daughters Donna Steven-
scheduled for 1 p.m. on he enjoyed fly fishing,son (Mark) of Mesa, Ariz•,
Aug. 30 at Christian Life hunting, golfing, travel- and Virginia.(Ginger)
Center, 1780 S.E. Lincoln ing, reading,-music, mov- Schull of Sterline, Va.: son
Ave., Port Orchard, WA ies, history, camping and John Griswold of Bremer-
98366• working on his farm, aston" stepson Andrea Stath
The service will be fol- well as spending time of Port Orchard; grandson
lowed by a potluck recep- with family and friends. Ian Griswold of Belfair;
tion. He is survived by his brother Wilbur Dale Gris-
The family can be wife Penny of Shelton; wold (Sandy) of Port Or-
emailed at jfleck73@ son Jack of Arlington; chard: nieces Jodi Rawl-, daughter Richelle New- ings and Laura Sterio and
ton (Chad) of Everson; nephew Mike Griswold•
Richard Greaves Jr. brother William GreavesHe is preceded in death
Richard (Rick) Ray- (Debbie) of Stanwood; by his mother and brother
mond sisters Andi Hudson of Fred.
~ Greaves Arlington and Jacky Memorial donations can
Jr., 65, aWarren (Mark) of Sedro- be made to Kitten Rescue
Shelton Woolley; father Richard of Mason County, 420
resident, Greaves Sr. of Marys- State Route 3, Shelton,
died on ville; grandchildren Jake WA 98584.
Aug. 22, Allen, Austin Allen, A celebration of life and
2012, at Jameyn Allen, Kate- potluck will take place
home af- lyn Greaves and Ricky from 2-5 p.m. on Sept. 8
ter a four- Greaves of Arlington andat the Westside Improve-
Richard year bat- Kendall Newton and Kas- ment Club, 4109 W. E St.,
Greaves Jr. tle with ey Newton of Everson; Bremerton.
cancer, and numerous nieces and
He was nephews. See Obituaries on page B-8
born on Aug. 9, 1947, in
Everett to Richard Sr. and
Barbara (Bacon) Greaves.
He graduated from
Marysville High School
in 1965. He attended
Everett Junior College
(1965-1967) and the Uni-
versity of Washington
{1967-1969). He earned
a forestry degree from
He married Penny
(Marsh) Greaves at Mes-
siah Lutheran Church in
Marysville on March 25,
He served in Vietnam
as part of the U.S. Army
and the couple spent
time in Germany before
his honorable discharge•
He spent 13 months as a
Chaplain's Assistant in
They began their family
in Marysville, where their
daughter, Richelle, was
They moved to Shelton
in 1972 and added a son,
Jack, in 1975.
He began his career in
the timber industry pull-
ing green chain at Welco
Lumber in Marysville. He
also worked in the lab at
Weyerhaeuser Pulp and
Paper in Everett to put
himself through college•
Newton Andrew Townsend
Newton Andrew Townsend arrived
in Shelton. Washington via
steamboat from Tacoma at six
months of age following a train
trip from Dyersburg, Tennessee.
Born to Joe and Allie Mae on
April 10, 1918, Newt grew up
in Simpson Logging Company,
Camp 3 and logged for Simpson
for about three years. Though he
logged for a short time, the love of the
woods flowed through his blood and his
stories, culminating in an autobiography entitled Old Growth.
He played football and graduated from Shelton High School
in 1937. In 1940, he married Beverly Townsend. They walked
through life together for 72 years. They raised five children,
Dennis Townsend, Keith Townsend. Martin Townsend, Lisa
Townsend, and their granddaughter Marea Hauser.
Newt served in the Navy during WWII for almost two years.
When he returned to Shelton he opened and operated Olympic
Drying Systems designing and building infra-red drying
Newt joined the Seventh-Day Adventist Church where he served
in leadership roles and participated in commumty outreach
programs. At age 84. Newt and Bev went on a mission trip to
Ghana, Africa.
Newt enjoyed flying, gardening, writing and genealogy.
Newt passed away at 94 years of age on August 24. The
memorial service will be held on Sunday, September 9 at 1:00
p.m. at the Shelton Seventh-Day Adventist Church. In lieu of
flowers, please donate to your favorite charity.
-- Paid Obituary Notice
Robert Milton Smith
On Tuesday, August 21, 2012,
Robert Milton Smith passed away
at Alpine Way Retirement Center.
He was 93 years old,
Bob was born on July 2, 1919
in Edmonds, WA to Oscar James
and Anna (Rodgberg) Smith. He
graduated from Irene S. Reed High
School in 1937 and married Merle E.
Bitney, who preceded him in death. Bob
entered the US Army in 1943 and served in India as an engineer
until the end of World War II.
Bob was a lifetime resident of Mason County and was employed
by logging companies which were working along Hood Canal.
Soon he moved to the Rayonier Pulp and Paper mill in Shelton to
work as a pipe fitter until his retirement forty years later.
In April of 1983 he married Lila Spalding in Shelton, WA at
the Faith Lutheran Church. Bob was a lifelong member of the
American Legion and served along with his wife Merle, (40 et
8) as president. He also became a lifelong member of the Good
Sams Club and along with his brother in law Ray Peterson, led
this group on many interesting adventures.
Bob is survived by two sons, Jack who lives in Shelt0n and
Jim who lives in Seattle. He is preceded in death by sons, Jerry
and Kenny; sister, Maxine; brother, Rodney and daughter in
law, Mary Kay Bums. There will be a memorial service at Faith
Lutheran Church on Saturday, September.8, 2012 at 1:00 pro.
Donations can be made to the Faith Lutheran Church Memorial
-- Paid Obituary Notice -- ~_
Barbara "Joyce" Smith
November 3, 1938 ~ July 16, 2012
Our loving Mother, Sister, Aunt and Friend
passed away on July 16, 2012 after a courageous
5 ½ year battle with cancer. Though cancer
claimed her body, it never defeated her spirit.
She was,born in Star Valley, Wyoming on
November 3, 1938 to Edd Middaugh and Irene
Lippold Middaugh. Joyce married young and
had 4 children; she always said she grew up with
them; Deborah Smith, of Texas, Tammy Gustin of
Oregon. Richard Polston of Hawaii. and Pamela Mayfield
of Montana. She was an avid reader and wrote poetry, she loved gardening,
painting and baking lovely cakes. A successful entrepreneur, Joyce owned a
shoe store in Reedsport Oregon. she and her late husband Ed Smith owned and
operated Gump's Construction Company and the Dew Drop Inn of Shelton Wa.
Never finishing high school did not stop her zeal for education, she attended
beaub school, obtained her real estate license and fulfilling her late husband's
wishes, obtained her contractor's license and completed and sold two homes.
She had a very generous heart and a stubborn ornery streak that didn't allow life
to take advantage of her. Her drawings, sense of humor, smile and laughter will
be sorely missed
She was preceded in death by her parents, brother. Robert Middaugh, and
sister. Eunice Friend. She is survived by her sister. Layle Tahja. brothers Ronald
and J Middaugh, also by her four children, eight grandchildren, and eight great-
grandchildren, many nieces, nephews, great and grand nieces and nephews.
Celebration of Life to be held at her home September. 8. 2012. 10:00am to
12:00pro aa9 E. Mikkelsen Rd. Shelton Wa 98584
Paid Obituary Notice --
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012 - Page B-7