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Continued from page B-7
Martha Lawson
Martha Lucille "Teal"
Lawson, 88, a Shelton
resident, died on Aug. 21,
2012, at Shelton Health &
Rehabilitation Center.
She was born on Dec.
17. 1923, in Bativia, Ark.,
to John
H. and
Effie May
moved to
at a young
age and
Martha attended
Lawson school
there.. She
Wendell "Jammer" Law-
son on Feb. 9, 1943. She
met him while he was in
the Navy.
The couple moved to
Shelton in 1946 after
Wendell obtained work.
Martha was a home-
maker. She was a member
of the Springwood Chapel
in Shelton. Her hobbies
included quilting, sew-
ing, knitting, crocheting,
reupholstering, fabric art,
gardening, canning and
She also played music
and was a master on gui-
tar and fiddle, her family
shared. She participated
in the Washington Old
Time Fiddlers Association
and attended the National
Fiddle Competition in
Weiser, Idaho, for a num-
ber of years.
She is survived by
daughter Marilyn Law-
son of Shelton; son Joe
"Denny" (Joyce) Lawson of
Shelton; adopted daughter
Joyce Lucky-Valentine of
Rochester: sisters Maxine
Crider of Missouri and
Mildred Lester of Shel-
ton" six grandchildren: 16
great-grandchildren, 13
great-great grandchildren
and numerous nieces,
nephews and cousins.
She was preceded in
death by her husband and
two brothers.
A service will take
place at 11 a.m. on Sat-
urday at Spring Road
Chapel, 1113 E. Shelton
Springs Road.
Memorial donations the farm, helping with the son Marvin. death by his parents and
can be made to the Wash- chickens, eggs and grapes, There will be no memo- brother Marvin.
ington Old Time Fiddlers which were sold commer- rial service. In lieu of flowers, the
Association, 301 E. Wal- cially. Her family plans to family suggest people
lace Kneeland Blvd.. Suite She attended the is- bury her ashes later this contribute to any environ-
224-230, Shelton, WA. land's one-room school summer next to her son mental conservation orga-
98584. through Marvin on Harstine Is- nization.
~ eighth land. The family will be plac-
Shaun Parr grade, ing his ashes on Harstine
Shaun G. Parr passed and fin- Randall Carnes Island next to his brother
away June 3, 20t2, at ished high Randall John Carnes, Marvin at the same time
home from a heart attack, school in 60, died on Aug. 17, 2012, as his mother, who died
He was born Aug. 19, Shelton. at his home in Buckley. on June 22.
1953, in Kalispell. Mont. She at- He was born on Nov.
' He moved to Shelton with tended 15, 1951. in Olympia to Theodora Sleisher
his family Sept. 1, 1958. business Samuel Melford Carnes Theodora Lee (Joy)
He entered school a year Pauline college and Pauline Shirley Sleisher. 84, died on Aug.
later. Carnes and began Hitchcock Carnes. 13. 2012, at Mason Gen-
He graduated from high working The family moved eral Hospital. She was a
school in 1972. While in for the ~~,~. to Des resident of Shelton.
high school, he was part State of Washington in '[~i!i Moines m She was born on Oct.
of a teen band called Mind Olympia. She met her ii~ the early 18, 1927, in Hartford,
Condition. husband Mel Carnes ~ 1960s. He Kan.. to Theodore and
After high school grad- -- at a picnic hosted by gradu- Vera Germann (Whitehu-
uation, he married his her parents on Harstine ated from , rst).
high school sweetheart. Island for island newcom- Mr. Rain- ~ She
He and his bride spent ers. ier High ~ gradu-
two years in Phoenix be- They married and be- School in ated from
fore returning to Shelton. gan their lives in Olym- 1970. He Hartford
The marriage later endedpia. They had three chil- Randall worked at High
in divorce, dren -- Marvin, Randall Carnes Crystal School.
Shaun worked for Glen and Melanie. Mountain She
C. Parr Services for theThe family relocated to Ski Re- married
next several years before Des Moines for Mel's work sort for 15 years and built Everett
becoming disabled, and Pauline soon began homes when there was no Theodora Sleisher
He is survived his working in the Federal snow. Sleisher at St.
nephew Michael Dah- Way School District as He served as a mer- Mary
man, great-niece Eleanora secretary. She retiredchant marine in Alaska Catholic
Dahman, great nephew in the early 1980s afteron a ship involved with oil Church in Hartford. They
Matthew Dahman and 30 years of work, mostlyexploration. He moved tobuilt and managed ABC
niece Fina Ormond, all at Totem Junior High Greenwater, located nearMeat Market in Tacoma
of Shelton. sisters Karen School. Crystal Mountain, where for 30 years. After her
White of Shelton, Jaralea She spent her retire- he met his wife Dorothy husband's death, she held
Schroeder of Maricopa, ment years in Olympia. Kreklow. a number of secretarial
Ariz., aunts Joann Nutt of Her family shared that The couple had two positions.
Shelton, Coral Sublet ofshe loved to travel and sons. Her interests included
Bremerton, Olive Lanman we~it to France with herHe worked at the her family and friends. St.
of Shelton and numerous daughter Melanie for Federation Forest State Edwards Catholic Church
cousins, three weeks for her 70thPark in Greenwater for in Shelton and St. Mark's
He was preceded in birthday. She also went six years. Finally, he Catholic Church in Boise,
death by his parents, Glen to Switzerland, Hawaii transitioned back to theIdaho.
C. and Shirley B. Parr, and Palm Springs. She construction industry She is survived by son
two nieces, Shannon and was an avid camper into working for G.L.C. Inc. in Jim Sleisher (Wendy) Of
Crystal Schroeder, and her 80s. Enumclaw for 21 years. Boise: daughter Gerry
brother, Ray. Her family also shared His family shared that (Gordon) of Aberdeen;
A service will be at that she loved music, he loved nature, fishing, granddaughters Kate
11 a.m. on Sept. 8 at the playing the piano, read-hiking, skiing, camping,of Aberdeen and Clare
Beginning Church, State ing, films and gardening, mushroom hunting birds, of Boise; brother Larry
Route 8, 2 1/4 miles from She is survived by plant identification, dogs, Germann of Hutchenson.
Little Creek Casino. son Randall of Buckley; animals and music. He Kan.; sisters Ida Hol-
daughter Melane (Allan) played piano, harmonica,mgren of Harstine Island,
Pauline Carnes Solonsky of Bainbridge Is- and drums. He also sang Rosann Hoskins of Bur-
Pauline Shirley Hitch- land; granddaughter Las-and whistled, lington, Kan., Frances
cock Carnes, 86, died onka Carnes of Wyoming; He is survived by his Burris of Hartford, Kan.:
Jun~ 22, 2012, at Marthagrandsons Evan and Glen sister Melanie Carnes and numerous nieces and
and Mary Skilled NursingCarnes of Snohomish; (Allan) Solonsky of Bain- nephews.
Home in Poulsbo. great-grandchildren Hal-bridge Island; sons EvanShe was preceded in
She was born on Aug. ey and Mason Sandefer ofand Glen Carnes of Sno- death by husband Everett:
2, 1925. in Shelton to Wyoming; and numerous homish County; niece brothers Dale, Wylie and
John and Beulah Hitch- nieces, nephews and cous- Laska Carnes, and great-Danny; and sisters Kay,
cock, who were farmers on ins. niece and great-nephew Betty, Blondel and Mickie
Harstine Island. She was preceded in Haley and Mason Sand- Sue.
Her younger brother death by her parents, efer of Casper, Wyo. A service will take
Lyle and she worked on brother, sister-in-law and He was preceded in place at 2 p.m. on Sept.
28 at Calvary Cemetery,
5212 70th St. S.W., Ta-
Memorial donations can
be made to St. Edwards
Catholic Church.
Online condolences may
be sent to the family at
Rick Williams
Rick E.D. Williams, 68,
died on Aug. 14, 2012, in
He was born on July 13,
1944, in Centralia to Rob-
ert Ward Williams and
Clara Belle McQueen.
He served in the U.S.
Army and married Con-
nie M. Altaffer on July 13,
2001', in
where he
lived for
13 years.
Rick plant-
ing trees,
Williams word
and picnicking. He loved
his dogs and spending
time with his family, they
He is survived by his
wife Connie; sons Dustin
Williams and Michael A1-
taffer; daughters Becky
Spies, Cathy Field, Lori
Sargant, Nina Kunz,
Pam Miller and Te-
resa Johnson and their
spouses; brothers Dan
Richter, Robert Richter.
Robert Williams and
Ward Williams and their
spouses; sisters Anna
Marie Williams, Betty
Van Riper, Cheryl Rich-
ardson, Francis Kallas,
Janet Hansel. Linda Kil-
lebrew, Lynn Lopez and
Patricia Abbey and their
spouses; and numerous
grandchildren, great-
grandchildren, nieces
and nephews.
He was preceded in
death by his grandpar-
No services are
Remembrances can be
made at www.funeralal- Arrange-
ments are with Funeral
Alternatives of Washing-
The Washington State Attor- mortgages while falsely claiming information such as employ- information the callers provide is county assessor offices to find out
hey General's Office is joining to work for the state, ment status, income and age, incorrect, more about property tax relief
the Washington State Depart- Seniors made a number of under the guise of helping se- The people making these callsprograms and the Department
ments of Veterans Affairs and complaints this week to the de- niors determine whether they are not trained to determine of Veterans Affairs (1-800-562-
Revenue in warning consumers partment and to county audi- qualify for Washington's prop- whether seniors qualify for state 2308) for veteran's benefits.
about phone solicitors posing as tors saying that the solicitors, erty tax relief programs, or for programs. The Attorney General's Office
state agents for a senior property calling themselves "Seniors aid and assistance programs for All seniors who receive theseprovides more information about
tax relief program. First," implied or overtly stat- veterans, calls are advised to refrain from reverse mortgages and phone
The Department of Revenue ed that they were marketing The callers then move into giving out personal information scams and advises you to evalu-
was alerted that callers have these programs on behalfoftheselling their reverse mortgage over the phone to someone they ate all your available options
been contacting Washington se- state, programs, do not know. carefully before choosing any
niors and trying to sell reverse The callers ask for personal Some of the property tax relief Seniors should contact their mortgage product.
Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County
Journal--Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012