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Friday Tuesday
7 p.m. Shelton football vs. 7 p.m. Shelton girls' soccer
Tumwater at Highclimber vs. River Ridge at High-
Stadium climber Stadium
Saturday Wednesday
9 a.m. Shelton volleyball at 7 p.m. Shelton volleyball vs.
Centralia Varsity Jamboree Black Hills in the Minidome
10 a.m. Shelton Kings var-
sity at Elma Sept. 6
11:30 a.m. Shelton Kings 3:30 p.m. Shelton girls'
JV red at Elma swimming at Timberline
1 p.m. Shelton Kings mi- 3:30 p.m. Shelton boys' ten-
nors at Elma nis at Gig Harbor
2:30 p.m. Shelton Kings 6:45 p.m. Shelton girls' soc-
flag at Elma cer at North Mason
7 p.m. Shelton volleyball at
North Thurston
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by Sarah Newman, D.C.
• To have items placed in
the sports calendar, email
SHS girls' soccer coach contract not renewed
Search on for new coach; first game Tuesday "(He will) hire
By EMILY HANSON contract, a new CO~Ch
as When no motion either way was kly
........................................................ entered, the matter died for lack of qu i¢ as h e
motion and the board decided the
The Shelton School board chose not contract would not be renewed, ca ~ = ~'
to renew the contract for last year's "The athletic director will go through
head girls' soccer coach this week. interviews and hire a new coach as '%Ve waited (to make a decision)
During the board's meeting on quickly as he can," Massie said. because we had a lot of people who
Tuesday, Superintendent Wayne Four weeks ago, Malpass was told wanted to make comments," Massie
Massie said the board had received by Athletic Director Jim Judson that said. "But the decision had to be done
many letters and a great deal oftesti- his contract as head coach would not in open session."
mony regarding the renewal of Mike be renewed. At that point, no official Practices began for the team on
Malpass' contract as head girls' soc- decision had been made by the board. Aug. 20. Since the contract was unde-
cer coach at Shelton High School. "It was just some concerns werecided, the Lady Highclimbers have been
"As of right now, no contract has brought forth from some citizens," coached by assistant coaches, including
been issued," Massie said before ask- Massie said after the meeting, the junior varsity and C-team coaches.
ing board President Gene Crater to He said all coaching contracts are The team's first game is sched-
ask the school board to enter a mo- for one year only with no guarantee uled ~or 7 p.m. Tuesday against River
tion either to renew or not renew the of renewal. Ridge at Highclimber Stadium.
"know I certainly am. Ready for football
season, that is.
It seems crazy, but the mornings have
already begun to smell like fall, and for the
Past 11 years, fall has been synonymous with
one thing in my mind: football.
I've already written about how much I love
this sport. From the sound of the pads hitting
together, whistles blowing and players chant-
ing, the entire sport thrills me, and for the 48
minutes of regulation time two teams are on
the gridiron, my heart's pumping and it takes
a lot of self-control to stop from cheering on a
team while I'm taking photos on the sideline.
Football has some risks, of course. Espe-
cially for a 5-foot:3-inch woman such as my-
self. Most football players are at least half
a foot taller than I am, and add in the extra
height from their cleats and their focus on
the game, and they usually don't see me on
the sidelines. It's totally my job not to get
run over, and that's not just from the sideline
I can't count how many times I felt like I
was almost tackled during count the number of times I've had to duck
games last season. I take my out of the way of an errant ball. The Knight
older sister with me because Owls in particular seemed to be aiming for me
when I'm behind the camera,whenever they'd attempt a PAT.
I'm focused on getting the Despite the risks, my fall Friday nights are
shot and little things like, still the most fun I have all year and I don't
"Oh, those two hulking, pad- see that changing any time soon. Even when
covered football players are the rain is coming down so hard and so fast
getting too close" don't seem that I'm soaked to the bone by the time I get
By EMILY to register in my brain, back to my car, I've got a smile on my face and
HANSON That's where my sister sleep well that night.
comes in. While I'm taking For other football enthusiasts in the coun-
photos, she's watching the ty, the Shelton Highclimbers open their sea-
action and always prepared to pull me outson at 7 p.m. tomorrow night at Highclimber
of the way. It's a good system for the most Stadium against Tumwater while the North
part. While I've never been tackled -- knock Mason Bulldogs travel to Sultan.
on wood -- she's been spiked in the calf and Then, the two schools are set to battle for
hit with the ball at least once. I should prob- best in Mason County on Sept. 7 when they
ably buy her a "thank you" card or some- compete against each other at Phil Pugh Sta-
thing, dium in Belfair.
Also, football season seems to create an il- The Mary M. Knight Owls play their first
lusion that I can't see. For most of last fall, it game at 1 p.m. on Sept. 8 at Quilcene. Their
felt like there was a target on me every time I first home game is at 1 p.m. the following Sat-
brought the camera to my face because I can't urday against Oakville.
As science has uncovered
increasing amounts of evidence
that link the
body and
mind, many
and other
have worked
to exploit this
connection to
their patients'
a d v a n t a g e. Sarah Newman, D.C.
Bio Energetic
Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.)
is a non-forceful, energy-balancing,
hands-on system that is designed
to restore the body's healing
potential. It does so by removing
the interference between mind
and body that hampers healing
and establishes more positive
connections. Once such emotions as
worry and fear are removed from
memory patterns, the mind is free
to communicate with the body more
effectively to relieve pain. In effect,
B.E.S.T. retrains the mind to create
a more favorable environment for
the body to better take care of
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B.E.S.T. technique is brought to you
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Call 360.426,3886 to schedule an
P.S. If left unchecked, pain can
establish pathways to the brain.
which overwhelms patients' coping
ability and establishes negative
thought patterns that lead to
chronic pain.
Alderbrook Ladies' Golf
Aug. 21 -- Medal Play
18:hole Monthly Medalist: Karen
Laverdiere, 65
9-hole Monthly Medalist: Delores
Barrett, 31
18-hole Division 1: gross, Lorna
Martinson, 78; net 1, Coralie Wat-
ters, 68; net 2, Linda Creswell, 69;
net 3, Elaine Puetz, 70
18-hole Division 2: gross (tie), Kar-
en Burns and Karen Aumen, 104;
net 1, Pat Johnson, 69; net 2, Fran
Hammack, 71
9-hole: gross, Colleen McEachin, 51;
net 1, Bebe Silvey, 32; net 2, Judy
Brockmann, 33
Aug. 23 - String Game
18-hole Division 1: 1, Sue Wright,
73; 2 (tie), Lorna Martinson and
Coralie Watters, 76
18-hole Division 2: 1, Jean Scruggs,
77; 2, Linda Creswell, 81; 3 (tie),
Shirley Swenson, Maxine Baillie
and Elaine Puetz, 82
18-hole Division 3: 1, Betty Olson,
85; 2, Fran Hammack, 86; 3, Rhon-
da Westover, 88
9-hole: 1, Lana Clausen, 39; 2 (tie),
Mary Lockwood and Delores Bar-
rett, 48; 4 (tie), Diana Hammer and
Dawn Turnbull, 50
Alderbrook Golf
Aug. 25 -- Couples Championship
Low gross of the field: Jeff and Sue
Wright, 71
Low net of the field (won a three-
hole playoff): Rich and Colleen
McEachin, 59
Division 1: gross, Jim and Lorna
Martinson, 74; net 1, Dave and Mar-
tha Pauley, 59; net 2 (tie), Ron and
Nancy Gurnsey; Dennis and Ann 9-inches
Crawley, 61; net 4, Bob and Gerry
Lou Haselwood, 62 Lake Limerick Ladies' Golf
Division 2: gross, Wayne and Dusty Aug. 20--T & F Holes
Blair, 83; net 1 (tie), Pat and Sally Flight 1:1~ Robbi Alberts, 13; 2, Ma-
Steffan; Joe and Shaunna Webb, 61;
net 3 (tie), Bob Carley and Renee
Stein; Jeff McHargue and Rebecca
James, 63
Aug. 24 -- Horse Race
lst: Arden Merriman and Rhonda
2nd: Tom Pesich and Martha Pauley
Bayshore Ladies' Golf
July 10, 17, 24 -- Club Champion-
Club Champion: Eeva Kissick
First Division: 1, Joni Stevens; 2,
Mary Lou Wicken
Second Division: 1, Judy Zehrung; 2,
Harlene Robbins
Aug. 21 -- Best Ball
1, Joni Stevens and Harlene Rob-
bins; 2 (tie), Mary Lou Wicken and
Marian Spence; Eeva Kissick and
Marge Witcraft
Bayshore Mens' Golf
Aug. 25 -- 27-hole Nell Evander Me-
morial Tournament
Gross: 1st, Ed Klein and Mike Robb,
Net: 1st (tie), Jack Ott and Jon
Armstrong; Bill Robbins and Lary
Knudsen, 93; 3rd, Bill Smith and
Jam~s Lix, 93.5; 4th, Doug Trogstad
and Roman Pawlik, 96; 5th, Rick
Endicott and Steve Demiero, 97.5;
6th (tie), Fritz Bramstedt and Matt
Tanselli; Colin McInnes and Greg
Hartman, 98.5
Team KP No. 3: Rick Endicott and
Steve Demiero, 12-feet, 4-inches
Teamp KP No. 7: Jim Lanman
and Richard Pasalich, 15-feet,
ryLou Trautmann, 16; 3, Ann Woo-
ten, 17
Flight 2: 1, Sharon Hadsall, 13.5; 2,
Jeannine Jacob, 15.5; 3, Joyce Reyn-
olds, 16.5
Flight 3:1 (tie), Clara Robinson and
Shefla Thomas, 14; 3, Rosemary
Bowcutt, 16
Pars: Jeannine Jacob, No. 1, No. 4
and No. 7; Robbi Alberts, No. 4 and
No. 6; Kerry Torkelson, No. 1, No.
6 and No. 7; MaryLou Trautmann,
No. i and No. 9; Bonnie Morrow, No.
7; Gayle Wilcox, No. 7; Rita Lipin-
ski, No. 1
Chip-ins: Bonnie Morrow, No. 8
Low net of the day: Robbi Alberts,
Aug. 22 -- Low Net
Flight 1: 1, Robbi Alberts, 73; 2, Ann
Johnson, 74; 3, Lesley Robertshaw-
Mosley, 75
Flight 2: 1, Gayle Wilcox, 70; 2, Ma-
rie Bierward, 75
Chip-ins: Joyce Reynolds, No. 12
Low net of the day: Gayle Wilcox, 70
Flight 1: 1, Sharon Corrigan, 34; 2,
Sharon Hadsall
Flight 2: 1, Sheila Thomas, 31; 2,
Pat Wass, 36; 3, Rosie Bowcutt, 40
Pars: Sharon Corrigan, No. 4
Chip-ins: Rosie Bowcutt, No. 9
Low net of day: Sheila Thomas, 31
Aug. 24 -- Low Net
Flight 1: 1, Sheila Thomas, 35; 2,
Diane Pollard, 36; 3, Pegi Reese; 4
(tie), Pat Wass and Sharon Corrigan
Low net of the day: Sheila Thomas,
MCYBA board
positions open
The Mason County Youth Base-
ball Association Board of Directors
is looking to fill seVeral open posi-
The board is seeking a player
agent, a scheduler, an equipment
manager and a treasurer.
The player agent will be in con-
tact with parents and players and
will create the teams in the associa-
tion's five age divisions.
The scheduler is in charge of
scheduling all games and fields.
The equipment manager will be
responsible for distributing all gear
at the beginning of the season and
collecting it at the end of the sea-
Finally, the l 1-person board is
looking for someone with an account-
ing background for the treasurer po-
To apply for the board positions or
to turn in nominations, contact Pres-
ident Josh Eveland at pcm51510@
The next board meeting is sched-
uled for 6 p.m. Sept. 12 at Roosters
Restaurant. Board positions will be
chosen during that meeting. The po-
sitions are all one-year terms..
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Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012