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Shelton volleyball looks to rebound from tough 2011 season
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Shelton's Heather Johnson hits the ball over
the net during volleyball practice on Tuesday.
are a strong passing and defensive
team ooo this wi[[ keep us in the game with
The Shelton volleyball
team has a tough road teams/'
ahead of it.
Though the Lady High- lone returning senior, lin to the team, Beck said bunch," Beck said.
climbers will play in the "Courtney has great Kristen Frakes works well The main weakness of
3A Narrows League this passing and defense skills in the setting position, the Lady Climbers is the
fall, the team finished in and she is our most skilled He said the strength ofsmall size of the team.
seventh among eight 4A attacker," Beck said. the team lies in its great Lack of height could make
Narrows League teams Natalie Andrewski and attitude, it difficult for Shelton to
last year and has few re- Cherise Spears are expected "This is a hard workingmatch up with some teams.
turners, to help lead the team this
Head coach Steve Beck, season as well.
now in his 24th season "Natalie plays libero
with the team, said the 3A back row only -- and might
Narrows League will be aend up as Shelton's best
much better fit for Shelton defender. Cherise is back
athletics, from an injury and will
"We are a strong pass- help the offense greatly."
ing and defensive team,"Among the younger
Beck said. "This will keep players, Beck said sopho-
us in the game with mostmores Kennedy O'Conner
teams." and Georgette Luegala,
Beck is assisted this along with freshman Kiara
season by junior varsityBudge, will be assets to the
coach Steve Morgan, C- team this fall.
team coaches Elise Dike One player Beck was
and Alysse Eaton -- bothlooking forward to having
former players -- and on the team, Cheyenne
manager Troy Krumpols. Overlin, will miss the first
Together, the staff willpart of the season.
oversee 10 varsity players, "Cheyenne broke her
10 junior varsity and 12 C- wrist in basketball," Beck
team players, said. "She was scheduled to
On the varsity team, play the key role of setter.",
Courtney Hanson is the Despite the loss of Over-
Mary M. Knight junior linebacker Angu Ogg pushes
during football practice on Aug. 23.
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
a blocking sled
Knight "We didn't lose much at all so it's easy to
Owls pick up where we left off," he said.
Continued from page C-1 Schultz said the Knight Owls are out-
standing this year with Cloud returning
Oien. Senior Dylan Deweese is new to the as an Associated Press Honorable Men-
team. tion on the All-State team along with Cody
Willey said the offense is doing well so Thompson and Dierkop returning as Hon-
far this season, orable Mentions on the Northwest Eight-
"We have new players we're trying to Man All-State team.
adjust to but overall, we'll adapt to what- "We have kids who can run and kids who
ever Schultz throws at us," he said. can tackle," Schultz said. "It'll be exciting."
He stated that the change in coaching Thompson said he thinks the defensive
won't affect the team in a bad way. line is shaping up well.
"Mike set up a real positive atmosphere "I think we're gonna have a lot of suc-
last year and Schultz is keeping it ups" Wil- cess like last year," he said. "We were one
ley said. of the top-rated eight-man defenses in the
The Knight Owls practiced together for state."
a few days during summer camp. Willey Schultz named the team's speed and
said they worked together on basics with- unity as its main strengths.
out pads. He said he thinks that'll help "We are inexperienced in the playoffs
with this season, after making it to the first round for the
As for repeating the success of last fall, first time in school history last year," he
Willey said he has no doubt the team can said. "Our goal is to make it to the playoffs
do it. again this year."
Lady Owls
Continued from page C-1
The main weakness for
the Lady Owls this season
is lack of depth, Brehmeyer
"A strength is they want
to play and want to do
well," she said. "They're re-
ally committed."
Ashley Kiliz serves
practice on Aug. 23
High School.
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
during volleyball
at Mary M. Knight
for the September 6th
Journal will be
Friday, August 31st at 5:00p.m.
Deadline for other issues will still be Mondays
at 5:00 p.m. but the Journal will be closed on
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012 - Page C-3