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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 31, 1944     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 31, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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{age 4 ' Returns Home Miss Ruth Mast has returned to her home in Shelton after spend-I Ing three weeks with her aunt in . Centralia and finishing her vaca— tion with a trip to Mt. Rainier where an enjoyable time was had. ~———————veri—~v~v e V Hing .Fosicmriucmstsoenhsi SHELTON, WASHINGTON W E LCO M E8 YO U SERVICES Sunday ........................ .. 11 a. m. Wednesday ...... .. 8 p. in. Sunday School ........ .. 9:45 a. m. Reading Room at the Church 302 Alder Street Open Monday thru Friday 12:00 to 4 p. In. Tuesday Evening 7:00 to 9:00 p Wednesday Evening 6:45 to 7:45 _____...___——o——-—-—————— Sunday, September “MANY! _______d_._—-———-———-\ Christian Science Literature a- vailable at all times at. the Church or on request by mail. Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist Boston, Mass. _—__.___-———-—'—-———— N \rr‘s egg N‘. i -, : Sexton, 33m. Stewart I Entertains Friends 1 Mrs. Bernice Stewart was host- ess at her home on Friday for a group of friends. ‘ A very enjoyable afternoon was lspent in reminiscing and instru- ‘imental music. An added feature 30f the afternoon was the surprise ivisit by Mrs. Betty Sexton Ingle . ,' and her young son Lyle, from Los ! Angeles. . l Tea was served in the late af- lternoon. Those present included ,Mrs. Ingle and son, Mrs. Lionel Miss Helen Ingle, Mrs. John Dotson and the hostess, Ber- _nice Stewart. l lGirl Scout Council ‘ Holds Meeting l Members of the .Girl Scout Council gathered at the home of Mrs. W. A. McKenzie last Friday. The main problem which came ibefore the group was the need of. leaders to carry on the work for ‘the coming year, and anyone in- ,terested in helping with this pro- ;ject is urged to contact Mrs. Ar- ‘ ‘ thur .Walton. l Mrs. Otto Goldschmid also an- :nounced the plans for theall-city iget-to-gether for Girl Scouts that -Girl Scout. Little House park. Visits Portland , _ Mrs. M. C.7Zintheo spent sev- eral days in Portland with her mother, returning Sunday. in the BUTTERMHui 25¢ BINNS 825 Franklin Auburn Golden Fla kl: NALLEY'S MAYONNAISE . . . adds the fresh taste to salads . . . Nalley’s exclu- sive blend brings magic charm to the flavor of vegetable, salad. Wm WM Salad ’/2 cup diced cooked beets 1 cup‘shredded cabbage ‘4 cup finely diced celery 1/; cup diced cooked turnip 1A cup grated raw carrot Nalley’s Mayonnaise Combine the vegetables with Nalley‘s Mayonnaise. Serve on leaves of lettuce. (Serves 2.) TANG... adds the flavor nature overlooked . . . Its com~ bination of the finest in- gredients makes it the perfect salad dressing. ALLEY’S 7m 7004! 7mm 4TH and R.R. Overseas XMAS CARDS and GIFTS MAIL ’ BETWEEN Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 For His Pleasure and Comfort Shaving Sets Xmas Cards Manicure Sets Kaywoodie Pipes $64 Eversharp Sets Wetproof . Baby Pants SPECIAL 15¢ Mc-CONKEY PHARMACY THOUSANDS ARE '(HOOSING IT —for better hearing ‘and smarter sfon of $40 READY TO WEAR— comploie with radi- oni: tubes, crystal microphone, Neu- tral-Color Earphone and Card, boIIeries. Ono model, no “decoys” . . . Ono price . . . Ono quality-Zonith’s finest. Overwhelming Swing to the New ' RADIONIC HEARING AID will: Neutral-Color Earpbone and Card . . proves concluswely that no one need pay more than $40 for a quality instrument. Come in for a demonstra- tion. Let your own ears be the judge. No elaborate test- ing. No frequent “adjust- merits.” Accepted by Amuican Medical Association Council on Physical Therapy 1will be held in September at the‘ __ we??? .__________—_______%..._—__._ SOCIHL Garden Club Members Model Flower Hats A unique feature of the meeting of the Shelton Garden Club this 'week at the home of Mrs. Eber Angle of Angleside was the crea- tion of “Hats of Flowers.“ With the flair for the unusual displayed in women‘s hats, imag- line if you can, each woman “let- ting herself go" with a hat to idesign and a garden of flowers .with which to do it. Needless to say the hats were a source of much admiration and merriment. l Mrs. Guy Hutchinson arrived in a hat made of sweet peas, Mrs. George Drake wore an orange tu- ‘berous begonia in her hair, Mrs. lOl‘le Gonter, yellow daisies over 1a wire flower holder, Mrs. W. C. ‘Batchelor and young daughter wore matching hats covered with pansies, Mrs, Alfred Killmer a . patriotic number composed of red, white and blue flowers. Mrs. J. H. Frisken, small hat with a spray of bronze Mt. Bresha, Mrs. Phil Fredson, blue hydrangea in her hair to match her corsage, Mrs. Vernece Johnson, flowers in her hair, Mrs. George Cropper, small pill box with red and white flow- ers, Mrs. Hal Olstead, small brown calot with salmon geran- ium trim, Mrs. A. E. Hillier, pink tuberous begonias in her hair, Mrs. Grant Angle, navy blue hat with pink roses, Mrs. Kullrieh, sailor hat covered with yellow daisies, Mrs. Eber Angle, fushia trimmed hat. A short business meeting was held at which time the club voted to re-elect all last year’s stand- ing officers for another year. Informative papers, “Saving Seed," “Tulip Planting,” and "Perennials" were read by mem- bers. Mrs. Alfred Killmer brought beautiful tuberous begonias and lily specimens. 0 At the close of the business meeting Mrs. Angle served tea. “’orthy Grand Matron To Visit O.E.S. The Order of Eastern Star will hold a regular meeting on Sat- urday, September 9, at 8 p. m. at the Masonic Temple. ’ A special attraction for this meeting will be the official visit of the Worthy Grand Matron, Olive 1. Magnus, and a reception for Ella McCulloch, grand repre- sentative. Members of Elinor Chapter No. 177, O.E.S. will put on the initia- tion work. Former Resident Recuperating Word was received in Shelton this week that Mack LeDrew, for- mer Shelton resident, is recuper- ating nicely at the Immanuel Hos- pital in Portland after having undergone a major operation. Mr. and Mrs. William LeDrew were down to see him. Walter LeDrew, son of the Mack LeDrew’s, was called home from Alameda, Calif., where he is sta- tioned with the Navy to be with his father during the operation, and also came to Shelton for a couple of days to visit friends. Daughters of Pioneers To Meet Next Week Mason County Chapter No. 14, Daughters of the Pioneers will hold a regular meeting on Thurs- day, S'e'ptember 7 at the home/of Mrs. Annie Fraser beginning at 2:30 p. in. Say It WITH FLOWERS . They Bring Comfort and Happiness FUNERAL DESIGNS AND HOSPITAL BOUQUETS Travis Floral Shop Shelton Hardware Bldg. Phone 232 78M Phone 555 or 303 BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS 14 Karat Gold Point Fountain Pens Leather Zipper Note Books Leather Brief Cases $3.95 and $4.95 Ceda COLOGNE $1.00 Size 69¢ $1.25 Size NUTREX 98¢ LILLIAN WARREN, Society Editor (yup Sand Point Orchestra Plays for U.S.(). Party When the sailors from the N.A.A.S. entertain for the Junior Hostesses, they really put on a party and last Wednesday eve— ning was no exception. Ed Hodg- son, A.M.M. 2c, of New York, was chairman of the affair. The U.S.O. was decorated to resemble a ship, with appropriate ship signs in evidence. Around the band stand for the 14-piece band “Hellcats from Sand Point” was a realistic boat railing with ring buoys. The ropes were red, white and blue twisted crepe paper. A trio entertained during in- termission and prizes were awarded for a spot dance and a jitterbug contest. The Degree of Honor members were the senior hostess, assisted by the N.A.A.S. and the USO. Navy Mother’s Club To Meet Thursday The Navy Mother's Club will hold a regular meeting at the Eagles Hall on Thursday, Sep- tember 7 at 8 p. m. Regular busi- ne’ss will be the order of the eve- ning. All mothers with sons in the navy are cordially invited to at-l tend the meeting. Meeting Slated For H.C.W.C. Garden Dept. The H.C.W.C. Garden depart- ment will hold their next meeting at the home of Elizabeth Robin- son at Lilliwaup on September 6. Potluck luncheon will take place at noon, Members are asked to make hats of vegetables or flow- ers and model them. There will be prizes for the most becoming and the most ridiculous. Items such as interesting flowers, a game, poem, ancedote or ideas and suggestiOns for landscaping the Robinson residence and sur— roundings will furnish the potluck program. Contributions of vines, plants or shrubs will be appre- ciated. Helen Andersen, president of H.C.W.C. wishes to announce there will be an executive board meeting at the same Garden Club meeting and would like members to have in mind suggestions for the year’s programs so that the year books may be compared for the coming year. Shelton W.C.T.U. To Hold Meeting The Shelton Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold its regular meeting on Friday, Sep- tember 1 at the home of Mrs. W. H. Snelgrove, beginning with a potluck lunch at 1 p. m. Mrs. L. Wiley will be in charge of the devotions preceding the dinner. Mrs. Mel Dobson will be in charge of the program for the afternoon and all members are to bring Parliamentary Leaflet No. 7. Everyone is invited to attend. Rainbow Girls To Meet Tuesday The Rainbow Girls will meet on Tuesday evening, September 5 at the Masonic Temple at 7:30 p. m. The main business of the meeting will be initiation and voting. Leaves for California Fred Russell left Thursday af- ter spending a month in Shelton with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Holmes and his son, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Russell. Before re- turning to his home at Arcadia, Nebraska, he will visit a brother at Medford, Oregon, and a sister at San Diego, Calif. Ora Russell accompanied him to Portland. From Altadena Mrs. Clara Reid of Altadena, Calif., visited recently with Mrs. Ernest Eaton and on the Canal with her brother, L. F. Stetson. Pvt. and Mrs. Peterson Have Third Anniversary Pvt. and Mrs. Harold Peterson celebrated their third wedding an- niversary on August 23 with a dinner party. Their guests in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Preston Arm- strong and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Nagle of Tacoma. From Camas Mrs. V. McLaughlin of Camas, recently spent a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Grover Brewster. From Penscola. Mrs. J. B. Kimberl of Penscola, is visiting in Shelton for two weeks with her son, Charles Kim- berl, A.M.M. 2/c, who is stationed at the Shelton N.A.A.S. V.F.W. Auxiliary Meeting Friday A regular meeting of the V.F‘. W. Auxiliary will be held on Fri- day evening, September 1. ‘ Son Arrives Word was received in Shelton last week announcing the arrival of a baby son on August 9 to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Viger at the Victory Hospital in Napa, Calif. Mr. Viger is stationed at Mather Field. Leaves Sunday For Lewiston Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki left Sunday to accompany Mrs. Paul- ine Gussek and children on their return trip to Lewiston, Idaho. They have spent the past several ,' weeks visiting with Mrs. Gus- sek’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Clark. Mrs. Winiecki will visit for a while with the Gussek's at their home and will then go to Spo- kane for a visit with relatives. Returns to South Cdrollna Miss June McCall left Monday for South Carolina after having spent the summer in Shelton with her sister, Mrs. Carl D. Simon- sen. Miss McCall will resume her studies at Duke University where she is a senior. From Spokane Miss Margaret Ann Hyatt of Spokane spent last Week With Mr. SHELTQN—MASONTCOUNTY JOURNAL and Mrs. F. H. Diehl. Mrs. Diehl is her aunt. U.iS.O. Hostesses ll. Hostess Organizations for this week: Sept. 1—V.F.W. Auxiliary Sept. 2-~State Dept. of Social Security . Sept. 3g—Girl Scout Council Sept. 4~—Moose Ladies Sept. 5—American Legion Auxiliary Sept. 6——Shelton Dance Club Sept. 7-—~_Capitol Hill Club Bridal Shower Given Thursday Miss Marjorie Troy and her sis- ter, Mrs. Helen Thomas, enter- tained with a bridal shower last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Ed Whaley, honoring Mrs. Edward Richards, a recent bride. A very enjoyable evening was spent visiting following which dainty refreshments were served. Many lovely gifts were received by the honored guest. Legion Auxiliary Installation Tuesday New officers for the American Legion Auxiliary will be installed next Tuesday. September at the Memorial Hall at 8 p. m. at a joint instalation of the auxiliary and post. Installing officer for the aux— iliary Will be their fourth district president, Mrs. Charles 'Dousette, of Sumner. Tea Honors Shelton Visitors Mrs. B. N. Collier entertained at her home on Tuesday for a group of friends with a tea hon- oring two former Shelton resi- dents, Mrs. Hugh Hamilton, of Gardner, Ore., and Mrs. Homer Taylor of Carlsbad, New Mexico. 0.E.S. Social Club To Meet Tuesday The Order of Eastern Star So-’ cial Club will meet at the home of Bertha Grisdale for a 1 o‘clock luncheon on September 5. Emma' Jordan will assist. All members are invited to attend. Eagles Auxiliary Holds Meeting Members of the Eagles Auxil- iary met on Monday evening, Aug- ,. ust 28 at the Eagle‘s Hall for a regular busineSS meeting. One candidate, Gertrude West- cott, was initiated into the group. The serving of a lunch consisting,‘ of hot dogs, doughnuts and coffee rounded out the meeting. The next meeting of the group will be held on September 11. Rebekahs Hold Regular Meeting A regular meeting of the Ruby3 Rebekahs was held last Friday evening at the Odd Fellows Hall. i The next regular meeting and initiation for the group will be held on Friday, September 8. In, Seattle Mrs. A. L. Bell returned last Week from Seattle where she, had i spent several weeks with her sis- ter. Mrs. Bell was helping her sister pack, as she will move to Shelton the first of the month to make her home here with Mrs. Bell. House Guest Miss Lee Winters of Hoquiam was a house guest this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Homan. General Welfare Club To Hold Regular Meet A regular meeting of the Gen- eral Welfare Club will be held on Saturday evening, September at the I.0.0.F. Hall at 8 p. m. The dance given by the club at the Kamilche Grange Hall last Saturday was well attended. Shelton Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Joe Earl and family of Yakima visited friends and relatives in Shelton last week. Visiting Here Dr. Belle Dearborn of Seattle; a former Shelton resident, is a houSe guest at the home of Mr.‘ and Mrs. E. B. Spring. Move to California Warrant Officer and Mrs. Gor- don English and family left Sat- urday for California where he has been transferred. Grapeview News 8th by Scribe Mr. and Mrs. John McClothlin enjoyed entertaining OVer the week end their nephew, Billy Mc- I Glothlin, a navy man from Brem- erton. EnSign Marvin O’Neill, a life-long pal of their son, from Ok- 1ahoma. Mrs. Sarah Hansen spent Wed- nesday in Seattle, getting her new glasses and visiting Mrs. Bob Hansen and Kathleen Anne. Bob is now stationed at Gulfport, Miss. Mrs. John Stevens is using her ability as a trained nurSe helping the Shelton General Hospital on the night shift. Mrs. John .Reardon (Barbara Pomeroy) Spent two days at their 1 former Slimmer home, resting from the final quarter examina- tions at the university. Two other university girls were with her. Word has been received from Philip BeSCh that he is at Camp H00d. Texas. ready for a. seven- teen-week’s training course in the ‘ army. He says he is with a fine bunch of follows and looks for- ward to the life there. 1 Bert Mitchell arrived on Friday ‘ for his vacation from his teach- ing at the‘Washington Technical Institute In Seattle. However,= since he had to stop in Bremerton and have_a carbuncle removed,'he is spendlng it with one arm swathed in compreSSes. I Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jermy, from 1 Tacoma, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank I Jermy. Spent Sunday at the Spooner home. Frank was inval-i ided homo from France, following: the invasxon. fig ' I Lumber Was a California indus- I try two years before the gold rush. The g01d isabout mined out, but California trees still grow new wood. . Cloquallum News Sent by Scribe by Mrs. Mary Dailey Andrew J. Walko, B. M. 2/c. sent his sister, Mrs. Mary Dailey, a necklace of sea shells, the holes drilled and strung by himself while on Sterling Island resting after the ordeal his unit wont through a few months before. at Bougainvillc. He also sent sev- eral picture frames to his mother that he made out of native ard wood. Censorship allows him to tell about things that have hap-E pened and after they have moved. “Scuttle-but" has it that they are. to go with the Marines to an island near Tokyo in the very near future. Andy enlisted in the Sea- beas about one and one-half years ago and was a woods high climber and a rigger at Bremerton Navy Yard previous to joining up. A few months ago he was transfer— red to Marine Amphibious Corps. Cpl. George Hliboki sent home some Jap invasion money. George has about reached the maximum limit the aVerage men are kept in the theatre of operations. He has been an infantryman in the Southwest Pacific for over 27 months and has been in the army, around four years, going in under selective service about a year be- fore Pearl Harbor. His one chance to come home on rotation leave was frustrated when he drew the wrong straw when they let a small percentage of the division come home. He has been stationed mostly at Australia and New Guinea. Andrew (KeWpie) Hliboki was heard from in Italy again. He spent a few days in Rome recent- ly. He is with an engineer‘s unit. He Writes as often as conditions permit to his' mother, Mrs. Susie Hliboki and wife Helen (formerly Helen Matson' of Elma). He has been in Africa, also. R. W. Lovgren, A.R.M. 3/c, has a new address, Aircrew Sqd. 96, N.A.S., DeLa‘nd, Fla. His brother Harold, a navy’ air gunner has an A.P.O. address from Califor- nia. He hasn’t been heard from since he left the states. Miss Marilyn Lovgren visited her sister, Mrs. Astrid Moisio and family in Elma several days. Mrs. Sue WeaVer and son “Billie” were in Chehalis on bus- iness Friday. They were accom- panied by Mr. Miss Elizabeth Weaver and niece, Lois Weaver of El Monte, Calif., who had spent several days visit- ing them. En route home they shopped in Elma and were accom- panied home by Mrs. Mary Dailey :and son Donald who spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Mary Walko. The three younger Spiller chil- dren of Shelton are being cared for by Mrs. John Makoviney while their parents went east of the Welcome TO THE . Church of Christ 7:45 p.m. each Sunday EAGLES HALL Second & Grove Streets Weaver's sister, ' Hoodsport Man Dies at Hospital Thomas w. Rule, 70-year-old Hoodsport resident, passed away at the Shelton hospital yesterday tion no arrangements had as yet been made. Mr. Rule was born March 1874 and came to the state Washington in Hoodsport in 1933. Survivors include three sisters, Mrs. Clao McDonal, Hoodsport; l Mrs. Laura Fay, Seattle, and Mrs. Lillian Frazer, Seattle; one bio- ther, Lonzo Rule, Hoodsport. of mountains a few weeks. William Walko attended the Eagles meeting in Elma. Friday evening. Mrs. Susie Hliboki entertained at dinner Friday in honor of her daughter-in-law's birthday, Mrs. Helen Hliboki and her father, Mr. Matson of Vance Creek Road. Mr. and Mrs. Bator and daugh- ter have moved to Aberdeen from their Lost Lake summer home. They plan to spend the week end holiday here. Mrs. Mary Walko entertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dailey and son Donald of Elma, Arthur Hliboki, Helen and William Walko. Donald remained for a longer visit with his grand- mother. Fred Clear shopped in Elma one day last week. Mrs. Susie Hliboki and Mrs. Korzeniowski will be hostesses to the Priscilla Club, September 6. morning. At the time of publica-l 15, i 1889, moving to: VilllIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH j,‘ d "Your Photo Arrived Just In Time . . . You’ll be thrilled to have hime write that to you, 3“ if you have your photo made in our studios in ti for overseas mailing, between September 15th ‘ October 15th. Don’t delay—come in today, know you’ll get your gift portrait “over there" time. We’ll wrap for you—ready to mail. Andrews Photo Studio ‘llIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIlllIIIIllIEIIIllIIIlllIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"ll " h" Thursday,"&gust 3:? is: .‘August Visiting Parents ‘~ 1 Pvt. and Mrs. Melvin Cle are visiting his parents, "‘ gs ' Mrs. Merle Cleveland. .‘ V i Effie L. Kn r keeping hot: ‘Harvey Rends ‘ ., wh a husband. ,, “ .31 Cannery . all scale. this "‘ hlgh school . King will b ‘ his coming upDEr grades w to Belfair. Godwin enlargi "1g quarters t ha One—room t 9 purchased f The life of your clot?l .am- ' d Blair fami A31 to attend “mg of the 2: , .831 Jr.’s birthd ' “an posts to 1‘8 filling a lo: and every crc _ . , even the old time conservation" here became c will expand magically you have them dry ole! ed regularly. You’ll playing the tune of “W ‘ ‘ Jork of unma 988m Wyers ; dll‘mer and b day honoring The evening in .E and a n- . e . , Mason County S re the prlllm l bringing your clothes today! .. e of our peo ent away for l reare have rett - Hanlin is Rut not so wi : Mr. Hall is ’1 following a Mrs. Pearl from Seattle ,tonsils remov . Mrs. John e a recent ti ‘ Visit relativ tOrcutt and F , 'f t10 Shelton ' ,, 01‘ a rehearse . alllliicipation 01 Wait the 9th ‘3 Johnson tagged alor . SEOOG show. “Qhultz of P011 33’s last weel "Jessie Wyer: slster of M Bfirtells came for the week .Jeanne Wat 1tman. Myrlis 3.111. Robert Bi , ,nbeck, Riche Toombs. Laundry and D Cleaners ~ , il l oéfii \ to. H doclor’s prosci g POunded by you: gnocchi, and h x" '“If research om r, “i is symbolic ( 'zuuty co.. Mfg/MEX? Bock-to-School Togs! GIRLS' CREW-NECK CLASSIC All Wool, in fine guage knit. Pastel colors. 10-16. GIRLS' WARM SWEATERS * l 2.98 1 0 Classic or sloppy slip- over. Cardigans to match. Size ons‘ Jim‘ Pennoy" Sweaters- All- . wool cloth fronts, lain and herrin bone. Sweaters“ knitted back, 5 eeves. 2.98 'Oys' Wlnhr Worm 100% Wool Slipover. Herringbone, plaid Suede cloth fronts. Reg. U. 5. Po. on. [First choice for Full or hoollh Io c: BU , lAND ‘ . EPP’S or . STORE