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Thursday, September 1, 2011
Year 125 -- Week 35 -- 9 Sections -- 44 Pages -- Published in Shelton, Washington -- $1
By KEVAN MOORE eral's office came at the request of
Mason County Prosecutor Mike
Nearly' two years after a bar Dorcy.
fight and residential disturbance "I'm satisfied with the thorough-
in Allyn- beth of which involved ness of the investigation and I
an off-duty sheriff's office detective don't see any action for my office to
- the Washington State Attorney take with respect to this situation,"
General's Office has exonerated Dorcy told the Journal.
Mason County Sheriff Casey Salis- The AG's review follows a full-
bury and members of his depart- scale investigation by the Wash-
ment of any wrongdoing in investi- ington State Patrol that produced
gating the incidents, thousands of pages of documenta-
Sergeant Martin Borcherding, tion and various internal reviews
who was hit over the head with a within the sheriffs office.
rock in the parking lot of Lennard "Viewing the facts objectively as
ICs and later caused a domestic dis- they were presented to the depu-
turbance at his girlfriend's home in ties on August 9, 2009, it would
the early morning hours of Aug. 9, not have been unreasonable for the
2009, went on to level multiple am- deputes to believe that Borcherd-
legations of misconduct and incom- ing was drunk, got in a bar fight,
petence in the months and years drove home, engaged in a domestic
that followed the incident, disturbance, and then fled from re-
In sum, Borcherding alleged that spending police officers,~ Hillman
Salisbury, members of his corn- wrote in his report. "It also makes
mand staff, various deputies and sense that Borcherding did not
others were involved in a criminal want medical aid to respond be-
conspiracy that Borcherding corn- cause he did not want to be further
pared to Watergate. Specifically, embarrassed by the arrival of more
he accused fellow deputies of false fellow emergency services person-
swearing on signed documel~ts, nel?
failure of duty, official misconduct, Salisbury said he was pleased
misdating police reports and mak- with the results of the review by
ing false or misleading statements, the AG's office.
In a 28-page report, Assistant "We've been dealing with this
Attorney General John Hillman for two years now and it's been re-
wrote that he "could find no evi- ally tough for a lot of our folks be-
dence of a crime in Borcherding's cause there have been some very
complaints. Borcherding's corn- serious allegations made that they,
plaints appear to have little cred- and we, were not always able to
ibility and often no basis in fact." repond to directly because it was
The review of the sheriffs office an open and active investigatibn,"
investigation by the Attorney Gen- Salisbury said.
Deputy runs
from Lacey
A Mason County Sheriff's Of.
rice deputy had a strange encoun-
ter with Lacey police in the early
hours of Aug. 3 that has led to an
internal investigation in Shelton
with assistance from the Thur-
ston County Sheriffs Office.
The incident in Lacey came al-
most exactly two years to the day
after an Allyn altercation and do-
mestic disturbance involving the
same deputy.
According to Lacey Police De-
partment documents, MCSO Sgt.
Martin Borcherding (who works
as a plainclothes drug enforce-
ment detective in the Special
Operations Group) encountered
a security guard at Wonderwood
Park in Lacey, flashed his sher-
iffs office badge and took off run-
ning when the security guard
called 911 at 4:42 a.m. that
"(Borcherding) told (the secu-
rity guard) he was with a drug
unit and got mad when (the
guard) said he was calling 911,"
wrote Lacey Police Lt. Bob Lyon
in a memo.
See Encounter on page A-7
Mason County says
goodbye to Lingle
Hundreds of friends and
family of the late Jerry Lin-
gle gathered this past week-
end at the Little Creek Ca-
sino Events Center to give
a heartfelt goodbye to their
beloved Uncle Jerry."
swear to God half of
Shelton is missing their
Uncle Jerry right now," Lin-
gle's daughter Sarah Stal-
cup said.
,Mason County Commis-
sioner Jerry Lingle was
found dead in his home on
Friday, Aug. 19. The Mason
County Sheriff's Office does
not suspect foul play, and
Coroner Wee StockweU said
that the results of an autop-
sy were inconclusive.
The first half of the me-
morial Sunday was a cer-
emony conductedby mere.
bets of the local Masonic
Lodge, of which Lingle had
been apart of since 1978.
Masons from all over the
state and from several oth-
ers gathered to say goodbye
to the friend and brother
they knew as ~cuddies,~ said
Grand Master Mike Sand-
See Ungle on page A-7
photo by Kevan Moore
Bunday memorial for
the late county
commissioner and
Shelton police officer.
Courtesy photo by Jules Michel
A group of orcas delights boaters on Hmmnersley Inlet on Friday, Aug. 26. According to area researchers, the group of about six oreas is probably
part of a senl-eatmg transient pod and not one of the three pods that reside in Puget Sound throughout mat of the year.
Shelton resident preaches the benefit of public transportation
By NATALIE JOHNSON I know." er day that said it was am- is these days, it is so full of
On several occasions, most 200 times safer to ride stress, it's kind of nice to
Libby Avery's enthusi- she has taken people un-the bus than drive. It was relax just for a little bit."
asm for Mason Transit isfamiliar with or anxious~
an AARP article," she said. Mobility, or lack thereof,
contagious. Seriously. about the bus system on "You leave less of a carbon has always been a major
"I like talking to people trips around the county,footprint, it's greener, it's theme in Avery's life. When
and learning about people In one particular case, good people-watching too." she was born, doctors told
and where they're comingAvery took a trip aroundThe trip to Olympia via her parents that due to a
from-it makes the world a the county by bus with aMason Transit takes Ion-spinal disorder she would
better place," she said.senior citizen who was new ger than~a ride in a car, likely never walk and
Avery, the transit corn-to the area. but stops at several points might never talk.
munity center manager, "I took her to Brinnon in Shelton, including Little "I'm 46, and I graduated
often advises riders about - that's the longest route. Creek Casino, and ends in magna cure laude from St.
routes and rides the busYousee things on that trip downtown Olympia .witltin Martins University," she
daily, that you don't see if you're walking distance of shops, said.
"I don't physically drive driving," she said. "I like restaurants and the Olym- Avery defines the word
people anywhere but I can teaching people they don't pia Farmer's Market. It handicap as an obstacle
point them| from point Ahave to be trapped ... If takes citydrivingandpark- to be overcome," and like
to point B," she said. "Rid- you're afraid, take some- ing out of the equation, and many people, public tran-
ing the bus is kind of like body with you." just one Mason Transit bus sit helps her overcome
being at work - I need to On a similar trip to can take over a dozen cars that obstacle. She came to
know the routes so when Olympia on Friday, Averyoffthe road, Avery for Mason Transit be-
people come in and ask me talked at length about the But the most attractive cause she believes in public
benefits of public transpor- benefit for a stressed out transportation, s ability to
"green" living or just sit escape from road rage.
and people watch. "It takes the worry out of
8 _ 2 "I read an article the oth- it," she said. "The way lifeSee Buses on page A-8
Libby Avery encourages people to explore
Mason County on the bus.