September 1, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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By ARIA SHEPHARD volver and left the area on entered the liquor store,
foot with an undisclosedbrandished a revolver and
The Mason County amount of money, demanded money.
Sheriffs Office is confident No vehicle was seen, andThat suspect was seen
that an arrest will soon be the suspect was described leaving in a dark green
made in the case involv- as an older, white male compact car with the li-
ing a robbery at the Allyn with a mustache, cense plates obscured.
liquor store on Thursday, The robbery may be Pierce County police at-
Aug. 25. linked to another liquorrested and held a man in
An armed man held up store robbery that occurred custody for the Gig Harbor
Allyn Liquor and Gifts, at approximately a half-hour case the following morning.
18321 E. State Route 3 in earlier in Gig Harbor inWith that information,
Allyn, at about 5:45 p.m. Pierce County. In that in- the Mason County Sheriffs
on Aug. 25. cident, a white male about Office "is confident that an
According to a store era- 5'9" and 38 years of age, arrest will be made in this
ployee, the man enteredwith a medium build and a case," said Chief Deputy
the store armed with a re- baseball cap and polo shirt Dean Byrd.
th t oil,
ects in o h e
onewill be among the last to connect, in
two to three months," Dobey said. "The
idea is to continue the discussion on this
ERU issue."
The wastewater treatment plant needs
50,000 gallons per day to function, so until
enough residents and businesses hook up,
The Mason County Board of Commis-
sioners convened in Belfair Tuesday night
to briefly discuss a couple of projects that
are posed to shape future development in
North Mason.
Mason County Parks and Facilities Di- the county will truck waste to the North
rector John Keates gave an overview and Bay treatment plant.
an update on the North Bay trail project "We've got about half that flow now with
in Allyn, which will connect the Allyn Wa- the customers that have signed up for the
terfront Park with the county's recently county hook-up program," said construc-
acquired parcels of property near Coulter tion manager Tom Moore. "We expect to
Creek, at the ehd of Itil .': ::, move about'I0 to 15 truckloads a day to
The county obtained~e, jpazoala ~,.eax,:.-.the North:~,~y ~ w. realistically, we 11
lier spnng wath sta be fully operationalby Nov. 1.
grants, bringing 12 acres of uplands and During public comments, citizens and
30 acres of tidelands into the trail project, the county commissioners discussed Bel-
Keatos said. fair Water District Manager Dave Tipton's
The vision for the trail is to eventually new contract, which grants the manager
connect it to the Theler trails ~ystem in three years' severance pay due within five
Belfair and possibly recreate Squaxin and days if he quits, among other conditions.
Skokomish Indian trails linking Hood Ca- ~It's an obviously illegal contract,~ said
hal to Case Inlet -- the county also plans Commissioner Tim Sheldon, who had sent
to talk with the Navy to access lands for the contract to the state attorney gener-
the trail in north Belfair. al's office for review last month. ~In my
In other news, Keates informed the conversation with the state Attorney Gen-
audience that the county would soon cre- eral's office today, they had a lot of con-
ate a master plan for Harvey Rendsland cern ... they called it a must-read, a page-
Park in Tahuya, with one idea to connect turner."
it with a walking path to Menard's Land- In the water district's most recent "Aq-
ing. ueduct" newsletter, received by ratepay-
The county's Belfair sewer project is ers this week, an unknown author defends
also moving ahead, said Mason County Tipton's contract as an effort to "protect
Utilities and Waste Director Emmett Do- our Manager from [Water District Corn-
bey, with the first residential homes ex- missioner Mike] Pope's despicable and
pected to connect within the month,unlawful conduct."
"The first flush is in view," Dobey said. 'The newsletter slams Pope, the only
"We're going to connect people in batches." district commissioner to vote against the
The county commissioners set an in-contract, and Sheldon, who is dubbed a
terim rate ordinance this summer, plac- qong time enemy" of Belfair Water Dis°
ing the standard water usage for single- trict and is accused in the letter of at-
family homes, or Equivalent Residential tempting to take the spotlight off the con-
Units, at 155 gallons per day. troversial Belfair sewer projects with his
Under the ordinance, residents and clash against the water district.
businesses using only 1 ERU will pay The letter goes on to urge Sheldon to
$3,000 to connect until Dec. 31, after return campaign contributions from con-
which rates will increase to $5,000 to con- tractors and consultants who have con-
nect, in addition to monthly rates esti- tributed to the sewers' cost overruns, and
mated at around $95 per month per ERU. criticizes the county for moving forward
With several business owners and corn- with the sewers while denying the water
munity groups voicing concerns that the district's Riverhill annexation.
ERU rate for businesses is too low, thus Commission Chair Lynda Ring Erick-
endangering small businesses that may son said the letter was troubling.
be forced to close under high costs, the "This was done with tax dollars ... to do
county plans to take more time with corn- this on behalf of an official organization,
mercial hook-ups, it breaks my heart because that's exactly
"Businesses with ERUs greater than what we don't want," she said.
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A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, September 1,2011
By KEVAN MOORE 10 miles north of Shelton came to rest in the north-
when he hit the deer. bound lane and the road-
A Shelton man was in- Bennett was wearing a way was partially blocked
jured Sunday, Aug. 28, USDOT compliant helmet, for three hours and 45 rain-
when the motorcycle he but suffered injuries and utes.
was riding struck a deer on was airlifted to Harborview The collision occurred at
State Route 3. Medical Center in Seattle. about 7:45 p.m. and Ben-
The state patrol reportsA hospital spokesperson nett's 1988 BMW K75S
that Clayton E. Bennett,said that Bennett was dis- motorcycle was totaled
33, was riding southbound charged the following day. and impounded by Golden
on State Route 3 about Bennett and the deer Pheasant Towing.