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Squaxin Island Tribe is on the right course
The Sept. 16 opening of Sal- County. to be congratulated for another
ish Cliffs Golf Club at the Little It takes a lot of people to make unqualified success. The tribe
Creek Casino and Resort is good a golf course run smoothly: main- continues to expand in new and
news for local duffers and those tenance and grounds crews keep exciting areas and it continues to
that don't know the difference be- the grass green and groomed,support Shelton and Mason Coun-
tween a birdie and an eagle on a food and beverage servers keep ty in ways that benefit us all,
scorecard, the golfers fortified and pro shop As a leading Mason County
Local golfers are thrilled to staffers help keep the hacks well- employer, the tribe deserves our
have a world-class course in supplied with enough golf balls to thanks. It is their ongoing corn-
their backyard and everyone else get through the round, mitment to cultural, environ-
can celebrate the fact that more The course isn't even open yet, mental and social endeavors that
jobs are being created in Mason but the Squaxin Island Tribe is demands our respect.
Thank you ers, his contributions to made in my life, Jerry never
individuals and to our corn- gave up trying to help me
munity, Jerry will not be or others. When he became
for District forgotten. Jerry Lingle is a a county commissioner he
household name. tried even harder to help
a I When I think of Jerry, I people change, to make a
6 approv think of the following poom. difference in our commu-
The author and title are un- nity.
Editor, the Journal known. During Jerry's last days
Union Fire District 6 is "We sort of had a feeling, alive, he took the time to
honored and humbled bythat God sent you our way. visit us in the Washington
He must have known that Correction Center at our
the 84 percent voter approv-
al for our 2012 Emergency we would need your help, as Mason County Reentry Co-
Medical Services renewal we labor, day by day. alition (MCRC) meetings.
levy request. We do not take You were always there He witnessed the effort
your vote of confidence for to help us and when the offenders and other corn-
granted. We will continue work got rough your words munity members were put-
our quest to perform, at all of strength and encourage- ting in this program. How
levels, our responsibilities ment made the task notthey were trying to set up
in accordance with the high- quite so tough, a better reentry process for
est ethical, professional and God gave to you that ex-offenders. He caught the
moral standards befitting rarest gi~ an understand- spark of enthusiasm and
the trust that the voters ing hear and gentle kindly began to add his part to the
have given us. As your pub- manners your friendship to coalition. As far as I know
lic servants, we are commit- impart, he was considering being
ted to openness. We wel- Some people build withon the beard of directors.
come citizen involvement steel and iron to paveHis presence at the meeting
and scrutiny in holding us their way to fame but you inspired us all and encour-
accountable as we carry out my friend have built with aged us to believe in real
the public service that we friendship a lasting tribute change. He wanted to see
perform Again, thank you to your name. what he could do to help us
for your approval of our levy The lives you've touched become positive members
request, the good you have doneof the community. He let us
Steve Levette shall never know an end know that he cared about us
Commissioner Board and we are glad to have had as people. He had watched
Chair you as a community mem- us grow up and understood
Union Fire District 6 ber and a friend." we all make mistakes. Jerry
Annett S. McGee wanted to be a part of the
Sheltonsolution, not just talk about
Tribute to the problem.
At our MCRC meetings,
Jerry Lingle In memory dqrTy made us feel proud,
respected and as if we were
of Jerry partners working on the
same side. Our meetings
Editor, the Journal involved people that, in
The memorials for Jerry Lingle my eyes, are heroes like
Jerry: pillars of our commu-
Lingle are over, but his nity. Heroes like Doug and
name and the good he has Marilyn Sayan, Corrections
done in our community will Editor, the Journal Counselor Steve Bostrom,
not soon be forgotten. I've always had the Rol~ert LaCount, Jane
Whether you called him utmost respect for Jerry Wrigth, Grant Butler, Ray
Jerry, Jer-Bare, Uncle Jer- Lingle. Even when as a Hanson, Tom Bussman and
ry, Officer Lingle, Sergeant young kid on the opposite Weston Breussard. These
Lingle or commissioner side of the law from Jerry, heroes dedicated their time
Lingle, he was a majestic as a police officer he showed to help us overcome our
mountain of a man, with a respect when he was cuffing battles in life and to see our
heart as big as the world, me up for my poor choices, own self-worth. They see
To describe Jerry is Even though Jerry had to the people they know we
nearly impossible. He was do his job, he was always can become, with a little
an outstanding citizen, re- fair and respectful in doing help and motivation.
sponsible, a humanitarian, his duty. Faced with the At our last MCRC meet-
honest, courteous, polite, bad actions, he always saw ing with Jerry, he was
helpful and fair -- a gentle- the good in people. Not once asked to be Jeromy Munoz's
man and a friend, have I said or though any- mentor. He accepted and
Friendship is a special thing bad about Jerry. put a smile on Jeromy's
gift, which is cherished Jerry understood peopleface as he looked forward to
above all treasures and our and why they were the way working with Jerry. I saw
friend, Jerry, has been a they are: that we all are a smile on Jerry's face as it
friend to many by his hon- products of our environ- seemed he realized how in-
esty, dedication, loyalty, ment, the way we were spired Jeromy was and hope
compassion and willingness raised and some of us in was in strong supply.
to help. better circumstances than Jerry's presence at our
He contributed immense- others. It seems he always meetings brought a mixture
ly to Mason County and tried to place himself in the of positive feelings to the
helped many citizens of all other person's shoos and try offenders; hope, respect,
walks of life, from babies to to see down the road they teamwork and a common
elders and also their pets. came from before he made bond in struggling toward
When you are with his decisions and the out- a goal. Twice, I broke bread
someone who makes you come was always fair. with Jerry at our meetings
smile, someone who helps I always felt as if he was as we sat and shared a pris-
you see how beautiful the t~.g to help me and others on lunch; well, he mainly
simple things in life can re- like myself to change and to just ate my chips and had
ally be and when you are see the light of a better fu- something cool to say about
with someone with warmth ture. He always understood sharing. But that's the guy
to share and kindness to that kids were kids and we Jerry was, he was never to
extend, then you know you do dumb things. He tried to good for anything, not even
are with a friend. This was help us preserve our futures a prison lunch.
Jerry. from ourselves. Throughout The last thing I was able
Through his friendship, my childhood, even al~er all to ask Jerry as he was walk-
his willingness to help oth- the dumb mistakes that I've ing out the prison gates of
' JoUrnal tter Poli
uncler 350 rds and provide contact and ad-
i':'/d ilinf6r tion for the )o /.
the visiting room was, "Hey true. The fact is the con- fire chief in Mason County
Jerry. You gonna be at our tract states that the car is and has been since her ap-
next meeting?" He looked at to be used only for district pointment in 2002.
me and said, "You betcha." business, but because she is Mr. Walster commented
Now I'm not a man that available to respond at all in a letter to the editor.
looks deep into religion, times, "some discretionary The Herald, published in
but people like Jerry Lingle de minimus personal use is May 10, 2007 issue, which
strongly make me believe permitted." Another fact.certainly seems appropri-
that there is a God and a Mr. Walster says she ate at this time. "The more
purpose for us all. was granted full medical you stir a manure pile the
I'm willing to bet that and dental coverage with-more it stinks. Haven't we
Wednesday, Sept. 14, at our out cost to her. Absolutely. stirred this pile enough?"
next Mason County Reentry But, the fact is that wasThen he goe~ on to make a
Coalition meeting, Jerry a continuation of the past smde remark to the chmt.
Lingle will keep his word years coverage. He says Perhaps he should have
and be there smiling down she was granted "unlimited taken his own advice. There
on us all, knowing that he jury duty pay." It is incon- is a group that is relentless
succeeded in life and moti- ceivable that prior to the in pursuing their animosity
vated us to never give up. contract any commissionertoward the chief. When is
I only wish I could be would have denied her full this going to stop?
half the man Jerry Lingle pay during jury duty. The Bob Shanks
was. My heart goes out fact is that to date she has Grapeview
to his family and loved :, ~- pot _m~'~S~].~ .=dayP£w~k ,% ,-
" ones as:they gri, evethe~r ..:aue h jh d ty:f)a ~.
loss. Please accept these years. "
thoughts and reflections of The letter mentions sev-
him and the condolences of erance pay of two years sal-
everyone in the coalition, ary totaling over $126,000.
Davey Newby Why didn't Mr. Walster
WCC state the fact that severance
pay would result only from
"dismissal without cause?"
The chief is
Dismissal "with cause," no
severance. Mr. Walster com-
plains that dismissal of the
entitled to chief requires agreement of
all three commissioners. It
the benefits is difficult to imagine a case
where dismissal agreement
would not be unanimous.
Mr. Walster suggests
that the chief and commis-
sioners were "sitting on the
Editor, the Journal same side of the negotiating
The August 25 issue of table." The fact is there was
the Journal included a let- no negotiation. The chief ac-
ter to the editor questioning cepted what was offered.
the benefits in a recent (and A group of people are
first) contract for Fire Chief determined to torpedo the
Patti Graeber of MCFD chief and in some cases
No. 3. Like so many similar attempt to torpedo by sug-
efforts in the past, this let- gesting that she is overpaid.
ter of Mr. Stan Walster's Currently, the chiefs salary
attempts to stir up ammos- is $63,120 per year, which
ity toward the chief. They on the basis of 2080 hours
make insinuations without per year is $30 per hour. In
explaining the facts, actuality the chief works
For a fact, she has never many more than 40 hours a
been under contract since week, often in the late night
her appointment as chief in and wee hours of the morn-
2002. She previously had no 'ing. Furthermore, the chief
guarantee of employment, must be available for calls
Her job was subject to the two of our four weekends.
whims of the commission- The chief is not only the
ers. The letter cites a three ECO, but also Director of
percent salary increase each Finance, Director of Opera-
of the five years of the con- tions, Director of Human
tract. This helps make up Relations, Director of Train-
for the years where she was ing and much more and
grossly underpaid, is also qualified as a fire-
Mr. Walster says they fighter and EMT. Based on
granted her use of a staff recent data, it appears the
ear for personal use. Not chief is still the lowest paid
1Driving too
fast is
Editor, the Journal
I can't be the only one
to see how stress and im-
patience is manifesting in
drivers. Surely you've all
witnessed this, or maybe
you're part of the problem.
If so stop it. Slow down be-
fore you take lives, includ-
ing yours.
I was literally run off
the road on the highway
near the ford dealership.
An SUV passed me strad-
dling the centerline, driving
way past the speed limit
and toward oncoming cars.
There was no other lane. I
was so shocked and busy
moving over I failed to get
the license number. Really?
Passing on the left. I am not
a pokey driver, but I do the
speed limit. I have had cars
come up behind me while
driving on a residential
street, flash their lights,
honk and even pass going
like a scalded dog. I was
driving the speed limit. No
one pays attention to what
that is on Lake Blvd. It's
insane. I am at a loss for ex-
planation except to believe
that more and more folks
are suicidal. Unfortunately,
they'll take others out with
Judy McNeal
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Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 1,2011
Rick Kennedy, publisher Advertising: .
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