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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 1, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 1, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mental health open house scheduled The public is invited to attend an to recommend Mason County take County Jail Services; Kimberly Klint, open house in Shelton on Thursday, advantage of 2005 legislatidn provid- Mason Matters; Debra Nielsen, Ma- Sept. 8 to discuss issues related to ing counties with the option of raising son County Homeless Shelter; Laura mental health and substance abuse the tax, which amounts to a penny Porter, Family Policy Council and in Mason County. The meeting is set for each $10 spent and limits its use Patti Sells, Mason County Housing for 6 to 8 p.m. at Mason County Public to substance abuse services, men- Coalition. Works, 100 West Public Works Drive, tal health services and therapeutic The task force will meet from 3 to in Shelton. courts. 6 p.m. at Mason County Public Works The open house is part of informs- Mason County Public Health Direc- prior to the open house. Another meet- tion gathering efforts by a community tar Vicki Kirkpatrick said the group ing, originally scheduled for Septem- advisory committee appointed by Ma- will look carefully at services current- ber 22, will be rescheduled in order son County Commissioners to consid- ly available in Mason County and con- to take more time to consider options er whether to increase the sales tax sider the costs and benefits of raising and allow the public more time to one-tenth of i percent to enhance pre- the tax. comment. In addition to the Septem- vention, diversion and treatment ser- "If we can keep people out of jail ber 8 open house, the public can ob- vices for people with mental illness or and get them into recovery, we have a tain more information about the proj- additions. In announcing the advisory chance to lower costs in the long run," ect and leave comments on the Mason committee, commissioners pointed to Kirkpatrick said. County website at the huge cost the public now pays for Advisory committee members in- For additional information, con- jails and courts for people with un- clude Mason County residents Doug- tact Kirkpatrick at 427-9670 ext. 260, treated mental illness and chemical las Sayan, Shawnie Whelan and Tom Belfair 275-4467 ext. 260 or Elma dependency. Davis; Jeannie Gruber, United Way of 482-5269 ext. 260 or email vickik@ The task force will decide whether Mason County; Sue LaMont, Mason f The Helpful Place TURN YOUR SEPTEMBER TO-DO LIST INTO A TO-DONE LIST NOW THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30 ROYAL PAINT Our #1 Selling Paint! Excellent coverage, washable. Lifetime warran~ Royal INTERIOR PAINT Flat ..... 23.99 gal. Eggshell ,,,,,,,26.99 gal. Satin ,,,,,26.99 gal. Semi-gloss ~,6s,2s 27.99 gal. Royal EXTERIOR PAINT Flat ...... 25.99 gal. 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By NATALIE JOHNSON ter of Historical Places. on elements of Phase 2a, in- mostly resulting from the age "That was a condition ofcluding replacing the existing of the building. In the past year, the Ma- the State Historic Presorva- steam boiler, adding a new "I think the biggest chal- son County Courthouse has tion Grant," Mason County chilled water plant and up- lenge has been working with undergone several hundred Parks and Facilities Director grading the electrical system, an old building - you pull thousands of dollars of work, John Keates said. The upcoming Phase 2b something apart and you funded mostly from historic Phase 1 of the county's will upgrade the district and find things you don't expect," preservation grants to pre- courthouse rehab projectdomestic violence courtrooms he said. "In a couple instanc- serve it as a historical site in included removing hazard- with new walls, doors, floors, es we've wanted to replace Washington. ous materials, an elevator ceilings and a fire alarm sys- something and found out This summer, the county upgrade, new carpet, win- tern, as well as seismic struc- that they don't even make finished the nearly $782,000 dow blinds and audio/visual tural upgrades among other the parts anymore." first phase of the courthouse systems for the Superio~r changes. Keates also said that rehabilitation and has moved Courtroom, new signs in The project started fromplans for the building were on to Phase 2. public areas and upgrades to the outside of the building antiquated, and not complete Last week, the Mason the IT systems in the build- then went to the top floors in some cases. County Board of Commis- ing, The county contracted and is working it's way down, "The challenge has been sioners voted to approve a with Stetz Construction for Keates said. it's not like taking apart a proposal to sign and agree- the project, for $474,966. "They're moving from topbuilding that was built 20 ment with Foster Williams "Every effort is being to bottom," he said. years ago," he said. "We de- Architecture in Shelton for made to preserve the build- The rehab has stayed on cided to begin working on one $2,000 to nominate the Ma- ing ... to retain the historic schedule and budget for the of the most important county son County Courthouse for integrity,~ Keates said.most part, Keates said, but buildings that we have." the National Historic Regis- Crews are now working has run into some problems, Tools Are Now Here! HUNDREDS OF SELECTED Regularly Regularly 0tb Wishing You 50 More Love from -- Bob, Beth, Barry, & Bonny TELB ~,i iii i~ i~ TLLIILII #3 TAIILI "~ TABLE *4 Plus bargain tables starting at 30% off Selected clearance/turns in our big outdoor tents. Shop ear/y for fhe best select/on. All sales are final. No refunds, no returns, no warranties. All merchandise Just sk RENTAL Monday-Saturday 8:00-6:30 Sunday 9-5 First & Mill • Shelton 426-4373 or 426-2411 Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 1,2011 - Pao"5 /