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By NATALIE JOHNSON said. "Many of the local sporting events, pa- Keeping 600 pounds of recyclable material
rades, and other special events do not current- out of the trash is not only a victory for a recy-
The City of Shelten Commission voted this ly provide any recycling facilities, even though cling advocate like Dose, it can also save the
week to approve an application for the De- it's required by state law, for their events." city money on garbage hauling.
partment of Ecology Coordinated Prevention The grant has an 18-month duration, "It benefits the city through decreased
Grant. and is in the amount of $100,448 with a lo- amounts being hauled to the transfer station,
Since 1994, the c~ty has used funding from cal match of 25 percent, meaning the city will i.e. less vehicle miles traveled and less dump
the grant to pay part of the salary of a recy- have te pay $25,112 of that money, fees paid by the city utility, it benefits the city
cling coordinator and to pay for recycling pro- Dose said he saw firsthand the effect of through support of local jobs and it benefits
grams in the city. adding more recycling bins at two events this the city and county through increased vis-
"Basically, this is a 'status quo' applica- year as part of a small pilot program, ibility of recycling services and an increased
tion," city planner Jason Dose said."As a kind of 'pilot' program, the city re- awareness of the amounts of it we create in
While the bulk of the grant should be used cently helped to provide event recycling our every day lives," he said. "And, recycling
for the same things as before, the city also containers during two local sporting events, is simply the right thing to do."
plans to expand recycling services, adding up one, a soccer tourney and the other a slow- Dose said Shelton is a leader in recycling
to 30 new event recycling bins. pitch softball tourney, which netted over 600 efforts among similarly sized cities.
"An identified need we have locally is the pounds of recyclables," he said. 'These recy- "Given Shelten's size we offer much more
ability to provide logistical recycling support clables would have otherwise likely gone in comprehensive recycling programs than other
to event coordinators and planners," Dose the trash." similarly sized municipalities," he said. "We
provide residential recycling, multifamily
residential recycling, residential yard waste
pick up, we facilitate residential compesting
through prevision of compost bins at greatly
reduced prices to our utility customers," he
Dose said it is likely that the city will re-
ceive at least some of the money it has re-
quested through the grant, although it is de-
pender)t on several things.
"If we did not receive the grant it is not
likely the recycling coordinator position would
be viable given the current economy. The posi-
tion has always been partially funded by the
[grant]," he said. "Grants are never a done
deal ... it depends on how much funding Ma-
son County requests and receives. We get
~ass-throngh' funds from them with the coun-
ty being the main funded agency by Ecology."
Aug. 24 structing law enforcement, booked at 1:47 a.m. for DWLS third de-
Rodney Leroy Ank, 30, of the 500 block gree.
of East Way to Tipperary was booked at Aug. 25
9:09 a.m. for DWLS third degree, pos- Michael Helmer Mahle, 50, of the Angela Renee Wormuth, 22, of the
session of a controlled substance and ob- Belmier Trailer Park, Port Orchard, was 1400 block of Olympic Highway South
was booked at 2:50 a.m. for DWLS third
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, LARGE 2 bedroom apart- BROWN JORDAN patio ta-
9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 143 E. ment. Utilities included. $800 ble, 4 chairs, $65. 360-898-
Lavender Lane, past Deer monthly, $600 deposit. Rental 0465. D9/1
Creek Store on Hwy. 3. Lots references required. 360- 3-FAMILY, SATURDAY only,
5! b by el0th , fur itun}, 0te. 888-7137. Mg/1-22 September 3, starting 8 a.m.,
Seasonal d6cor, craft items FOR SALE. 1983 GMC 1-ton 210 E. Island Lake Dr., Shel-
and way more. C9/1 service truck. 6 new tires, ton. Large selection men's
TOOLS, GUNS, tents, fur- Runs good. $1,200 OBO. 12- and women's clothing, shoes,
niture, 2 lift chairs, TV, rug foot aluminum boat with elec- jewelry. Home d6cor, house-
shampooer, arrows and broad tric motor. $200. 360-463- wares. DVDs, video games.
heads, camping cot, propane 9595. W9/1 Small furniture items; buffet/
wall heater, and much, much GARAGE SALE Friday and storage piece, oak/slate sofa
more. Very nice stuff. Friday- Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at table. Leather chair, roll-top
Saturday-Sunday, maybe 1810 Laurel Street. Lots. Kids' desk, antique piano stool, TV,
Monday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 809 S. clothes, house fixing items, rattan side chairs. Bicycle,
7th St., Shelton. M9/1 queen headboard, computer truck bed extender. Tons of
miscellaneous. T9/1
ESTATE SALE: Labor Day things, tools, miscellaneous.
weekend. Furniture, house- Boat for sale too. W9/1FULL-TIME RESOURCE
wares, lots of miscellaneous. PRE-REGISTER NOW for Coordinator for small busi-
It all has to go. 740 E. Island grape growing seminar. Sat- ness. Responsibilities include
Lake Dr. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 urday, September 10, noon- showroom and product da-
p.m., Sunday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 2:30 p.m. $20; or $50 for tabase management, filing,
$9/1 season ticket for 3 seminars, reception, clerical organiza-
TWIN TOTEMS now hiring Jeanne 360-427-9670, Ext. tion, sales staff support and
customer service. Office
experienced cashier. Must be 680. M9/1-8 and computer experience
over 21. For application call FOUR LARGE, indoor, potted required. Wage DOE.. Vi-
360-427-9099 or visit us at
plants, including one Hawai- king Floors & Interiors, 1826
19390 N. Hwy. 101, Skokom- ian scheffllkra.~$3 each. 360- Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton,
ish Nation, Shelton. T9/1-8 898-4538. P9/1 WA 98584. Position available
immediately. V9/1-8
Aug. 27
Kyle A. Vanderwal, 20, of the 14000
block of Thurlaw Lane, Tenino, was
booked at 8:55 p.m. for NVOL without
identification and DWLS third degree.
Aug. 28
Daniel James Risbeck, 23, of the 1200
Richard Thomas Jorden, 26, a tran- block of Ellinor Avenue was booked at
sient, was booked at 2:56 p.m. for assault 3:18 a.m. for burglary second degree and
of a child third degree, three counts of vehicle prowlit~g second
Chelsea Danielle West, 24, of the 300
block of East Olympic View Drive, Bel- Lance Jean Arnold, 31, of the 200 block
fair, was booked at H0 p,m, for auault ofLane,iBe!fair~ was booked
fourth degree (DV). at 11:11 p.m. for two counts of assault
third degree and malicious mischief first
Aug. 26 degree (DV).
Randy Raymond Lightfoot, 39, of the
2200 block of Eisenhower Avenue SE,
Port Orchard, was booked at 5:50 a.m. for
DWLS third degree.
Antonio Elias Soano, 19, of the 1300
block of Dearborn Avenue wag booked at
12:51 p.m. for obstructing law enforce-
ment and resisting arrest.
Michael David Brown, 42, of the 600
block of Cascade Avenue was booked at
1:08 p.m. for assault fourth degree (DV).
Aug. 29
Corey Ethan Fogle, 20, of the 200 block
of East Lakeshore Drive, was booked at
2:16 a.m. for physical control of alcohol/
drugs, possession of a controlled sub-
stance and possession of drug parapher-
Jason L. Perrott, 27, of the 100 block
of West Alder Street was booked at 6:44
p.m. for DWLS third degree.
Aug. 31
Tena Marie Turner, 50, of the 1000Shawn Michael Lawrence, 23, of the
block of Northeast Collins Lake Drive, 100 block of East Capitol Village Land
Tahuya, was booked at 2:36 p.m. for as- was booked at 2:13 a.m. for assault sec-
sault second degree, ond degree and unlawful imprisionment.
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Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September I, 2011
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