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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
September 1, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 1, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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County holds second memorial for Lingle By NATALIE JOHNSON to lose a commissioner." Applicants must reside in While the commission the current Commissioner Mason County organized amust soon find someone to District Number 3 to be con- second memorial for Jerry Lin- fill the empty position, many sidered for the position, and gle on Tuesday al rnoon on people have said that Lingle the commission is looking the county courthouse lawn. will never truly be replaced, for someone with a "record of Dozens of people showed up "Jerry Lingle endeared community service and inde- for the event, at which Corn- himself to me very early," pendent thought," according missioners Lynda Ring Crick- Finlay said. "Jerry was my to the release. son and Tim Sheldon, along friend and Fm going to miss Interviews will be con- with county Judges Amberhim." ducted on Sept. 19, with final Finlay and Victoria Meadows The Mason County Coin- interviews on Sept. 26. spoke about their fallen friend, mission announced in a To apply, send a resume "Everywhere we went people press release Tuesday that it and letter of interest by 5 would want to hug him," Ring is seeking applications from p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 7, Erickson said. "We all have a community members inter-to the Mason County Com- sense of loss - it's a shock for ested in filling the open corn- missioners, 411 North 5th our Mason County community mission seat. Street, Shelten WA 98584. 1 ;n,,le f~ly spoke next, relating many hats. At.IA ~ fond memories of time spent "I remember one of the Continued from page A-I with him. dearest hats he wore was his "We can fight like Hell in daddy hat," she said. "Jerry was a leader in our Mason County but it takes a She talked of how her fa- fraternity and in his commu- guy like Jerry to bring us to- ther was bern the eighth son nity,~ Sanders said. "Phe re- gether," Mason County Com- . in a close-knit family in south- spect that he gave everyone missioner Tim Sheldon said. ern Illinois, and how being a put you at ease and made you "No one can duplicate Jerry- police officer was, to him, the feel special.~ all we can do is emulate him." best job on Earth. She said Sanders, and several other His wife, Joyce, sharedthat his family, especially his Masons who knew Lingle yet another of Lingle's nick- children and grandchildren, well, gave his first eulogy, names - the "Lingie-izer3 meant the most to him. "He called home to She recalled the date -"Frank was born in'93 and receive his reward7 Sanders April 1, 1984, when Lingle Daddy finally got his boy," said. "We commend you to was sworn into the Shelton she said. "We all were and God and look forward to that police department, and an- still are Daddy's kids." happy day when we will once other important date in their However uncertainl~eople {tk'O tOk t, t'," liW§ tOnSil', m att ndillm Ire Ib011t the The few dry eyes leR in the "August 4, 1986 is also not future of Shelton without room at this point were no in the history books, butit'sthe Jerry Lingle, his children doubt dampened by the fal- day I met my best friend," she said that it's time to remem- lowing slideshow of pictures said. "Many people have told ber the good times and to from throughout Lingle's life, me, "I may not have been his move on. accompanied by songs like best friend, but he was mine.' I "Wetl all be okay," Frank =What a Wonderful World" was blessed for 23 years." Lingle said. "When you are in and "Somewhere Over the Stalcup gave a moving and need of strength or courage Rainbow." tearful account of her father's ... close your eyes and think Lingle's colleagues and life, in which she said he wore ofhim. Rest in peace, Dad." Encounter ly closed park because he was going to try and use a restroom. Continued from page A-1 Ward contacted the on-duty MCSO ser- geant in Shelton to confirm Borcherding's The security guard then reported that identity and advised him of the situation. Borcherding was leaving the park in an SUV. Ward also spoke with Chief Deputy Russell Moments later, though, Borcherding pulled up Osterhout. behind the guard's vehicle and was informed ~I explained the circumstances to (Oster- that several police officers were en route, hout) and that my concern was Borcherding Ward arrived moments later, is being less than forthcoming about what "I directed (Borcherding) to exit his vehicle he is actually doing but I have no way to dis- with his hands in the air, he- &'d li0ldihg a prbve it, additionally I did not know ifhe Was badge case in his lei~ hand," Ward wrote. "He going ~rogue' and operating outside his duties had a holstered firearm on his right hip and or if they had any prior issues this may be stated he was an undercover on the job." connected to," Ward wrote. Ward took Borcherding's weapon and se- Ward told Osterhout that he was releasing cured him in handcuffs. Borcherding, but noted that his department "During this time he is telling me he is a would appreciate notification of covert opera- sergeant with Mason County's drug unit/spe- tions that could lead to dispatch calls. cial operations and his license plates are cold "sergeant Borcherding apologized several cover plates," Ward wrote, times indicating he understood our perspec- Ward said Borcherding told him he was tive but also said he had the feeling I did not investigating some Hispanic drug dealers at believe him," Ward wrote. "I advised him his nearby house~ feeling is correct but his supervisor was ad- ~I asked what the specific addresses are vised of the incident and he could expect a c.ail and he said he did not know them that they from him." were part of a month-and-a-half-long investi- Ward and other officers began dealing with gation where license numbers were obtained another incident when Ward spotted an un- and he did not have any of it written down," marked patrol car. That vehicle was driven by Ward wrote. Osterhout, who told Ward that he was driving Borcherding told Ward that he didn't no- to work in Shelton from his home in Thurston tify local police that he was working in the County and decided to stop by the scene of the area because he awoke early to work out, but incident to speak with Borcherding. decided he would try to"drive by the address- Mason County Sheriff Casey Salisbury es (he does not know) to locate them or other had no comment on the incident or investiga- vehicles associate with them." tion and has directed all of his deputies not to Borcherding told Ward he was in the clear- discuss it with anyone save for investigators. To Encourage & Acknowledge Excellence in Mason County The Journal presents this straw ballot of our readers to determine who or what you, our readers consider to be the Best In Mason County 2011 This ballot will run in the Journal for the rest of September. Simply read the Journal and write in your choices for the Best of Mason County in the categories listed on this page. It is that simple, that sy, andthat fun. Then, in October, see who wins our elections in an upcoming special section entitled Best in Mason County 2011 VOTE IN OUR READER'S ELECTIONS 227 W. Cota St • Shelton 98584 The Best of Mason County 2011 l found the best Beer: BBQ: Chinese: Asian: Cocktail: Coffee: Pharmacy: Plumbing company: Real estate agency: Rental agency: Restaurant: i i Deserts: Fish & Chips: Pizza: Salad'. Sandwich: Shellfish: Steak: Sushi: Tacos: Tea: Teriyaki: Hamburger: • i . i i Hair salon: ..... ,. People are the: best Artist: Banker: . I Bankteller: ,, Barber: ........ Barista: Bartender: The best place to buy Auto Parts: Boats: Cars/Trucks: City employee: Flowers: Furniture: County employee: CPA: Hardware: Grocery: Jewelry: Shoes: Small Electronics (iPod, phone, game systems): Coo Chef: Doctor: Host/Hostess: Lawyer: ._ - Mechanic: Musician: Tires: Toys: Building Supplies: This is the best Auto detailing shop: Nurse: Physical Therapist: Chiropractor: Elected official: Officer of the l w: .-L Auto repair shop: Bank: Pastor/Priest: Personal trainer: Bar: Casino: Coffee stand: Day care: Dry cleaner: Gas station: Secretary: Stylist: Teacher North Mason: Teacher South Mason: Gift shop: Grocery store: Health clinic: Volunteer: Waiter/Waitress: Insurance agency: Writer: I ! Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, September 1, 20rl 1 - Page A-7