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Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 1, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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September 1, 2011
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The only details Byrd would share were that the search lasted about nine hours and involved 46 searchers from Mason, Pierce, Jefferson, Cowlitz, Pa- cific, Grays and King counties along with members of Mason County's De- partment of Emergency Management. Scholarship sends Shelton woman to Haiti By NATALIE JOHNSON i!!¸ The tiny island republic of Haiti is half the world away from Mason County, and not just geographically. However, Mason County resident Devin Gorman vol- unteers 20 hours of her time every week to help set up emergency medical services (EMS) in Haiti through a group called.Empact North- west, a 501(c)3 non-profit and Non-Governmental Or- ganization (NGO) based in C0u~esyph0tos Washington. Devin Gorman, right, went to Haiti with Empact Northwest last October Last October, Gorman to help establish EMS services in the country. Sheql go back this travelled to Haiti with the September. group to create the earth- quake-battered country's first EMS program, and is her own way to Haiti. The many years and a mere- be a long term thing -just traveling back this month local Peggy Boiling Memo- ber of the local draft horse having EMS is great," she to give classes to the very rial Scholarship Founda- organization, along with said. "Our whole outlook is first emergency medicaltion has come through for many other community or- helping the Haitians help technicians, or EMTs. Gorman, both in her first ganizations, themselves." "It's been so humbling - "deployment" to Haiti and The scholarship, cre- Even when she's at home it's totally changed my out- her new trip later in Sep- ated as a tribute to Bol- in Mason County, Gorman look," Gorman said. tember, ling, cango to anyone with is still volunteering for Hai- Gorman works as a vet- The scholarship recently an "equine background,"ti. erinary assistant at the awarded her $800 to fund Moran said, who wants to "My role currently is de- Steamboat Animal Hospi-her upcoming trip to Haiti further their education, or velopment coordinator for tal and is a volunteer fire- to help teach EMS classes take part in a program like Empact," she said. "I make fighter/EMT with Mason and improve the EMS sys- Gorman's. sure everyone's deploy- County Fire District 5, and tern in Haiti. Since Gorman first wentments are secure." spent 14 years in MasonKris Moran, who helped to Haiti to help estab-When Gorman gets back County 4-H. Last year, a create the scholarship 12 lish EMS service, Empact from Haiti at the end of friend who was involvedyears ago, talked about her Northwest has hired inter- September she will con- in Empact Northwest con- friend Peggy Bolling's con- preters and started train- tinue to work on an Asso- tacted her, and asked if she tinuing legacy through this ing EMTs as of July. The ciate's Degree in applied wanted to help. scholarship, group also established the sciences from Tacoma Com- "I didn't know anything"Our friend Peggy Bol- first two ambulances in the munity College and work about Haiti," she said. "I ling passed away from can- still devastated country, toward being a professional knew they needed an EMScer - she was a larger than Graduation for the first firefighter/paramedic. system." life figure in the horse com- trainees under the program "This is definitely some- Gorman's work with Era-munity," Moran said. is in September, Gormanthing I want to do long pact Northwest is all vol- According to Moran, Bol- said. term," she said. "It's one of untary, so she has to pay ling was a 4-H leader for "The impacts are going to the best things I've done." Buses throughout the streets of Shelton and feel like they're saying, 'we don't want beyond, your kind,TM she said. "You have seen Continued from page A-1 In the survey, Avery plans to look me, I'm in your periphery, now you at the accessability and safety of side- know. That's why I work for transit." "I'm very much into community walk ramps and crosswalks, and also While Avery said she understands building and transit I think is the best her ability to get into historic build- that lack of accessibility does not nec- way to do that. Without it I'm stuck ings, many of which still do not have. essarily mean she isn't wanted, it's the and other people would be too," she ramp access. She said, however, that perception that counts, and she wants said. when people get to know her, or some- to make her community accessible to Avery is developing a "walkabil- one else with a handicap, she feels all walks of life. ity survey" through Mason Transit confident that they will go on to keep "I'm not out to get anybody," she to study accessibility not only as it accessibility issues in mind. said. "I want to have a better commu- relates to busses and bus stops, but "If you're not accessible it makes me nity." 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