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Shelton-Mason County Journal
By NATALIE JOHNSON the fruit is," Strong said.
Although many grocery stores now
All over the country consumers are have organic sections, Strong and
beginning to demand fresh, organic LaClair said that small organic mar-
and sustainable produce and gr~r- kets like theirs function much differ-
ies. ently.
In Shelton, a mother and daughter #It's a little selection, and you know
have teamed up to offer such items in you're not supporting a local economy
their new store, Healthy Benefits Mar- (at a chain store)," Strong said.
ket. While their location at 825 W.
"There's nothing like this here," said Franklin Street is off the beaten path,
Denise LaClair, who opened the mar- Strong and LaClair hope that people
ket with her daughter, Winter Strong, in Shelton will seek out the products
in August. they offer.
The market not only offers organic "We're just a small market but we
produce, but want to be able to be responsive to the
shelf items like pasta and rice, fro- community,~ LaClair said. "Phat's one
zen items and meat, dairy and bulk of the things with stores like this, the
items, just like any grocery store. The nature of them, they're sort of tucked
difference, they said, is that most of it away.~
comes from small farms and compa- Healthy Benefits Market works
nies in the Pacific Northwest. with 14 small companies and farms
#It's nice because we know whatfrom Mason and Thurston counties
farm it came from, what the variety Of to get everything from vegetables to
cheese to handcrafted soap.
The market also has bulk liquids,
like organic olive oil, maple syrup and
=So people can come in and refill.
If you have a container of olive off at
home, you can come in and refill it
and that way you're not creating more
waste," Strong said.
Strong and LaClair also plan on
having classes at their shop, for every-
thing from tea and spice blending, to
organic cooking.
=I'm an herbalist,~ Strong said. "We
also want to have diet and nutrition
classes here, we want to teach people
how to cook with the ingredients here.
I think people want to eat better. We
want to help people figure out how
they want to use the products here.~
Strong said eating organic doesn't
have to be expensive and can be better
See Market on page B-2
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
Winter Strong, co-owner of the new Healthy
Benefits Market in Shelton said the market
stocks all organic produce.
" • JOUlTlal photos by Natalie Johnson
The Mason County Senior l i l ll="e .him a Zumba every Tuesday aud Thursday morning at
10:45 a.m.
Seniors shake it during Zumba
=It kind of reminds me of my disco days ... if
Zumba, the popular exercise and dance craze you went out to dance you really got a workout,~
sweeping the nation, encourages weight loss she said.
through fun exercise. Rosberough's enthusiasm rubs off on her pu-
Many Zumba enthusiasts are young, but pils, whether they are trying to lose weight or
members of the Mason County Senior Activities just have a good time.
Center in Shelton are proving that age is not #i am doing it for health reasons and to help
a limit to getting their groove on and shaking me lose weight," Lorraine Hauenstein said.
their beaded-scarfed-behind. =They tell me I'm~shaping up."
=The point is to have fun,~ said Z~ba:in= . Age ce~.~t limit Zumba enthusi-
structor Heather Rosbereugh, a senior citizen asts, who at the ~Bnior center range from their
herself. "Everybody comes in at their own level early §0s to mid~..pat Sparks, at 85, serves
and it's exercise that you get f~m having fm~ :: as antnsp~U~.bldest participant.
Rosborough, who has lost 65 pounds through =This what I'm kn~)wn as - the number 85,~
the program said she fell into Zumba by ac- she said. "It's wonderful, I like the music.~
cident, while she was trying to lose weight Rosberough said she thinks many women like
through more traditional exercise p~. ii :~ Zumba because:o£ the dance moves, which can
About six months after starting toworkout, Sometimes look a lot iike the younger genera-
she found Zumba, and was hooked for the long- tions "bumping and grinding3
~rm. . . . . ,., i~;~i.....~,: :. ~..~':~You ~:.l~l~~.and:do~:Z'A,tmba if you're
• #i have a'baekgro in dan : ! :-
~ng when I was 19,~ she said.
Rosborough said the disco age influenced her
Lifelong love of ~,~ her~ne,wf~41 ~i..: :~ ~.::~:~:,k:,. :~/~:~ ~;.~ i{.~ ,, '. See Zumba on page B-2
Zumba instructor
Htather Rosborough
leads a class at the Mason
County Senior Activities
Center on Tuesday.
Thursday, September 112011
It was another beautiful weekend
here on the island-we have it great
right now.
There were five whales and they
were just killer as they strutted their
black-and-white spotted glory -- how
Last Saturday, the whales circled
the island and the phone calls went
out alerting others that they were out
there. Now, I had one person ask me if
there was an alarm
system to inform oth-
ers that whales were
in the waters off our
shores. I had to say
no, there is no alarm
or siren to let people
So, I'm thinking
M][KE that we need some
CALI~GHAN type of system. Of
course, those who
live on the water-
front can see them pass by, but those
who live inland can't. There are many
vantage points to see the whales - like
the bridge, Jarrelrs Cove, the north
point at Hartstine Pointe and others. If
you do see the whales, give your neigh-
bors on the water a~d off the water a
call. It is an exciting site and worth the
effort to see these magnificent mam-
The Firefighters Association
will hold their annual Labor Day pan-
cake breakfast from 7 to 11 a.m. on
Saturday, Sept. 3, at the Spencer Lake
Station on Pickering. They will be serv-
ing eggs, pancakes and French toast,
sausage and coffee and juice.
If you remember back a little while
ago, there was information in the col-
unto about the distribution of funds
from the sale of aluminum cans. Don't
forget, they are still at it and you can
leave your used-empty aluminum cans
at the Island~fire stations and there is
also a place at Hartstine Pointe. Nick
Neuerburg is continually recruiting
help from other islanders like Don
Nichols. Now he has really reached
out and recruited Cyler Portschy, the
4-year-old son of Billy Portschy. Cyler
is a fifth-generation Glaser and he
loves helping Nick pick up crushed
cans -- must be in the blood. Cyler is
the Buds' great-great-grandson.
Last Wednesday I drove by the
community around 10 a.m. and I saw
cars parked out back. The doors to the
hall were open and I could see rows
of tables set up. I wondered what was
See Harstine on page B-2
- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-1