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Saturday, September 3
9:00 a.m. -- 3:00 p.m.
3rd & Franklin
Behind Post Office
RAFFLE L um ,n Dec0rat_'ng
............ * Children's Books from
Sbuth Sound Reading Founda~ji
: ..... ~Face~Pa,ntmg • Ball~ns~
. Crafts • Baked Goods * Produce • Hot Food
* Pasture Rabed Pork & Beef
Keep your $$ Local
Shop Shelton Farmer's Market
~mO ~hs ~Uve Music
~i~duding: Dye, ,i~" with ~Market Bag ~ Drawn;
Spin & Work i~:: Pedestrian~ with $10 Carriage ~
: with Wool~"Interfere~ .... Purchasej
i i~~ "~i~i~nd~ ::~ ~!~
Grace Baptist Church
... for t~ faith of t~e ~ospel
Time, of ~rvi~s:
Sunday School ........................ 10 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship ...... 11 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship ........ 6 p.m.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting..... 7 p.m.
Agate Grange Bldg, on Agate Loop Rd.
S=~)~,~.I~ ' 9'.30 all. ' 728 ~ Ave.
(~,~//~ A more cont empordry service
~ • ~'-~"~ that ~.~jns atO'O0 AM that b~.~lns ~t !"
". ........... :: ...-"" • Prai~, I~lnd • Praise lealn
• Cotltemr~rory ML, ssage Choir
Children and Adult Sunday School 9 AM • Childcare both services
Back-to-School open house
at Pioneer School District
Pioneer School District will be host-cipals and the new superintendent,
ing their annual back-to-school open Marty Brewer. Kindergarten thouht
house from 5 to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, fiRh-grade students will be able to drop
Sept. 6. The primary and the interme- off their supplies in the classroom, meet
diate/middle School will have several their teachers and find their seating
informational booths, open classrooms arrangements. Middle school students
and schedules and room assignments (6-8) will be able to sign up for a locker
that evening. Some of the booths will providing they have a combination lock
offer information regarding voter reg- only. Following a meeting in the gym
istration, PTA enrollment, bus routes, from 5:30-6:30 p.m., families can follow
athletics, clubs and aRer school activi- their cl~ild's schedule for a five-minute
ties, Title I/LAP and free or reduced preview of each middle school class their
lunch applications, child will be taking that year.
Students and parents will get the For additional information, contact
chance to meet their teachers, prin- Lynn Chakosat426-9115.
Free senior financial literacy workshop offered
The Asset Build- enue in downtown Shel- is required. There is
ing Coalition, a pro-ton, from 10:30 a.m. to limited space, so sign-
gram sponsored by thenoon on Mondays from up early. As support to
United Way of Mason Sept. 19 through Oct. 3. seniors that attend and
County, is partneringThe topics include: participate in all three
with the Mason CountySept. 19 - Better bud- workshops, Our Corn-
Senior Activities Cen- geting and personal munity Credit Union
ter to offer a free, three- budget sheet; Sept. 26 will open a savings ac-
part workshop called - Smart shopping withcount for them and put
Living Well Through practical shopping tips, $25 in the account.
Better Senior Financial coupons and more; andFor more informa-
Literacy. Oct. 3 - Banks and tion, contact the Mason
The workshop meets credit: the good, badCounty Senior Activi-
at the center, located and ugly. ties Center at 426-7374
at 826 W. Railroad Av- Advance registration or stop in.
Pioneer School
to offer
A free screening clinic to
help parents identify possible d:
developmental delays in chil-
dren up to 5 years old will be
held by Pioneer School Dis- S
trict Special Services Depart- S
ment on Thursday, Sept. 1 and
Tuesday, Sept. 6. I!
Parents who have concerns (!
about their child s develop- c(
ment are encouraged to call
Kim Auseth with Pioneer K
Special Services at 427-2931 a:
to make an appointment. C
Monthly screenings are offered
throughout the school year for A
those unable to attend the SOp- 1'
tember ~creenings.
The screenings are only
available for children who live
in the Pioneer School District.
Children will be screened for
speech and language develop-
ment, fine and gross motor co-
ordination, social, emotional,
cognitive and self-help skills.
The Childfind Clinic is one
aspect of the Pioneer Early
Learning program, which pro-
vides preschool intervention
at Pioneer School. The Special
Services Department provides
programs for individuals aged S
3to 21. a
rket It's just a cleaner way of eating," to show people creative ways to use t2
Ma Strong said. "Sometimes people get the ingredients, e:
Continued from page B-1 that misconception that it costs an "We have the things that are sta- n
arm and a leg to eat healthy and it pies, but we're also really trying to c~
for your overall health. She said eat- can. Some people can afford to do 100 focus on things that [chain stores] 1~
ing more staples, like beans and peta- percent organic, but it's figuring out might not carry and trying to pay at- o
toes, can keep organic food costs low. where does it mean the most to you.~ tention to our product philosophy- we r:
"In this day and age there are so Strong and LaClair plan to serve are trying to provide our customers s,
many chemicals in everything that lunches, like soup and sandwiches, with more healthful options that are C
you touch and come in contact with, made with products from their store, reasonable," Strong said. S
Zumba dancing moves," she said. "When you have this on, you're
thinking how to isolate the muscles.~
Continued from page B-1 ., Anvik said he wants to expand Zumba into other styles
of music.
said. "I'm Norwegian - I'm going to try to develop a Zumba
In fact, you don't have to be a lady at all to do Zumba. to polka,~ he said~
Ardban b.nVikhaS Zumba several days a week for Most of the Zumba songs are pre-choreographed and
the last sixmonths, although he chooses no~ wear the packaged in DVDs.for classes to learn, Rosborough said,
standard beaded belly-dancing scarf, m.~. but there is room for creativity.-~ghe chor~ograplm-some
"There's too much estrogen here; we need more testes- songs herself. , " '
As an ode to her love of disco, Rosboreugh taught her
terone," he joked. =I don't like exercising alone. I get good
aerobic and muscle exercise ... and I like the music." pupils a Zumba to ABBA's "Dancing Queen.~
The beaded belly-dancing scarf common to Zumba is The senior center's Zumba classes are at 10:45 a.m. on
not required, Rosborough said, but it helps participants Tuesdays and Thursdays.
hear themselves keep the beat. The center will soon be adding a Saturday class as
"I encourage everyone to wear it - we do a lot of belly well, Rosborough said.
Harstine ies. If this sounds good and you want gave Woody an orange. To Woody's
to enjoy this great lunch with fellow surpriseand delight, he found his $20
Continued from page B-1 islanders, then get to the hall a little bill safe inside the orange.
early. All residents over 50 and their Then David performed the Broken
happening, then realized the lunch guests are welcome. Wand ceremony. In the magicians'
crew was there getting ready for the It was a sad column that I wrote publication "The Linking Ring,~ there
Senior Lunch. Boy, those folks put last week because of the passing of is a section called Broken Wand
in a lot of time and effort and that John Cooper. At the memorial ser- where members who have passed on
sure improves the lives of others here vice John's son, David, took over as are remembered. David took one of
on the island. They need agreat big the emcee. David is also a member John's old wands and broke it there
thank you. of the International Brotherhood of at the service. Then he closed the
There will be two senior lunches Magicians as was John. David first memorial service by using his dad's
this month. The first one will be at performed a magic trick in honor old ~losing line when he would end
noon on .Sept. 7 at the community of his dad. He took a $20 bill from his magic shows. John would ask the
hall. Lunch will feature baked chick- Woody Hold and burned it up, totally question, "What did the polar bear
en with dressing and gravy, green destroying it and Woody was leRsay?~ "I must be going because my
beans and assorted Jell-Os and cook- with nothing. As a consolation, David tale is told."
Faith Lutheran Church
A C/ - a red Ch h
F, q 2 x 7
Sh to. Umt l bodist Church¢lto~.corn
David's of W es
A place where all are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton
• 419W. R r0edAw. II ...........
II ,7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
$~m~o ~ " " d
I 119:15 Conversauonal Bible Stu y
Y~ C~, ^..,., A~C-- " ~1[~ | Office phone: 426-~472
Mt. Olive rNew Community
Lutheran Church /Church of Union
s,~,. sy.o~ I ~ Sunday Gatherings
206 East ~lNyandotte Avenue
I ~ (AU ,re w~¢om~!)
Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m.
Christian Education ................ 9:45 a.m.
Traditional Worship ............... IEO0 a.m.
Office 426-6353
Daycare 427-3165
Restored - Renewed
in Rivers of Grace
Sunday Night Worship 6 p.m.
wonhip for a# agt~
*~ior f~ * 82SW Railroad Ave
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
web site:
Need a
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 1,2011