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[argaret Pauline
Margaret Pauline AI-
rich, 88, died Saturday,
ugust 27, 2011 peace-
lily at home in Shelton.
he was a resident of
helton for 78 years.
She was born July 28,
923 to James S. and Ida
qimrick) Crowell in Ta-
She graduated from
apowsin High School
nd Knapp's Business
ollege, in Tacoma.
She married Ralph W.
]drich on November 24,
943 in Tacoma.
years as a
for IWA
Local 38
in Shel-
ton and
retired in
1982 as
a medi-
cal claims
for the
tate of Washington, Dis-
bility Insurance Section
a Olympia.
She was an active
lember and secretary/
reasurer of 15 years
,ith the Mason Coun-
y Widow and Widow-
rs Support Group, a
aember of the Ameri-
an Dahlia Society, the
[orth American Gladi-
lus Council, the Ber-
ien, Michigan, Jeffer-
on Counties and Mason
',ounty Genealogical
ocieties, the Shelton
Mnealogy Study Group,
he Mason County Se-
ior Activities Associa-
ion and the AFSCME
.... but left early to join the
war after Pearl Harbor.
He proudly defended our
country in the Army-Air
He is survived by
daughters Shelly, Tamra
and Christy as well a.s
honorary daughters Mi-
chelle, Terry, and Linda,
........ five grandchildren, five
great-grandchildren and
one great-great grand-
He was preceded in
death by his wife Evelyn
and son Thomas.
Clarence Lester
......... Wermer
Clarence Lester Werm-
to 1962. Department at the same
Larsen married Jac- time. He received nu-
queline Coggin on May merous awards and ac-
24, 1963 in Lake Stevens. commodations including
He was employed by Officer of the Year.
the Washington State Pa- He spent three years
trol, Peninsula Plywoodas an EMT volunteering
and Taylor Shellfish. in his offduty time to the
He was a volunteer Mason County citizens,
firefighter for 43 years responding to emergen-
a peace-
sister and
quick to
help and
Marita ed to her
Worrall s p e c i a 1
She enjoyed her com-
puter, music and visiting
with friends and family.
Her daughter Natasha
Melissa Renee Fadder;
sisters Lorraine Renee
Whitwam; Michelle Gunt-
er and Meagan Blythe; fi-
ancd Charles Howe and
best friend Sara Kaylor
survive her.
A potluck wake to cele-
brate her life will be at 3:30
p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 3
at 1700 2nd Ave South in
Shelton. The family re-
quests that photos and
memories be shared.
in Central Park, Port cy calls and backing up
Angeles and Shelton. He emergency crews when-
enjoyed fishing, travel- ever needed. He formed
ing, his grandchildren SAFELIFE, a personal
and helping his children security company. He
with projects, his family taught safety'and de-
shared, fense classes to person-
He is survived by his nel involved with emer-
wife Jacqueline Larsen gency medicine, mem-
of Shelton; daughters bets of the Deptartment
Angels Larsen (Hector of Social and Health Ser-
Torres) of Fort Lauder- vices, outside security
dale, Fla., Heidi Simp- agencies and the general
son (Ken) of Port Angeles public.
and Nicole Otero of Fort
Lauderdal e, Fla.; son
Kent Larson of Shelton;
daughter-in-law Patti
Larsen of Sequim; broth-
ers David Larsen (Lin-
da) and Edward Larsen
(Brenda); grandsons
Nick, Matt, Julian; Ste-
yen, Eric and Adrian and
etiree Program. She great-grandchildren Ed-
ras a flower gardener,ward and Virginia.
articularly dahlias and A memorial will be
Ton boxes of ribbons and held at 1 p.m. on Satur-
orticulture trophies (21 day, Sept. 3, at, the Shel-
After retiring from the
police department he was
employed by Little Creek
Casino and Resort, first
as the training officer and
then he was promoted to
Assistant Chief of Secu-
rity. He became a Mason
County Commissioner on
Jan. 1, 2011, and served
until his death.
He was involved with
the fraternal organiza-
tion of Masonry since
1978 and was recently
er, 92, died Sunday, Au-
gust 28, 2011 at his home
in Shel-
ton. He
was a res-
ident for
35 years.
H e
was born
24, 1918
to Dul-
Clarence cie Har-
Wermer din and
in Lima, Ohio.
He served in the U.S.
Navy from 1936 to 1939
on the USS Lexington
and again during WWII
from 1944 to 1947.
He married Catherine
Kiley in 1937 and Ruth
Boysen in 1977.
He was employed at
Puget Sound Naval Sta-
tion in Bremerton as a
ship fitter.
He was a member of
the Masons, Mt. Moriah
Lodge, Amerath Canal
Court No. 79, Scottish
rite, Shiners, and Le-
gion of Honor. His fam-
ily said he was an ac-
complished electrician
and carpenter and could
fix anything.
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of death; in'serVice: area
f them) at the Mason ton Yacht Club, 701 Z. installed as the Senior He is survived by his Shclton - (360)427-8044
',ounty Fair. Her fam- P Grhnd Warden of the d illht r q!a n Perez
[y shared that she was donations, Most ,Worshipful Grand Of Shelt tn;*stepda ghter Olympia - (360) 943-Q,363
dedicat@d gen ogi t " ea Im ;made ,to Mason Masonic Lodg@ of ,o / "
ughnd compiledand organizedVery thor-fam, associationC°unty Fire "Angels'District IVat iningt°n'numerousHe WaScharities.involved Billsteps°nSBoysenFredandB°ysen'Ron :':!! { : : 'g: :
[y tree books for the 2970 SE Arcadia, Shel- His family said that itBoysen of Shelton and
aembers of her family,ton, WA 98584. Forest was his honest approach, numerous grandchil-
lhe enjoyed birds, espe- Funeral Home of Sheltonwarm smile and genuine dren.
ially her talking myna,
rows, cockatiels, turtle-
eves and pigeons.
She is survived by her
on Ralph Aldrich (Ben-
Lie) of Shelton; sisters
$2,995 Simple Graveside Service
includes an attractive casket and professional services
of the funeral director and staff
laomi Swanson of Po-
atello, Idaho, Betty Phil-
[ps of Aberdeen, Carolyn
Lnivila of Port
)rchard, Nancy Severn
Roger) of Quilcene and
)arlene Reiter of St.
~aul, Minn.; brothers
obert Crowell (Clau-
.ette) of Brinnon and
richard Crowell o f
lilverdale; three grand-
hildren, eight great-
xandchildren and five
Teat-g.reat-gr andchil-
Lren and numerous niec-
She was preceded in
leath by her parents, hus-
,and Ralph, infant son
[onald, grandson Wesley
aldrich and brothers Don
Jim "Bud" Crowell.
A service was held on
tugust 31 at the Calvary
ellowship Church.
McComb funeral home
,f Shelton is handling the
:rrangements. Online
ondolences may be sent
o the family at mccomb-
robert N. Larsen, Jr.
Robert N. Larsen, Jr.,
'0, died Monday, Aug. 22,
in Shel-
ton from
He was a
of Shel-
ton for 14
He was
Robert born May
27, 1941
Larsen to Robert
N. Lars-
!n and Resells (Werner)
,arsen in Phelps, Wis.
He was a sergeant in
he U.S. Army from 1959
is handling the arrange-
Jerald Keith Lingle
Jerald Keith Lingle, 57
died Friday, August 19,
He was born March
25, 1954 to Earl Bernard
and Alberta Mac (Downs)
Lingle in
H e
ated from
ston High
School in
1972 and
Jerry attended
Lingle St. Mar-
tin Uni-
He married Joyce Maye
on Oct. 24, 1992 at the
courthouse in Shelton by
Judge Sawyer.
He became a member
of the Shelton Police De-
partment in 1984 and
was promoted to patrol
sergeant in 1990. Dur-
ing the span of his 24-
year career, he was as-
signed to WestNet, was
the detective sergeant
for the criminal investi-
gations division, he pro-
vided unarmed defen-
sive tactics instruction
for both the police and
sheriffs department, op-
erated as the reserve co-
ordinator for tile Mason
County/Shelton Reserve
Academy and he acted
as the school resource
officer for the Shelton
School District. He was
presented with a com-
mission card from the
Mason County Sheriff
Department resulting
in Lingle being the only
officer commissioned
by both the Shelton Po-
lice Department and the
Mason County Sheriffs
respect for all people that
drew people to him and
were the qualities that
everyone will miss.
He is survived by his
wife Joyce Lingle; broth-
ers Dennis Lingle (De-
nise), Roger Lingle (Rita),
Steven Lingle (Cheri) and
Rick Lingle (Rita); daugh-
ters Sara Stalcup (Bob),
Alicia Lingle and Melissa
Budge (Ben); sons Joseph
Cavallero and Franklin
Lingle; granddaughters
Allora Cavallero and Isa-
belle Aldrich; immediate
family Missy, Michelle
and Scan Bone and Rayel
Simpson; numerous niec-
es, nephews, grandnieces
and nephews and cous-
His parents and broth-
ers Clifford, David and
Delbert Lingle preceded
him in death.
The memorial service
was held Aug. 28 at Little
Creek Casino and Resort
event center. A full fire
and law enforcement pro-
cession preceded the ser-
vice, he was honored by
the Grand Masonic Lodge
of Washington, the two
commissioners and Sher-
iff Casey Salisbury, with
personal sharing by his
daughter Sarah, his wife
Joyce and his son Frank,
followed by a release of
balloons outside the cen-
D.M. Satra
D.M. Satra, 89 died
Monday, August 8. He
lived in Mason County.
Satra, was a full-blood-
ed Norwegian and multi-
generational northwest
logger. His grandfather,
T.C. Satra, was one of
the original founders of
Pacific Lutheran Univer-
He attended the Uni-
versity of Washington
on a football scholarship
He was preceded in
death by his parents,
wives Catherine and
Ruth Wermer and broth-
ers Russell and Glen.
A memorial service
will be held at 11 a.m.,
Saturday, Sept. 3 at the
Hood Canal Community
Church, 81 North Finch
Creek Rd., Hoodsport.
Marita Kay Worrall
Marita "Rita" Kay
Worrall, 40, died-Satur-
day, Aug. 6, 2011 at Prov-
idence St. Peter Hospital
in Olympia from renal
failure. She was a resi-
dent of Shelton for more
than 10 years.
She was born Jan. 1,
1971 to Katherine Mc-
Goyne and Duane Wet-
rail in Loma Linda, Calif.
She was a homemaker.
The family said she was
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In Loving Memory of Tom Simmons
who worked so tirelessly and so enthusiastically
c~T~?~./~'y~fi;Y'g~ ~.~ to innovate and support wonderful events
on behalf o fall downtown.
Joseph Thomas Simmons was born April 21, 1940, in Detroit,
Michigan. When he was 2, the family moved to Kentucky, then
to Missouri, and then to Kokomo, Indiana, near his grandparents.
Tom remembered good times around the woodstove, carrying
water to the house, and using an outdoor privy.
Later the family moved to Oak Creek Canyon in Arizona,
spending the summer in tents until his father, a carpenter and
contractor, built a house in Phoenix. His sister married there,
and Tom's brother and brother-in-law both enlisted to serve in
World War II.
The Simmons family's last move was to Santa Ana, Califomia.
While he lived there, Tom's brother, Bob, gave him a book of
Frank Lloyd Wright, kindling Tom's desire to learn more about
architecture. He mowed lawns and worked in an aquatic park,
saving his money to start his collection of books on Wdght.
Tom was pleased when Disneyland was built nearby, and he
celebrated a birthday with a ride on the teacups• Tom and his
nephew, Terry, shared a birthday and developed a tradition of
buying ice cream bars or a cake and distributing the treats to
neighbors. Even this year, his wife recalls, he bought cupcakes
and shared them with downtown merchants.
While he was still in California, Tom was drafted into the Army,
and served at Fort Lewis. A journeyman carpenter, he was
assigned to a facilities group of civilian contractors. His first
big job was in Needles, Califomia, building 10-hole outhouses.
While working at Fort Lewis, Tom fell off roofs twice and was
nicknamed "Twinkle Toes?'
At a Christian Science Church service on the base, Tom met his
wife, Many. When his tour of duty was over, they were married.
Tom attended Tacoma Community College, then ~e University
of Washington, where he graduated with a bachelOr of arts
degree in architecture.
Tom was licensed and practiced design for the Boeing Company.
A guardhouse, a gymnasium, and several office buildings in
Bellevue bear his design. His last big project was o~/erseeing
other architects on a 26-acre building at the north end of SeaTac
Airport which houses spare parts for Boeing planes.
When Tom retired, he workedwith Many in their apparel and
antiques business, using his skills to design interibrs for their
stores. He loved to garden with her, and the day Before he died,
he planted 12 flowers and five shrubs. He also took over much
of the cooking at home, a learning situation for a man whose
family idsisted he once tried to mash potatoes hefore cooking
Tom was the moving force behind the Shelton Doffntown
Merchants, coming up with events and contests tO help promote
hometown businesses. :' '
He will be greatly misse~
and his shoes impossible to fill
~- Shelton Downtown Merchants
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, September 1,2011 - Page B-5