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Shelton-Mason County Journal
The Black and Red .Scrimmage at High-
climber Field on Friday, Aug. 26 helped pre-
pare the Shelton High School football team for
its first game this season.
"The execution was pretty solid," head
coach Matt Hinkle said. "i think they shut it
down pretty well on defense, and we had a lot
of big plays on offence."
The annual event, which features High-
c be.. at
one end of the:ifield and
Shelton Kingsl'youngsters
at the other end, gives play-•
era and coaches from beth
TOMORROW: programs a ~hance to expe-
Shelton vs. rience game-like scenarios
North before the season actually
Thurston, 7 p.m. kicks off.
The Highclimbers will
play their first game at
home on Friday, Sept. 2, against the North
Thurston Rams, and Hinkle said the team has
a decent idea of what North Thurston will do
based on what they did last year.
"Fhey've got a good receiver crew, their
quarterback looks solid," Hinkle said. "Fhey're
expected to be one of the top teams in their
league so we've got a challenge coming to usi"
Senior quarterback Nic Cove said he's ex-
pecting North Thursten to do a lot of tricky
"We're ready for it," Cove added. "i have a
lot of confidence for my team."
Gove, a third-year player who had to take
last season off, said he thought the scrim-
mages went well but they showed how much
improvement the team needs in order to be
ready for the season.
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
"We need to win games and to win we need Shelton junior running back Shelby 8alisburybreaks away from an opposing tackler during the Black and
See Highciimbers onpage C-6 Red Scrimmages on Friday, Aug. 26 at Highclimber Field.
Back to basicSTor-Mary:M,::Knig ht Owls
New head football coach
simplifies the playbook
By EMILY HANSON gained over the last year will
help the team this year."
With a new head coach : Junior quarterback Kyle
this year, the Mary M. Wflley said he thinks the
Knight football team is re- team is looking a lot better
turning to fundamentals, this season with Evans as
"The team is looking head coach.
good," Mike Evans, head ~-Ie and the staffhave re-
coach, said. "We're changing ally been helping us out; it's
a lot of things up right now. going to be a whole different
We have a new athetic di- year," Willey said. "None of
rector in John Schultz, who it's the same as last year.
coached for around 30 years. We're starting fresh and
He's given us a lot of guid- staying simple. We're going
ance and we're taking it." to do the little things ca-
Evans said the team is tremelywell."
focusing on the fundamen- Despite the lhdght Owls
tals of football and keeping only winning one game last
things simple, season, Evans said he is
At the end of their first hopeful the team will do bet-
full week of practice, the terthis season.
Knight Owls had 14 players "It comes down to per-
on the team, but Evans said forming simple tasks excop-
he is hoping to get more by tionally well and we're get-
the time school starts. Near- ting there with a lot atten-
ly everyone on the team tion to detail," he said.
played last season and there Willey agreed with his
are four returning seniors, coach.
"We have a big junior "I think if we all stay
class and a lot of upper- motivated, get behind the
classmen which is good for program and do what our
the program," Evans said. coaches want, we'll be ca-
"We're hoping the skills tremely successful," he add-
the sophomores last season ed.
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Junior quarterback Kyle Willey hands off the ball to a teammate
dmrmg practice on 'l m'sday, Aug. 25.
Thursday, Oct. 1:3, home vs. Washington School of the Deaf, 3:30 p:m.
: Saturday, Oct, 22- home vs, Wishkahi I p.m, ~
Saturday, 29-at Qutuau I pan.
Friday, Nov. 4 ~ at ~e, 7 p.m. .
• • .
By EMILY HANSON .... .:coroner seven years ago and the funds for a different cause every "Local people come and help
tournament was started afteryear. This year, Jaesun Hora, out. The umpires call the games
The seventh annual Martha she was diagnosed with cancera firefighter and EMT, died of for free," Frazier said. "It's not
Reed Softball Tournament, held : and wasbeing treated in Seattle. melanoma and a scholarship
last weekend in Callanan Park, "Someone started the tourna-fund for a graduating senior was
was declared a success by the ment to raise money for Mar-formed in his name.
~ournament organizers, tha's treatment but six or seven "My plan, if we have enough
The weekend went well, or, months later, she passed away, money, is to also put in a picnic
;anizer Kelly Frazier said. "It Frazier said. "My wife, Lisa, table in Callanan Park in Jerry
~as very successful. This was son, Mark, and I took over the Liugle's name,, Frazier said.
"~e seventh one we've done ~i ~ tQttrnam~tland have kept it go, He:stated:that each year, the
;hey are all to support the com- ing." cause to raise money for has
nunity." Since the Fraziers took over been very obvious to him and his
Martha Reed was the county= .~ :~ent;~: it has: raised, family. ,i ...... i , ' ~.' i
run by one person; it takes all of
us to put it on."
During the tournament, funds
were raised through team fees, a
do-over bucket, a "cussing~ fee, a
strikeout fee, sponsors and raf-
Though totals were not yet
available, Frazier said he was
sure the event raised close to
Thursday, Sept. 1,2011 -
The North Mason High
School football team is ready
for the W.F. West Bearcats.
"I think the team has been
waiting for this game since it
ended last year," Jeff Bevers,
head coach, said. "I think we
were a better team than what
we showed in the first half
against them last year. The
kids have been preparing
ever since
that game
• ended."
At 3
p.m. on
Sept. 3 the
SATURDAY: will take
North Mason vs. onthe
W.F. West, in the Em-
3 p.m. erald City
Classic at
CenturyLink Field in Seattle.
"W.F. West is a perennial
tep ten team in 2A every year.
They're hard-nosed; they av-
erage 20-plus kids per class.
They play really tough foot-
ball and they have a tradition
of winning," Severs said.
To prepare for the Bearcats,
the Bulldogs have been focus-
ir~ on fimdamentals. Bevers
said the team is working on
taking care of the little things.
~r'he game is more mental
than anything," Bevers said.
"We're just practicing on the
things we can take care of.
, We're not focusing on anything
we have no control over. I think
we've come a long way since
the start" of last season and I
think we~] be able to compete
well come next Saturday."
Shelton-Mason County Journal -Page C-1